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Table Of Content


Embracing Your Dark Side

Self Re-Invention

Mastering And Managing Sexual Attraction

Work On Yourself

The Mastery Of Creating Obsession, Manipulation,
And Destruction


Growing up, I was so naïve. I couldn’t differentiate

between when I was needed from when I was being
cheated. I hoped that growing up would resolve most
of my problems – or so I thought.

But in fact, the opposite was true. All rejected me,

and I was considered worthless even when I was not.
The more I tried to wriggle myself into the social
strata around me, the more I was pushed out.

Men saw me as pathetic and the ladies took me as

unwanted. The few people I could call friends would
be emotional one day and show tough love the next.
My self-esteem was a mess. I reached the point
where I couldn’t trust myself. Guys who attempted
to come around me messed around with me to their
satisfaction. My life was a living hell.

And so it continued until I decided to wake up from

my sleep. I was tired! Tired of being tossed around
like a toy, mocked, and humiliated. I wanted to be
myself, to enjoy my life. This was the defining
moment when I began to intentionally work on
I began to work on my speech and my confidence. I
began dressing nicely and applying makeup. When
people would try to talk me down, I’d stand on my
feet and respond with my head held high. It was
scary at first because I thought I couldn’t handle it,
but with time, I began to grow.

This gradual change happened toward the end of

high school. Guys began to come around. Then the
geeks began to come around, and ladies began to
come to me for help. It seemed like magic because I
couldn’t explain it.

Then I got admitted into college and boom! It seemed

like I was in control. I couldn’t count the number of
men I turned down because so many approached me
daily to ask for dates. I could hardly believe this was
my life now.

You may not believe it either, but you have to. You
are the reason I am writing this book. If you are a lady
who has experienced this situation I went through,
or even more harsh situations, then I am talking to

I understand your situation very well because I was

once there, and such a situation is not a pleasant
experience. If you are going to turn something
around, you must first understand that you have a
strong side of yourself that you are yet to discover
and accept. Until you discover this part of yourself
and harness it, you will continue to remain a puppet.

You see, I never believed I could be a seductive,

sought-after, mysterious lady until it dawned on me
that there were parts of my life I had ignored for a
long time. And that is what I want to show you. I want
to show you how I intentionally moved out of that
fatal situation and embraced the best version of

My friends in high school couldn’t believe it was me

when some of them met me in college. The masculine
ones were now suddenly interested in me, even
when I had lost interest in them. You see, you can
have a huge transformation in yourself if you apply
the steps I outline in this book.

By picking up this book and beginning this journey

with me, you have already made a huge step in
departing from the path or niche of mediocrity – call
it whatever you want. But I assure you that this
period will be the last season you will find yourself in
the messy situation you are in currently.
I will show you the required skills you need for
undetected manipulation, seduction, and control.
You will learn how to practically and successfully
induce obsession and literally be in control of your
relationships. Some of the things I share in this book
are harsh, so I did not write this for weaklings.

You must accept that you need strength if you are

ready to step out of this situation, and you must be
brutal about it. And so, I’ll also be brutal in some of
the steps in this book, which might hurt your feelings
somehow, but you need this brutality to step out into
your new life.

The truth is that this next phase of life you are about
to live is not a life of softness and mediocrity. This
new life is for the dominant and the predator, and
there is no ‘softness’ anywhere. To the outside eye, it
would seem like you look ‘soft,’ but know that they
are only assuming. Understand that there is no
naturally-born femme fatale. All of us are self-made.

On that note, I must also mention that the steps in

this book are not with the intent of the destruction of
men. On the contrary, it is for your protection and
self-esteem, to the end that you are not a puppet to
individuals around you.
Understanding this truth will help you maximize the
techniques I’m going to be sharing. This is with the
intent that you don’t become your destruction. Fear
not. It is very difficult to get to such a stage.

As you read this book, and even after reading, ensure

to guard the information you’ve received jealously,
as letting it slip into the wrong hands can be
potentially dangerous. Don’t forget to drop a review
if the tips and tricks in this book help you in any way.

I hope you enjoy this book as it lifts you from the

current sorry state you are currently in.
Congratulations on your success as a woman in this
complex world.

In my earlier days of mockery, I always wanted to be

the nice, good girl loved by all. I made it a point of
duty to please everyone around me. I thought that by
being good to all, I’d be loved by all. Little did I know
how I was fooling myself.

That was when I’d accept every shit from anyone. I

assumed behaving that way would make others turn
a new leaf and make me the object of their emulation,
with the hope that they would draw close and accept
me. But it was all a dream.

My supposed boyfriend, who took me out of pity, or

so I’d assumed, would joke about me in front of his
friends and behind my back and tell them how he
was using me as a cover. A few of my friends would
report this to me, and I’d cry myself to sleep, wishing
for sunny days to come, but they wouldn’t.

This pain and aching loneliness continued until I

decided that enough was enough. The straw that
broke the camel’s back was when my boyfriend
embarrassed me in front of the whole school during
lunch break. I couldn’t take it anymore.

Unfortunately, most of us are waiting to reach that

point when we can’t take it anymore before we can
accept the dark side of our lives. But you can never
predict how that situation would be. You might not
be able to handle it as I did. This is why you shouldn’t
wait until you reach your breaking point.

You must understand that, as a lady, you have two

sides. There is the light, favorable, ‘nice girl’ part of
your life, which some refer to as ‘light femininity,’
and the dark side referred to as ‘dark femininity,’ of
your life. In this book, I refer to these terms as the
‘light persona’ and ‘dark persona,’ respectively.

Understanding these sides of your life will help you

institute balance. This balance will help you
understand that there are situations where you need
the light side of your life to play out, and that is not
all the time.

Most ladies invest more in their light persona and do

nothing about the dark side. Some others have
invested so much in the dark persona that they are
now too dangerous, even to themselves. Balance –
ideal for the femme fatale in control of herself – is the
managing both personas and knowing when to use
which at the right time.

The light side or persona – as I chose to call it – is

what your life has been until now, so I’m not going to
dwell on that. We will go straight to the dark persona
and explore what it is like.


You must understand what the dark persona looks
like so you can know how to manage it effectively.
This side of you, if not understood and managed
correctly, can be potentially emotionally, sexually,
and physically dangerous. As I said, you might
destroy yourself if you don’t know how to balance
this side of your life with the light side.

The repercussion of the dark side is that the energy

emanated may cause you to be unable to live out the
light persona of yourself – the kind, loving and
emotional nature of you will die. You don’t want that
to happen, do you? You need to know why we are
doing this – to that end, tap into the dark side locked
within you and learn to manage it well without
destroying your light side.
As you unlock the dark side of your life, understand
that you must never underestimate what this part of
your life is capable of. And to access this part of your
life, you must intentionally decide to transform
yourself. It was not until I intentionally tried to
transform myself that I started seeing results. Let’s
explore some characteristics of this persona, so you
can know if you’ve started tapping into it.

Components of the Dark Persona

The components of the dark persona are
summarized in six very important words: Power,
Control, Manipulation, Passion, Intensity, and
Magnetism. These six words summarize the deep raw
form of yourself which you have yet to unlock and
draw out. If you examine yourself truthfully, you will
know that you are nowhere near embodying these
six words. It is locked away inside of you. It would be
best if you felt it to unlock it.

Misconceptions about the Dark Persona

Misconceptions about the dark persona may restrict
you from unlocking this powerful part of yourself.
These misconceptions are only the things people
think, and one of the things that can limit you in your
journey of unlocking the femme fatale is basing your
ideology on what people think.

But what are these misconceptions?

Most people, especially ladies, have erroneously

assumed and thought that the dark persona of a
lady’s life will end up making them unemotional and
hardened, but this is very wrong. The dark persona
of your life keeps you in control of your emotions.
When you unlock this dark persona successfully, you
will have more control of your emotions.

Some believe that the dark persona is the reverse of

what the woman was created to be. They feel it is a
perverted version of the normal woman, but this is
incorrect. The dark persona does not and will not
make you bitter or evil. Instead, it keeps you in
control and equips you with the appropriate emotion
necessary to control masculine energy. This control
is what you need if you are going to step out of your
dark side.

Aside from the dark persona granting you the power

to fuel your emotions to subdue the masculine
energy crawling for your attention, it also helps you
heal quickly from deep emotional disasters that can
come from toxic relationships. Even during break-
ups, you will discover that you unconsciously
channel your emotional energy to healing without
even knowing it.

Hidden Shadow
The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung proposed the
shadow theory of human nature as he explained
man’s extroverted and introverted nature. He
claimed that this side of our personality is the part
we hide away from the outside world.

Most of us are ashamed of this side of our lives, but

the truth is that there is nothing to be ashamed of.
Some of us think there are people who don’t have
this hidden shadow, but that is not true. Every
person on earth has this hidden shadow in them, but
most of them have yet to realize it or have realized it
but are afraid to let it out.

You must decide to release this hidden shadow if you

are going to become an effective femme fatale. And
to unlock this hidden shadow, there are things you
must note. Connecting with this hidden shadow of
yourself will help you institute that balance between
your light and dark personality and not lose yourself
to either of them.

In connecting with your dark side, you must take up

those painful parts of yourself and transform them
into something that will benefit you. To do this, you
must ask yourself truthful questions and be brutal
about it.

Some of the key questions you can ask yourself

include the following:

• What are the things you hate about yourself, and


• How can you work on these things?

• What are the things that spark jealousy, and how

can you control this energy to help you

• What have you promised yourself that you are in

a constant habit of breaking? Why is it so? How
can you overcome it?

• What are the emotions you are scared of or try

to avoid, and why are you scared of them? Why
do you try to avoid them?
These are only snippets of the questions you need to
ask yourself. Answering these questions truthfully
can go a long way to help you ‘get yourself’ by
showing intensive acceptance, love, and adoration to
yourself so that the painful parts of your life actually
become beneficial.

You will need to take an introspective look at

yourself and think rationally to ask yourself the right
questions. You will fail to realize this if you ask
yourself the wrong questions. This part makes
realizing the dark side of yourself hard, as you would
want to avoid asking yourself the wrong questions.

One of the things that will help you ask the right
questions is pulling up the tender parts of your life
like a book and examining them. Doing this can be
very painful, but this is the required next step. Once
you can successfully pull up this part of your life, you
will see the right questions flow out.

Once you answer these questions truthfully, you are

ready for the next step to becoming the femme fatale
you want to become. Let’s explore this process right

This process is the next step after unlocking your

dark side. This is when you completely re-invent
yourself. At this stage of my life, I started
intentionally working on my naivety and began to
learn what it means to be emotionally intelligent.

It was at this point that I also worked on my self-

esteem. I developed a rough exterior to engulf my
inferiority complex, and in time, this persona began
to flow effortlessly. However, please note: trying to
eliminate your inferiority by covering it in a rough
exterior can be dangerous if you have not mastered
what I explained in the previous chapter, as you
would lose your light side.

After this, I intentionally began to work on my

general expressions and eliminated ‘smallness’ and
‘inferiority’ from my mind. One of the expressions I
deliberately worked on was my sexual expression,
and I began to complicate my actions and vary them
to the point that I was completely unpredictable.
This unpredictability ended up being what brought
out the ‘misterio’ that was within me.

You see, the dark side you’ve unlocked in yourself

has some traits, and you must intentionally embrace
and accept these traits and incorporate them into
your attitude. You must not ignore this significant
step toward complete re-invention. These traits
include mystery, rage, destruction/rebirth, sexual
expression, and emotional intelligence.

These traits encompass the femme fatale persona

and support the three main motives of the femme
fatale – seduction, manipulation, and destruction.
These motives are mainly born from a woman’s
attitude, not appearance, as people assume.

To become a femme fatale, as I said earlier, you must

re-invent yourself. You’ve already unlocked your
dark side, and re-inventing yourself is another
process closely tied to that. From my own life, I have
outlined a few points to note when re-inventing
yourself. Let’s get right to it.

1. Unveiling your mysterious side: Your

understanding of this factor is integral, as it
constitutes an essential part of your re-invention
process. Ignore it, and you only have yourself to
blame. Work on it, and you will be forever grateful
to yourself.

As a femme fatale, you should not be an open book.

Your actions should be unpredictable to the core.
One of the things that makes you a queen and
keeps you in charge is unpredictability.

It is difficult for a man (or human) to understand

the femme fatale. This is the life of the femme
fatale. It is expected that logical people will find it
difficult to predict your life.

In the same vein, being very unpredictable leads to

being hard to get. As a lady, if you are still existing
in a realm where people can read your life as a
book and predict your next action, you have a lot
of work to do on yourself to catch up.

There is a saying that what people don’t

understand, they tend to criticize, but what they
understand, they destroy. This saying is very true
because the human mind is designed to try to
comprehend and grasp an enigma it cannot fully
This tool of mystery is one of the greatest tools for
inducing, controlling, and managing obsession.
When people cannot fully predict you and are
trying to understand you, you become their object
of focus, commanding attention to yourself. This is
a key way to make someone’s imagination run

Aside from commanding obsession, unveiling

your mysterious side or becoming mysterious will
help you protect yourself and your peace, as you
won’t be too vulnerable to the advances of others.
Social media has made our world today look noisy,
as everyone is always talking to be relevant. Still,
those that master the act of occasionally staying
away from social media are the ones in control.

Becoming Mysterious: You don’t just become

mysterious by hiding away. There is an exact
formula to this process, so it doesn’t seem like you
are running from people. Mastering this process
will help you unlock and live your mysterious life

In becoming a mystery, master the art of making

less noise. Whether it be physical or online, be
reserved. Talk less, post less, and stay away from
the public eye. Then, when you intend to show up
or talk, do it with a force of excellence. Without
your knowledge, you will be building a force field
that will make you irresistible.

Aside from that, master the art of using social

proof to your advantage. Command influences in
such a way that people must talk or brag about
you. It is not your job. Then master the art of
strategic absence. The femme fatale is never ‘all
over the place.’ She is a queen. Learn to be like that.

2. Reveal Glimpses of your Hidden Shadow: The Swiss

Psychologist Carl Jung explained that the shadow
of a man is hidden from the outside world.
According to him, fear is the motivation that
makes man lock up this side of his life, ultimately
making him evil. And he is right.

Some people claim to appear so perfect that they

are not evil at all. But then, these are those who
commit the evilest deeds. The femme fatale is not
like that. The femme fatale is not afraid of showing
off a glimpse of her dark side – of her imperfection.

As a femme fatale, you understand that no one is

without a dark side, and living out that
imperfection makes you interesting. This lifestyle
contrasts the “all nice” person, who is living their
perfect life as Ms. Perfects. That life is as boring as
hell. I’m telling you this because I have been there

One tricky thing about this act is that it makes you

so attractive and enticing. This is because you have
established an attractive connection between your
personality’s light and dark sides, which people
are afraid to unlock.

If you are still afraid to reveal a glimpse of this

dark side of your life, then it is a simple indication
that you are a weakling, and the life of the femme
fatale is not for the weak. This is the life of survival
– people are made to become the fittest to survive
in the jungle.

That is why you must ask yourself bitter, self-

introspective questions; the answers you get and
apply to improve yourself are crucial at this point.
Give out this side of your life to the public
sparingly. Giving off this glimpse of the dark
makes you enticing.

But how do you make this happen?

The first and most important key to capturing
your dark side is to avoid being too perfect. Avoid
it at all costs. The fastest way to look ‘fake’ is to act
like you are too perfect, and femme fatales are not
fake. Being fake can be very boring, and the intent
of becoming a femme fatale is to leave the life of
boring people.

If you look like a person acting, you will look

boring, and that’s what looking and acting too
perfect does. You don’t want to look like that, do
you? No one is perfect, but if it’s hard for you to
identify with your shadow, create fake flaws and
apply them.

That is the way to show off your hidden shadow.

You have to create fake flaws or imperfections and
show them off. This creation and display are to
enrich your character; as a result, nothing a person
does or says will get to you. The critic who is
talking about your character does not exist and
isn’t part of you.

But then, beware that the intent of using your

flaw, or dark side, is that it should be a persona you
are familiar with. For instance, if you are naturally
clumsy, you can easily portray and relate with a
clumsy character, show it as a glimpse, then hide
it back.

However, if you choose to use your flaw, be sure

that you have dealt with it in a way that no one can
ever get to you by talking about it or using it
against you. This style is very difficult and will
require much patience.

As you give out this glimpse, make it look so

adorable that your target will be amazed and
confused simultaneously. You will practically look
like a sort of god to them.

Note that these glimpses of your life must be

harmless, whether they are fake or something you
can relate with. This shows that you should
manage dark sides like rage and anger effectively.
Your intent as a femme fatale is to get and secure
your target to achieve your mission, not to push
them away. These glimpses should be cute, silly
traits that can secure the heart of your target.

Sexual attraction and manipulation are core qualities

of the femme fatale that you must not ignore. Suffice
it to say that sexual attraction is the backbone of the
femme fatale. Unfortunately, most people have
erroneously assumed that sexual attraction strongly
depends on physical appearance.

Yes, your ability to gain mastery of using and

managing sexual attraction to your advantage
heavily depends on your appearance. But while your
appearance is a contributing factor, it is not the
whole picture. Your attitude is.

When I finally got the opportunity to be in the

relationship of my dreams where my boyfriend
loved, respected, and adored me, I nearly made this
mistake. I focused and pushed all my energy toward
my physical appearance. I have a nice round butt and
sexy brown eyes, so I invested in eyelashes and sexy
While pumping all my energy into my appearance, I
was also investing a little energy into my attitude by
talking to myself and encouraging myself. However,
I did so sparingly. I tried to connect my attitude with
my sexual side, but only occasionally. I know better

As you become a femme fatale, you will be tempted

to invest deeply in your appearance, thinking it is a
major constituent of your sexual attraction, but
don’t fall for it. While you should invest in your
physical appearance (I will talk about this later), you
should channel most of your energy into working on
your self–esteem, attitude, and self-worth.

When you have shame regarding sex, sexual appeal,

and sexual attraction, you will find it extremely
difficult to connect to the sexual version of yourself.
Recall the three motives of the femme fatale I
mentioned in passing – seduction, manipulation, and
destruction. You won’t be able to effectively seduce
if you find it challenging to connect with your

Most people regard sexual attraction as a trait that

one is born with, thinking that only those who are
born with it can use it; that is a lie. The moment you
kill that idea, the better. Like I said earlier, no femme
fatale is born. They are self-made, and one of the
things you will intentionally work on about yourself
is your sexuality.

A major part of your dark persona is your ability to

connect with your sexuality. As a femme fatale, you
don’t have to feel anxious around the masculine
gender when the topic of sex and sexuality is brought
up. Be bold. You see, sexual attraction is one of the
things locked away in your dark persona and is
unique to every lady.

Do not make the mistake of seeing sexual attraction

as a trait. That would be your biggest undoing, as
sexual attraction is not a trait. It is a skill, and skills
are learned. The fact that someone is better at it than
someone else inherently depicts a level of mastery,
and that is among the things I am about to show you

Building Sexual Attraction: Building sexual attraction

is something you have to be very intentional and
active about. If you are passive, you are still far from
unlocking your sexual attraction and need more
work. Developing sexual attraction is a task you
must be very active and practical about.
But then, how do you begin to work on your sexual
attraction? I will show you a great hack that you
must employ to develop sexual attraction. So let’s get
right into it.

Do not underestimate the power of mirror work: This

activity is a great way to access the deepest part of
your soul. Never leave the house without sending
positive affirmations to yourself while standing in
front of a mirror. And you don’t just do this by
standing in front of the mirror and talking like a
robot. There are fun ways to do these things.

Make it intriguing: Spice it up. You can dance to

yourself in the mirror and examine your features.
This can help you focus your sensual and sexual
energy in the right direction.

When engaging in mirror work, you’ll discover

features you love and are obsessed with about
yourself. Once you discover these features, look for
ways to flaunt them. If your nose is what you’re
obsessed with, look for ways to draw attention to it
with how you apply your makeup.

Also, you can use mirror work to learn how to talk.

Master speaking slowly in a low tone while
maintaining eye contact. It is in mirror work that
you’ll gain mastery of speech without ruining the

Note that you won’t use this style of speaking all the
time, but only in strategic situations, for instance,
during your first meet-up with someone.

Does everything end here? Of course not. Here is the

part where you master the subtlety of seduction.


The mastery of sexual attraction is not complete if
you have not learned the qualities of being subtly
seductive. This is the most integral part of sexual
attraction. I am not trying to say it is a stand-alone,
but don’t get me wrong. I’m trying to say among all
the things you can invest your energy in, if you fail to
invest your energy in this, there is no point in
mastering sexual attraction.

The first point you must note in seduction is that you

must never think you are too sexual. That is the idea.
The idea is to be too sexually appealing and enticing
at all costs. That’s who the femme fatale is. But then,
ensure to heed this warning – stay relaxed and
comfortable, never feel you are going overboard, and
act that way.

The next point you must master in seduction is to be

subtle at all costs. Remember that one of the traits of
the femme fatale is the quality of unpredictability.
Your biggest doom would be for your target to
discover what you are into. You must be able to
captivate them without their knowledge so they go
with the flow without knowing what is happening.

The last point, and the most important of all, is that

in the act of seduction, you must never look
desperate. Avoid it at all costs. You are a femme
fatale, and the idea is that you are the one in
command and control, not the one begging for
attention and acceptance. You should know how to
capture and captivate them with ease. This leads us
to another important factor you must master to be
sexually attractive.

I laugh at people who convince themselves that
flirting is an inborn skill. That is too oblivious. How
can they be so aloof? Flirtation is a skill. You must
intentionally develop it until it becomes second
nature. One thing about the femme fatale is that she
is very intelligent, and flirtation is a skill
administered with intelligence.

You cannot be a femme fatale if you have not

mastered flirtation. The act of flirting is not just
about holding hands or giving out a generous
amount of physical touch. There are other ways of
flirting with someone without even touching.
Fortunately, there are several techniques out there
to help you start as a beginner in the act of flirtation.

As you gain mastery in the act of flirting, ensure you

master this method of flirtation: continuously
acknowledging their masculine energy. This method
is a powerful tool you must add to your seduction

Once you master the art of making the man relax

using this skill, you are golden. Learn to ask them to
help you with simple tasks – things they can do there
and then, and don’t forget to acknowledge that they
are strong and handsome, even if they are not.
However, be careful not to flatter them. You will
jeopardize your mission that way.
You must continuously self-examine and assess
yourself to become the best version of yourself as a
femme fatale. This process involves asking yourself
quick, brutal, clear-to-the-point questions to hold
yourself accountable wherever there is an error that
needs to be corrected.

The intent is not to breed hatred for yourself but to

help you become the best version of yourself. By
doing this, destroying your flaws and unnecessary
imperfections is very easy. In the end, you look
perfectly real in your next escapade and beyond.

These questions can be derived from your previous

actions and lifestyle, in contrast to the femme fatale
you want to be. By doing this, you will learn how to
cut out the unnecessary excess restricting you from
being the best you can be as a femme fatale.

By all means, try to brainwash yourself that the

power of the femme fatale is not necessarily
dependent on appearance. What makes you a femme
fatale is the energy you emit, not necessarily how
you look. If you believe this, half the job of becoming
the femme fatale you want to be is done.

You may get carried away investing in people around

you, and while this investment is not wrong, it can
breed unattractive qualities like dependency and
neediness. Be careful when your actions begin to
take this kind of turn. It means you have failed to
become a femme fatale. These qualities belong to the
woman you were before and have grown tired of

The femme fatale is a queen. Surely you have noticed

me repeating this time and again. If you miss this
part of the femme fatale, you’ve missed the whole
gist. The queen has consistently worked on herself to
attain her position, and for you to arrive as a femme
fatale, you must do the same.

You must intentionally invest and transform

yourself to become the femme fatale you have
always wanted to be. Many ladies have made the
mistake of thinking that this process only involves
investing in physical appearance, but that is not the
case. There are other cardinal things you must work
on to transform – or rather, to become.

Working on yourself is a powerful weapon in the

arsenal of becoming a femme fatale; it helps you
destroy the effects of your past life – your past life of
neediness, dependency, constantly seeking
affirmation, sacrificing your needs to make another
person happy, etc. Working on yourself leads to
grasping the personality you are becoming: the
deadly queen.

You will begin to see yourself in another light—the

woman in authority with value. When you start
investing in yourself, people will start to invest in
you. I know what it’s like because I’ve been and am
still there. The femme fatale will not invest in
another person to receive investment in return.
Instead, the femme fatale will work on herself first,
then watch others join her.

In the days when I was experiencing rejection and

hatred, I hated myself. Looking back, I wonder how I
expected others to accept me when I rejected myself.
It can’t happen. Finally, I discovered that I must first
show myself the qualities I want before getting them
from others.
You must understand that working on yourself is a
continuous process. Don’t expect to reach a point
you’d call an end, as there is no such goal. It is a
continuous adventure that allows you to liberate the
dark persona of your being; she breaks forth shining
like the morning sun, her energy becoming the
source of intoxication and dominion all around her.

Working on yourself is not a blind task. It involves a

rational, intellectual approach. When I say you
should work on yourself, I mean that there are
certain core factors of your life you must invest in.
Let’s look in detail at these areas.


Your health, emotionally and spiritually, is vital as
you transform into the femme fatale you want to
become. You must intentionally take care of your
emotions and destroy negative thoughts. This
includes deliberately separating from people who
don’t make you feel good about yourself.

You don’t have to be scared when you are losing a lot

of people – you are undergoing a metamorphosis,
and the process of change requires that some dirt
must leave, including people. Become very
intentional with your actions. You are becoming a
better version of yourself, so everything has to

If you have any bad habits, work to replace them. For

example, be intentional with how you spend your
time and do not speak highly of yourself when you
are around others. Like I said earlier, others should
do your announcing, not yourself.

It is also important to ensure you are physically fit,

as your mental health is strongly connected to your
physical well-being. Be very conscious and
intentional with what you eat. Of course, you know
your physical appearance (stature) partly depends
on this. Avoid things and people that tamper with
your emotions.

Additionally, learn how to be comfortable with being

alone and master creating alone time. This trick is the
fastest way to becoming independent. For example,
sometimes I use my alone time to read books on self-
Although physical appearance is not the primary
factor that makes you a femme fatale, it would be
stupid to ignore it, as it is your greatest advantage in
seduction. See an improved physical appearance, not
as the core factor, but a small, significant advantage
that can go a long way (note my choice of words –
small yet significant).

In working on your physical appearance, be careful

of comparison; it’s easy to be tricked into comparing
yourself with other women. This is the fastest way of
drifting off the track to becoming the femme fatale
you want to become. Instead, your intention should
be to look your best by highlighting features you love
about yourself and flaunting them, nothing more.

Encourage yourself to engage in exercises, as they

are not just for athletes only. You need it, too, to be
in your best shape. Register for a gym program,
practice yoga, and even learn how to dance. As
simple as these things are, they don’t just promote
your physical well-being but your emotional health
Invest in skincare. Having toned, moisturized skin is
very important – do I have to emphasize this? You
are a lady, of course. Ensure to indoctrinate yourself
that you are not trying to look like a ‘particular
someone.’ You are yourself – and now you are
becoming the best version of yourself. Find that style
that suits you and work on it.

As you begin working on yourself, borrowing styles

from others is okay, but it would be erroneous if you
start becoming like them. Emphasize in your mind
that you are yourself. That is the slightest but most
powerful trick of staying unique.

I had trouble finding the exact makeup that suited

me, which led me to the process of trying most of it –
the 2014 Instagram brow, the rockstar girlfriend, the
doe eye makeup, the siren eye makeup – to mention
a few. It took me weeks of dedication to find what
best suited me. You have to do the same; experiment
with different styles and find one that perfectly gives
that flattering, ‘uniquely me’ effect.

In finding makeup that suits you, it is important to

find the shape of your face, as this will help you find
a makeup style best suited to your features. Know
what features you love and emphasize those
features. An important note is embracing red or pink
lipsticks – whichever looks good. Never go beyond

Another important thing you must take care of is

your teeth whitening. I can’t emphasize how this, in
collaboration with wearing your perfect makeup and
smile, can hypnotize your target.

Also, invest in clothing. You can look online at

different body styles and what clothing looks best.
Use this knowledge to work on your wardrobe. I have
seen ladies who have disadvantaged themselves in
this area. They know appearance is not the whole
gist, so they don’t invest in clothing and end up
dressing very unflatteringly.

In all, always remember that people will not decide

these things for you. You have to decide for yourself.
If you’re still scared of what people will say about
what you wear, how you dress, and how you act, then
you are not ready to be the femme fatale you want to

The most important factor is the confidence that

what you are incorporating in your physical
appearance looks good on you. Give yourself positive
affirmations. They will help the new version of you
sink into your subconscious and create the energy
required to become it. Some of the words you can use
for yourself are:

• I am the best, and I do so little to attain it.

• I’m sexy and mysterious.

• I can get whatever I want, however I want it

• I am the most powerful woman on earth.

• People can’t help themselves when they are

around me.

• No man on earth can resist me.

• It is me first, before the others.

• I’m always in charge.

These are some affirmations you can say to yourself

to help your psyche. You can develop more as you
always speak to yourself. Ensure to say these words
to yourself before stepping out each day.

Now that we have established this, let’s explore the

art that makes the femme fatale who she is.

Previously, we talked about three traits

encompassing the femme fatale – seduction,
manipulation, and destruction. The end goal of
seduction is to catch the man and maintain his
obsession with you.

Mastering these traits will lift you from the mediocre

life you desperately want to leave behind into the
controlling, dark female you have always longed to
be, ready to destroy the man that has caused you

Before we dive into these three traits, I want to show

you three rules you must ingrain in your mind. These
pieces of wisdom are the wonders that will save your
ass in your reign as a femme fatale. Forget them, and
it will be your doom. Learn them, and enjoy your life
to the fullest.
But what are these rules? Look at them below. You
should read it again and again.

Rule 1: How you treat yourself is how others treat


Rule 2: Never pursue anyone. If you pursue them,

you lose them.

Rule 3: Stay away from him, and he will want you


Rule 1: How you treat yourself is how others will treat

you: This concept has been explained previously.
Whatever you wish to command from people, you
must give to yourself first. If you need love,
attention, respect, appreciation, and admiration
from others, you must first learn how to give it to

Rule 2: Never pursue anyone. If you pursue them, you

lose them: This fact is not unique to the femme fatale.
It is true everywhere. Whatever you pursue,
regardless of what it is, will run from you. Never
appear desperate; it would be your biggest undoing.

Rule 3: Stay away from him, and he will want you

more: You will not get a man’s attention if you are all
over him. Learn and master the special tool of
detachment. Make yourself a mystery. You won’t be
a mystery if you’re too available. You will need this
principle to create an effective obsession. If his eyes
haven’t seen all of you, his mind will be hungry for
more of you.

If you are going to keep people dependent on you,
you must learn the principle of detachment. Men are
constantly on the lookout for what would make their
lives easier. When people realize that you are
independent and call your own shots, they will want
to draw closer to you.

Aside from that, detachment helps you to be able to

separate your emotions from reality – to be in
confident control of your emotions and never let
them get in the way of logically-prepared plans.
When you can’t practice detachment, you will find it
difficult to see the world in its actual state, as
unrealistic standards will cloud your mind and taint
your view.

To detach from the outside world, learn the principle

of acceptance, release, and allowance. Accept that
you don’t deserve everything. That which you truly
deserve will find you wherever you are.
Understanding the principle of release will make you
understand that there is a reason for every action,
and once something is not working, it is time to let

The principle of allowance enables you to stay in

your most ‘unrestricted’ self and see others that way,
too. Learn to accept yourself the way you are, and do
the same for others. As simple as this principle
sounds, it works wonders.

Now that we have settled these things, let’s go right

into what we want to talk about.


What I’m about to teach you now is a compilation of
my personal experiences and the knowledge I have
learned, which has worked like fire for me. With this
knowledge, I can inflict obsession easily and at will,
without struggle.

Before you can start using and mastering the act of

obsession, you must ensure that you are not in a
vulnerable position. You must have mastered being
confident and unwavering; otherwise, you will fail.
Also, understand that obsession is a tool to be used
wisely. You will need to be in your ‘most heightened
sense’ in order to effectively use this tool.

Again, be aware of going too far. While the

experiences and advantages that come with
obsession can be wonderful, the tool of obsession can
be potentially dangerous. You’ll need intelligence to
maximize this tool effectively.

To be able to make men obsessed with you, you must

understand that every man is not the same; instead,
they fall into different classes. From my experiences,
studies, and research, I have discovered that men fall
into one of these nine categories:

1. Mr. Geek: Mr. Geek is a logical man who sees

everything rationally. He doesn’t have a life of
adventure and fun; instead, he always takes
things logically. He may be a computer guru,
scientist, or mathematician. He is almost too
logical for his own good.

Making him obsessed with you: One unique thing

about the geek is that his life is boring. There is no
excitement or adventure whatsoever, so if you
catch his fancy, you will have to introduce that
excitement and adventure. A great way to do this
is to be impulsive and spontaneous.

However, note that he is very intelligent. You will

lose him if you try to mess with his intelligence by
proving that you are intellectually better than
him. That is the best way to lose him. Instead,
allow him to be in charge when it comes to reason
and logic.

2. Mr. Dominator: Mr. Dominator is the boss with a

natural hunger to be in charge in every area of life.
He wants to be in control of things and call the
shots. This character often comes from developing
a hard shell to cover his fear and vulnerability.

Making him obsessed with you: For this kind of

man, all you need to do is to give him the sense of
security he is looking for by allowing him to be in

Note that you are the one in control here, but you’ll
need to intelligently paint the scenario in such a
way that he thinks he is the one in control. This
skill is so you can pull back once the time is right
and play the unpredictability card. This way, you
will be able to keep him obsessed.

3. Mr. Romantic: Mr. Romantic loves love. The theory

of love drives virtually all he does in life. This
makes him an easy target. Identifying him is not
hard, as he is the one who loves romantic movies
and enjoys fantasies about love.

Making him obsessed with you: Making this man

obsessed is as easy as saying ‘B’ and ‘E’. To make
him obsessed, give him romance and fantasy.
That’s just what he needs. But be careful not to get
entangled so you can seize that sweet side back at
the right time. By struggling to get your sweet side
back, he’ll become obsessed with trying to do so.

4. Mr. Innocent: This is another easy prey to grab. His

mind is too clouded with kindness and goodness,
and he sees the world that way. He knows how to
see the good in everyone. He is a generally nice,
gentle, and kind man.

Making him obsessed with you: This man easily

submits and feels inferior, so the way to get him
obsessed with you is by showing him your dark
persona. Reveal your authoritative, controlling
persona and draw him into the bad side of your
existence by creating rapport, then watch the
magic happen.

5. Mr. Narcissist: Mr. Narcissist is not hard to find. We

have all met him at one point or another other. He
is the proud one who feels everything in the world
revolves around him and depends on him.

Making him obsessed with you: The Narcissist is

very concerned with his ego. So, if you are going to
get his obsession, you must learn how to feed his
ego. Once you begin, don’t stop until the time is
right, then withdraw all attention and
compliments, and watch him come to you hungry
for more.

6. Mr. Player: This is the double-dater and cheat who

plays with ladies’ emotions. Most people you want
to get revenge on are in this category. This is the
guy with lots of girlfriends who jilts the girl once
she falls in love with him.

Making him obsessed with you: To get this man,

display that sensual, sexual, flirting side, but deny
him the experience. This will spark his hunger, but
don’t end there. Damage his ego a bit by insulting
him playfully and observing him. You might be
able to find his weakness and put it before him,
leaving his mouth hanging open.

7. Mr. Scared of Commitment: This guy is interested

in relationships, but once he hears the term
‘commitment’ or anything near it, he’ll show a
clean pair of heels. He is scared of serious
relationships and usually acts nonchalant and
unemotional. Be careful not to confuse him with
Mr. Iceman.

Making him obsessed with you: He is scared of the

relationship becoming a serious commitment, so
keep your intentions a secret to get him. His
curiosity to know what your intentions are will
keep him around. In addition, he displays a
lackadaisical attitude and acts like he has options.
Make him do the chasing, and watch him run after

8. Mr. Iceman: Mr. Iceman is the cold unemotional

type, hence the name. He looks so perfect that you
wonder if he even has fears or vulnerabilities. Most
of these men are victims of past trauma and
construct a thick husk to protect themselves.
Making him obsessed with you: To get Mr. Iceman,
you will need a lot of patience, and you’ll need to
take things slow to break through his protective
walls. Make it a point to always play with him.

Take your time with him until you begin to see

excitement and happiness, partially mixed with
coldness, and use whatever made that happen to
slowly break down his defenses. Never rush. You
will lose him if you do.

9. Mr. Ignored: This guy is unappreciated and seems

to be the least of the group. He is overshadowed by
his peers and seems to not be noticed. He is the one
who lacks experience in handling ladies but has a
sweet personality most of the time.

Making him obsessed with you: Learn to go with

his flow. He is a natural joker, so laugh at his jokes
and make him laugh. Then, begin to shower him
with attention whenever he is in the midst of his
friends – that way, you are killing two birds with
one stone - giving him attention while
commanding the interest of other men.

To keep him in obsession, keep showering him

with attention and don’t stop. But be careful. If you
mistakenly feed his ego, you will be in big trouble.
Only shower him with goodness and attention,
and watch him crawl to you.

(The Manipulation Technique)

Let’s look at the step-by-step process of inflicting
obsession. This process is what I call ‘the
manipulation technique’. With the knowledge of the
categories of men, you are good to go.

STEP 1: Choose your target

You must carefully observe this guy and study his
behavior. Count your cost and try to plot how the
seduction and manipulation process will go. Is it
going to be easy, medium, or hard? Note those things.

STEP 2: Get his attention

Being a femme fatale already makes you hot,
mysterious, special, and at the same time, fun and
friendly. Use that to your advantage. These traits will
make you stand out. Ensure to apply gentility in
capturing attention in the early stages, and once you
capture your target, you can switch back to your
dark side.
STEP 3: Build a friendship
This is the only way to get close to him; get him to
become comfortable around you so you can
manipulate him. While not suppressing your sexual
appeal, be very careful not to flirt with him at this
point, as you might give him the wrong idea or even
lose him.

Master listening well, and you will become a darling

to him. That is because people love talking about
themselves. Master the act of asking open-ended
questions to keep him talking. As the friendship
progresses and grows stronger, use your body
language to seduce, but do it undetected.

STEP 4: Dish out the fantasy

This step is the most important, and all the other
steps lead to this. Act passionately and romantically
but know when to be serious. Know when to inflict
magnetism and when not to reign it in. Never depend
on appearance to seduce him. Use your dark energy
and aura, and put it to work. Try to look spiritual and
act it.

In becoming the femme fatale, there are some

features you should emphasize, as these features can
be what your target will associate with you.
Depending on what you want, you should know what
to do, and with this, you can go on to create the

Seduction is a blur between real life and fantasy, and

that is what you’ve got to give at this point. Once
you’ve done this, strategically disappear. By doing
this, you will spark his curiosity, thereby inflicting

At this point, act like he is important and

irreplaceable to get him to relax around you. Get him
to the point where he is unsure about your attraction
to him. Maximize the use of pattern interruption to
punish bad action – a situation where you remove
something people are accustomed to without notice.

Never make the mistake of giving him that pleasure

he is used to getting at this point. You will see him
kick into overdrive to get that back. Be cold
whenever you notice him getting too comfortable. In
your escapades, never rush. Take your time, and be
very exclusive as the mysterious woman you are.
When you note resistance, don’t be worried. It is
natural that some people will naturally resist

The first step at this point is to increase tension by

creating a romantic tension that cannot be satisfied.
If a man sees he can’t have you, it will spark him to
want you more. Master the act of using reverse
psychology to make him do something you want him
to, then bring in the most powerful component of
seduction and manipulation – insecurity.

Detect what he is insecure about from his behavior,

then determine a connection between you and that
insecurity and use it to your advantage. Use it to
create a cycle. For instance, if his insecurity is that
you’d cheat on him, hint at it as a joke, then bring in
the opposite to make him feel comfortable.

When you notice he has gotten you, become cold and

withdraw. Be careful not to commit to him
emotionally and make him so attracted to you that
he is scared of losing you. Don’t act like you will be
with him forever, as that is the fastest and easiest
way to lose value.

Once you have him hypnotized, show him the future

he is looking for. This step will heighten him, leaving
him at his happiest. At this point, disappear
completely and never return. That way, you will stay
in his mind forever, and he will have a hole in his life
that no one else can fill.

At the beginning of this book, I told you I would show

you the essential tips and tricks for undetected
manipulation, seduction, and control. This is how
you become the most dangerous femme fatale who
ever existed, not to destroy men but to protect
yourself. The tips I have shown you here are enough
for your first escapade at seduction.

However, take note. I do not expect you to master all

these tips. It will take some time to get accustomed
to some of the things you learned, and it will also take
time to build the characteristics required to be a
successful femme fatale. For example, you will need
to spend a lot of time working on yourself to unlock
your dark side.

Again, when you engage in the act of manipulation,

ensure to take your time. You will need at least one
year to successfully seduce a man, manipulate, and
destroy him. It is not something you do in a hurry.
You will have to take your time.

I hope you have enjoyed this book. You can always

refer back to it to gain a grasp of something you need
more clarity on. Over time, you will gain mastery and
won’t need the book anymore to know what to do.
Also, please make sure you keep this powerful
information to yourself. Congratulations, and best of
luck as you begin your successful journey to
becoming a femme fatale.

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