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A1: DC circuits: Given ideal sources Uq=10 V, Iq=1 A and ohmic resistors R1=1 Ω,

R2=2 Ω, R3=3 Ω. Calculate all branch currents and the voltages over all components
including the voltage over the current source.

A2: DC circuits: Given ideal sources Uq=10 V, Iq=1 A and ohmic resistors R1=1 Ω,
R2=2 Ω, R3=3 Ω. Calculate all branch currents and the voltages over all components
including the voltage over the current source.
A3: Filter Element: Given is a filter element with input voltage Ue, output voltage Ua,
ohmic resistor R, capacitor C and ohmic load resistor RL. Calculate the complex
transfer function formula T(ω)=Ua/Ue with angular frequency ω=2πf. Dissolve fractions
in the numerator and denominator of the resulting functions as far as possible and
use auxiliary variables for a better clarity.

A4: Filter Element: Given is a filter element with input voltage Ue, output voltage Ua,
ohmic resistor R, capacitor C and ohmic load resistor RL. Calculate the complex
transfer function formula T(ω)=Ua/Ue and the formula for the absolute value |T(ω)| with
angular frequency ω=2πf. Dissolve fractions in the numerator and denominator of the
resulting functions as far as possible and use auxiliary variables for a better clarity.

A5: Resistance Measurement: In the given DC circuit with voltage source (Uq, R1),
a ohmic resistor up to R2=10 kΩ shall be measured. How big must the inner resistor
Ri of the voltmeter be so that the measurement error through the connection of the
voltmeter is maximal 0,5%?
A6: Resistance Measurement: In the given DC circuit with voltage source (Uq, R1),
a ohmic resistor higher than R2=1 Ω shall be measured. How low must the inner
resistor Ri of the amperemeter at least be so that the measurement error through the
connection of the amperemeter is maximal 0,5%?

A7: Magnetic circuit: Given is a magnetic circuit with a magnetic core, a small air
gap lL=1 mm and N=2000 windings over the core which is excited by the electric AC
current I. In this example the magnetic resistance RmE of the core (RmE<<RmL) and
the stray field of this arrangement (homogenous magnetic flux density BL=constant
over the air gap) shall be neglected. Calculate the necessary electric current I in A,
which is necessary to build up a magnetic flux density BL=1,6 T = 1,6 Vs/m2 in the air
gap. The permeability constant μ0=4π10-7 Vs/(Am).
A8: Magnetic circuit: Given is a magnetic circuit with a magnetic core, a small air
gap lL and N=2000 windings over the core which is excited by the electric AC current
I. In this example the magnetic resistance RmE of the core (RmE<<RmL) and the stray
field of this arrangement (homogenous magnetic flux density B L=constant over the air
gap) shall be neglected. Calculate the cross-section A in cm2 of the core which is
necessary if the electric current I=1 A and the magnetic flux density BL=1,6 T = 1,6
Vs/m2. and the magnetic resistance RmL= lL/(μ0A) = 1.000.000 = 106 A/(Vs). BL=μ0HL,
with the magnetic field strength HL and the permeability constant μ0=4π10-7 Vs/(Am).

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