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In commercial areas - There are also some Narra trees planted in commercial areas

in Barangay Camilmil. These trees provide shade and add to the aesthetic value of
the neighborhood.

Overall, we found that there are numerous Narra trees in Barangay Camilmil, which
is a good sign of the barangay's commitment to environmental conservation. It is
crucial to continue to protect and promote the growth of these trees to ensure
their preservation for future generations.


We all known that narra trees have their own charismatic beauty especially when it
blooms but the trees itself can be more attractive when it is surrounded by a well
planned and
Our team has identified several low-cost interventions that can be implemented
quickly to improve the public realm and enhance the value of narra trees in the
These are some of the areas that we found in camilmil that can be used for tactical
First we proiritized to put a bicycle lane then we focus on pridestrian Lane and
last is recreation ground for passerby.

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