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Republic of the philippines

Department of education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Ongol Ilaya, Dumarao, Capiz

Division/ School Capiz/Estefania Montemayor Grade Level 8

National High School
Learning Area SCIENCE
Teaching Date and Time JENEVILE H. GANGE

May 22, 2023 Duration Week 1 1 HOUR

8:30 – 9:30 am

A. Content Standard the digestive system and its interaction with the
circulatory, respiratory, and excretory systems in
providing the body with nutrients for energy

B. Performance Standard

C. Learning Competency with The learners should be able:

Code 1.explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion;
D. Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson the students will be able to:
a. identifies the different organs of digestive system,
b. describes how the organs of digestive system works;
c. give ways on how to keep our digestive system

Topic: The Digestive System

Subject Integrated: Mapeh, Values

Values Integration: Critical Thinking, Active participation and patience

A. Materials Needed Laptop, Visual Aids

References Module 1
B1. Teaching Guide

B2. Learners Material

B3. Teaching Strategy Collaborative method


Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Good morning, Class! Good morning, ma’am
a.1 Greetings
a.2 Prayer Everybody please stands up and let us pray. (The students will pray)

a.3 Before you seat, please pick up pieces of paper and (The students picking up pieces of papers and
Conditioning the arrange your chair properly. arranging their chair’s)
a.4 checking of Whose absent today? None ma’am
That’s good to hear no one is absent today.
a5. Classroom Before we start, we have a classroom rule that you will
Rules follow until the end of our discussion.
 Silent your phone
 Avoid talking with your seatmate if
not necessary
 Raise your hands if you want to
answer or if you have questions
 Listen to the teacher and follow
Yes. Ma’am
Is that clear?
In your previous grade level, you were introduced to
the levels of organization in an organisms of which
Reviewing a organs system are but a part.
previous lesson or
presenting new So, the four levels of biological organization of life are:
lesson Cells tissues organs Organ systems

Therefore, molecules combine to form cells, cells

combine to form tissues, tissues combine to form
organs, organs combine to form organ system, and
then organ system combined to form organisms.
Okay, so this are the smallest unit of life?
Very good! The collection of similar tissues that
performs a specific function is what?
Very good! How about a group of similar or closely
related cells that act together to perform a specific

Let’s move on to our next topic.

Before anything else read our objectives for morning. 1. identifies the different organs of digestive
2. describes how the organs of digestive system
works; and
Establishing the 3. give ways on how to keep our digestive system
purpose of the healthy

A. Presenting Class, before we start our discussion, let me show you

examples/ an image.
instances of the
new lesson

Can you tell what is in the picture? Foods

How about the second picture? Water

Do you ever wonder where does our food go every Yes/No

time we eat?

B. Discussing I have here a diagram and cards. This card contains

concepts and the names of different organs, all you have to do is to
practicing new put the particular cards to its designated parts.

The activity you just perform is related to our

discussion for this morning. To deeper your
understanding let’s perform another activity.

C. Developing For your activity, I will group you into three.

mastery I have prepared here the materials that you will be
(EXPLORE) needing. And all you have to do is to describe the
function of organs. I will give you 10 minutes to do
your activity.
Yes ma’am
Is that clear?

(See activity attached)

Okay, you may now start. (The students starting their activity)

Guide questions:
1. What do you think the first part where food enters
the body?
2. How about a sack line muscular organ that is
attached to the esophagus?
3. in this organ the feces stored, what do you think is

D. Making Are you done? Yes ma’am

and abstractions Everyone posts your answer on the board, will check (Reporting starts)
about the lesson your answer.
Let’s start with group one followed with the group two,
three and the last group four.

1. What do you think the first part where food enters Mouth
the body?
2. How about a sack line muscular organ that is Stomach
attached to the esophagus?
3. in this organ the feces stored, what do you think is Rectum
I think our topic for today is about the digestive
Okay, so, based on the activity you’ve answer what do
system ma’am
you think our topic for this morning?

Very good. Let’s start from digestive system.

Breakdown of foods.
What do you think is the function of our digestive
(Students answer may vary)

Ver good. Who can read for digestive system?

The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients
such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They can be
absorbed into the bloodstream so the body can use
them for energy, growth and repair.

In digestive system there two main digestive organ

which is the Alimentary canal and accessory organs.
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
What organs involved in alimentary canal? intestine, rectum and anus

Salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.

Very good. How about accessories organ?

That’s right. First let me discuss the different organ in

our digestive system.

Mouth - the first part of the digestive system, where food

enters the body
Esophagus - the long tube between the mouth and the
Teeth – break down food into smaller pieces for swallowing
and further digestion.
Salivary glands- helps moisten food so we can swallow it
more easily.
Pharynx- a passageway leading from the mouth and nose
to the esophagus and larynx.
Liver - a large organ that makes bile that neutralizes
stomach acid.
Small intestine - the long, thin winding tube that food goes
through after it leaves the stomach
Large intestine - the shorter, wider tube that follows the
small intestine
Stomach - a sack-like, muscular organ that is attached to
the esophagus. When food enters the stomach, it is
churned with lots of acids.
Pancreas – a gland below the stomach that makes lots of
chemicals called enzymes that help break down food.
Rectum - the lower part of the large intestine, where feces
(poo) is stored before it leaves the body
Anus - the opening at the end of the digestive system from
which feces (poo) leaves the body

If any of these organs are not in good condition, the Yes, ma’am
whole system cannot function properly.
Do you understand?
E. Finding
practical What will happen to your body if we skip meal? Loss of energy, stomach ache
applications of
concepts and When you skip meals our bodies goes into starvation
skills in daily mode, or fasted state where your brain cues your body
living. to slow down function to conserve energy.
What will be the ailments of not eating meals? Ulcer

Very good. So, how can we keep our digestive system Eat regularly healthy foods such as high-fiber foods
healthy? and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily
(Students answer may vary)

Digestive system plays a major role in your overall

health as it brings nutrients to our body.
F. Making Who can identify the different organs in our digestive Mouth, teeth, Salivary glands, Pharynx,
generalizations and system? esophagus, Liver, Stomach, Large intestine, small
abstractions about (Pin point one student) intestine, Rectum and Anus.
the lesson
Ver good. What is mouth? The first part of the digestive system, where foods
enter the body.

How about anus? The opening at the end of the digestive system
from which feces (poo) leaves the body.
It refers to a break down food? Digestive system

What are the two main digestive organs in our

digestive system? Alimentary canal and accessory organs

Very good! What organs are there in alimentary canal? Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum and anus.
That’s right! Now that you are already equipped with
the basic knowledge and understanding of the
digestive system, you can easily do the next activity.
Do you have any questions? No ma’am
G. Evaluating
Learning Multiple choice
(EVALUATE) Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose
the correct answer.

1. It refers to the first part of the digestive system,

where food enters the body?
A. Esophagus B. Mouth C. Liver D. Teeth

2. the following are the organs of digestive system

A. Mouth B. Teeth C. Pancreas D. Brain
3. What is Esophagus?
A. the long tube between the mouth and the stomach ANSWER KEY:
B. the shorter, wider tube that follows the small intestine 1. B
C. the long, thin winding tube that food goes through after it 2. D
leaves the stomach 3. A
D. a passageway leading from the mouth and nose to 4. C
the esophagus and larynx. 5. D
4. How can we keep our digestive system healthy?
A. Skipping meals
B. Perform extreme activity after eating
C. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water
D. None of the above
5. An accessory canal composed of Salivary glands,
_______, gall bladder, and ________.
A. Rectum and Anus
B. Small intestine and large intestine
C. Esophagus and Live
D. Liver and Pancreas
H. Additional Assignment:
activities for Make a poster on how to keep our digestive healthy.
application for


Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Intern Critic Teacher

Direction: Describe the function of each organ.


Guide questions:
1. What do you think the first part where food enters the body?


Guide questions:
1. A sack line muscular organ that is attached to the esophagus?


Guide questions:
1. What do you call the opening of the rectum to the outside of the body?

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