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SET 1 PAPER 2 SECTION A (e) inelastic collision // perlanggaran tak kenyal


BAB 2: DAYA & GERAKAN (a) Resultant force is zero
Daya paduan adalah sifar
1. SPM 2011 (b) (i) 0
(a) Alternate current / arus ulangalik (ii) 5000 N
(b) (i) PQ / QR / RS / ST (c) F = ma
(ii) ST > PQ a = 9000 – 5000
(iii) acceleration / pecutan 1000
a = 4 ms-2
2. SPM 2016
(a) Q 7. SPM 2016
(b) distance and speed of an object / jarak laju (a) Frictional force / weight // daya geseran / berat
objek (b) (i) force: 5.1 > 5.2
(c) (i) constant velocity / zero acceleration / (ii) time: 5.1 < 5.2
halaju seragam / pecutan sifar (iii) acceleration: 5.1 > 5.2
(ii) The distance between two successive (iv) directly proportional / berkadar terus
dots are the sama / Jarak antara dua titik (c) Newton’s second law of motion // Hukum
berturutan adalah sama gerakan Newton kedua
(d) (i) increases / bertambah
3. SPM 2015 (ii) Reduce air resistance / rintangan udara
(a) scalar quantity / kuantiti skalar berkurang.
(b) (i) (200 – 100) = 10 ms-1
24 - 14 8. SPM 2009
(ii) speed AB > OA (a) impulsive force // daya impuls
(c) (i) tight attire / pakaian ketat (b) Hard surface / high impulsive force / time of
Reduce air resistance / kurang rintangan impact is short // Permukaan keras / daya
udara impuls tinggi / masa hentaman pendek
(ii) spikes shoes / kasut spike (c) momentum = 0.05 x 5 = 0.25 kg ms-1
More grip / lebih cengkaman (d) Replace wooden block with a spongy material
(iii) starting block / mattress or wrap the egg with soft material
Increases momentum / force // tambah Gantikan kayu dengan bahan berspan / tilam /
daya / momentum balut telur dengan bahan lembut

4. SPM 2004 9. SPM 2003

(a) Principle of conservation of momentum / (a) Kedudukan kedua bola sama. Jarak antara
prinsip keabadian momentum bola bertambah. // The position of both balls
(b) Forward momentum of the man equal the are the same. The distance between the ball
backward momentum of the boat / momentum increases.
lelaki ke depan sama dengan momentum bot (b) gravitational force // daya tarikan graviti
ke belakang. (c) (i) gravitational acceleration / pecutan graviti
(c) 0 = momboat + momman (ii) 10 ms-2
m1v1 = - m2v2 (iii) mass does not effect the acceleration //
50(2) = - 20v2 jisim tidak mempengaruhi pecutan
v2 = - 100/20 = - 5 m/s (c) (i) velocity decreases / halaju berkurang
(d) roket / satelit (ii) moves against gravitational force //
bergerak menentang daya tarikan graviti.
5. SPM 2012
(a) mass x velocity // jisim x halaju 10. SPM 2004
(b) (i) 2.5 (a) gravitational force / weight // daya tarikan
(ii) 2.1 + 0.4 = 2.5 graviti / berat
(c) equal / sama (b) surface area: feather > water droplet
(d) (i) Total momentum before collision equal to Luas permukaan: bulu ayam > titisan air
the total momentum after collision // (c) *Mulanya, kedua-dua mempunyai pecutan sama
jumlah momentum sebelum perlanggaran // Initially, both have the same acceleration
sama dengan jumlah momentum selepas *Halaju akhir malar // Final velocity constant
perlanggaran *Halaju akhir bagi titisan air > bulu burung
(ii) Principle of conservation of momentum / Final velocity for the water droplet > the feather
Prinsip keabadian momentum (d) The larger the surface area, the smaller the
(iii) no external force acting on the system / final velocity // Semakin besar luas
tiada daya luar bertindak ke atas system permukaan, semakin kecil halaju akhir.

(d) velocity-time graph // graf halaju-masa the resultant force acts upwards, F = ma
normal reaction force = weight + resultant
force, R = mg + ma
(e) (i) Decreases // Berkurang
(ii) mg – R = ma
R = mg - ma

15. SPM 2006

(a) Resultant force = 0 // Daya paduan = 0
(b) W = 20 N
(c) Triangle of force
11. SPM 1993
(a) Parallelogram:

Resultant force / daya paduan = 5 N

(b) F = ma
a = F/m = 5/2 = 2.5 ms-2
(c) - 5 N

12. SPM 2008

(a) (i) magnitudes: equal / sama
Directions: opposite direction / arah
(ii) 0
(iii) Equilibrium of forces // keseimbangan
(b) (i) acceleration // pecutan
(ii) F = ma, there is a resultant force //
terdapat daya paduan.
(d) (i) T1 = 5.8 cm = 11.6 N
T2 = 7.10 cm = 14.20 N
(ii) Diagram 6.1. The tension in the string is
13. SPM 1996
lower.//Tegangan tali lebih kecil.
(a) 650 = 300 + P
(e) v = u + gt = 0 + (10)(0.6) = 6 m/s
P = 650 – 300 = 350 N
(b) The bicycle moves with constant velocity, so
the resultant force = 0 // Basikal bergerak 16. SPM 2018
dengan halaju seragam, oleh itu daya paduan (a) Gravitational potential energy // tenaga
=0 keupayaan graviti
(c) Acceleration / Pecutan (b) E = mgh = 50 x 10 x 0.4 = 200 J
(d) Inertia of the lady // Inersia perempuan itu (c) (i) Larger pressure // tekanan besar
(e) Short time of impact, high impulsive force // Larger force / shorter collision time
Masa impak pendek, daya impuls tinggi Daya besar / masa perlanggaran pendek
(ii) High elasticity // Kekenyalan tinggi
Larger elastic potential energy / Tenaga
14. SPM 2005 keupayaan kenyal tinggi
(a) 500 N (iii) Follow through // ikut lajak
(b) at rest // pegun Greater impulse / greater energy
Bergerak ke atas dengan halaju seragam Impuls tinggi / tenaga besar
Bergerak ke bawah dengan halaju seragam (d) Smaller impulsive force, longer time
moving up with uniform velocity Daya impuls kecil / masa panjang
Moving down with uniform velocity
(c) F = R – mg
(d) Daya paduan ke atas, F = ma & R = mg + ma


BAB 3: DAYA DAN TEKANANAN (a) Buoyant force / Weight / daya apungan / Berat
(b) Buoyant force = Weight of the log
1. SPM 2003 Daya apungan = berat kayu balak
(d) (i) force per unit area // daya per unit luas (c) Buoyant force = Weight
(ii) P = . 500 . = 2.5 x 105 Pa ƿVg = mg
2 x 10-3 1000 x V x 10 = 1200 x 10
(iii) Tambahkan luas tayar / tambah bilangan V = 12000/10000 = 1.2 m3
tayar. Tekanan berkadar songsang (d) Decreases // berkurang
dengan luas // Increases the area /
increase number of tyres. Pressure is
inversely proportional to area 7. SPM 2009
(a) Gravitational force acts on an object
2. SPM 2007 Daya tarikan gravity yang bertindak ke atas objek
(a) P = 1000 X 10 X 3 = 30 000 Pa (b) (i) 2 N
(b) 1- Pressure at Q is higher // PQ > PP (ii) Buoyant force // daya apungan
2- Depth at Q is higher (c) (i) 2 N
(ii) Weight of water displaced // berat air
yang disesarkan
3. SPM 2018 (d) (i) Weight of water displaced = buoyant
(a) (i) Q > P force // berat air yang disesarkan = daya
(ii) Q > P apungan
(iii) Q > P (ii) Archimedes’ principle // Prinsip Archimedes
(b) (i) directly proportional // berkadar terus (e) Unchanged // tidak berubah
(ii) directly proportional // berkadar terus
(c) decreases / berkurang
Depth decreases / pressure decreases 8. SPM 2003
kedalaman berkurang / Tekanan berkurang (a) Figure (a) > figure (b)
(b) Daya apungan, tegangan tali, berat // Buoyant
force, tension, weight
4. SPM 2014 (c) Daya apungan + teganan = Berat.
(a) (i) Barometer Keseimbangan daya
(ii) Higher density // opaque // non stick Buoyant force + tension = Weight
Ketumpatan tinggi / legap / tidak melekat Equilibrium of forces
pada kaca (d) Archimedes’ principle // Prinsip Archimedes
(b) (i) 76 cm Hg (e) (i) Decreases / berkurang
(ii) P = ƿgh (ii) Daya apungan bertambah kerana air garam
= 13600 x 10 x 0.76 = 1.034 x 105 Pa lebih tumpat // Buoyant force increases
because salt solution is denser.

5. SPM 2008
(a) (i) Pascal’s Principle // Prinsip Pascal 9. SPM 2019
(ii) P = Q (a) Archimedes principle / equilibrium of forces
(b) (i) 50/0.04 = 1250 Pa Prinsip Archimedes / keseimbangan daya
(ii) F = PA = 1250 x 0.8 = 1 000 N (b) (i) M1: (1.5 x 107) (10) / F = W = mg // F = ρVg
(c) (i) *Push the handle down. Valve A closes M2: 1.5 x 108 N
valve B opens. // Tolak pemegang ke (ii) F = ρVg = (1.5 x 108) = (1.03 x 103)(V)(10)
bawah. Injap A buka injap B tutup 1.5 x 107
*This will transmit pressure and allow oil 1.03 x 103
move to the large piston. // Tekanan V = 1.456 X 104 m3
dipindahkan dan minyak pindah ke piston (c) Weight > Bouyant Force // Berat > daya Apungan
(ii) *Increases the area of large piston // This
will increase the output force 10. SPM 2005
*Tambah luas piston besar// Daya output (a) (b) di tolak ke atas // (b) is pushed upward
besar (b) Force upward // daya ke atas
(iii) Open the release valve // Buka injap (c) Udara bergerak laju di atas, tekanan rendah
pelepas Air flows at high speed above, so the
pressure is lower
Daya bertindak dari Kawasan tekanan tinggi
ke tekanan rendah / perbezaaan tekanan
hasilkan daya // Forces acts from higher

pressure to lower pressure area / difference in (ii) Normal temperature of human suhu
pressure produces force. normal manusia
(d) (i) higher / lebih tinggi (iii) Small // kecil
(ii) higher force // daya lebih tinggi (iv) More sensitive / detect small change//
(e) Bernoulli’s principle // Prinsip Bernoulli lebih sensitive / kesan perubahan suhu
(f) Bunsen Burner // Penunu Bunsen yang kecil
(v) 0.1 °C
(vi) More accurate// lebih tepat
11. SPM 2017 (vii) Q
(a) Bernoulli’s principle // Prinsip Bernoulli
(b) (i) 1500 – 500 = 1000 Pa
(ii) F = PA = (1000)(0.25) = 250 N 3. SPM 2003
(c) Prevent lift / stay on ground/ stabil / elak (a) (i) 100
terangkat ke atas (ii) Muatan haba tentu P lebih besar
Specific heat capacity of P is larger
(b) (i) Q = mcϴ
12. SPM 2006 8 400 = 0.25 x 4200 x ϴ
(a) distance/time // jarak/masa ϴ = 8 ⁰C
(b) (i) If no air movement, the paper and the (ii) Tiada haba hilang ke persekitaran
canopy will not lift up/ Jika tiada pergerakan No heat lost to the surrounding
udara, kertas dan kanopi tidak terangkat
Paper and canopy lift up when the air
moves. // Jika ada Gerakan udara, kertas 4. SPM 2018
dan kanopi terangkat ke atas (a) Heat needed to change the temperature of 1
(ii) Pressure above < pressure below kg of a material by 1 ⁰C // Haba yang
Tekanan di atas < tekanan di bawah diperlukan untuk menukarkan suhu 1 kg
(iii) High speed air, low pressure region bahan sebanyak 1 ⁰C
laju tinggi, Kawasan tekanan rendah (b) (0.05)(4200)(90 – T) = (0.3)(4200)(T – 30)
(c) Bernoulli’s Principle // Prinsip Bernoulli 18,900 – 210T = 1,260T – 37,800
(d) (i) P > Q 1470T = 56,700
(ii) T = 38.57⁰C
(c) (i) Decreases // berkurang
Heat lost to surrounding // haba hilang ke
(ii) Wrap the bottle with insulator // Balut
botol dengan penebat
Reduce heat lost to the surrounding //
kurangkan haba hilang ke persekitaran


BAB 4: HABA (a) (i) Copper / lower specific heat capacity.
Kuprum / muatan haba tentu rendah
1. SPM 2013 Heat up faster / good conductor
(a) (i) mercury / alcohol Cepat panas / konduktor baik
(ii) expand uniformly / does not stick to glass (ii) Polymer / high specific heat capacity
/ opaque / high boiling point Polimer / muatan haba tentu besar
Mengembang dengan seragam / tidak Heat up slower / good insulator
melekat pada kaca / legap / takat didih Lambat panas / penebat baik
tinggi (iii) Lower mass // Jisim kecil
(b) (i) stop expanding // berhenti mengembang Lighter Easy to lift and carry.
(ii) Thermal equilibrium // Keseimbangan terma Ringan / senang diangkat dan dibawa
(b) (i) Pt = mcθ
t = [3.5 x 900 x 90]/ 800
2. SPM 2016 = 354.4 sec
(a) base quantity // kuantiti asas (ii) Pt = mcθ
(b) (i) 20 – 6 = 14 cm t = [2.5 x 390 x 90]/ 800 = 109.7 sec
(ii) 16 – 6 x 100° = 71.43°C (c) Copper pot / periuk kuprum
20 – 6
(iii) decreases / berkurang
(c) (i) 30- 40 / small / low // kecil / rendah

6. SPM 2012 (ii) Polistyrene / heat insulator / poor heat

(a) (i) Dark surface // permukaan gelap conductor / penebat haba
Absorb heat easily / serap haba dengan heat insulator / heat absorb reduces/
mudah penebat haba / kurang serap haba
(ii) Low specific heat capacity // muatan haba (iii) Double layer /vacuum layer / shiny
tentu rendah surface berlapis / lapisan vakum / berkilat
Easy to get hot / hot faster // Cepat panas Longer time of melting / reflect heat/
(b) Model B heat not easily absorbed / lambat
Dark surface and low specific heat capacity masa melebur / pantul haba
Permukaan gelap dan muatan haba tentu
(c) (i) Q = Pt = 16 x 25 x 60 = 24 000 J 10. SPM 2017
(ii) Pt = mcθ = (a) Temperature is the degree of hotness // Suhu
24 000 = 0.5 x 4200 x θ adalah darjah kepanasan
θ = 11.43 ⁰C (b) (i) Decreases // berkurang
(ii) Absolute zero // sifar mutlak
(c) Stationary // pegun
7. SPM 2007
(a) Latent heat // haba pendam
(b) Overcome the bonds between molecules // 11. SPM 2009
mengatasi daya tarikan antara molekul- (a) Pressure decreases as depth decreases /
molekul volume increases as pressure decreases /
(c) 1- 1.0 x 4 200 x 100 tekanan berkurang bila kedalaman berkurang,
2- 420 000 J isipadu bertambah bila tekanan berkurang
(d) Graph (b) Boyle’s Law / Hukum Boyle
(c) Decreases / Berkurang
(d) P1 = 10 + 0.5 = 10.5 m water P2 = 10 m water
P1V1 = P2V2
(10.5)(5) = (10)V
V = 5.25 cm3

12. SPM 2011

(a) Pressure / Tekanan
8. SPM 2015 (b) (i) 5.2 > 5.1
(a) Haba yang diperlukan untuk menukarkan 1 kg (ii) 5.2 > 5.1
pepejal kepada cecair tanpa perubahan suhu. (iii) directly proportional / berkadar terus
The amount of heat required to melt 1 kg of (iv) directly proportional / berkadar terus
solid without any change of temperature (c) M1 - Kinetic energy / velocity increase / move
(b) 1st : tenaga digunakan untuk mengatasi daya faster // tenaga kinetic bertambah / bergerak laju
ikatan antara molekul. // Energy is used M2 - rate of collision increase // kadar
to overcome the binding force between perlanggaran bertambah /
molecules (d) Pressure’s law // Hukum Tekanan
2nd : tenaga kinetic tidak berubah // The
kinetic energy does not change
(c) (i) E = Pt = 600 x 60 = 36000 J 13. SPM 2014
(ii) Pt = mL (a) Gas Pressure // tekanan gas
m = 36000/3.3 x 105 = 1.09 x 10-1 kg (b) (i) 5.2 > 5.1
(ii) 5.2 < 5.1
(iii) Equal // sama
9. SPM 2019 (c) (i) Inversely proportional // berkadar songsang
(a) Melting / Fusion // Melebur / pelakuran (ii) Boyle’s Law // Hukum Boyle
(b) Energy is used to weaken the bond between (d) (i) No change // tiada perubahan
molecules / Energy is not used to increase (ii) Constant temperature // suhu malar
the kinetic energy of the particles //
Tenaga digunakan untuk melemahkan ikatan
antara molekul-molekul /
(c) Q = mcθ
3360 = (3.36 x 105)(0)
m = 0.01 kg = 10 g
(d) (i) Longer time of melting / heats up slowy/
Melambatkan masa peleburan/Lambat panas


BAB 5: CAHAYA (a) A point where all parallel rays converge after
being reflected. / Titik di mana semua cahaya
1. SPM 2005 selari bertumpu selepas dipantulkan.
(a) Reflection // Pantulan (b) Ray diagram
(b) 8m
(c) 7m
(d) diagram

(e) (i) ray diagram (c) (i) diagram

(ii) Maya, tegak, sama saiz

Virtual, upright, same size (ii) Reflection // Pantulan
(d) (i) Place the bulb at the focal point, F
Letakkan mentol di titik fokus, F
2. SPM 2008 (ii) Increase the curvature // Tambahkan
(a) Reflection // pantulan kelengkungan
(b) virtual // maya (e) Increase more voltage / mirror as reflector
(c) ray diagram Tambah voltan / cermin sebagai pemantul

5. SPM 2018
(a) Reflection // pantulan
(b) Upright / virtual / same size / laterally inverted
/ object distance = image distance / u = v /
Tegak / maya / sama saiz / songsang sisi /
jarak objek = jarak imej
(c) Ray diagram

3. SPM 2015
(a) Real image
(b) (i) 5.1 > 5.2
(ii) 5.1 < 5.2
(iii) 5.1 < 5.2
(c) (i) inversely proportional // berkadar songsang
(ii) inversely proportional // berkadar songsang
(d) (i) Focal point // Titik fokus // F
(ii) Sinar selari ditumpukan ke titik fokus
selepas dipantulkan/ all parallel light
converge to the focal point after

(d) (i) Image of car B is reflected by the mirror

to car A / in the field of view

Imej kereta B dipantulkan oleh cermin ke 8. SPM 2012

kereta A / dalam medan penglihatan (a) (i) Refraction // Pembiasan
(ii) Speed of light change / light travels in
two different medium // Laju cahaya
berubah / Cahaya bergerak melalui dua
medium berbeza
(b) (i) He shoot the image of the fish.
Dia tembak imej ikan.
(ii) Ray diagram

(ii) convex mirror // cermin cembung

(iii) Wider field of view / upright image
pandangan lebih luas/ imej tegak
(iv) Shining surface / large diameter / Big
mirror / permukaan bersinar / berkilat //
berkilat / diameter besar / cermin besar

6. SPM 2003
(a) (i) Refraction // Pembiasan (iv) Shoot deeper from the image / shoot
(ii) Light travels from denser medium (water) perpendicular to the surface of the water
to less dense medium (air) // Cahaya from the top // Tembak ke bawah dari imej
bergerak dari medium lebih tumpat (air) / tembak bersudut tepat dengan
ke medium kurang tumpat (udara) permukaan air dari atas.
Cahaya dibiaskan menjauhi garis normal (c) (i) n = 3 x 108 / 2.25 x 108 = 1.33
// So light refracted away from normal (ii) n = H/h
(iii) diagram H = 1.8 x 1.33 = 2.394 m

9. SPM 2007
(a) critical angle // sudut genting

(b) Incidence ray parallel with the normal line

Sinar tuju selari dengan garis normal
(c) (i) P: Increases / bertambah
Q: Decreases / berkurang
(b) n = H/h (ii) Glass is denser / kaca lebih tumpat
1.33 = 0.4/H (iii) 5.1: Refraction away from normal / bias
h = 0.3 m menjauhi garis normal
5.2: Total internal reflection / pantulan
dalam penuh
7. SPM 2013 (d) Total internal reflection / Pantulan dalam penuh
(a) real depth /apparent depth //
dalam sebenar /dalam ketara 10. SPM 2006
(b) (i) 5.1 > 5.2 (a) Periscope // periskop
(ii) 5.1 > 5.2 (b) (i) ray diagram
(iii) directly proportional / berkadar terus
(iv) refraction / pembiasan
(c) Ray diagram

(ii) To cause total internal reflection /

pantulan dalam penuh berlaku

(c) (i)

(ii) Upright, virtual, same size

Maya, tegak, sama saiz 13. SPM 2017
(d) n = 1/sin c = 1.52 (a) Refraction // Pembiasan
c = 41.14⁰ (b) (i) 5.1 > 5.2
(ii) 5.1 < 5.2
(iii) 5.1 < 5.2
11. SPM 2016 (c) (i) Inversely proportional // Berkadar songsang
(a) Incident angle when refracted angle is 90° (ii) Directly Proportional // Berkadar terus
sudut tuju apabila sudut biasan ialah 90 (d) Size equal, brightness decreases
(b) (i) Ray diagram Saiz tidak berubah, kecerahan berkurang

14. SPM 2009

(a) Refraction // Pembiasan
(b) Ray diagram

(ii) Refracted // dibiaskan

(c) (i) 45⁰
Total internal reflection occurs pantulan (c) u > f / u = 2f / f < u < 2f
dalam penuh berlaku (d) (i) Table
(ii) more // banyak
Brighter // lebih cerah
(d) n = 1/sin 42°
= 1.49

12. SPM 2004

(a) Refraction // Pembiasan
(b) Bigger // Besar
(c) (i) Convex Lens // Kanta cembung
(ii) (ii) R&S
(iii) Largest magnification/ pembesaran besar
(iv) Q&S
v = - 40 cm (v) Have largest diameter/ diameter besar
(vi) S


(a) (i) Sin c = 1/1.5 BAB 6: GELOMBANG
c = 41.810
(ii) Diagram 1. SPM 2010
(b) (i) 0.2 s
(ii) 45.0 s
(c) scalar / scalar

2. SPM 2010
(a) amplitude
(b) Water resistance / energy loss / friction
Rintangan air / tenaga hilang/ geseran
(iii) Total internal reflection // Pantulan dalam
(c) (i) 0.4 s
(ii) 1/0.4 = 2.5 Hz
(b) Ray diagram
(d) Increases / bertambah

3. SPM 2012
(a) Transverse waves / gelombang melintang

(c) (i) 100 cm / large / panjang

Bigger image / high magnification panjang
(ii) Large diameter/ diameter besar
More light can enter , brighter imej
Lebih banyak masuk, imej cerah
(d) R because large focal length of objective lens
and large diameter // R sebab Panjang fokus (c) (i) Decreases / Berkurang
kanta objektif panjang dan diameter besar. (ii) unchanged / Tidak berubah

4. SPM 2007
16. SPM 2014 (a) longitudinal waves / gelombang membujur
(a) kanta cembung // convex lens (b) (i) compression / mampatan
(b) (i) Ray diagram (ii) label wavelength

(c) Increases / bertambah

(ii) virtual // maya 5. SPM 2011

Upright // tegak (a) (i) Pendulum M / Bandul M
(c) (i) fo < uo < 2fo (ii) Same length / same frequency / Panjang
Image formed is real, inverted, magnified sama / frekuensi sama
Imej nyata, songsang , besar (iii) Resonance / resonans
(ii) d > (fo + fe) (b) T = 1/f = ½ = 0.5 s
ui < fe (c) Graf sesaran-masa untuk pelembapan
(iii) u < fe
Final image virtual / magnified
Imej akhir maya dan besar
(d) L

6. SPM 2013 (ii) …. Deep….shallow….towards

(a) Distance with direction / jarak dengan arah ….dalam….cetek….mendekati
(b) (i) 6.2 > 6.1 (d) *The energy of the wave spread at the bay /
(ii) 6.2 > 6.1 the wave refracted towards the normal
(iii) 6.2 < 6.1 Tenaga gelombang disebarkan di kawasan teluk
(iv) Directly proportional / berkadar terus / gelombang air dibiaskan ke arah normal
(v) Inversely proportional / berkadar songsang • Calmer sea / small amplitude / laut tenang /
(c) (i) Decreases / berkurang amplitud kecil
(ii) Damping // energy losses // air friction
Pelembapan // tenaga hilang // rintangan 11. SPM 2005
udara (a) Dua sumber gelombang yang mempunyai
frekuensi / λ yang sama dan beza fasa sama
7. SPM 2017 Two waves sources which have same frequency
(a) Same phase / fasa yang sama /λ and same phase difference
(b) (i) same / sama (b) Calculate wavelength / hitung panjang gelombang
(ii) 6.2 > 6.1
(iii) 6.2 > 6.1
(iv) 6.2 < 6.1
(v) inversely proportional / berkadar songsang
(c) (i) Decreases / berkurang
(ii) Speed of water waves decreased. Laju
gelombang air berkurang
(c) Puncak bertemu puncak / lembangan bertemu
8. SPM 2016 lembangan / Crest meets crest / trough meets
(a) Refraction / Pembiasa trough
(b) decreases / berkurang
(c) Diagram 2 12. SPM 2010
(a) (i) 6.1 > 6.2
(ii) 6.1 < 6.2
(iii) inversely proportional / berkadar songsang
(iv) D, λ
(b) (i) Number of complete oscillation per second /
bilangan ayunan lengkap per saat.
(ii) decreases / berkurang
(iii) λ decreases as f increases, λ berkadar terus
dengan x / λ berkurang bila f bertambah, λ
berkadar terus dengan x

13. SPM 2004

(a) Cahaya mempunyai satu frekuensi / warna
9. SPM 2009 Light that has one frequency / one color
(a) Number of complete oscillation in one secong / (b) *Jarak antara dua pinggir berturutan merah > biru
bilangan ayunan lengkap dalam masa satu saat. The distance between two consecutive fringes for
(b) (i) x > Y red light > blue light
(ii) X > Y *Jarak antara dua pinggir berturutan sama bagi
(iii) directly proportional / berkadar terus warna yang sama/ The distance between two
(iv) Refraction / Pembiasan consecutive fringes for the same light is equal
(c) * The depth of the water decreasing (c) Merah > biru // red > blue
/Kedalaman laut semakin berkurang (d) directly proportional / berkadar terus
*The velocity is decreasing or the wavelength is (e) Interference / interferens
decreasing / Halaju berkurang atau Panjang
gelombang berkurang 14. SPM 2006
*Refraction occurs / Pembiasan berlaku (a) Longitudinal wave / gelombang membujur
(b) Constructive interference occurs / Berlaku
10. SPM 2015 gelombang membina
(a) Distance between two successive crest @ (c) λ = 1.5 x 4.0 = 0. 6 m
trough / Jarak antara dua puncak @ lembangan 10.0
berturutan (d) (i) More closer / lebih rapat
(b) (i) A > B (ii) f bertambah, λ berkurang, x berkurang / λ
(ii) Incident angle > refracted angle / berkadar terus dengan x / f increases , λ
Sudut tuju > sudut biasan decrease, x decreases / / λ directly
(iii) A > B proportional to x
(c) (i) directly proportional / berkadar terus

15. SPM 2016 Chapter 6: Electricity

(a) Dua sumber gelombang yang mempunyai Bab 6: Keelektrikan
frekuensi / λ yang sama dan beza fasa sama
Two waves sources which have same frequency 1. SPM 2015
/λ and same phase difference (a) A region where an electric charge
(b) (i) 6.2 < 6.3 experience electric forces.
(ii) 6.2 > 6.3 kawasan di mana cas mengalami
(iii) equal / sama daya elektrik.
(iv) inversely proportional / berkadar songsang (b) Q = It = 0.3 x (3 x 60) = 54 C
(v) interference / interferens (c) (i) short distance / jarak dekat
(c) Loud sounds due to constructive interference Oscillate in short time / faster
Soft sounds due to destructive interference// masa pendek / berayun cepat
bunyi kuat – interferens membina (ii) low mass / jisim kecil
Bunyi lemah – interferens memusnah Increase acceleration / speed
Tambah pecutan / laju
16. SPM 2003 (iii) high voltage / beza keupayaan tinggi
(a) electromagnet wave Strong electric field / medan elektrik kuat
(b) distance P to radar (d) Z
(e) (i) stationary / pegun
(ii) No charge on the metal coated ball /
charged is earth
Tiada cas pada bola bersalut logam / cas
telah mengalir ke bumi.
17. SPM 2014
(a) Gamma ray / sinar gama 2. SPM 2008
(b) Higer frequency / higher energy, shorter λ (a) Parallel circuit: 3.2
Frekuensi tinggi / tenaga tinggi, λ pendek (b) Series circuit diagram 3.1
(c) (i) 1 x 108 Hz
(ii) v = fλ
λ = 3 x 108 = 3 m
1 x 108
(d) wave form of visible light

(c) (i) 5 + 1 = 6 Ω
(ii) I = V/R = 12/6 = 2 A
(iii) Decreased / berkurang

18. SPM 2018 3. SPM 2011

(a) longitudinal wave / gelombang membujur (a) parallel / selari
(b) (i) Concrete wall is a hard surface / (b) (i) 6.1 > 6.2
Thick curtain is a soft surface // (ii) 6.1 > 6.2
Dinding konkrit adalah permukaan keras / (iii) As the number of bulbs increases,
Langsir tebal adalah permukaan lembut. the reading of the ammeter increases./ bilangan
(ii) Diagram 6.1 > 6.2 mentol bertambah, bacaan ammeter bertambah
(c) (i) The harder the reflected surface, the larger (c) Resistance 6.1 < 6.2 / current 6.1 > 6.2
the amplitude of the reflected sound wave Rintangan 6.1 < 6.2 / arus 6.1 > 6.2
Lebih keras permukaan, lebih besar amplitud
pantulan bunyi (d) As the bulbs increase, the resistance
(ii) directly proportional / berkadar terus decreases. / as the bulbs increase, the current
(iii) The harder the reflected surface, the larger increases.
the energy of the reflected sound wave Bilangan mentol bertambah, rintangan berkurang/
Semakin keras permukaan pantulan, semakin Bilangan mentol bertambah, arus meningkat.
besar tenaga gelombang pantulan bunyi. (e) (i) Bulb P & Q
(d) (i) High frequency / λ smaller (ii) Resistance is low , current flow is
frekuensi tinggi / λ lebih kecil high / voltage is higher
(ii) Easily reflected / senang dipantulkan Rintangan rendah, arus mengalir tinggi / voltan


(a) (i) Parllel / selari
(ii) lights up / menyala BAB 8: KEELEKTROMAGNETAN
(b) (i) If connected to 240V power supply, it will
release energy at 60 Joules per second /Jika 1. SPM 2014
disambung ke bekalan kuasa 240 V, ia akan (a) (i) Temporary magnet
bebaskan tenaga 60 J per saat. (ii) label clockwise direction
(ii) I = 60 = 0.25 A (b) (i) increases / bertambah
240 (ii) strong electromagnet / elektromagnet kuat
(iii) total resistance / rintangan berkesan
R = 240/0.25 = 960 Ω 2. SPM 2012
1= 1 + 1 + 1 (a) (i)(ii)
R 960 960 960
R = 320 Ω

5. SPM 2018
(a) 2 kJ of energy per second is dissipated when 240 V
is supplied //
2 kJ tenaga per saat yang hilang apabila 240 V
(b) (i) E = Pt = (2)(5)(30) = 300 kWh
(ii) 300 x 20 = 6000 / RM60.00
(c) (i) coiled wire / dawai bergelung
High resistance / longer wire
Rintangan tinggi / dawai panjang (b) Right hand grip rules / Petua genggaman tangan
(ii) nichrome / nikrom kanan
High resistance / high melting point (c) (i) P > Q
Rintangan tinggi / takat lebur tinggi (ii) P < Q
(iii) small cross sectional area / luas keratan rentas (iii) P > Q
kecil. (d) (i) directly proportional / berkadar terus
High resistance / rintangan tinggi (ii) inversely proportional / berkadar songsang
(iv) S
3. SPM 2009
6. SPM 2019 (a) (i) Fleming’s left hand rule / Peraturan
(a) Potential difference / voltage / beza keupayaan / Tangan Kiri Fleming
voltan (ii)(iii)
(b) (i) R = 2.8/0.2 = 14 Ω
(ii) E = Vit / I2Rt / V2t/R
// (2.8)(0.2)(5 x 60) // 2.8 x 0.2 x 5
= 168 J
(c) (i) coiled wire / dawai bergelung
High resistance / rintangan tinggi
(ii) nichrome / nikrom
High resistance / rintangan tinggi
(iv) 5 A
The value a bit higher than the current flow in
the circuit //Nilainya lebih tinggi sedikit daripada
arus yang mengalir dalam litar / I = 4.16 A (b) (i)
(v) Choose R

(ii) Concentration of magnetic field / produce

stronger magnetic field / Menumpukan
medan magnet / medan magnet lebih kuat
(iii) plane mirror / cermin satah
Pointer and image of the pointer must be
overlapped to avoid parallax error
/ penunjuk dan imej penunjuk bertindih
untuk elakkan ralat paralaks

4. SPM 2013 7. SPM 2019

(a) (a) Output voltage produced is smaller / secondary
voltage is smaller // Voltan output terhasil lebih
kecil./ voltan sekunder lebih kecil
(b) M1: Changing magnetic flux in secondary coil //
Perubahan fluks magnet dalam gegelung
sekunder / cut magnetic field secondary /
potong medan magnet sekunder
M2: Produced induced electromotive force
(e.m.f) // Menghasilkan daya gerak elektrik
(d.g.e) teraruh
(c) (i) equal / sama
(ii) 6.1 > 6.2
(b) Right hand grip rule / petua genggaman (iii) 6.1 > 6.2
tangan kanan (iv) 6.1 < 6.2
(c) (i) greater number of turns (d) inversely proportional / berkadar songsang
Increase the force / strength of magnetic
field / daya bertambah / kekuatan medan 8. SPM 2014
magnet bertambah (a) (i) The rate of flow of charge / kadar
(ii) greater number of batteries pengaliran cas
Increases current / arus bertambah (ii) P = I2R = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1 000 W
(iii) semicircular shape / bentuk semi bulatan (b) (i) Thick wire / dawai tebal
Increase strength of magnetic field / Low resistance / Rintangan rendah
radial magnetic field / tambah kekuatan (ii) Many number of turns of secondary coils /
medan magnet / medan magnet jejarian bilangan lilitan gegelung sekunder banyak
(iv) X Higher voltage / beza keupayaan tinggi.
(iii) copper / aluminium / kuprum
5. SPM 2011 Low resistance / rintangan rendah
(a) step down transformer / transformer injak (c) Ac voltage can be stepped up
turun Voltage au boleh diturunkan
(b) (i) Vp/Np = Vs/Ns
240/600 = 12/Ns 9. SPM 2017
Ns = 30 (a) Low resistance / thick / high melting point
(ii) P = VI I = 24/12 = 2 A Rintangan rendah / tebal / takat lebur tinggi
(c) Diode (b) (i) M1: 10 x 106 // 10
132 x 103 32
6. SPM 2007 M2: 75.76 A
(a) (i) Step down transformer / transformer injak (ii) M1: P = I2R = (75.76)2 x 600
turun // (75.75 )2 x 600
(ii) easy to magnetized and demagnetized / M2: = 3.44 x 106 W
mudah dimagnetkan dan (c) (i) soft iron / besi lembut
dinyahmagnetkan easy to magnetized and demagnetized /
(b) Ns = 1000 x 6 = 25 mudah menjadi magnet dan hilang magnet.
240 (ii) shape X / bentuk X
(c) (i) VsIs x 100% = 75% The secondary coil and primary coil can be
VpIp wound on top of each other / reduce
output power = 75 = 0.75 leakage of magnetic flux / Gegelung
240 x 0.1 100 sekunder dililit rapat dengan gegelung
output power = 18 W primer // Gegelung sekunder dan gegelung
(ii) laminated iron core /low resistance coil primer dililitkan di atas satu sama lain /
teras besi lembut berlamina / wayar mengurangkan kebocoran fluks magnet
berintangan rendah (iii) 20:1
(d) (i) Transformer supplies ac / TV cannot work Output voltage is 12 V / decrease output
on ac / transformer bekal au / Tv tidak voltage // voltan output 12 V /
berfungsi dengan au menurunkan voltan output /
(ii) 1- Diode // rectifier / diod (iv) R
2- Series / siri

CHAPTER 9: ELECTRONIK (c) M1: No current flows in 6.1 and there is current
BAB 9: ELEKTRONIK flows in 6.2 / Tiada arus mengalir dalam 6.1
dan ada arus mengalir dalam 6.2
M2: High resistance or depletion layer is thicker
1. SPM 2013 in diagram 6.1 / Rintangan tinggi atau
(a) Thermionic emission / pancaran termion lapisan susutan tebal dalam rajah 6.1
(b) accelerate electrons / memecutkan electron (d) Allow current to move in one direction only
(c) Q = It = 0.01 x 5 = 0.05 C Benarkan arus mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja.
(d) (i) (e) M1: Diode converts a.c to d.c. The first half-
cycle, diode is forward biased and current
flows / Diod tukar a.u ke a.t. Semasa
separuh pusingan pertama, diod pincang ke
depan, arus mengalir
M2: In the second half-cycle, the diode is
reversed biased and no current flow
(ii) Electron is negatively charged / electron
Separuh pusingan kedua, diod pincang
bercas negatif.
songsang dan arus tidak mengalir
2. SPM 2010
6. SPM 2018
(a) High speed electron beam / Alur electron
(a) A material that can conduct electricity between
berhalaju tinggi.
conductor and insulator. //
(b) M1: Electron hit the screen / Elektron hentam
Bahan yang boleh mengkonduksi elektrik
antara konduktor dan penebat.
M2: The kinetic energy changes to light energy
(b) The bulb lights up / mentol menyala
Tenaga kinetic berubah ke tenaga cahaya.
(c) 2 x 2 = 4 V

(d) M1: 5 x 2 / ½ x Vpp

M2: 10 V
3. SPM 2016
(a) Thermionic emissions / Pancaran termion
(b) (i) Light / electron is blocked // cahaya / 7. SPM 2003
electron dihalang (a) (i) amplifier / automatic switch / suis automatic
(ii) Pendarflour effect/ kinetic energy → heat + (ii)
light energy / kesan pendarflour / kinetic →
haba + cahaya
(c) 4.8 x 10-16 = ½ (9.0 x 10-31) v2
v = 3.27 x 107 m/s
(d) (i) downward / ke bawah
(ii) Fleming’s left hand rule / Peraturan tangan
kiri Fleming.

4. SPM 2015
(a) (i) a.c / a.u
(ii) d.c / a.t (iii) Bila ada cahaya, rintangan LDR berkurang,
(b) (i) diode / diod jadi beza keupayaan LDR berkurang.
(ii) Allow currents to flow in one direction / Voltan merentasi R bertambah dan arus
Benarkan arus mengalir dalam satu arah. tapak mengalir melalui S.
When there is light, resistance of LDR
5. SPM 2008 decreases, so voltage across LDR
(a) silicon / germanium, decreases. Voltage across R increases and
(b) (i) 6.1 reversed biased / 6.2 forward biased base current flows through S
6.1 pincang songsang 6.2 pincang ke depan (c) (i) LDR sebab ia tidak peka kepada haba
(ii) 6.1 ammeter reading is zero / 6.2 ammeter LED sebab ia tidak hasilkan bunyi
shows reading / 6.1 bacaan ammeter sifar LDR : it does not sensitive to heat.
6.2 ammeter ada bacaan LED: it does not produce sound

(ii) Termister / perintang peka haba dan siren / 11. SPM 2011
loceng / Thermistor / heat dependent (a) Switch with many input but has one output only.
resistor and siren / bell. Suis yang mempunyai banyak input tapi hanya
(d) 1 output sahaja.
(b) (i) truth table / jadual kebenaran

(ii) AND gate/ get DAN

(iii) symbol

8. SPM 2012 (c) (i) low mass / jisim kecil

(a) LDR / light dependent resistor / PPC / Perintang Lighter / moves faster
peka cahaya Ringan / gerak laju
(b) (i) V = IR = (40000) 6 = 4.8 V (ii) high power motor / motor berkuasa tinggi
50000 rotate faster / high energy /high momentum
(ii) I = V/R = 6/[10000 + 40000] / high force / Gerak laju / tenaga tinggi /
= 6/50000 daya tinggi / momentum tinggi
= 0.00012 A
(c) R LDR high/ R PPC tinggi
V LDR high / V LDR high 12. SPM 2004
V base high/ V tapak tinggi (a) Voltage = 12 – 2 = 10 V
Base current flow/ arus tapak mengalir (b) Perintang peka cahaya / PPC
Collector current flows / arus pengumpul Light dependent resistance / LDR
mengalir (c) (i) Relay switch / suis geganti
Transisor ON (ii) Nyalakan lampu sorot dalam litar kedua
yang perlukan voltan tinggi.
9. SPM 2017 Switch on the spotlight in the secondary
(a) AND get / Get DAN circuit which required high voltage.
(b) truth table / jadual kebenaran (d) (i) Truth table / Jadual kebenaran

(ii) AND Gate / Get DAN

(c) (i) 6 V (iii) symbol
(ii) 100 X 6 = 0.176 V

10. SPM 2009

(a) NOT gate / Get TAK 13. SPM 2006
(b) Truth table / jadual kebenaran (a) truth table / jadual kebenaran

(ii) exclusive OR / eksklusif ATAU

(c) To activate the secondary circuit of the security (iii) symbol
lamp of high voltage / Hidupkan litar kedua
yang mempunyai lampu keselamatan yang
tinggi voltan

(b) Activate secondary circuit which uses high CHAPTER 10: RADIOACTIVITY
voltage / hidupkan litar kedua yang mempunyai
voltan tinggi BAB 10: KERADIOAKTIFAN
(c) (i) When dark, the resistance high/ bila gelap,
rintangan tinggi 1. SPM 2009
(ii) Diagram (a) negative
(b) Atoms of an element which have same proton
number but different nucleon numbers
Atom satu elemen yang mempunyai sama no
proton tapi berlaian nucleon number
(c) A = 2 X = 3

2. SPM 2010
(a) Negatively charged / bercas negatif
(b) Half life = 12 hours / jam
(iii) High light intensity produces lower LDR
resistance, so high base voltage / Bila
keamatan cahaya tinggi, rintangan LDR
rendah, voltan tapak tinggi
A bigger base current flows and activated
the transistor / Arus tapak mengalir dan
hidupkan transistor
A big collector current flows through the
relay switch and activates the circuit of the
door motor. / Arus penggumpul mengalir
melalui suis geganti dan hidupkan litar
motor pintu.

14. SPM 2005 (c) Short half-life so it is safe

(a) Aras meningkat / lebih julat Separuh hayat pendek, ia lebih selamat
Sinar radiasi dihalang (d) 1 → ½ → ¼ → 1/8
The level was exceed / over the range 3 x 12 hours = 36 hours
The radiation rays was blocked
(b) Aras kurang julat 3. SPM 2011
Sinar boleh tembusi botol (a) Time taken for radioactive substance to decay
The level is below the range to half of its original mass/activity
The radiation can pass through the bottle Masa diambil untuk bahan radioaktif mereput
(c) OR gate / Get ATAU menjadi separuh daripada jisim /aktiviti asal
(d) Truth table / jadual kebenaran (b) The unstable nucleus to become stable.
Nukleus tidak stabil menjadi lebih stabil
(c) (i) 32/8 = 4T1/2
200→100→50→25 →12.5 g
(ii) graf

(e) (i) Tolak jika lebih @ kurang julat @ input S1

DAN S2 1 ATAU 0/
Reject when exceed / less / outside the
acceptable range or input S1 AND S2 is 1
OR 0
(ii) Terima dalam julat atau bila input S1 ialah 1
4. SPM 2012
dan input S2 ialah 0/ Accept when within
(a) Alpha decay / pereputan alfa
the acceptable range or when input S1 is 1
(b) Unstable nucleus / nucleus yang tidak stabil
and input S2 is 0
(c) (i) 226.025 – [222.018 + 4.003] = 0.004 u
= 0.004 x 1.66 x 10-27 = 6.64 x 10-30 kg
(ii) E = mc2
= (0.004 x 1.66 x 10-27) x (3 x 108)2
= 5.976 x 10-13 J

5. SPM 2016 8. SPM 2019

(a) Unstable isotope / isotop yang tidak stabil (a) Neutral / no charge / high energy / high
(b) High ionizing power / kuasa pengionan tinggi penetrating power / electromagnetic wave
(c) (i) half life / separuh hayat = 20 s Tiada cas / tenaga tinggi / kuasa penembusan
tinggi / gelombang electromagnet
(b) (i) Background reading // Bacaan latar
belakang / Background radiation / cosmic
rays Sinar latarbelakang // Sinar semulajadi
/ sinar kosmik
(ii) 1 → ½ → ¼ → 1/8 // 3T1/2 // 18
T1/2 = 6 hours
(c) A = 24 Z = 12

9. SPM 2005
(a) (i) graph

(d) 100 → 50 → 25 → 12.5 → 6.25


6. SPM 2017
(a) Elektron berhalaju tinggi/
High speed electron
(b) Sinar kosmik/ cosmic ray
(c) (i) Decreases / berkurang
(ii) Zarah beta tidak boleh menembusi (ii) Half life / separuh hayat = 7 days
aluminium/ beta particles cannot penetrate (iii) 1600 → 800 → 400 → 200 → 100 → 50
aluminium foil 5T1/2 = 5 x 7 = 35 days
(d) 238 = 206 + 4x (b) (i) nucleon
x=8 (ii) Rn-86 He-4
92 = 82 + 2x - y (iii) E = mc2 = (8.6818 x 10-30)(3 x 108)2
92 = 82 + 16 – y E = 7.8 x 10-12 J
10. SPM 2007
7. SPM 2014 (a) (i) Long half life / separuh hayat panjang
(a) (i) 4 Long lasting / tahan lama
(ii) 4 (ii) Beta
(b) (i) 2 Medium penetrating power / less harmfull /
(ii) 2 kuasa penembusan sederhana / kurang
(c) ….alpha …..4…..2 bahaya
(d) (i) paths (iii) Solid / Pepejal
Easy to handle / Senang diurus
(b) Strontium 90
(c) (i) decreases / berkurang
(ii) Roller will press the thick cardboard
penggelek akan menekan kadbod
(d) 100% → 50% → 25% → 12.5% → 6.25%
4T1/2 = 4 x 5.27 = 21.08 years.

(ii) Alpha particle is positively charged 11. SPM 2015

Zarah alfa bercas positif. (a) A heavy nucleus is split into two lighter nucleus
Nukleus berat dipisahkan kepada dua nukleus
(b) Unstabel nucleus / Nukleus yang tidak stabil
(c) (i) 3
(ii) E = mc2 = 0.18606 x 1.66 x 10-27 x (3 x 108)2
= 2.78 x 10-11 J

12. SPM 2013 yang akhir akan bergerak dengan kelajuan

(a) (i) No of proton + no of neutron / no proton + yang sama dengan bola pertama.
no neutron
(ii) 3 Question 4
(b) Nuclear fusion / Pelakuran nuklues • Hidrogen and oksigen mix // hidgrogen dan
(c) (i) before = 2 x 2.01410 = 4.0282 oksigen dicampurkan
after = 3.01603 + 1.00867 = 4.0247 • The mixture explodes//Campuran itu meletup
Mass defect = 4.0282 – 4.0247 = 0.0035 • The hot gasses moved out the rocket nozzle
(ii) E = 0.0035 x 1.6 x 10-27 x (3 x 108)2 at high velocity // gas panas berhalaju tinggi
= 5.229 x 10-13 J dikeluarkan dari muncung roket
• Momentum upward (rocket) = momentum
downward (hot gases) // momentum ke atas
(roket) = momentum ke bawah (gas panas)


BAB 2: DAYA & GERAKAN M1 – (hand) fast // (tangan gerak laju
M2 – stop quickly / time short // berhenti cepat /
Skill 1: Understanding masa pendek
Kemahiran 1: Kefahaman M3 – change in momentum / high impulsive force
// daya impuls tinggi
Question 1 M4 – Force inversely proportional to time // daya
• 0 – 3 h : constant velocity / Halaju seragam / impuls berkadar songsang dengan masa
• 3 – 5 h : at rest / pegun impak
• 5 – 8 h : constant velocity in opposite
direction / Halaju seragam pada arah Question 6
bertentangan • The propeller absorb air // Kipas sedut udara
• Total displacement :120 + (-120) = 0 • The air is compressed in the combustion
• jumlah sesaran: 120 + (-120) = 0 chamber until high temperature // Udara
dimampatkan dalam kebuk pembakaran
Question 2 sehingga suhu tinggi
➢ momentum bergantung kepada jisim dan • The fuel is injected into the combustion
halaju momentum = jisim x halaju / inersia chamber and explodes. // Kerosin
bergantung pada jisim / Inertia depends on dipancutkan dan berlaku letupan dalam kebuk
mass pembakaran
➢ momentum tinggi, susah kawal lori / banyak • The gas exhaust produced is released at high
kerosakan bila berlanggar // High momentum, speed through the nozzel and produces high
difficult to control the lorry // more damage momentum backward. // Gas ekzos berhalaju
done tinggi dilepaskan melalui nozel dan hasilkan
➢ susah berhentikan lori / Difficult to stop momentum tinggi.
➢ momentum = mass x velocity / momentum = • An equal forward momentum is produced to
jisim x halaju push the plane // Momentum ke depan yang
sama dihasilkan; tolak kapalterbang.
Question 3
• When ball A is pulled and let to fall, it strikes Question 7
the ball B at rest and it stop. // apabila bola A (a) a change in momentum // perubahan
ditarik dan dilepaskan, ia hentam bola B yang momentum
pegun dan ia berhenti. (b) Time of contact // Masa sentuhan bertambah
• The momentum of the ball is zero as its Ft increase // Ft bertambah
velocity is zero. // Momentum bola sifar bila Ft = mv – mu increase // Ft = mv – mu
halajunya 0. bertambah
• The energy and momentum from the first ball Speed increase / go further / accelerate // laju
is transferred to the second ball and then bertambah / pergi lebih jauh / memecut
transmitted through the balls at rest to the
ball on the other end. // Tenaga dan Question 8
momentum bola pertama dipindahkan ke bola • Front bumper long and made from material
kedua dan dipindahkan melalui bola lain yang easy to crumple // bumper depan panjang dan
pegun ke bolah di hujung. dibuat dari bahan mudah remuk
• Momentum and energy is maintained in this • Prolong the time of impact to reduce
system. So the last ball will move at the same impulsive force // memanjangkan masa impak
velocity as the first ball. // Momentum dan untuk mengurangkan daya impuls
tenaga kekal sama dalam sistem. Maka bola

• Air bag released automatically on impact // • When the force is applied, the distance
beg udara dibuka automatic bila berlaku between atoms decreases. // Apabila daya
impak dikenakan, jarak antara atom berkurang.
• Reduced impulsive force exerted on the • The repulsive force is acted on the atoms. //
driver //mengurangkan daya impuls Daya tolakan bertindak ke atas atom.
• When the applied force is removed, repulsive
force pushes the atoms back to original
Question 9 position. // Apabila daya dikenakan
Constant velocity // Halaju seragam dikeluarkan, daya tolakan menolaka atom
• Engine thrust = drag // tujahan enjin = seretan balik ke kedudukan asal.
• Resultant force = 0 // daya paduan = 0
Acceleration // Pecutan Question 13
• Engine thrust > drag // tujahan enjin > seretan • Wc > frictional force // Wc > daya geseran
• Resultant is not equal zero / F = ma // Daya • unbalanced force or Resultant force acting //
paduan bukan sifar / F = ma daya tidak seimbang // ada daya paduan
• Wc = frictional force // daya geseran
• Resultant force is zero / force in equilibrium //
Question 10 daya paduan sifar / daya seimbang
• PQ: Accelerate / increase in velocity memecut
/ Halaju bertambah
• Resultant force not zero / unbalanced force /
F ≠ 0 / daya paduan bukan sifar / daya tak
• QR / 20 – 40 saat / selepas Q : constant
velocity / uniform velocity / zero acceleration /
a = 0 / Halaju malar / halaju seragam / pecutan
sifar / daya paduan = 0 / daya seimbang
• Resultant force = 0 / balanced force

Question 11

Question 14
• Thrust > Drag // Tujah > Seretan
• Force not in equilibrium / a α F // Resultant force
// Daya paduan // unbalanced force / F ǂ 0
• Weight, W = Lifting force /Berat = Daya angkat
• Method (b) by pushing / kaedah menolak • Resultant force = 0 // Net force = 0 // Daya bersih
• FY upward // Komponen FY ke atas, = 0 // No net force / Balance force / force in
• Resultant force downward smaller / W - FY equilibrium / Daya seimbang
// daya paduan ke bawah lebih kecil / W - FY
Question 15
1. Place the pile driver at a certain height //
Letakkan cerucuk pada satu ketinggian.
2. Release the steel pile onto the pile driver //
Lepaskan pelantak keluli ke atas cerucuk
3. Causes an impact on the pile driver in a short
time. // Sebabkan satu impak ke atas cerucuk
dalam masa yang singkat
4. Produces high impulsive force on the pile
driver. // Hasilkan satu daya impuls yang
besar ke atas cerucuk.
Question 12
• The forces between atom are attractive force Question 16
and repulsive force // daya antara atom adalah (i) M1 The driver and the car move together with
daya tarikan dan daya tolakan same velocity. // Pemandu dan kereta
bergerak dengan halaju yang sama.

M2 When the car stops suddenly, the inertia (iii) s = ut + ½ at2

of the driver maintains the forward 0(10) + ½ (10)(10)2 = 500 m
motion. // Apabila kereta berhenti secara
tiba-tiba, inersia pemandu ingin kekalkan Question 7
gerakan ke depan. (i) a = 1 x 106 = 2.5 ms-2
(ii) M3: Wearing a seat belt // Pakai tali pinggang 4 x 105
(ii) u = 0 a = 2.5 v = 85
v2 = u2 + 2as
M4: Restrains the body of the driver from
852 = 0 + 2(2.5)s
being thrown forward. // Halang pemandu s = 1445 m
daripada terhumban ke depan.
Question 8
Skill 2: Calculation (a) Gravitational potential energy // tenaga
Kemahiran 2: Pengiraan keupayaan graviti
(b) (i) gravitational potential energy to kinetic
Question 1 energy // tenaga keupayaan graviti ke
(a) v = 45 x 1000 = 12.5 m/s tenaga kinetic.
36000 (ii) mgh = ½ mv2
v = u + at = 12.5 = 0 + a (10) (70)(10)(50) = ½ mv2
a = 1.25 ms-2 35000 = ½ (70)v2
(b) F = ma = 1 800 x 1.25 = 2 250 N v2 = 3500 x 2
Question 2 v = 100 ms-2
(200 – 100) = 10 ms-1
24 - 14 Question 9
(a) Gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy
// tenaga keupayaan graviti ke tenaga kinetik.
Question 3 (b) mgh = 60 x 10 x 9 = 5400 J
(i) (c) ½ mv2 = 5 400
v = 13.42 m/s

Question 10
(i) Hooke’s Law // Hukum Hooke
(ii) F = kx
(ii) momentum backward: (100)(200) = - 20000 kg ms-1 mg = kx
(iii) momentum forward = 20,000 kg ms-1 k = mg/x = 10/2 = 5 Ncm-1

Question 11
Question 4 (i) x = 5 cm
(a) 300 N (ii) 2.5 + 5 + 10 + 10 = 27.5 cm
(b) s-t graph // graf s-t
Question 12
(i) W = mg = 50 x 10 = 500 N
(ii) mgh = ½mv2
v2 = 2 x 10 x 20 = 400
v = 20 m/s
(iii) F = mv – mu = 50(0 – 20) = 2000 N
t 0.5
(c) (i) 350 – 300 = 50 N
(ii) a = F/m = 50/50 = 1 m s-2 Question 13
(i) 400 sin 30⁰ = 200 N
(ii) 200 – 120 = 80 N
Question 5 (iii) F = ma
t = 400 x 10-3 s / 0.4 s a = 80 / 40
Impulse = Ft = 450 x 0.4 = 180 Ns = 2 ms-2
Question 6
(i) 360 x 103 = 100 m/s
(ii) (100 – 0) = 10 ms-2

Skill 3: Solving Qualitative Problem Strong boat / strong Not broken // Tidak
Kemahiran 3: Selesaikan masalah Kualitatif material / / bot kuat // patah // strong /
bahan kuat // bot kalis waterproof / tidak bocor
Question 1: air // waterproof boat / / tidak pecah / kuat /
Torpedo shape / Reduce air friction /fiberglass bot // karbon light / ringan / lasting /
aerodynamic // Bentuk Kurangkan rintangan composit bot // tahan lama / avoid
torpedo / aerodinamik udara Aluminium bot // leakage
Heat resistance material Prevent heat from
Bahan kalis haba entering the capsule Quesstion 4
Elak haba masuk ke Small mass / Jisim Faster / lighter /
dalam kapsul kecil accelerate / high
Use parachute // guna Reduce the speed // velocity //Halaju tinggi /
parachute kurangkan laju ringan / pecutan
Land on water Reduce impulsive force Sharp / aerodynamics / Reduce air resistance
Mendarat di atas air kurangkan daya impuls Tajam / aerodinamik Kurang rintangan udara
Strong material Not easily breakable or High elasticity Large elastic potential
Bahan yang kuat dented // tidak mudah Kekenyalan tinggi energy / high velocity /
pecah atau kemek move further / easy to
High melting point Withstand the extreme bend/ Tenaga
Takat lebur tinggi temperature of prevent keupayaan Kenyal tinggi
melting // Tahan suhu / laju tinggi / gerak jauh /
tinggi // elak melebur mudah lentur
Strong bow Does not break easily /
Question 2 Busar kuat can withstand force
Tight attire / light attire Less air resistance / Tidak mudah patah /
Pakaian ketat / pakaian small mass tahan daya tinggi
ringan Kurang rintangan udara Above / higher / Gravitational force / g /
/ jisim kecil parabolic // Lebih tinggi weight // Daya tarikan
Spike shoes Increase grip / prevent / atas / parabolik gravity / g / berat
Kasut spike from skidding
Tambah cengkaman /
elak tergelincir Question 5
Increase speed / Increases kinetic energy Shape of the shuttle – reduce air resistance //
accelerate / momentum conical shape /oval
Tambah laju / pecutan Tambah tenaga kinetik / aerodynamic
momentum Material used for shuttle
Light// high velocity/
Elastic / flexible poles Bend easily / high – feather / small mass/ acceleration //further
Galah kenyal elastic potential energy / low density distance
mudah melentur / travelled//reduce inertia
tenaga keupayaan // smaller mass
kenyal tinggi Material used for base Light// high velocity/
Strong pole Does not break easily of the shuttle – cork/ acceleration //further
Galah yang kuat Tidak mudah patah small mass/ low density distance
Thick mattress Low impulsive force travelled//reduce inertia
Tilam tebal Daya impuls rendah // smaller mass
Material used for the Not easily broken
string of the racquet – //withstand high force
Question 3 strong/ low elasticity
Streamline / larus less water resistance / High tension Short time impact// high
rintangan air kurang impulsive force
low density / Light /ringan
ketumpatan rendah
high power / kuasa high force / high thrust
tinggi /accelerate more // daya
tinggi /pecutan lebih
Big propeller // kipas large force // daya besar
besar // high acceleration //
bigger thrust / high
energy / large change of

Skill 4: Making Decisions Angle between handle Force exert to ground

Kemahiran 4: Membuat keputusan is large / sudut antara bigger / daya dikenakan
pemegang besar ke bawah besar
Question 1 FY = F sin θ, θ big, sin θ
Low density of material Light, smaller mass, big, so FY big
Bahan ketumpatan small inertia
rendah Ringan, jisim kecil, Question 4
inersia kecil ABS brake The lorry can be
Aerodynamic Reduce air resistance stopped immediately
Kurang rintangan udara and does not skid / lori
Superconductor Zero resistance / no boleh diberhentikan
superkonduktor energy loss serta merta tanpa
Rintangan sifar / tiada tergelincir
tenaga hilang Two tyres / 2 tayar increase stability / lower
8 short coaches Reduce the effect of pressure acts so less
8 gerabak pendek inertia / can easily make damage on road/ better
a turn at the sharp end grip / tambah stabil /
Kurang kesan inersia / tekanan rendah ke atas
mudah membelok jalan, jalan kurang rosak
L : Low density material, aerodynamic, / lebih cengkaman
superconductor, 8 short coaches 5 small tanks to reduce the effect of
Bahan ketumpatan rendah, aerodynamic, 5 tangki kecil inertia // kurangkan
superkonduktor, 8 gerabak pendek kesan inersia
Further distance Prevents collision
Question 2 between the trailer and between the trailer and
Air intake big opening// Sucked more air the tractor the tractor/ reduce
udara masuk melalui banyak udara disedut Jarak antara kepasla (forward) momentum /
bukaan besar lori dan treler jauh elak perlanggaran
Titanium blade// bilah Low density / lighter / antara kepala lori
titanium strong / not rusty/ dengan treler / kurang
ketumpatan rendah / momentum ke depan
ringan/kuat/tidak R: Because it has an ABS brake system, two
berkarat/ tyres, 5 small tanks and a longer distance
Big combustion Burns more fuel/more between the trailer and the tractor.
chamber combustions/ high Ada brek ABS, 2 tayar, 5 tangki kecil, jarak
kebuk pembakaran exhaust gas/ lebih antara kepala lori dan treler jauh
besar bahan api terbakar / gas
ekzos lebih besar/ Question 5
banyak pembakaran θ high / tinggi Smaller tension
Exhaust gas through High velocity// udara /tegangan kecil
small opening// gas masuk melalui bukaan High maximum tension / Strong / support more
ekzos keluar melalui besar Tegangan maksima weight/ kuat / sokong
bukaan kecil tinggi berat lebih
S: Air intake big opening, titanium blad, Big Steel // keluli Strong / not rust / long
combustion chamber and exhaust gas through lasting / kuat / tidak
small opening/ bukaan udara besar, bilah berkarat / tahan lama
titanium, kebuk pembakaran besar, gas ekzos Low rate of oxidation / Not rust / long lasting /
melalui bukaan kecil kadar pengoksidaan tidak berkarat / tahan
rendah lama
Question 3 R: high θ, high R: θ tinggi, tegangan
Push // tolak Bigger force / daya maximum tension, steel maksima tinggi, keluli
besar // FY downward / and low rate of dan kadar pengoksidaan
FY ke bawah oxidation rendah
Large mass Total Down force bigger
Jisim besar FY + W / More stable
Daya ke bawah besar /
Size of cutter is large Cut more grass/ efficient
Pisau besar / faster // Potong lebih
banyak rumput


BAB 3: DAYA & TEKANAN • Shape / bentuk: aerofoil
• Air faster (at) top // udara laju di atas
Skill 1: Understanding / Kefahaman • Small pressure (at) upper // tekanan rendah di
Question 1 • difference in pressure // perbezaan tekanan //
(i) Draw the path of the water P2 – P1
• Lift / force // daya angkat // F = PA // F // PA
• Bernoulli’s principle // prinsip Bernoulli

Question 6
• Buoyant increases when the volume of the
immersed wooden block increases // Daya
apung bertambah apabila isipadu blok kayu
yang terendam dalam air bertambah
• buoyant force is larger than the weight when
(ii) Distance increase // jarak tambah
the wooden block is moving upwards. // daya
density large // ketumpatan tinggi
apung bergerak lebih besar daripada berat
Pressure directly proportional to density
apabila bongkah kayu bergerak ke atas
//high pressure / P = ρgh // tekanan berkadar
• Buoyant force equals to weight of the wooden
terus dengan ketumpatan // tekanan tinggi
block when it is floating on the surface of
water // daya apung sama dengan berat
Question 2
bongkah kayu terapung atas permukaan air.
• fan sucks air out // kipas sedut udara keluar
• low pressure in the vacuum cleaner // tekanan
rendah di dalam pembersih vakum Question 7
• difference in pressure / atmospheric pressure • The gas from the gas tank flow in the bunsen
outside is high // perbezaan tekanan / tekanan burner // gas dari tangki gas mengalir ke
atmosfera di luar tinggi penunu Bunsen
• force push the dust inside the vacuum • At the nozzle, the velocity of gas flows is very
cleaner // daya tolak habuk ke dalam high. // Halaju gas laju di muncung
pembersih vakum
• A region of low pressure is produced at the
nozzle. //Kawasan bertekanan rendah
Question 3
dihasilkan di muncung.
M1 – force produce pressure / P=F/A // daya
• Difference in pressure / Air is sucked in k
hasilkan tekanan
terdapat perbezaan tekanan / udara disedut
M2 – pressure transmitted equally to A2 /equal /
P1= P2 // tekanan dipindahkan secara
seragam ke A2 • The mixture of gas and air producing
M3 – pressure act on A2 / pressure produce force / complete combustion of gas // campuran gas
tekanan hasilkan daya output / F2 = PA2 dan udara hasilkan pembakaran lengkap
M4 – A2 > A1 / ratio A2:A1 / A2 greater / ratio A2:A1
Daya output berkadar terus dengan luas Question 8
permukaan • Density of gas low// ketumpatan gas rendah
• Weight balloon low / lighter // berat belon
Question 4 • Buoyant force = volume of air displaced x
• The submarine has a ballast tank // kapal density of air x gravitational acceleration / F =
selam ada tangki ballast ρvg /buoyant force is directly proportional to
• Water is filled in the ballast tank to increase density of air displaced / buoyant force =
the weight of the submarine // air diisi ke weight of air displaced// daya apung = berat
dalam tangki ballast untuk menambahkan udara disesarkan // daya apung = (isipadu
berat kapal selam udara disesarkan) x (ketumpatan udara) x
• The submarine sinks into the water when its pecutan gravity / daya apung berkadar terus
weight is larger than the buoyant force // dengan ketumpatan udara disesarkan
kapal selam tenggelam kerana berat lebih • Buoyant force > weight of balloon // daya
besar dari daya apungan apung > jumlah berat belon

Question 9 Question 6
M1 Press the dropper / tekan penitis (i) F = ρVg = (1020)(5)(10) = 51 000 N
M2 Air inside the dropper is forced out / udara di (ii) Buoyant force = total weight
dalam penitis dipaksa keluar 51 000 = 15 000 + W
M3 Pressure inside decrease / tekanan di dalam W = 51 000 – 15 000 = 36 000 N
M4 Release the dropper/lepaskan penitis Question 7
M5 Atmospheric pressure push the liquid // (i) 3.6 x 105 x 10 = 3.6 x 106 N
difference in pressure / tekanan atmosfera (ii) Resultant force = 0 (constant velocity)
menolak cecair // terdapat perbezaan tekanan W = Lift force = 3.6 x 106 N
(iii) √1 3.6 x 106 = P1A – P2A
√2 Pressure difference = (3.6 x 106/460)
Question 10 √3 = 7826.09 Pa
1. The pressure at lowest point in cylinder (point
A) is greater than the atmospheric pressure, //
Tekanan di titik paling bawah silinder (titik A) SKILL 3: SOLVING QUALITATIVE PROBLEMS
lebih besar daripada tekanan atmosfera.
2. The liquid flows out at lowest point in Question 1
cylinder/at the end of rubber tube in cylinder.//
Smooth /licin Reduce water resistance /
Cecair mengalir kelauar pada hujung tiub
kurang rintangan air
getah (titik A).
3. The pressure in the rubber tube decreases as Stream line // Reduce water resistance //
the water flows out and a partial vacuum is bentuk larus kurang rintangan air
created.// Tekanan di dalam tiub getah Low density slides faster // increase the
berkurang kerana air telah mengalir keluar dan material // bahan speed // bergerak lebih laju
separa vakum dihasilkan. ketumpatan rendah / laju bertambah
4. The higher atmospheric pressure at point B
Strong material / Not easy to break // tidak
pushes the water into the tube.The water flows
bahan kuat mudah pecah
until the liquid surface in cylinder reaches the
same level as in beaker. // Tekanan atmosfera Carbon composite Not easy to break / easy to
yang lebih besar di titik B menolak air masuk boat / fiber glass / float // strong // tidak
ke dalam tiub. Air mengalir sehingga wood // bot mudah pecah / mudah
komposit karbon / terapung // kuat
permukaan air dalam silinder sama aras
bot gentian kaca /
dengan di dalam bikar. bot kayu

SKILL 2: CALCULATION Sail: Water proof // to avoid the sail absorbs

KEMAHIRAN 2: PENGIRAAN strong // nylon // water // avoid sail become
tough // canvas // heavier // sail lighter // not
Question 1 layar: kalis air / easy to tear off// //small
P = 1000 X 10 X 3 = 30 000 Pa kuat / nilon/ kanvas load // elak layar serap air /
elak layar tambah berat //
Question 2 layar ringan // tidak mudah
(i) 76 cm Hg koyak // beban kecil.
(ii) P = ƿgh = 13600 x 10 x 0.76 = 1.034 x 105 Pa
Wide // big // large // trap more wind // bigger
Question 3 lebar / besar force // perangkap lebih
(i) P = 50/2 = 25 Ncm-2 banyak angin // daya lebih
(ii) F = PA = 25 x 6 = 150 N besar

Question 4
(i) 15/2.82 x 10-4 = 53,191.5 Pa Question 2
(ii) F = PA = 53,191.5 x 1.13 x 10-3 = 60.11 N Type of fluid: oil Cannot be
Jenis cecair: minyak compressed / no air
Question 5 bubble / tidak boleh
(i) FB = Wobjek = mg = (0.05)(10) = 0.5 N dimampatkan / tiada
(ii) increases because the density of petrol is gelumbung udara
lower than the water. // bertambah kerana High boiling point Does not change to
ketumpatan petrol kurang daripada air. Takat didih tinggi gasses state
Tidak bertukar ke gas

Low density fluid Lighter Small diameter of Lower pressure / high

Cecair ketumpatan ringan the wand // diameter velocity // laju tinggi /
rendah rod pemegang kecil tekanan rendah
Size of master piston To produce high
small // Saiz piston pressure / small input Question 5
pertama kecil force // Tekanan tinggi Longer stem / Wide range // sensitive //
/ daya input kecil batang stem small scale division // julat
Size of slave piston To produce big output panjang besar / peka / skala kecil
big // Saiz piston force / force directly Hydrometer Avoid corrosion / Elak
kedua besar proportional to area / Plastic // glass hakisan
daya output besar Narrow stem // increase sensitivity / detect
Daya berkadar terus batang stem small change // lebih peka /
dengan luas sempit dapat kesan perubahan
Material fluid Strong / does not kecil
transmission: break easily / prevent Big bulb / bebuli Big Bouyant force / more
aluminium / steel / leakage / kuat / tidak besar weight of water displaced /
keluli mudah pecah / tidak daya apungan besar / lebih
bocor banyak berat air disesarkan
More number of Stable // balance / float
Question 3 lead shorts / vertical // Stabil / terapung
Streamline shape // Reduce water banyak bebuli tegak / seimbang
bentuk larus resistance // kurang plumbum
rintangan air
Low density material // Can float easily //
bahan ketumpatan boleh terapung Question 6
rendah dengan mudah Gas Helium / Low density / light/
Bigger size Can accommodate hidrogen ketumpatan rendah /
Saiz bsar more participants // ringan
boleh muat ramai Low density gas / Light // ringan
peserta light/ gas
A few layers / banyak Displaced more water ketumpatan
lapisan / higher buoyant force rendah / ringan
/ sesar lebih banyak Elastic material / Withstand pressure/ not
air // daya apung strong material / burst/ lasting/ durable /
besar bahan kenyal / tahan lama / tahan lasak /
Attach plastic bottle, To increases buoyant kuat tidak bocor
drum/ polisterene // force Low density Light / ringan
Attach sail / paddle/ Increase speed material / Bahan
fan / motor / ketumpatan
Water proof Gas not loss / gas tidak
Question 4 material / air proof hilang // elak resapan
Low density ringan // Lighter / bahan kalis air /
material / bahan kalis udara
ketumpatan rendah nylon elastic/light/ strong kenyal
Strong material / Not easily break // tidak / ringan / kuat
bahan kuat / plastic mudah pecah Large size / saiz Large air displaced/large
flexible Hose Easy to adjust / Twist/ besar buoyant force / sesar
hose kekenyalan moveable // mudah banyak udara / daya
tinggi bergerak / apungan besar
Strong hose / hos Does not tear / tidak
kuat mudah koyak
Bigger fan / kipas More air can be sucked /
besar lower pressure inside /
sedut banyak udara
keluar / tekanan rendah
di dalam
Wider floor nozel More dust is sucked
Nozle lantai yang Boleh sedut banyak
luas habuk


KEMAHIRAN 4: MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN The cross sectional To produce high
area of master piston: pressure //high
Question 1 Small // Luas keratan pressure // Tekanan
incompressible / tidak fluid can transfer / rentas omboh induk tinggi //daya kecil
boleh dimampatkan flow / pressure kecil
transmitted / obey The cross sectional Large output force //
Pascal Principle / area of slave piston: Daya output besar
cecair boleh Big // Luas keratan
dipindahkan / tekanan rentas omboh kedua
dipindahkan besar
high boiling point / not change to vapour / material for fluid strong //not rust
takat didih tinggi not easy to evaporate transmission pipe: //tidak karat // tidak
/ boil / tidak mudah steel / bahan untuk bocor //tidak patah
bertukar ke gas / tidak paip penghantaran //withstand high
mudah menyejat / cecair : keluli pressure //tahan
didih tekanan tinggi
high spring constant / can withstand force / High boiling point does not vaporise
pemalar spring tinggi return quickly / boleh // takat didih tinggi //tidak meruap
tahan daya / mudah //tidak kering //not dry
kembali //prevent boiling //
1:5 / low ratio / nisbah larger force / easy to elak mendidih
kecil stop / daya tinggi / Q : small cross sectional area of master piston,
mudah berhenti big cross sectional area of slave piston, steel,
L : because it is incompressible, has high high boiling point.
boiling point, high spring constant and low
ratio (1:5) // sebab tidak boleh dimampatkan,
takat didih tinggi, pemalar spring tinggi dan CHAPTER 4: HEAT
nisbah kecil (1:5) BAB 4: HABA

Skill 1: Understanding / Kefahaman

Question 2
Big squeeze bulb / contain more air, Question 1
bola pemicit besar produce greater • Put thermometer under the tongue/ armpit //
pressure / banyak Termometer diletak di bawah lidah / ketiak
udara / tekanan tinggi • Heat flows / transfers from the patient’s body
Elastic squeeze bulb / Less compression to the thermometer // Haba mengalir dari
bola pemicit kenyal force required // easy badan pesakit ke thermometer
to return to original • Until thermal equilibrium is achieved //
shape / kurang daya Sehingga mencapai keseimbangan terma
mampatan diperlukan • The temperature of thermometer equal
// mudah kembali ke temperature of the patient’s body. // Suhu
bentuk asal thermometer sama dengan suhu badan
narrower diameter of Air travel faster to pesakit.
mid tube / diameter create lower pressure
lebih sempit di tiub // udara gerak laju
tengah untuk hasilkan Question 2
Kawasan tekanan ➢ Heat flows from hot water to thermometer. //
rendah. Haba mengalir daripada air panas ke
narrow nozzle / Liquid carried out thermometer
muncung yang from the nozzle in a ➢ Until it achieve thermal equilibrium. //
sempit tiny droplets // large Sehingga ia mencapai keseimbangan terma.
coverage // increase ➢ Temperature of water is the same as
coverage / area / temperature shown by thermometer // Suhu
liputan luas / Kawasan air sama dengan suhu yang ditunjukkan oleh
liputan luas / thermometer.
R : Big size of squeeze-bulb, elastic squeeze- ➢ No net heat flows.// Tiada haba bersih
bulb, narrower shape of the tube at the middle mengalir
and small size of nozzle // Bola pemicit besar,
bola pemicit kenyal, diameter lebih sempit di
tiub tengah, muncung yang sempit.

Question 3 3. Rate of change of momentum increases. //

➢ Sweat is being evaporated// Peluh menyejat Kadar perubahan momentum bertambah
➢ Specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 4. Force exerted per unit area increase, so the air
absorbed from the body. // Haba pendam
pressure increases. // Daya dikenakan per uni
tentu pengewapan diserap dari badan
➢ Air movement velocity increases under a fan luat bertambah, oleh itu tekanan udara
// Halaju Gerakan udara bertambah di bawah bertambah.
➢ Evaporation rate increases and the body
temperature decreases.// Kadar penyejatan Question 8
bertambah dan suhu badan berkurang. 1. When temperature increases, the average
kinetic energy increases // Apabila suhu
bertambah, tenaga kinetik purata bertambah.
Question 4 2. Rate of collision between the air molecules
➢ Land has lower specific heat capacity. Darat and wall of the ball also increases. // Kadar
mempunyai muatan haba tentu rendah.
perlanggaran antara molekul udara dengan
➢ Land get hot faster than sea water. Darat lebih
cepat panas dari air laut. dinding bola juga bertambah.
➢ Hot air above land rises up and produce low 3. But the pressure of the ball must be kept
pressure region. Udara panas di atas darat constant. Tetapi tekanan udara dalam bola
naik ke atas dan hasilkan kawasan tekanan perlu dimalarkan.
rendah. 4. So the ball expand to increase the volume of
➢ Cold air from the sea moves to the land. the gas. Oleh itu bola mengembang untuk
Udara sejuk dari laut bergerak ke darat.
meningkatkan isipadu udara.


• Ice melt // solid to liquid // fusion ais lebur // KEMAHIRAN 2: PENGIRAAN
pepejal ke cecair
• heat absorbed // heat flow to ice // ais serap Question 1
haba // haba dipindah/dibebas dari air // haba
dipindah ke ais 100 – 0 = 20 – 8 x = - 25 ⁰C
• kinetic energy decreases // tenaga kinetik 0–x 8–5 x = - 25 + 273 = 248 K
• temperature / ϴ decrease // suhu kurang Question 2

Question 6
• As the air bubble rises, the depth decreases //
gelumbung udara ke atas, kedalaman
• The pressure will decrease // tekanan
• Pressure directly proportional to depth //
tekanan berkadar terus dengan kedalaman Heat is transferred from the hot water to the
• When pressure decreases, the volume surrounding until thermal equilibrium is reached.
increases / P α 1/V/ apabila tekanan Haba dipindahkan dari air panas ke persekitaran.
berkurang, isipadu bertambah Sehingga capai keseimbangan terma.
• Boyle’s law / Hukum Boyle
(ii) Q = mcθ = (0.5)(4200)(90 – 30) = 1.26 x 105 J

Question 7
1. When temperature increases, the average Question 3
kinetic energy increases // Apabila suhu Heat released by M = heat absorbed by water
bertambah, tenaga kinetik purata bertambah. m1c1θ1 = m2c2θ2
2. Rate of collision between the air molecules (0.5)(800)(100 – T) = (0.2)(4200)(T – 30)
and wall of the tire also increases. // Kadar 40,000 – 400T = 850T – 25,200
1,250T = 65,000
perlanggaran antara molekul udara dengan
T = 52.16⁰C
dinding tayar juga bertambah.

Question 4 High boiling point of Not easy to boil / does

Q = Pt = mcθ liquid not change to gas
48 x 15 x 60 = 1 x c x (90 – 30) Takat didih cecair easily /tidak mudah
60c = 43,200 tinggi mendidih / tidak
c = 720 J kg-1 ⁰C-1 mudah bertukar
menjadi gas

Question 5 Question 2
Q = mL = (0.05)(2.3 x 106) = 1.15 x 105 J Many windows / Allow more air flow /
banyak tingkap air in / out /benarkan
udara mengalir / udara
Question 6 masuk / keluar
(i) To get the value of heat due to surrounding // Big windows / Allow heat to flow out
untuk mendapatkan nilai haba yang disebabkan tingkap besar / allow cold air move
oleh persekitaran in/ haba boleh alir
(ii) m = 112 – 12 = 100 g = 0.1 kg keluar / udara sejuk
(iii) L = Q/m = 50,000/0.1 = 500,000 J kg-1 boleh masuk
High specific heat takes a longer time to
capacity be hot / small raise in
Question 7 Muatan haba tentu temperature/ lambat
(a) Q = 0.5 x 4200 x (100 – 30) = 147 000 J besar panas / kenaikan suhu
(b) 500 x 60 = 2.4 x 106 Jkg-1 kecil
12.5 x 10-3 high specific heat takes a longer time to
capacity / nipa roof // be hot / insulator //
Question 8 shiny/ atap nipah / hot slow / weak
(i) Pt = mL = (100) (2.6 x 60) = 0.05L kilat / muatan haba conductor / reflector /
L = 3.12 x 105 J/kg tentu tinggi heat resistance /
(ii) 218 – 78 = 140 ⁰C time 4.8 – 3.6 = 1.2 minutes lambat panas /
Pt = mcθ pemantul haba /
100 x 1.2 x 60 = 0.05 x c x 140 konduktor lemah
c = 1 029 J kg-1 ⁰C-1 fan / air condition / air Air ventilation /
holes at the top of the reduce the heat // air
Question 9 house / ventilator / / in and out // reduce
(i) 10 m water heat insulator // // heat // reflector //
(ii) 10 + 60 = 70 m water bright @ white paint // remove hot air /
(iii) P1V1 = P2V2 tinted window/ kipas / produce cool air /
(10)(V1) = 70 (1) penghawa dingin / aliran udara / udara
V = 7 cm3 / 7 x 10-6 m3 lubang udara di masuk dan keluar /
bahagian atas rumah kurangkan haba //
SKILL 3: QUALITATIVE QUESTION // penebat haba / cat keluarkan udara
KEMAHIRAN 3: SOALAN KUALITATIF cerah @ putih panas / hasilkan udara
Question 1
Big fan / kipas besar Can suck more air to
the radiator/ Question 3
Boleh sedut banyak Material for cup: Reduce heat
udara ke radiator polystyrene, heat conduction // reduce
High number of fin Large surface area for insulator heat flow // reduce
blades more heat to release Bahan cawan: heat loss // trap heat //
Bilah sirip yang luas permukaan besar polistrin, penebat high specific heat
banyak supaya banyak haba haba capacity
dibebaskan // kurang konduksi
Material fin blades : Release heat easily / haba // haba
metal, copper bahan low specific heat terperangkap//
bilah sirip: capacity / bebas haba penebat haba //
logam,kuprum dengan mudah / muatan haba tentu
muatan haba tentu tinggi
rendah. High melting point difficult to melt
High specific heat Heats up slowly / Takat lebur tinggi susah / lebur
capacity of liquid absorbs more heat/ High specific heat Hot slow // lambat
muatan haba tentu lambat panas / serap capacity // muatan panas
cecair tinggi haba dengan banyak haba tentu tinggi

The colour of cup: Reflector // pemantul High boiling point Slow to turn into gas
White // putih // Takat didih tinggi Lambat menjadi gas
berkilat // shiny // High specific heat Heats up slowly /
silver // perak capacity store more heat
Material of lid: Prevent heat loss // Muatan haba tentu Lambat panas /
Plastic lid // poor heat reduce heat flow // tinggi simpan banyak haba
conductor lid / air- avoid leaking of heat // Big fan / kipas besar A lot of air can be
tight lid // penutup trapped heat / cegah sucked / sedut banyak
plastic // penutup haba hilang / kurang udara
seramik / kaca / kayu / alir haba //udara
kadbod / polisterine // panas terperangkap R : high specific heat capacity, high boiling
penutup kedap udara point, big fan, a large number of fin blades /
method Prevent heat loss // muatan haba tentu tinggi, takat didih tinggi,
Cover / wrapped with trapped heat // cegah kipas besar dan banyak bilah
cloth / tisu // tutup / hilang haba //
lilit / selubung dengan haba terperangkap
kain / tisu / felt / gabus Question 3
/ sebarang pembalut 1st : ketumpatan 2nd : ringan // lighter
// cawan berlapis // rendah // low density
dinding berlapis 3rd : Takat lebur tinggi 4th: tidak mudah lebur
// cawan dalam cawan High melting point bila letak makanan
// dinding beruang panas // not easily
vakum melted when put hot
5th: muatan haba tentu 6th : bekas tidak
SKILL 4: MAKING DECISIONS besar // High specific mudah panas //
KEMAHIRAN 4: MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN heat capacity container not easily
Question 1 7th : kekonduksian 8th : haba tidak mudah
Alkohol /alcohol Takat beku rendah/tidak haba rendah // low hilang dan makanan
beku pada -40⁰C thermal conductivity kekal panas // the heat
Low freezing point / not does not lost easily
freeze at -40 ⁰ and food remain hot
Bebuli kaca nipis Tingkatkan kepekaan 9th : R
Thin glass bulb Increase the sensitivity 10th : sebab ketumpatan rendah, takat lebur
tinggi, muatan haba tentu besar, kekonduksian
Diameter tiub Mudah mengesan haba rendah / because low density, high
kapilari kecil perubahan kecil suhu melting point, high specific heat capacity, low
The diameter of Easy to detect the thermal conductivity
the capillary tube temperature change /
is small alcohol can expand at a
high rate even though the Question 4
heat absorbed is small Hollow plastic stopper Can trapped air / bad
tebal dan Kuat, digunakan sebagai Penutup Plastik heat conductor
melengkung kanta pembesar berongga Boleh perangkap
Thick and curve Strong, can be used as udara / konduktor
magnifying glass haba lemah
T: Kerana guna alcohol, bebuli kaca nipis, Space X is vacuum Prevent heat lost
diameter tiub kapilari kecil dan dinding batang Ruang X ialah vakum Elak haba hilang
kaca tebal & melengkung made of glass High specific heat
Because use alcohol, thin glass bulb, small Dibuat daripada gelas capacity / heat slowly
diameter of capillary tube and thick and curved Muatan haba tentu
glass bore stem besar / lambat panas
coated by shiny paint Reflect heat from the
Disalut oleh cat wall of the thermos
Question 2 berkilat Pantul haba daripada
A large number of fin Releases heat faster / dinding termos
blades increases surface Choose W: hollow plastic stopper, vacuum,
Bilah yang banyak area / tambah luas glass, shiny paint // penutup plastic berongga,
permukaan / bebas vakum, gelas, cat berkilat
haba lebih cepat

Question 5
low density / Light / ringan
ketumpatan rendah
High stretch / Regang easy wear / does not
tinggi torn / mudah dipakai /
tidak koyak / flexible /
durable / tahan lasak
Thick // tebal prevent cold / Not torn
/ elak kesejukan /
tidak koyak / durable /
keep warm / reduce
heat loss / strong
Tight / ketat reduce resistance /
rintangan berkurang /
move easily / move
fast / mudah bergerak
/ bergerak cepat
Q because low density, hight stretch, thick and
tight // kerana ketumpatan rendah, regang
tinggi, tebal, ketat



Question 1

Question 2
➢ Light rays are reflected parallel // sinar cahaya
dipantulkan selari.
➢ Can see distant object // boleh lihat objek jauh

➢ Light rays are reflected downward / sinar

cahaya dipantulkan ke bawah
➢ Can see near object // boleh lihat objek dekat

Question 3
(i) Titik fokus, F/ Focal point, F
(ii) all parallel light converge to the focal point
after reflection // semua sinar selari
difokuskan ke titik focus selepas dipantulkan.

Question 4
• Concave mirror is used // cermin cekung
• u<f
• Reflection of light formed a virtual image //
pantulan cahaya berlaku membentuk imej maya
• v>u
• m = v/u > 1
• Height of image is bigger than height of
object // tinggi imej lebih besar daripada
tinggi objek.

Question 5

Question 9
1. The convex lens is aimed/focused to a distant
object (infinity) / Kanta cembung difokuskan
ke objek jauh (selari)
2. The screen is adjusted until a sharp image is
formed on the screen. // Skrin dilaras
sehingga imej tajam terbentuk di atas skrin.
3. The distance between the screen and the lens
is measured. Jarak antara skrin dan kanta
4. Focal length = distance between the screen
and the lens // panjang focus = jarak antara
Question 6 skrin dan kanta
(a) Total internal reflection / pantulan dalam penuh
(b) *Speed of light decreases // laju cahaya berkurang
*Light refracts towards normal line // cahaya Question 10
dibiaskan mendekati garis normal 1. equation regarding critical angle is n = 1/sin c //
(c) Light travels from a denser glass into a less persamaan berkaitan sudut genting, n = 1/sin c
dense glass // cahaya bergerak daripada kaca
2. Refractive index for diamond is larger than
berketumpatan tinggi ke kaca berketumpatan
rendah. glass (diamond is denser than glass) // Indeks
i>c biasan berlian lebih besar daripada kaca.
(berlian lebih tumpat dari kaca)
3. So the critical angle for diamond (24.6o ) is
Question 7 smaller than glass (48⁰) // Oleh itu sudut
✓ Parallel light ray from distant object / infinity // genting berlian (24⁰) lebih kecil daripada
sinar cahaya selari dari objek jauh / infinity gelas (48⁰)
✓ Light ray is focused after entering the lens // 4. The smaller the critical angle, the easier total
cahaya difokuskan selepas memasukki kanta internal reflection can occur // Lebih kecil
✓ Light ray / energy is focused in at focal point sudut genting, lebih mudah untuk pantulan
// cahaya / tenaga difokus di titik fokus.
dalam penuh berlaku
✓ Light energy changes to heat / tenaga cahaya
bertukar ke haba.. 5. So diamond is more sparkling than glass. //
Oleh itu berlian lebih bersinar daripada gelas

Question 8
M1: Prism 45⁰ - 90⁰ - 45⁰ SKILL 2: CALCULATION
M3: i > c
M4: High dense to low // ketumpatan tinggi ke rendah Question 1
M6: Total Internal Reflection // Pantulan dalam Penuh (i) n = 3 x 108 / 2.25 x 108 = 1.33
M7: Twice total internal reflection (in the same (ii) n = H/h
prism) Pantulan dalam penuh berlaku 2 kali H = 1.8 x 1.33 = 2.394 m
(dalam prisma yang sama)
Question 2
(i) P = 1/f = 1/0.06 = 16.67 D
(ii) 1/f = 1/u + 1/v
1/v = 1/6 – 1/9 = 9 – 6
v = 18 cm
(iii) m = 18/9 = h/2 = 4

Question 3
(i) Sin c = 1/n
Sin cglass = 1/1.5 cglass = 41.8⁰
Sin cdiamond = 1/2.42 cdiamond = 24.4⁰


Question 2
Convex lens / kanta converge/ focus / tumpu
Larger diameter / More Light can enter /
diameter besar banyak cahaya masuk
Long f / f panjang Big magnification
/pembesaran besar
m = fo/fe
Thin lens // kanta Big image // imej besar
KEMAHIRAN 3: MASALAH KUALITATIF Prisma 45⁰ - 90⁰ - 45⁰ Total internal reflection
can occur // pantulan
Question 1 dalam penuh boleh
(a) How to make a periscope // bagaimana berlaku
membina periskop: Aluminium / rubber Light / strong / low
• Guna kadboad / rajah // Use cardboard / /leather / low density/long lasting /
diagram density / plastic / Ringan / kuat
• Kotak ada 2 lubang supaya cahaya boleh getah / kulit / ketumpatan rendah /
masuk dan keluar dari periskop // The box has ketumpatan rendah tahan lama / tidak pecah
2 holes so light rays can enter and goes out / plastik
from periscope
• Letakkan 2 cermin pada buju mengadap
lubang // Put the 2 mirrors at the corner facing SKILL 4: MAKING DECISION
• Sudut cermin pada 45⁰. // Angle of the mirror
Question 1
is 45⁰.
Bundle of fine parallel Capable of carrying
optical fibre more information
Berkas gentian optic Boleh membawa
halus yang selari banyak maklumat
ni > no Total internal
reflection can occur
Pantulan dalam penuh
boleh berlaku
High flexibility Can follow curved
Kelenturan tinggi path / bend easily
Mudah bengkok / ikut
lintasan melengkung
The purity of inner Signals can travel
core is very high over a long distance
Ketulenan teras dalam without losing
sangat tinggi information
Isyarat boleh bergerak
pada jarak jauh tanpa
(b) (c) hilang maklumat
Imej berganda Sebahagian sinar tuju Choose R: bundle of fine parallel optical fibre,
Multiple images dibiaskan. ni > no, high flexibility and purity of inner core
Part of the incidence is very high / berkas gentian optik halus yang
rays are refracted selari, ni > no, kelenturan tinggi dan
Guna dua prisma Supaya pantulan ketulenan teras dalam sangat tinggi.
bersudut 45. dalam penuh berlaku
Use two 45 angle So total internal Question 2
prisms reflection can occur • Y ialah gabungan kanta cekung dan cembung
Guna kanta cembung Boleh besarkan imej. // Y is a combination of concave and convex
Use convex lens Can magnified the lens
image • Lihat objek jauh pada bahagian atas kanta
menggunakan kanta cekung // View far
objects at the upper part of the lens by using
concave lens
• Kanta cekung capahkan cahaya @ tambah
jarak antara imej untuk fokus ke retina / The

concave lens will diverge light or increase the Bigger diameter of More light can enter
distance of the image to focus it to the retina objective lens so get clearer image /
• Lihat objek dekat guna kanta cembung pada Kanta objektif besar lebih banyak cahaya
bahagian bawah. // View near objects by diameter masuk supaya imej
using convex lens at the lower part of the lens lebih jelas
• Kanta cembung capah cahaya dan kurang
jarak antara imej supaya fokus ke retina. /The
convex lens converge light to reduce the Question 4
distance of the image to focus it to the retina Convex mirror / Larger view of vision /
(ii) cermin cembung medan penglihatan yang
• X ialah kanta cembung dan hanya boleh luas
betulkan rabun dekat sahaja. // X is a convex Big diameter / more light / brighter image
lens and can correct the long sightedness diameter besar formed / banyak cahaya
only masuk / imej lebih cerah
• Z ialah kanta cekung dan hanya boleh High position / Wider coverage / no
betulkan rabun jauh sahaja. // Z is a concave kedudukan tinggi obstacle / liputan meluas /
lens and can correct the short sightedness tiada halangan
only Strong reflector good reflection / clear
/pemantul kuat image / sharp image / imej
tajam, imej jelas / pantulan
(iii) Guna indeks biasan tinggi. Lebih mudah baik
dibiaskan // Use the high refractive index. It is S: Because it is convex mirror, big diameter,
easily refracted. high position and strong reflector // cermin
cembung, diameter besar, kedudukan cermin
tinggi dan pemantul kuat
Question 3
• P is the objective lens and Q is eyepiece lens
P = kanta objektif Q = kanta mata
• The distance between the eyepiece and CHAPTER 6: WAVES
objective lens is 40 + 5 = 45 cm // Jarak antara BAB 6: GELOMBANG
kanta mata dan objektif: 40 + 5 = 45 cm
• The ray from a distant object is parallel // SKILL 1: UNDERSTANDING
Cahaya dari objek jauh adalah selari KEMAHIRAN 2: KEFAHAMAN
• The ray is focused on the focal point of
objective lens sinar difokus ke titik fokus Question 1
kanta objektif
• Final image: Virtual, inverse, larger // Imej
akhir: maya, terbalik, besar

Question 2
• The shape of the crest acts as conves lens
Puncak bertindak sebagai kanta cembung
(ii) • The crest converge the light rays to form the
Longer focal length of Bigger image / big bright line // Puncak menumpukan cahaya
objective lens / magnification fo/fe untuk membentuk garis cerah
Panjang fokus kanta imej lebih besar / • The shape of the trough acts as the concave
objektif lebih panjang pembesaran besar lens // Bentuk lembangan bertindak sebagai
fo/fe kanta cekung

• The trough diverge the light rays to form the • Destructive interference occurs at B //
dark line // Lembangan mencapahkan cahaya Interferens memusnah di B
untuk membentuk garis gelap

Question 6
1st : At night, the ground cools quickly
2nd : sound travels from cool air to hot air
3rd : speed of sound increases
4th : Sound waves refract away from normal
line (bend towards the observer)

Question 7
• The energy of the wave spread at the bay / the
Question 3 wave refracted towards the normal
• Drum vibrate / getarkan gendang • Calmer sea / small amplitude
• Air molecules vibrates / molekul udara [2 marks]
• Produce compression and rarefaction region Quesstion 8
hasilkan kawasan mampatan & regangan • High frequency sound waves (> 20 000 Hz) /
• The direction of vibration of air molecule is • The bat emits ultrasonic waves
parallel to the direction of propagation of • The wave is reflected by an obstacle
wave • The time between the emission and reception
arah getaran molekul udara selari dengan of the reflected is detected
arah perambatan bunyi • The longer the time, the further the obstacle,
• Energy is transferred / tenaga dipindahkan s = vt/2
• Eardrum vibrates / gegendang telinga
Question 9
• Air inside the cup vibrates // Udara dalam
cawan bergetar
Question 4 • Cup vibrates / sting vibrates // Cawan
• High pitch, high frequency / pitch directly bergetar / tali bergetar
propotional to frequency // kelangsingan • Energy transfer / propagates (due to the
tinggi, frekuensi tinggi // kelangsingan string vibration) // Tenaga dipindahkan /
berkadar terus dengan frekuensi merambat (disebabkan oleh getaran tali)
• frequency is inversly propotional to wave • Direction of sound wave propagation is
length // high frequency has shorter wave parallel to the direction of vibration of the air
length // frekuensi berkadar songsang dengan particles // Arah perambatan gelombang selari
panjang gelombang / frekuesi tinggi dengan arah getaran molekul udara / diagram
mempunyai panjang gelombang pendek. • Compression and rarefaction // Diagram //
• Short λ / high f / high pith at C, difficult to Mampatan dan regangan / rajah
diffract / spread out/ bend less / λ pendek / f
tinggi / kelangsingan tinggi di C, susah Question 10
dibelau / sebar bunyi. Bunyi hanya dengar di 1. The sound wave can be heard because it can
C bend / diffracted // around the corner. // Bunyi
• Sound easily diffracted / bending / spread out dapat didengar kerana ia boleh bengkok /
during low pitch/ low f/long λ / at A,B,C // sebar / dibelaukan di sebalik sudut.
bunyi mudah dibelaukan / bengkok / 2. Sound wave has longer wavelength than light
disebarkan semasa kelangsingan rendah / λ
waves. // Bunyi mempunyai panjang
panjang, bunyi dapat dengar di A, B dan C
gelombang yang lebih panjang daripada
Question 5 3. The diffraction of sound wave is more obvious
• The ship moves up and down with higher / easier than light waves. // Pembelauan
amplitude at A // kapal bergerak terumbang gelombang bunyi lebih jelas / mudah
ambing dengan amplitud tinggi di A berbanding gelombang cahaya.
• Constructive interference occurs at A // 4. The effect of diffraction is more obvious if the
interferens membina berlaku di A
wavelength is large enough. // Kesan belauan
• The ship remains calm at B // Kapal tidak
bergerak / tenang di B lebih jelas jika panjang gelombang panjang.

Question 11 build the new jetty at water is calm at the

1. When the singer sings, she produces a high the bay bay
frequency sound. // Apabila penyanyi Bina benteng dengan Pembelauan berlaku
menyanyi, dia mengeluarkan bunyi satu bukaan kecil di pada celah untuk
berfrekuensi tinggi. sekeliling telok sebarkan tenaga /
Build a barrier with kurangkan amplitud
2. the frequency of the glass equal with the
small opening gelombang.
frequecy of the singer’s sound // Frekuensi surround the bay Diffraction happens at
gelas sama dengan frekuensi bunyi penyanyi the opening so can
itu. spread the energy / to
3. both systems are in resonance / kedua-dua reduce amplitude of
system berada dalam keadaan resonans. the wave
4. so the glass will oscillates at its maximum Benteng yang tinggi Air tidak melimpah ke
High retaining wall jeti
aplitude and it breaks. // Oleh itu gelas akan
To ensure that there is
berayun dengan amplitud maksimum dan ia no spill over of the
pecah. waves


KEMAHIRAN 2: PENGIRAAN Parabolic reflector Heat will be focused
Pemantul cekung Haba ditumpukan
Question 1 Shining / smooth Reflection will be
x = 4.5/2 = 2.25 m surface // Permukaan effective // Pantulan
λ = ax = 0.8 x 2.25 = 0.56 berkilat / licin lebih berkesan
D 3.2 Larger diameter More heat will be
Diameter besar collected
Question 2 Lebih banyak haba
(i) s = vt v = 2s = 2 x 90 = 1500 m/s dikumpul
2 t 0.12 Placed the kettle at Heat converge to
the focal point kettle
(ii) λ = v = 1500 = 0.03 m Kedudukan cerek Haba ditumpukan ke
f 50000 pada titik fokus cerek
Facing the sun Can collect/capture
Question 3 Mengadap matahari more solar energy /
(i) d = vt/2 boleh kumpul lebih
banyak tenaga
= (1 500)(1.3) = 975 m
(ii) λ = 1 500 = 0.65 m
2 300
Question 3
SKILL 3: QUALITATIVE PROBLEMS Microwave / Higher energy / higher
KEMAHIRAN 3: MASALAH KUALITATIF mikrowave frequency tenaga
tinggi / frekuensi
Question 1 tinggi
Bina benteng Laju / tenaga Higher frequency Higher energy / Can
condong gelombang berkurang Frekuensi tinggi penetrate atmosphere
build a slanting apabila kedalaman / boleh tembus
barrier berkurang / speed / atmosfera
energy of the wave Large diameter of the To capture / reflect
reduce when the receiver / diameter more signal
depth of water is penerima besar Boleh menerima /
reduced. memantul lebih
Permukaan benteng Kurangkan pantulan banyak isyarat
kasar / poros / tidak gelombang to reduce Use relay station / To overcome damping
rata reflection of the wave satellite / mengatasi
the surface of the Guna suis geganti / pelembapan
barrier is made rough satelit
/ porous / uneven Located on the top of No blocking / wide
Bina jeti di Kawasan Air di telok tenang a hill / higher position coverage / no
telok obstacle / tiada

/ terletak di atas bukit halangan / liputan Distance between two Distance between two
/ tempat tinggi meluas loudspeaker is large // loud soud is small.
jarak antara dua Jarak antara dua
pembesar suara large bunyi kuat berturutan
SKILL 4: MAKING DECISION Soft board material Absorbs sounds to
KEMAHIRAN 4: MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN Bahan lembut avoid echoe
Serap bunyi dan elak
Quesstion 1 gema
Located at the bay Water is calmer Microphone is behind To avoid noise /
Lokasi di teluk Air lebih tenang the speakers mikrofon humming sound// elak
sloping retaining wall Slow down the speed di belakang pembesar bising
/ tembok penahan Laju lebih perlahan suara
bercerun Y: High loud speakers, a large, soft material,
Uneven surface Absorb energy and microphone behind speakers/ pembesar suara
Permukaan tidak rata reduce amplitude of tinggi, a besar, bahan lembut, mikrofon
the wave / Serap belakang pembesar suara
tenaga dan kurangkan
amplitud gelombang Question 4
High height/ More sound / wave /
High retaining wall Prevent water from ketinggian tinggi energy can be
Tembok penahan overflowing blocked // Halang
yang tinggi Elak air melimpah ke bunyi / tenaga /
Pelabuhan gelombang
Choose W: located at the bay, sloping retainin Uneven surface reflected in various
wall, uneven surface dan high retaining wall / Permukaan tidak rata directions //
lokasi di teluk, tembok penahan bercerun, pantul pelbagai arah
permukaan tidak rata dan tembok penahan Thick thickness Strong // kuat // kukuh
yang tinggi. Ketebalan tebal // tahan lama // less
energy / sound / wave
penetrate /
Question 2 Bunyi yang tembus
Large diameter / Receive ( more) signal tidak kuat /Sound @
diameter besar / terima banyak noise insulated //
isyarat bunyi / bising
Same as focal length / Signal (are) focused/ ditebatkan.
sama dengan panjang converge (to the High sound less reflection //
fokus receivers // give out absorption kurang pantulan //
parallel beam / isyarat penyerapan bunyi less energy / sound /
ditumpukan ke tinggi penetrate / Bunyi yang
penerima tembus tidak kuat /
Microwave Has high frequency // Less echo / kurang
high energy // less gema
diffract (much) Choose X
coverage / frekeunsi
tinggi / tenaga tinggi
High position / The signal is not
Tempat tinggi blocked / wider CHAPTER 7: ELECTRICITY
(much) coverage / BAB 7: KEELEKTRIKAN
isyarat tidak dihalang
/ liputan lebih luas SKILL 1: UNDERSTANDING
K : large diameter, same as focal length, KEMAHIRAN 1: KEFAHAMAN
microwave and high position // Diameter besar,
sama dengan panjang fokus, mikrowave dan Question 1
tempat tinggi • The candle flame spreads out in two opposite
directions the spread towards the negative
Question 3 plate is wider // nyalaan lilin terbahagi kepada
Loud speaker at high To prevent blocking dua bahagian dan bahagian ke plat negatif
places// Tiada halangan lebih besar
Pembesar suara di • Heat ionize the air molecules // haba ionkan
tempat tinggi molekul udara

• +ve charge attracted to –ve plate // +ve cas • Non-ohmic conductor which does not obey
tertarik ke plat -ve Ohm’s law // Konduktor bukan Ohm yang
• +ve charge is heavier // cas +ve lebih berat tidak mematuhi hukum Ohm.

Question 2 Question 7
(i) Bulb P and Q • Length long / increase / Panjang bertambah
(ii) Resistance is low , current flow is high / • high resistance / rintangan tinggi
voltage is higher // Rintangan rendah / arus • (produce / release) heat /energy / power //
mengalir tinggi / beza keupayaan tinggi. bebaskan haba E = I2Rt / (V2/R)t // P = I2R / P =
(V2/R) /
• heat to light // Electric → light // Electrical →
Question 3 light // heat → light haba ke cahaya
• Ammeter reading inceases // bacaan ammeter
bertambah Question 8
• Effective resistance decreases // Rintangan • Short cable // kabel pendek
berkesan berkurang • Low resistance // rintangan rendah
• Voltmeter reading decreases // Bacaan • Potential difference low // beza keupayaan
voltmeter berkurang rendah
• Effective resistance between XY decreases / • Current low // arus rendah
• voltage across Q increases // rintangan
berkesan XY berkurang / voltan merentasi Q SKILL 2: CALCULATION

Question 1
Question 4
• Connect terminal A and B // Sambungkan
terminal A dan B
• Move / push the slider // Gerakkan atau tolak
• Resistance varies with length. The longer the
length, the higher the resistance and the
lower the current. // rintangan berubah Question 2
dengan panjang. Semakin panjang wayar,
semakin bertambah rintang dan semakin kecil

Question 5
• D10.4 (b) – the lamps are arranged in parallel
// R10.4 (b) – lampu dipasang selari Question 3
• the voltage across each lamp is equals to the R = 7 Ω I = 0.4 A E = 1.5 V x 2 = 3.0 V
voltage of the supply voltage // voltan V = IR = (0.4)(7) = 2.8 V
merentasi setiap lampu adalah sama dengan E = V + Ir
voltan bekalan kuasa 3 = 2.8 + (0.4)r
• more electric current flows through it. r = 0.2/0.4 = 5 Ω
(V= IR, R is the resistance of the filament). //
arus elektrik mengalir melaluinya lebih Question 4
(V= IR, R adalah rintangan lampu) (i) R = V2/P = 62/18 = 2 Ω
• more power output (P = V x I) // Lebih kuasa (ii) 1/R = ½ + ½ + ½
output (P = V x I) R = 0.67 Ω
(iii) E = Pt = 3 x 18 x 2 x 60 = 6480 J
E = V2t/R = (6 x 6 x 2 x 60)/0.67 = 6480 J
Question 6
• When I increases, V increases // Apabila I Question 5
bertambah, V bertambah (i) 2 = I (1 + 5)
• Resistance increases // Rintangan bertambah I = 0.33 A
• Temperature increases // Suhu bertambah (ii) 1/R = 1/5 + 1/12
• Gradient increases // Kecerunan bertambah R = 60/17 = 3.53 Ω
2 = I (1 + 3.53)
I = 2 /4.53 = 0.4415 A

Question 6 Kekonduksian pelaras the coil / arus boleh

(i) (12/1.5) – 5 = 8 – 5 = 3 Ω tinggi mengalir dari terminal
(ii) 1/R = 1/5 + 1/20 ke gegelung
R=4Ω Brass / nichrome / High resistance /
R total = 4 + 3 = 7 Ω nikrom rintangan tinggi
I = 12/7 = 1.7143 A
V = 1.7143 x 3 = 5.1429 V Question 3
Increase the number Increase the length /
Question 7 of turns of coil high resistance
(i) P = VI = 1000 W Tambah bilangan Tambah panjang /
I = 1000/240 = 4.17 A lilitan gegelung rintangan tinggi
(ii) E = Pt = 1 kW x 0.5 jam x 30 = 15 kWjam Material has low Lighter / ringan
Kos: 15 x 0.23 = RM 3.45 density // Bahan
Question 8 rendah.
(i) 11/240 = 0.046 A Rate of oxidation is Difficult to oxidised /
(ii) 1 J // 11 – 10 J lower // Kadar water does not pollute
(iii) 10 x 100% = 90.91% pengoksidaan rendah /susah untuk dioksida
11 / air tidak tercemar
Smaller Diamter of High resistance
SKILL 3: QUALITATIVE PROBLEMS wire of the coil Rintangan tinggi
KEMAHIRAN 3: MASALAH KUALITATIF diameter wayar kecil
Material heating High resistance /
Question 1 element: Tungstein / Rintangan tinggi
Guna kipas Pastikan setiap telur nikrom / bahan unsur
Use fan dapat haba sama pemanas: tungstein
To ensure every egg
receive uniform heat Question 4
Guna thermometer/ Untuk mengawal suhu material of heating High resistance //high
termostat To control the element: Nichrome melting point
Use thermometer / temperature //Tungsten //Wolfram //more heat //low
thermostat specific heat capacity
Guna penebat Elak hilang haba // rintangan tinggi
haba/balut telur Prevent heat lost //takat lebur tinggi
Use heat //cepat panas //
insulator/wrap the egg muatan haba tentu
Bahan Boleh pantul haba rendah
berkilat/perak/cermin Can reflect heat Type of material of the Not heat easily //high
Shiny / silver material handle: High specific specific heat capacity
/ mirror heat capacity // plastic //difficult to hot //heat
Susun mentol dalam Haba dibekalkan //penebat haba //poor insulator //tidak
litar selari berterusan wpun satu heat conductor //heat mudah panas
Bulb arrange in bulb rosak/ Heat can insulator //muatan haba tentu
parallel circuit be provided Tinggi //lambat panas
continuously even if //penebat haba
one bulb burned out Thermostat // Control temperature //
Susun telur di rak Boleh menampung thermostat prevent overheat
bertingkat 200 telur. //kawal suhu // elak
Arrange the egg in Can accommodate lampau panas
multi storey racks. 200 eggs. The connection Excessive current to
Earthed wire // wire to earth //avoid electric
Question 2 earth // earthing shock //avoid short
Small cross sectional High resistance / //wayar bumi //wayar circuit // arus
area // Luas keratan rintangan tinggi ke bumi //pembumian berlebihan ke bumi
rentas kecil //earthed //dibumikan //elak litar pintas
Longer wire / Wayar High resistance / //elak kejutan elektrik
panjang rintangan tinggi The safety method //putuskan litar bila
Higher number of turns High resistance / Fuse // circuit breaker arus berlebihan
of wire / bilangan lilitan rintangan tinggi // pemutus litar //cut down/off the
dawai banyak current once the
High conductivity of To allow current flow current overload
the slider from the terminal to

avoid excessive Question 3

current //avoid from Thick // Tebal Low resistance// rintangan
overload //protect rendah
from damage 240 V / high / Voltage same with appliances
//melindungi dari arus tinggi rating / appliances at normal
berlebihan /beban working/ voltan sama
lampau //melindungi spesifikasi alat / alat bekerja
dari rosak // arus secara normal
mengalir 4.17 A // Parallel // One not working, others still
I = 1000/240 selari work/ satu tidak berfungsi,
//prevent big current. alat lain masih berfungsi
Heating element: Thin High resistance // Fuse 20 A/ 17.5 A // (2200/240) +
//nipis //small diameter more heat large / big / (200/240) = 9.17 + 8.33 = 17.5
//small cross sectional // rintangan tinggi besar A / break the circuit when the
area //lebih haba current flow bigger than fuse
Heating element: High resistance // limit// putuskan litar apabila
Coil // long //gegelung more heat arus yang mengalir lebih
//panjang // rintangan tinggi besar dari nilai fius
//lebih haba K : Thick, parallel, 240 V and 20 A fuse/
tebal, selari, 240 V dan fius 20 A
Dry cell in series Increase voltage
Question 1 Sel kering susun To produce emf greater
coiled Long wire / more heat / high siri than 2 V
gegelung resistance Voltan bertambah.
Wayar Panjang / banyak haba / Hasilkan dge lebih besar
rintangan tinggi dari 2 V
Thin High resistance / more heat +ve terminal cell to Current flow / bulb lights
nipis Rintangan tinggi / banyak haba –ve terminal next up
cell Arus mengalir / mentol
tungsten High melting point / long (+ve to –ve) menyala
tungsten lasting / high resistance Connection To ensure the voltage
Takat lebur tinggi / tahan lama resistor and bulb across the bulb does not
/ rintangan tinggi in series exceed 2 V
Low pressure Bulb will not explode after it Sambungan Bulb does not blown up.
gas // Gas lights a long time / mentol rintangan dan Total current is 0.5 A
bertekanan tidak meletup setelah lama mentol dalam siri Pastikan voltan merentasi
rendah digunakan. mentol tidak melebihi 2 V.
Choose R: coiled, thin, tungsten and low Mentol tidak meletup /
pressure gas jumlah arus = 0.5 A
Pilih R: gegelung, nipis, tungsten dan gas Connection of bulb To produce voltage across
bertekanan rendah is parallel each bulb is 2 V, Reduce
Sambungan resistance, Increase
Question 2 mentol secara current
Nichrome High resistance / produce more selari If one bulb blow another
wire heat / rintangan tinggi / banyak I bulb = P/V = 0.5 / 2 bulb still function.
Dawai nikrom haba = 0.25 A Hasilkan voltan merentasi
Thin wire High resistance / produce more I total = 0.25 x 2 setiap mentol ialah 2 V.
Wayar nipis heat / rintangan tinggi / banyak = 0.5 A Kurangkan rintangan /
haba V bulb = 2 V tambah arus / jika satu
High power of Blow more hot air / faster flow of VR = (0.5)(5) = 2.5 V mentol terbakar, mentol
fan // Kipas hot air lain terus menyala
berkuasa Tiup lebih banyak udara panas / V bulb = 2 V, VR = 2.5 V
tinggi tiup lebih cepat udara panas Ibulb = 0.25 A
Fuse 5 A Current in fan = 1100/240 I total = 0.5 A
=5A Choose X because the cells are connected in
Choose T because use Nichrome wire, thin wire, series, -ve terminal of cell is connected to the
high power of fan and fuse 5 A.// dawai nikrom, +ve terminal of the next cell, resistor is
nipis, kuasa kipas tinggi / fius 5 A connected in series with bulb and bulbs are
connected in parallel



Questions 1
(I) Easy to magnetized and demagnetized
• current flows and soft iron core becomes
electromagnet // Arus mengalir dan teras besi
lembut menjadi elektromagnet Question 4
• armature attracted / angker besi lembut • Rotate the coil / putar gegelung
ditarik • It will cut the magnetic flux /
• contact is closed / secondary circuit switch gegelung potong medan magnet
on / motor is on / activated/ sesentuh ditutup / • Produce induced current.
litar kedua dihidupkan / motor hidup hasilkan arus aruhan

Question 2 Question 5
• When current flows, magnetic field is • The wheels turn the knob // roda memutarkan
produced around the wire. // Apabila arus tombol
mengalir, medan magnet dihasilkan di • The magnet rotates in the soft iron core //
sekeliling wayar. magnet berputar di dalam teras besi lembut
• Permanent magnet produce a uniform • The magnetic field is cut // medan magnet
magnetic field / magnet kekal ada medan /fluks magnet dipotong
magnet yang seragam • Induced current is produced // arus aruhan
• Both magnetic fields interact to form a non- dihasilkan
uniform magnetic field ie catapult field //
kedua-dua medan magnet bergabung
membentuk medan magnet tidak seragam ie Question 6
medan lastik. • a.c current flows through the primary coil //
• Produce a resultant force // Hasilkan daya Arus ulangalik mengalir melalui gegelung
paduan yang gerakkan wayar pendek ke atas primer
• Soft iron core will be magnetized. // Teras besi
lembut dimagnetkan
• Soft iron core is the linkage between the
primary coil and secondary coil // Teras besi
lembut hubungkan antara gegelung primer
dan gegelung sekunder
• Ac Current has different direction and
magnitude // arus a.u mempunyai arah dan
magnitud berubah.
• So there will be change in magnetic field in
the secondary coil Maka terdapat perubahan
Question 3 medan magnet di dalam gegelung sekunder
• Current flows in the armature.// Arus mengalir • Induced electromotive force (e.m.f) and
melalui angker Induced current will produce through the
• Magnetic field produced by current carrying secondary coil // Daya gerak elektrik aruhan
coil interact with the magnetic field from the dihasilkan dan arus aruhan mengalir melalui
permanent magnet. // Medan magnet dari gegelung sekunder
gegelung pembawa arus bergabung dengan
medan magnet dari magnet kekal
• Produces non-uniform magnetic field
(catapult field) / hasilkan medan magnet tidak
seragam / medan lastik
• A pair of resultant forces are produced which
will rotate the armature/turning force /
sepasang daya paduan dihasilkan untuk
memutarkan gegelung./ daya putaran


• When the switch is on, the current flow from KEMAHIRAN 2: PENGIRAAN
SR to PQ / in opposite direction / apabila suis
dihidupkan, arus mengalir dari SR ke PQ Question 1
• Produces magnetic field / hasilkan medan (i) Vp/Np = Vs/Ns
magnet 240/600 = 12/Ns
• Magnetic field in the middle (between the two Ns = 30
strips) has the same direction (downward)
Medan magnet di tengah sama arah (ii) P = VI
• Magnetic field in the middle is stronger // I = 24/12 = 2 A
Medan magnet di tengah lebih kuat
• The two copper strips will repel each other Question 2
Kedua-dua kepingan kuprum menolak antara (i) Output voltage // voltage output = 12 V
satu sama lain (ii)

Question 3
(i) I = 24/30 = 0.8 A
(ii P = I2R = (0.8)2 x 30 = 19.2 W


Question 8
• Pastikan bekalan elektrik berterusan dan Question 1
mencukupi // Maintain continuously and no of turns increase the strength of
enough electrical supply increase magnet / strong magnet /
• Beban bekalan kuasa elektrik diambil alih Bilangan lilitan magnet kuat
oleh stesen yang lain jika rosak / Can revert bertambah
to another network if the existing network is bigger / large gong increase amplitude / more
faulty / gong besar air // Banyak udara /
• Kos keseluruhan penghasilan elektrik boleh amplitud bertambah
dikurangkan//The overall cost of production high elasticity / high/increase force /energy/
of electricity can be reduced. kekenyalan tinggi easy to return /hit / daya
• Kuasa boleh dikawal dan diagihkan ikut tinggi / mudah kembali /
permintaan // Power can be controlled and tenaga tinggi
distributed according to the demand U shape magnet / increase the strength of
magnet bentuk U magnet / strong magnet /
kekuatan magnet tinggi /
Question 9 magnet kuat
1. When current flow through the solenoid, a thick wire / wayar low resistance / large
tebal current / rintangan rendah /
magnetic field is produced // Apabila arus
arus tinggi
mengalir melalui solenoid, medan magnet
dihasilkan. Question 2
2. The (soft) iron core will be magnetized / Teras Replace slip rings Reverse the direction of
besi lembut akan dimagnetkan. with a commutator current in the armature. The
3. The scrap metal attracted to the iron core // / gantikan gelang armature rotate in one
Besi buruk akan terterik ke teras besi. gelincir dengan direction only
4. When the current is switched off, the soft iron komutator Tukar arah arus dalam
armature/ armature putar
core will be demagnetised and the scrap metal dalam satu arah sahaja
falls down. // Apabila arus dimatikan, teras Increase the Increase force so rotate
besi lembut dinyahmagnetkan dan besi buruk number of turn of faster
jatuh. coils/ use stronger Tambah daya supaya putar
magnet / tambah lebih laju
bilangan lilitan
gegelung / guna
magnet kuat

Use diode and To change a.c to d.c current concave magnet / field / flux / rate of
capacitor // Tukar a.u ke a.t magnet cekung. cutting the flux is
rectification circuit uniform / / medan
/ diod & kapasitor / magnet jejarian /
litar rektifikasi menumpu medan
magnet / fluks / kadar
Question 3 pemotongan fluks /
Copper wire / dawai Low resistance / medan magnet seragam.
kuprum rintangan rendah Thick wire / big Low resistance /
Thick diameter of wire Low resistance / diameter wire / rintangan rendah
/ diameter dawai tebal rintangan rendah wayar tebal /
Use soft iron core / Easy to magnetized diameter wayar
guna teras besi and demagnetized / besar
lembut mudah dimagnet dan Low resistance / more turns wire // lilitan
dinyahmagnetkan rintangan rendah wayar banyak
Use laminated core / Reduce eddy current/ copper wire / wayar cut more flux //
guna teras berlamina kurang arus pusar kuprum / wayar pemotongan fluks /
wind secondary coil Reduce the leakage of aluminium / medan magnet lebih
on the primary coil / magnetic flux / kurang low resistivity of
lilit gegelung kebocoran fluks magnet wire / kerintangan
sekunder di atas wayar rendah
gegelung primer M10: low resistance
/ rintangan rendah
Question 4 copper wire / wayar low resistance /
Number of turns of Decrease output kuprum / wayar rintangan rendah
primary coil more voltage// aluminium / low
than secondary coil// mengurangkan voltan resistivity of wire /
bilangan lilitan output kerintangan wayar
gegelung primer lebih rendah
besar NP > NS
Thick wire/ good Reduce/low resitance/ slip ring // gelang arah arus berubah //
conductor/ low reduce energy lost to gelincir / cincin direction of current
resistance// dawai heat// rintangan gelincir change
tebal/ rintangan rendah/ reduce heat
rendah/konduktor loss SKILL 4: MAKING DECISION
Use soft iron core// Easy to magnetized &
teras besi lembut demagnetized// Question 1
senang dimagnet &
Laminated core / teras Reduce Eddy current
berlamina / teras mengurangkan arus
berlapis pusar
Wind secondary coil Reduce leakage of
ontop on primary coil/ flux magnet// kurang
secondary coil kebocoran fluks
overlap on primary magnet
coil// lilit gegelung
sekunder ke atas
gegelung primer Teras besi lembut Kurangkan arus pusar
berlamina dalam teras besi
Question 5 laminated soft iron lembut dan mudah
more magnet / more flux / magnetic core dimagnet dan
strong magnet / field // lebih fluks / dinyahmagnetkan.
powerful magnet // medan magnet lebih / It can reduce eddy
magnet kuat / strong // Magnetic field / current and easy to
Kuasa magnet lebih flux / flux kuat / medan magnetized and
/ tambah magnet magnet kuat demagnetized
Wayar penghantar Rintangan kecil dan
curve magnet / Radial magnetic field / ialah kuprum ringan
magnet lengkung / concentrate magnetic Copper as the Small resistance and
transmission wire lighter

CHAPTER 9: ELECTRONIC jenis n akan ditarik merentasi simpang ke

BAB 9: ELEKTRONIK terminal +ve bateri. Lohong akan ‘ditarik
merentasi simpang’ ke terminal -ve.
SKILL 1: UNDERSTANDING • Depletion layer will be narrower.// Lapisan
KEMAHIRAN 1: KEFAHAMAN susutan semakin nipis
• Resistance of the diode will be smaller //
Question 1 Rintangan diod semakin kecil
• Each atom of pure semiconductor / Si / Ge • Large current can flow through the diode. //
has four electrons / Diagram / Setiap atom Arus besar boleh mengalir melalui diod.
semikonduktor tulen / Si / Ge mempunyai
empat electron
• Pure semiconductor silicon is doped with
pentavalent atoms // Semikonduktor tulin,
silicon didopkan dengan atom pentavalen
• Eg phosphorous
• Have 5 electron valence // Ada 5 electron
• Pentavalent atom donates free electron /
When dopes, new substances have extra one
free electrons. // Atom pentavalent menderma
electron bebas / Apabila didopkan, terdapat
satu electron bebas dihasilkan. Question 4
• n-type semiconductor has free electron as a • During the first half cycle, the diode is
majority charge carrier. // Pembawa cas forward biased and current flows // separuh
majoriti adalah elektron pusingan pertama, diod pincang ke depan
dan arus mengalir
• During the second half cycle the diode is
reverse biased and current does not flow //
separuh pusingan kedua, diod pincang
songsang dan arus tidak mengalir

Question 5
(i) Diode
• During the first half cycle, the diode is
forward biased // separuh pusingan pertama,
diod pincang ke depan
• Current flow through the resistor // arus
Question 2 mengalir melalui perintang
• Each atom of pure semiconductor / Si / Ge • During the second half cycle the diode is
has four electrons / Diagram / Setiap atom reverse biased. // separuh pusingan kedua,
semikonduktor tulen / Si / Ge mempunyai diod pincang songsang
empat electron • Current does not flow through the resistor //
• Pure semiconductor silicon is doped with arus tidak mengalir
trivalent atoms // Semikonduktor tulis, silicon
didopkan dengan atom trivalent. Question 6
• Ex: aluminium, (i) Waveforms for full wave rectification
• Has 3 electron valens. // ada 3 elektron valen
• One extra hole will not be occupied with the
electron // Hasilkan satu lohong yang tidak
diisi oleh electron (ii)
• Hole will be the majority charge carrier. // • When current flows / forward biased, the
Pembawa cas majoriti ialah lohong. capacitor is charged up / collect electron //
Apabila arus mengalir / pincang depan,
Question 3 kapasitor dicaskan /kumpul electron
• Forward biased connection occurs when • When no current /reverse biased, the
positive terminal of the battery connects to (capacitor) is discharged/ release electron //
the p type. // Pincang ke depan berlaku bila Apabila arus tidak mengalir / pincang
terminal positif bateri disambung ke jenis p. songsang, kapasitor nyahcas / buang
• Electron in the n type will attracted across the elektron
junction to the +ve terminal and hole will
attract to the -ve terminal. // Elektron pada


Question 1
eV = ½ mv2
1.6 x 10-19 x 3000 = ½ (9 x 10-31)v2
v = 3.27 x 107 m/s
Question 7
• LDR: high resistance when dark. // Rintangan Question 2
tinggi bila gelap. (a) t = 8 cm x 0.05 s/cm = 0.4 s
• At night, resistance of LDR high. Apabila (b) s = vt = 3 x 108 x 0.4 = 0.6 x 108 m
malam, rintangan LDR tinggi. 2 2
• Base voltage is high, IB flows and Ic flows,
Question 3
transistor activate Voltan tapak tinggi, IB
mengalir dan IC mengalir. Transistor hidup S1 S2 μA mA
• LED lights up // LED menyala ON OFF X X √1
OFF ON √ x √2

Question 8 (b) √1 Base current / IB //arus tapak

• Characteristic of thermistor: high resistance
when cold // ciri thermistor: rintangan tinggi √2 large collector current //arus pengumpul
bila sejuk besar //IC big // IC lebih
• When the room is hot, the resistance of the
thermistor is low. // Apabila bilik itu panas, (c) (i) √1 1
rintangan thermistor jadi rendah 10
• The base voltage becomes high // Voltan √2 1 x 10-3 // 1 x 10-3 √1
tapak tinggi,. 10 x 10-6 10-5 √2
• Base voltage is high, IB flows and Ic flows, √3 100
transistor activate // IB mengalir dan IC (ii) √1 IE = IC + IB
mengalir. Transistor hidup IE = (1 x 10-3) + (10 x 10-6) // 10 + 1 // 1 + 10
• The relay switch activates and switch on the √2 1.01 mA // 1010 μA // 1.01 x 10-3
air conditioner. // Suis geganti dihidupkan dan
hidupkan penyaman udara Question 4
• A 240 V power supply is added to the second (i) 6 V
circuit so that the air conditioner can (ii) 10 kΩ + 20 kΩ = 30 kΩ
function. // Bekalan kuasa 240 V ditambah
pada litar supaya penyaman udara berfungsi (iii) √3 IXZ = 6/(30 x 103)
• The relay switch is added so that it will √4 = 0.0002 A
activate the second circuit of the air
conditioner which uses high voltage of 240 V. (iv) √5 VBE = (10 000/30 000)6
Suis geganti ditambah supaya ia dapat √6 = 2 V
hidupkan litar kedua yang ada penyaman
udara yang perlu voltan tinggi (240 V) SKILL 3: QUALITATIVE PROBLEMS

Question 9 Question 1
1. Connect the dry cell terminal to the Y-input of 1. Relay / suis geganti 3. To switch the
CRO. // Sambungkan terminal bateri ke input 2. Relay at collector second circuit //
circuit / di litar power supply 240 V //
pengumpul fan / hidupkan litar
2. The Y-gain setting is recorded // Tetapkan kedua kipas 240 V
gandaan Y 4. Thermistor / 5. Heat ↑ R ↓ //
3. The vertical displacement is measured = h. // termistor sensitive to heat or
// Sesaran menegak di paksi y diukur, h temperature / peka
4. Potential difference = ( Y-gain scale) x kepada haba atau
(Vertical displacement of direct current wave) suhu
// Beza keupayaan = (gandaan Y) x h 6. Thermistor replace 9. Vthermistor ↓ // Vb ↑
R1 / thermistor ganti 10. Ib flow // Ic flow
7 R1 replace LDR // R1
ganti PPC

Question 2 Question 3
Thermistor at J / resistance change with Thermistor / termistor Sensitive to heat /
termistor di J temperature / heat // peka haba
rintangan berubah dengan A resistor is control base current /
suhu // sensitive to connected between kawal arus tapak
temperature // peka haba LM / perintang
Resistor at K / potential divider // VB high disambung di antara
Perintang di K // transistor ON / LM
pembahagi voltan // VB an alarm / penggera produces sound /
tinggi // transistor hidup hasilkan bunyi
Resistor at L // Limit IB // Had IB Use cell 2 / guna sel 2 current can flow / arus
perintang di L boleh mengalir
Alarm at M // Sound // bunyi X : because use thermistor, a resistor is
Penggera di M connected between L and M, use an alarm and
Dry cell at N // Sel Supply current // bekal use cell 2 // kerana guna termistor, perintang
kering di N arus disambung antara L dan M, guna siren dan
guna sel 2.


KEMAHIRAN 4: MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN LDR //PPC //light detect light // mengesan
sensor // pengesan cahaya // R rendah
transformer injak boleh turunkan beza cahaya
turun // step down keupayaan // can position detector: VTU lebih besar
transformer reduce the voltage TU //bawah //base //transistor activated // IB
nisbah gegelung Np : menghasilkan voltan circuit // litar tapak (flows) // (larger)
Ns = 20:1 output 12 V collector current, IC //
ratio of the coils Np : to produce output transistor diaktifkan //
Ns = 20:1 voltage of 12 V arus tapak, IB // Arus
guna susunan 4 diod boleh hasilkan pengumpul, IC // VB high //
Use arrangement of 4 rektifikasi penuh VTU high
diodes gelombang // can The connection of current flows from
produce full wave the terminal of the collector to emitter //
rectification cells:Positif to V forward biased
guna kapasitor boleh meratakan //positif ke V // arus boleh mengalir
use capacitor voltan at. // Can /collector/ dari pengumpul ke
smooth the dc voltage pengumpul /C / pengeluar //pincang
M : sebab transformer injak turun, nisbah Base/Tapak/B /S /T hadapan
Np:Ns = 20:1, guna susunan 4 diod dan guna / Rajah.
kapasitor // because step down transformer, position of the lights up //IC //switch on
ratio Np:Ns = 20:1, use arrangement of 4 diodes bulb: VW // atas //hidup //ON //pasang
and use capasitor transistor //at the //menyala
Question 2
Input P is 1 Input P is 1 CHAPTER 10; RADIOACTIVITY
//ON//activate / //ON//activate / BAB 10: KERADIAOKATIFAN
Input Q is 1 // Button Q is pressed //
1//ON//Activate / hidup ON // activate / hidup
Logic gate Y or AND Because the output is
gate // get DAN 1 Reject: bar lifted
Relay switch is used / To switch on the
Question 1
guna suis geganti secondary circuit that
• Radioactive source is put under the paper //
uses higher voltage //
Bahan radioaktif diletakkan di bawah kertas
hidupkan litar kedua
• A detector / GM tube is put on the top of the
yang gunakan voltan
paper // Pengesan / tiub GM diletakkan di atas
L : Input P is 1, Input Q is 1, combination of
• The high readings indicate a thin paper.//
logic gate is Y and relay switch used // Input P
Bacaan tinggi menunjukkan kertas nipis.
= 1 , Input Q = 1, kombinasi logik get Y and suis

Question 7
• Neutron bombarded a Uranium nucleus //
Neutron hentam nuklues Uranium
• 2 or 3 neutrons are produced // 2 atau 3
neutron dihasilkan.
• The neutrons produced will bombard another
uranium nucleus. // Neutron yang dihasilkan
akan hentam nukleus uranium yang lain
• For each reaction, more neutrons are
produced causing a chain reaction. // Bagi
Question 2 setiap tindak balas, lebih neutron dihasilkan
sebabkan tindak balas berantai.
• Until the critical mass is reached // Sehingga
jisim genting tercapai.

Question 8
Why the tracks of beta particles produced in a
cloud chamber is thin and not straight?
• Beta particles have medium ionization //
Kuasa penembusan zarah beta sederhana
• Beta particles have smaller mass and can
Question 3 collide easily // Jisim zarah beta kecil dan
(i) Beta and gamma senang berlanggar
(ii) • The direction of the particles change when
• Beta deflects to +ve terminal because it is collide with the air molecules. // Arah zarah
negatively charged // Beta pesong ke plat +ve beta berubah bila berlanggar dengan molekul
sebab ia bercas negatif udara.
• Gamma does not deflect because it is neutral
// Gama tidak terpesong kerana ia neutral Question 9
• The radioactive emission enters the tube
through the mica windows // Sinar radioaktif
Question 4 memasuki tiub melalui tingkap mika
• The power of ionization is high, so it will give • And ionizes the low pressure gas // Ionkan
bad effect the human body // Kuasa molekul gas bertekanan rendah
pengionan tinggi, ia akan memberi kesan • The electron and the positive ions are
buruk pada badan manusia attracted towards opposite terminals //
• The power of penetration is low, so that it Electron dan ion positif akan tertarik ke
cannot be detected by the detector // Kuasa elektrod yang bertentangan
penembusan rendah, ia tidak dapat dikesan • and produces pulses of current. // dan
oleh pengesan hasilkan arus kecil.

Question 5 Question 10
(ii) M – alpha / α / N – gamma / γ • The fertilizer that contains a radioisotope is
(ii) Alpha – high ionizing power / kuasa injected into the plant. // Baja mengandungi
pengionan tinggi radioisotope yang disuntik ke dalam batang
Gamma – low ionizing power // kuasa pokok
pengionan rendah • Wait for a few days for the fertilizer to be
absorbed. // Tunggu beberapa hari untuk baja
Question 6 • Used GM tube and rate meter to detect the
(i) Pembelahan nuklues radiation // Guna tiub GM dan meter kadar
(ii) untuk mengesan radiasi
• There is a mass defect during nuclear • The location of where the fertilizer has gone
reaction // Terdapat kehilangan jisim semasa to are located and analyzed. // Lokasi di mana
tindak balas nuclear baja hilang direkodkan dan dianalisakan.
• The mass defect changes to energy. //
Kehilangan jisim bertukar kepada tenga,
• Total energy produced, E = mc2 // Jumlah
tenaga dihasilkan E = mc2

Question 11 (i) Half life = 20 s

• Carbon- 14 is a radioactive substance which
is easily absorbed by living plants. // Karbon- (ii) 100 → 50 → 25 → 12.5 → 6.25
14 ialah radioisotoop yang mudah diserap Activity after 4T1/2 = 6.25
oleh tumbuhan hidup.
• After the plants die, the activity of the Carbon- Question 3
14 will decline since no new Carbon-14 is E = mc2 = 8.6818 x 10-30 x (3 x 108)2
absorbed. // Selepas pokok mati, aktiviti = 7.81 x 10-13 J
Karbon-14 akan menurun sebab tiada lagi
Karbon-14 baru yang diserap. Question 4
• By knowing the half lie of Carbon-14 and (i) M1: (235.04392 + 1.00867) (91.92611 +
calculating the activity of Carbon-14, the age 140.91441 + 3(1.00867)
of the plant can be determined. Compare the M2: 0.18606 u
activity of Carbon-14 of the living plant. 0.18606 x 1.66 x 10-27 / 3.088596 x 10-28 kg
Dengan mengetahui separuh hayat Karbon- (ii) E = mc2
14, umur pokok mati itu boleh ditentukan. = (0.18606 x 1.66 x 10-27) (3 x 108)2
Bandingkan dengan aktiviti karbon 14 dalam = 2.7797 x 10-11J / 2.7797 x 10-11
pokok yang hidup.


• Isotope sodium 24 dissolve / mix in water
pipe // Isotop Natrium 24 larut / campur dalam Question 1
paip air Bahan radioaktif Mudah diurus
• Use detector / GM tube // guna pengesan / pepejal / solid can be handled easily
tiub GM radioactive source
• Walk along the pipe. // Berjalan di sepanjang Bebaskan zarah beta kuasa penembusan
kawasan paip Emit beta particles sederhana / kurang
• Higher reading recorded in the GM tube at the bahaya // medium
location of leakage // Bacaan lebih tinggi pada penetration power /
tiub GM di lokasi kebocoran less dangerous
separuh hayat tahan lama
panjang last longer
SKILL 2: CALCULATION Longer half life
KEMAHIRAN 2: PENGIRAAN tiub GM sebagai boleh kesan zarah
pengesan // GM tube beta // can detect beta
Question 1 as detector particles
sumber radioaktif Pengesan radioaktif
diletakkan di bawah / diletakkan pada
atas / tepi // The kedudukan
radioactive source is bertentangan.
put downward / Radioactive detector
Question 2 upward / side is put at the opposite
Tiub GM disambung Isipadu cat ditentukur
ke meter kadar dengan meter kadar
GM tube is connected The volume of the
to the ratemeter paint is calibrated
with the rate meter
Terima jika bacaan Tolak jika bacaan di
dalam julat // If the luar julat.
reading is in the Reject if the reading
range, accept out of the range


Use forceps or The distance between the KEMAHIRAN 4: MEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN
remote control source is far
robot // Guna forsep Jarak antara sumber jauh Question 1
/ robot kawalan jauh liquid / cecair absorb / can flow / boleh
Wear a mask The radiation does not diserap
pakai topeng penetrate into the eyes. // short / 14 days / Can be detected / suitable
Radiasi tidak masuk ke moderate / period / not low / not
dalam mata. pendek dangerous / not harmful / idea
Wear a radiation The radiation does not of safety / boleh dikesan / tidak
proof coat penetrate the body bahaya / masa sesuai / tidak
Pakai kot kalis Radiasi tidak boleh pendek
radiasi tembus badan beta / β less dangerous / moderate
penetration / moderate
Wear a film badge To detect amount of ionization / kurang bahaya /
Pakai lencana filem radiation exposed penembusan sederhana
Dapat mengesan radiasi GM tube can detect / can count / can
yang terdedah show reading / more accurate /
Use a lead box or This can prevent boleh mengesan / boleh tunjuk
thick concrete radiation leakage to the bacaan
Guna kotak surrounding / Elak radiasi Choose Y because liquid, short half life, beta
plumbum / konkrit bocor ke persekitaran particles and use GM tube // cecair, separuh
tebal hayat pendek, zarah beta dan guna GM tiub.
Put a radiation It can warn other users
symbol on the Beri amaran pada
storing box / letak pengguna lain Question 2
symbol radioaktif Solid / pepejal Easy to handle
pada kotak Senang diurus
simpanan Gamma rays High penetration power
Keep exposure time The body is not exposed Sinar gama Kuasa penembusan tinggi
as short as possible to the radiation for a long Long half life Can be used long for a long time/
Masa pendedahan time. // Badan tidak Separuh hayat last longer / tahan lama
yang singkat terdedah pada radiasi panjang
pada masa yang lama. Choose solid, emit gamma rays and has
Cobalt 60 long half life / pepejal, sinar
Question 3 gama, separuh hayat panjang
Gamma ray High penetration
Sinar gama power // Kuasa Question 3
penembusan tinggi Kuasa penembusan Boleh dikesan oleh tiub
Take cancer cell Identify the position of sederhana // Medium GM // Can be detected
image using MRI or X- cancer cells correctly penetrating power by GM tube
ray // Ambil imej sel / Kenal pasti pepejal Senang diurus
kanser guna MRI atau kedudukan sel kanser solid Easy to be handled
sinar-X dengan tepat. Zarah beta Kuasa penembusan
Point out gamma ray To avoid other living Beta particles sederhana / kurang
to the target cells from being bahaya
Halakan sinar gama destroyed Medium penetration
ke sasaran Elak sel hidup yang power / less dangerous
lain daripada musnah Separuh hayat Tahan lama
Dose used is suitable Can kill cancer cell panjang Long lasting
Dos yang digunakan Dose used is suitable Long half life
sesuai Strontium-90
Time of exposure is To prevent other Kerana kuasa penembusan tinggi, keluar zarah
short // Masa healthy cells from beta, pepejal, separuh hayat panjang
pendedahan pendek destroy // Elakkan sel Sebab high penetration power, emit beta
lain yang sihat particle, solid, long half life
daripada musnah.

Question 4
Uranium Unstable / larger proton
number / /tidak stabil /
nombor proton besar
Solid / pepejal easy to handle / mudah
Long half life Use longer time / do not need
separuh hayat to replace
panjang dapat diguna lama/ tidak
ditukar dengan kerap
Cadmium / Absorb the neutron/control
kadmium the chain reaction / fussion/
Serap neutron / kawal
tindakbalas berantai /
J because uranium, solid, long half life and
J kerana uranium, pepejal, separuh hayat
panjang dan kadmium

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