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AA 2066

In Class Assignment 03
Control Systems

EEE - 306

01) What type of control system is used in the quad copter?

Automatic feedback control system.

02) How system extract the information from the environment. Discuss briefly?

There are cameras on the ceiling and there is a laptop which serves as an indoor positioning system.
Those are used to locate objects in the space, which have these reflective markers on them. Data that
capture from cameras are sent to another laptop. That is running estimator and control algorithms which
is sends commands to the squad.
Quads have model based design. That means they capture the physics first with a mathematical model of
how the machine behaves. Then use branch of mathematics called control theory to analyze these
models and also to synthesize for controlling them.

03) What are the different types of sensors used?

Gyroscopic Sensor
Pressure Sensor
Flight Cameras
04) Develop a possible architecture of the control system for quad-copter ( controller, inputs, outputs,
process, feedbacks).

Feedback Control System



05) What techniques were used to stable the pole on the quad – copter?

To stable the pole they have added the mathematical model of the pole to the quad. Once it has a model
of the combined quad – pole system, it can use control theory to create algorithms for controlling it. Key
to these acrobatic maneuvers are,
 Algorithms
 Design with the help of mathematical models
 Control theory.

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