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Design and simulation of Fuzzy

Logic Control of a Prototype
Project members:
Luis Loja
Jefferson López
Gary Corozo

General purpose: 

•To develop in form the detailed design of a control loop that allows to
regulate the elevation angle of a prototype helicopter. 

Specific objectives: 

•Design a Fuzzy Logic Control that interacts with the elevation angle of a protot
ype helicopter. 
•Present the results through simulations with what is established in the
•Obtain an optimal design of Fuzzy Logic Control for our example with this that
meet all the requirements. 
•Analyze the graphs obtained from our Fuzzy Logic Control in the system. 

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ingeniería Automotriz Claustro Sistemas Automotrices

Descripción del proyecto

It is a scale model of a helicopter, which allows both horizontal

rotation and angular elevation movement of the helicopter. 

Given that it is a multivariable system, since it has two inputs (acting

on the main propeller and lateral propeller) and two outputs (angle of
rotation and angle of elevation), it was decided to set the axis of
rotation to simplify the system to one of SISO type, leaving the
possibility of controlling the elevation of the helicopter. This greatly
simplifies the controller design, which is more appropriate for the
introductory level of this work.  
To define the nomenclature and ranges of the variables that will be
used later, the explanatory diagram is seen in the following figure: 

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ingeniería Automotriz Claustro Sistemas Automotrices


What do you want to achieve? 

The Fuzzy Logic Control design of a prototype helicopter that meets conditions
of stability in elevation is required. The mathematical modeling facilitates the
factors of the requirements that establish the necessary angle of elevation of a
prototype helicopter. 

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ingeniería Automotriz Claustro Sistemas Automotrices

Problems and / or limitations of a possible implementation.

 The construction system would be
a limitation due to the use of equipment suitable for its implementation. 
 Physical tests on prototypes already existing in the laboratory. 
 Verification of the calculation and simulation in an existing prototype

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ingeniería Automotriz Claustro Sistemas Automotrices


Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Ingeniería Automotriz Claustro Sistemas Automotrices 

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