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Reflective Essay

Warren Buffet’s Inspiring Story

No one got instantly became rich, it is not like sleeping and when you wake up, you have
everything you want on your table. It requires hard work, patience, sacrifices, techniques, prayer,
and a good heart to become successful in life. Mr. Warren Buffet’s success story is such an
inspiration for me as a student. At an early age, he started to dream to be a millionaire. He
entered various businesses such as in the newspaper and golf industries in his hometown of
Ohama and even earn more than his teachers did. However, behind this, he was known for his
bad deeds, stealing things from the store such as golf balls and he dropped out of school.
Moreover, he went to New York and study Ben Graham’s “Intelligent Investor” and this is where
the concept of Mister Market was introduced to him. At the age of 20, he moved back to Ohama
and got married to Susie Thompson, and had three (3) children with her. After, 20 years of their
marriage, her wife left him and asked her friend to look for him, which led to the formation of a
romantic relationship between them, which was agreed upon by each person involved. After his
original wife died, he married her wife’s friend, and lived together. Throughout these
circumstances, Mr. Buffet is now known as the world’s greatest moneymaker having a net worth
of $ 40 billion and he is doing this by investing in the right companies. With this, everybody
became curious about his secrets, even me, and it is such a pleasure that I have the opportunity to
watch this video and learn these tips and techniques he is doing.

According to him, we do not need to diversify, breaking one of the cardinal rules in
investment. Unlike other investors who believed in not putting all eggs in one basket, Buffet
believed that putting the most number of eggs in one basket is more profitable. Moreover, he do
not just buy shares, he became a business owner. Buffet is not just an investor, he is the owner
of various businesses including the Berkshire Hathaway Company and under it are various
businesses that people trusted him such as a clothing line, makeup kits, shoes, etc., that made it
for him to earn more. Moreover, he also allocates capital efficiency; he invested the profits
from one investment and invests it back into another investment opportunity. Furthermore, we
should think independently and stand for what we believe is right. He thinks independently
during the time when there is high tension when the Solomon Brothers Company was about to
shut down and because of his integrity and sincerity, it continued its operation and eliminate
illegal actions within the organization. He is also against getting into debt, smart people got
into broke after entering into debt agreements and for him, if you are truly smart you do not need
it and you cannot go broke. In addition, you do not need to adhere to your rules in life because
sometimes, is it okay to break your own rules if the situation is against your rules. Lastly, give
it away; he is funding lots of charities and even the charity of Bill Gates and his wife without
being acknowledged. He shares his blessings without wanting to be recognized by those people
whom he helped and that for me is an admirable act.

Warren Buffet is a role model, a father or grandfather figure as his employees address
him, and for me, it is indeed true. He is such an amazing man and the qualities that I like about
him are being very humble, generous, full of integrity, full of vision, and thrifty. With lots of
money, he has, he did not bother to buy properties and cars, and he lived in a house worth only $
31 thousand dollars and changed cars only if it is hardly damaged. For him, as long as the house
warms him during the winter, why buy big houses that he cannot manage? He is very humble
and generous that he even shares his blessings with that in need without asking for recognition
and that is happiness for him. Buffet is a very simple man that he did not go to fancy restaurants
instead he used to eat in a local restaurant namely Gorah in their place. He enjoys eating junk
foods and drinking coca-cola with his friend Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Moreover, he
did not spend on designers for their websites or even on events he held, because for him why
waste money on designers if it makes no difference? He is full of vision and integrity in such a
way that at a young age, he already visualized that he will become a millionaire at 30 years old.
One of his employees says that he sticks to what he said, what you see, is what you get, 100%.
These are very admirable and it does not surprise me that he got all he wanted in life because of
these qualities of his.

In conclusion, the part of the movie that strikes me the most is the part when he said to
his children “do not expect to inherit his wealth because it is not fair”. Imagine, a very wealthy
man with only three (3) children teaching them to not be dependent on his wealth. He even did
not spoil them, in fact when one of his sons asks for money from him, Buffet asks for change and
he really means it. His children do not live as princess and princes as what everybody thinks
about them because of their privileges. Their dad raised them by putting in their minds the values
of self- hard work, sacrifices, and its fruits are what only they deserve to enable to be fair.
Moreover, I am also amazed at his children who do not go against his statement, accept it and
live their lives the way they wanted. This is the most striking part for me because never have I
thought that Buffet might not hand down his wealth to his children but on one hand, I respect
him and this is the right thing to do if he wanted his children to be independent. As a daughter
and student, I learn a lot from this video and I can apply these in my future endeavors to be
successful as well.

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