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The Restoration Amendment

Withdrawal of Consent – Reinstatement of the Rule of Law 25 January 2015 YouTube ID = Radisciple

Be it enacted by public referendum to repudiate unlawful acts of de facto

government by deceit and duress we lawfully recognize that a LAWFUL
government operates only by the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED!

Following a time of disclosure and discussion there shall be held a public

referendum to repudiate any change(s) to the United States Constitution that was
not lawfully enacted.1 We, the people recognize that LAWFUL government is
obliged to openly disclose any misuse of secrecy by criminal elements to evade
accountability. To reinstate the Republic all Senators shall be obliged to comply
with directives from their respective State Legislatures and all Federal Foreign Aid
shall cease IMMEDIATELY!2 All treaties made by the current de facto
government are suspended until they can be examined for moral legitimacy.

To hold the Body Politic Accountable the Lawful Militia shall be reinstated with
Lawful authority to investigate, indict in cooperation with FULLY INFORMED
Common Law Grand Juries, Prosecute and Punish – up to and including public
hangings for Treason. All human individuals are endowed by their Creator with
unalienable rights – no one is to be deprived of life, liberty or property without
Due Process which is the moral constraint that government itself is NOT above the
law. Thus, the Lawful Militia is both to PROTECT the Statesmen from slander or
threats within the body politic from carnal or spiritual dangers associated with
lawfully addressing the criminal element within our current system and likewise
the Lawful Militia are to be the Watchmen against Political Misdeeds of
Corruption within the Body Politic.

We Lawfully repudiate the Federal Reserve System and the Federal “Income Tax”
that is solely paid to Plutocratic criminals in recognition that they have NEVER
had a legitimate charters along with the Fraud of Counterfeiting Under the Color
of Law and a “PROTECTION” Racquet with a Leviticus 25 Jubilee. The

1 [Particularly, the “Reconstruction Amendments that were unlawfully coerced

upon the Southern States at Bayonette Point – as well as the 16th and 17th
“Amendments that were unlawfully asserted as “ratified” when they were NOT]
2 You want to send YOUR OWN money – you are free to do so – there is ZERO constitutional authority for foreign aid
fraudulent use of terms including “Lending”, “Borrowing” and “Debt” shall be
recognized as Color of Law where there is no actual TRANSFER of something of
value. A temporary monetary System shall be instituted until such time as a
permanent solution is brought about by the Informed Consent of the People. The
Lawful Militia shall investigate corruption, seize and hold in stewardship capital
goods (land, machinery, buildings, intellectual property et cetera) until they can be
lawfully returned to the injured parties that have been abused.

Human individuals are NOT Corporations nor are Corporations Human – all
Corporations shall be required to have morally sound charters, publicly disclosed,
to serve the public good and shall be held accountable by the Lawful Militia. All
Contracts must be according to Common Law moral standards that require
Informed Consent. Any individual or group that that orders, enables or condones a
crime outside the United States shall be recognized as Criminal.

The Lawful Militia is to maintain the integrity of the ballot by insuring that
tangible paper ballots are kept safe from corruption – including holding Political
Caucuses and Conventions to the RULE OF LAW – including the fact that it is
unlawful for political collusion to obstruct ballot access to only the TWO
entrenched establishment parties that have been unable or unwilling to mend their

The Lawful Militia is to Investigate Causus Beli (Reason for going to war) with
the clear understanding that it is an act of TREASON to lie to the people as to a
pretext for War – or other feigned acts of “Self-Defense” or reckless military
intervention. Major General Smedley Butler's “War is a Racquet” shall be updated
by Veterans groups and made known to the people. Freedom of the Press (and
other media) must be balanced by Responsibility of the Media – thus targets of
accusations, individuals, groups or nations shall have the right to refute any
accusation(s) made against them in the media with no less exposure than the
accusation(s) made.

All functions of the Federal Government beyond the enumerated powers of the
ORGANIC United States Constitution, thus have operated upon Presumed
Authority are either to be disbanded or turned over to state government – and the
later only when the people of that state consent to such authority. Lawful
government promotes charity – which is what one does with what is one's own to
give. Any individual that is dependent upon the state shall forfeit the right to vote
– except where that individual lost self-sufficiency in public service (Military, Law
Enforcement, Paramedics etc.)

As for the Plutocratic Fraud that has been foisted upon the people – tax protesters
shall be given amnesty and have property reinstated at the expense of those that
have swindled the people by corruption and fraudulent taxation.

Women's right to vote – except for those individuals otherwise rendered lawfully
ineligible - shall stand. There shall be NO involuntary servitude apart from lawful
conviction of a crime – neither shall debt slavery be allowed nor slavery under the
color of law. Convicts shall be required to pay reparations to the individuals they
harmed – or their families that survived their passing. The Lawful Militia shall
protect individuals against malicious prosecution by investigating Law
enforcement officials and members of the Judiciary for violation of due process.
Nor shall fines, fees and penalties be allowed as a source of revenue – but such
may go into a victim's compensation fund so that judges may rule impartially in
the cases in which they preside.

The Body Politic in a Republic is supposed to be a reflection of the will of the

people – yet clearly, the Body Politic has violated its charter – thus the people
have every right to Lawfully Demand Public Referendum to repudiate misdeeds of
bait and switch politics, no less than 1% of the constituents shall be needful to
demand Public Referendum yet no more than 3% - these Public referendums shall
trump judicial review and may only be challenged with clear evidence of
corruption of the ballot. Any elected or appointed official shall be vulnerable to a
vote of no confidence of the people and be replaced. Politicians found to be
corrupt shall forfeit ill gotten gain – including and especially the unlawful
BRIBES of the Federal Reserve System.

The Lawful Militia is to redraw the congressional district maps to ensure they
accurately reflect honest demographics rather than Gerrymandering to maintain
political stagnation.

To have a Lawful Militia requires We the People to be Informed, Organized,

Trained, Disciplined and Equipped – testing all things with Reason as an
endowment of our Creator, working together for the benefit of all, being
competent in our mission, held to moral standards and having the means of
reinstating Lawful Government – is more than weapons and ammunition – but the
moral compass to KNOW what is right and the will to do it.
We now have EVERYTHING the founders warned AGAINST – including a 2
party system that obstructs alternative parties and refuses to conduct genuine
investigations of their own corruption.

For the record, a LAWFUL government is based on the Consent of the Governed –
accountable to the people at large, promotes moral charity, protects individual
rights – including the right to privacy. Neither a Welfare State, nor a Warfare
State, but a LAWFUL STATE! Honest friendship with all nations means
entangling alliances with NONE!

We – who call for this Restoration Amendment withdraw our consent from our
current de facto COUNTERFEIT REPUBLIC that the founders warned against!

To what measure we comply, we do so out of duress – under Common Law we

declare a state of Lawful Rebellion – we will NOT Comply with Tyranny of the
delusion of “Freedom” to do what the Corporations that feign themselves to be
lawful governments allow us.

Mark Dabney, Author and political dissident

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