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8082 My IC Phone

Customization User Guide

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide

Table of Content

1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 OVERVIEW ..............................................................................................................4
1.2 ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................4
2. WHAT IS CUSTOMIZATION? ............................................................................................ 4
2.1 WHO CAN CUSTOMIZE? ..................................................................................................5
2.2 WHAT ARE THE ELEMENTS OF THE CUSTOMIZATION? .....................................................................5
2.2.1 Settings ............................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Sourcing: Data package .........................................................................................8
2.2.3 Skins ...............................................................................................................9
2.2.4 Example ......................................................................................................... 10
3. CUSTOMIZABLE ITEMS ................................................................................................. 11
3.1 ADMINISTRATOR ...................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Upgrade ......................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Maintenance and support .................................................................................... 14
3.2 DEVICE ............................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Audio............................................................................................................. 15
3.2.2 Bluetooth® ...................................................................................................... 19
3.2.3 Phone configuration .......................................................................................... 19
3.3 HOMEPAGE ........................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 Homepage type ................................................................................................ 27
3.3.2 Homepage buttons ............................................................................................ 28
3.3.3 Localization of labels ......................................................................................... 32
3.3.4 Homepage “Home” ............................................................................................ 32
3.3.5 Homepage “Advanced” ....................................................................................... 34
3.4 SCREENSAVER ......................................................................................................... 36
3.4.1 Screensaver Core .............................................................................................. 36
3.4.2 Slideshow ....................................................................................................... 37
3.4.3 Voicemail screensaver ........................................................................................ 37
3.4.4 Backlight ........................................................................................................ 38
3.4.5 Back to Home page ............................................................................................ 38
3.5 NATIVE WEB APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................... 39
3.5.1 Calls .............................................................................................................. 40
3.5.2 Directories ...................................................................................................... 42
3.5.3 Lock .............................................................................................................. 45
3.5.4 Manager/Assistant ............................................................................................ 46
3.6 USER DATA ........................................................................................................... 47
3.6.1 User Photo ...................................................................................................... 47
3.6.2 User Services ................................................................................................... 47
3.6.3 Presence ......................................................................................................... 48
3.6.4 My files .......................................................................................................... 49
3.6.5 User info in Hotel Mode for OmniPCX Enterprise ....................................................... 49
4. THE “SETTINGS” WEB APPLICATION (ADVANCED USER)....................................................... 55
5. OBSOLETE SETTINGS .................................................................................................. 56

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide

1. General
1.1 Overview

The customization capability is one of the key features of the 8082 My IC Phone terminal. The
objective of this document is to describe what can be customized (user interface and
functionalities) and how it can be done.

1.2 Abbreviations

 CSS Cascading Style Sheet

 DM Device Manager
 GUI Graphical User Interface
 HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
 JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group
 MMI Man Machine Interface
 PNG Portable Network Graphics
 RPM RedHat Package Manager
 SDK Software Development Kit
 SIP Session Initiation Protocol
 URL Uniform Resource Location
 Webapp Web Application
 WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
 XML eXtensible Markup Language

2. What is customization?

Basically, the customization is the service offered by the phone and its tools to adapt the device
to the customer‟s need and environment.
It allows an administrator to adapt the User Interface and services of the applications. This
customization includes the following features:
- Information display
- Information input
- Look and feel: graphical chart (colors…), wall paper, screen saver, audio files, and so
- Action and function availability on the set
Modifying some settings, skinning and labeling is the way to customize the device. To achieve
this, a set of tools is required.
The customization allows several choices:
- Settings: fill in and modify some parameters that are changing the behavior of service
presentation on the phone.
- Skinning: choose new colors for graphical objects on the screen.
- Labeling: replace some labels by others, more suitable for the customer in line with
the contextual environment of work.

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2.1 Who can customize?

The customization can be done by the provider (or administrator): the 8082 My IC Phone
customization capability is based on a „customization file‟ which is pushed to the device by the
Device Manager.

This customization file contains predefined settings which can be modified by the administrator.
The file contains also the link to the RPM archives containing custom resources (images and
melodies), and skin definition.

For the end user: the 8082 My IC Phone offers natively web applications which allow the end user
to customize its phone:
- “Settings”: contains the list of user parameters to tune the device and its applications,
such as melody, backlight, Bluetooth®, etc...
- “My files”: with this application, the end user searches, imports and visualizes pictures
and plays audio files (stored in the phone or on an USB key). The browsed resources
(images, audio files) can be assigned to associated features such as background (or
wall paper), screensaver or user photo.
- “Contacts”: With this application, the end user is able to create a list of contacts and
- “Homepage”: The end user is able to add contact on the home page

This document covers only administrator customization (also named centralized customization, in
opposite to user customization).

2.2 What are the elements of the customization?

There is one element for each customization possibility:

- The values of the custom settings are declared in the customization file (custom.xml).
- The skin and the resources of the newly created skin are compacted in an .rpm file
packed in a zip archive, which is then handled by the DM server OmniVista 8770.
- Updated labels are compacted in an .rpm file (different from the skin package). This
.rpm file is packaged in a zip archive which is then handled by the DM Server
OmniVista 8770.

My IC Customizer 2.1 offers user-friendly editors to update settings related to the customization,
and to create custom skin. It includes also functions to build and package the custom packages
and the custom configuration file, ready to be consumed by the DM server OmniVista 8770.

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See below a short view of the relationships between the needed activity, the function to be used
in the tool My IC Customizer 2.1, and what is built and how it is packaged, with this tool.

Activity Functions Build Packaging

Sourcing Resources
My IC Phone Software

Third party Software

Local user resources

Setting Settings Custom.xml theme.xml


(data.rpm and/or

Skinning Skin Editor skin.rpm

Labeling Labels label.rpm Label_theme.zi

Editor p

My IC Customizer 2.1


- data.rpm is built only when a setting refers to new resources (images or melodies).
- Even if only settings are referring to resources, and no skin has been explicitly
composed, by default, the skin.rpm file is built and packaged in the archive, with the data.rpm file. In this case, and only in this case, the skin.rpm and
the reference to it in the index.xml file, included in the archive, can be
- Resources are extracted from the content of the corporate phone software, the
eventual third party software (i.e. hospitality), or from local area.
- When the function “export theme” is activated (for example when the results of the
customization have to be tested), the three elements (theme.xml, and are built, packaged and exported, even if only one of them has been
modified (settings, skin or label)

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2.2.1 Settings
A setting is (basically) a variable used by the terminal software. A setting is defined (mainly) by a
name (id), a type (BOOLEAN, NUMERIC, STRING, etc.), a value and a default value.

Modifying the value of a given setting changes the behavior and/or the user interface of the

Settings are provisioned during the terminal initialization by downloading three configuration
files (XML format). These files are created on one side by the Device Manager (1st and 2nd files)
and on the other side by the My IC Customizer application (3rd file).

The 1st file is device oriented, the 2nd file is user oriented (SIP configuration) and the 3rd file is
customization oriented.

The 3rd file (optional) has been introduced due to the fact that the DM (in OpenTouch context in
particular) doesn‟t manage all settings (more than 500 in R200.01.021.) and more specifically
those related to the customization. The DM is responsible for the customization file deployment.

DM server

1st file
Created by the
DM application
2nd file

3rd file

Customization file must be

uploaded to the DM server

Created by the My IC 3rd file

Customizer application Customization

The My IC Customizer 2.1 application is dedicated to the creation of the customization file.
Generic editors are provided for all settings type (BOOLEAN, NUMERIC, STRING, etc.). For some
complex settings, specific editors are available (plugins).

The My IC Customizer 2.1 application takes as input the production of the terminal software
(corporate zip archive of rpms). It means that the My IC Customizer 2.1 application has to be
always up-to-date with the settings and resources implemented in the terminal.

The RPM system is the upgrade/downgrade mechanism for the terminal software. A software
release is a set of RPM files package in a zip archive, and an RPM file is the basic unit of

Thanks to the openness feature, it is possible to install external packages (i.e. not part of the
official corporate software release, also called third party packages). These packages should be

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created using the 8082 My IC Phone SDK (RPM and package maker tools) or by the My IC
Customizer 2.1.

So, in addition, the My IC Customizer 2.1 application is able to read the content of RPM or zip
archive of RPM files, created by the 8082 My IC Phone SDK or by itself and to extract from them
all the compatible resources detected (skins, icons, images and audio files). These resources can
be browsed and used when editing the value of some settings (for example a contact photo or the
images of the screensaver, or add a button).

Adding third party web applications is one part of the customization process. It consists in adding
functionalities to the existing ones. Two examples from the rich hospitality package are given
below: an Air Conditioner application and a Guest Survey application.

Air Conditioner Guest Survey

The administrator controls the installation of a third party web application with the device
management application.

Once a third party web application has been installed in the terminal, it can be enabled or
disabled via a setting (EnableWebapp<webappname>). This mechanism is described in section

[!] This document does not cover neither the webapp development nor the installation of these
external applications.

2.2.2 Sourcing: Data package

Adding resources to the terminal belongs to the customization process. It consists in installing in
the terminal, images and/or audio files (i.e. resources) which are referenced by some settings.

One example is the default screensaver (image slideshow) which can be customized to display
images installed as additional resources instead of the 3 default ones.

Default screensaver images

The My IC Customizer 2.1 application creates and exports the data rpm file which is needed to
insert the resources in the phone. This data file is created as soon as a resource is referred by a


[i] Additional data files located in an USB key can be also copied in phone using the web
application “My files”.

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2.2.3 Skins

A skin is a graphical appearance of the user interface. The terminal software is skinnable and
embeds by default 7 different skins (4 examples are given below): Challenger (default), Aero,
Greenup, Softer, Harmony, Pep’s and Classic.

Softer Aero

Greenup Harmony

Skinning is one part of the customization process. It is also closely related to branding as the
customer is able to design a skin that fits his company by including a logo, colors, icons, etc., or
just to highlight an event.

Virtual Hotel 1 Virtual Hotel 2

Christmas event

The My IC Customizer 2.1 tool should be used to create a skin. It gives the user a graphical
interface to access the skinnable parameters of the corporate release software.

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A skin is composed of CSS code in CSS files, and of images pointed by the code.
A customized skin is always a list of the modifications from the basic skin. The basic skin is the
basement to which all the other skins refer. The basic skin is complete and defines all the
graphical objects All other skins contains a partial description of the changes from the basic. The
basic skin is “Challenger”.

A skin can be inherited from an existing one (for example from the “Softer” skin).

Once a skin has been installed on the phone, it can be selected by default or not. The
administrator can control if the end user is allowed or not to change the skin.


[!] This document does not address neither how to create a skin nor how to install it in the

2.2.4 Example

We take as example an OmniPCX Enterprise environment with a DM (Device Manager) server (i.e.:
OmniVista 8770).
In this environment, the Administrator could process the following steps:
- (1) With My IC Customizer 2.1: make the theme
- Create a theme (project)
- Import the resources (images, audio files)
- Compose the skin. Export the screenshot to have an overview.
- Edit the settings. Have a look on the content of the future custom file.
- Export the theme

- (2) With the tool OmniVista 8770: Declare and import a custom packaging
- Import custom.xml file as configuration file
- Import custom packages as third party packages
- Associate the custom.xml file to phones as the third configuration file.
- Associate the custom packages ( and to phones.

- (3) With the 8082 My IC Phone: Deploy

- Reset phone to force the upgrade, or wait for the automatic upgrade after

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3. Customizable items
This chapter presents essentially the customizable items.

The customization is using settings to manage the display of items, the availability of functions or
to add content to applications.

Therefore, if items need the skin editor, the point will be mentioned, and the customization will
have to be completed by producing a skin.

The settings related to the device configuration (first configuration file) and SIP protocol (second
configuration file) are managed by the DM, whereas the settings related to the customization are
managed by My IC Customizer 2.1. The split of the settings is determined by the attribute “DM”.
If true, the setting is managed by the DM, if false, the setting could be managed by My IC
Customizer 2.1, and is displayed.

If really required, the DM settings can be edited by activating the “advanced user mode” in the
theme preferences. This action is not recommended because it could override the configuration
done by the DM. The settings with the attribute DM equal to false are not visible by the DM and
cannot be in anyway edited by it.

In the next chapters, the settings of both types are described. The list of settings and the
associated tool to use is found at the end of the document in Annex A.
3.1 Administrator

3.1.1 Upgrade Configuration files

For the customization the first thing to take into account, before anything else, is to ensure the
existence and the correct declaration of the configuration files. In Section ‎2.2.1 .three
configuration files have been described:
- The first configuration file is associated to the device by the DM, configuring the url of
the DM.

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The first configuration file references the file “profile.xml‟ which declares the
software release that will be downloaded by the phone during the upgrade. The file
“profile.xml” is declared by giving the url to access it: Setting “DmEnetcfgUpgradeFile”.
The value is the full path from the root of the server.
Example: value =”/release/R200/VHE/profile_01.035.1_unlocked.xml”.
- The second configuration file is declared in the first configuration file by giving the url
to access to the file: Setting “DmEnetcfgSipFile”. The value is the full path from the
root of the server.
Example: value =”sipdata.00809fa0092e.xml”.
- The third configuration file (customization file, also called optional file) is declared in
the first or second configuration file by giving the url to access the file: Setting
“DmEnetcfgOptionalFile”. My IC Customizer 2.1 creates this file. The value is a full path
from the root of the server.
Example: value =”custom_Hotel_Paradise.xml”. Polling

The upgrade service implements a polling mechanism which allows the phone to check the
configuration files changes or the software release change.

- The setting “DmAdmcfgCfgfilePollingEnable” activates or de-activates the polling

mechanism of the configuration files. Example: value =”true”.

- The setting “DmAdmcfgCfgfilePollingTimeout” determines the time between each tick.

Value is a number in seconds. : Example: value =”60”. The phone polls the DM every
minute. Forward Proxy

Some services and the IP configuration need to declare a forwarding proxy to reach the Web
applications or the images available on a server on the WAN. That proxy can be configured with
the following parameters:

- The setting “HTTPProxyActivated” declares if the customer LAN proxy server is

activated: Example: value =”true”.

- The setting “HTTPProxyHost” declares the host name or the @IP of the customer LAN
proxy server: Example: value =””.

- The setting “HTTPProxyPort” declares the port to reach the customer LAN proxy
service: Example: value =”3128”.

- The setting “HTTPProxyUsername” declares the end-user name which authorize the
access to the LAN proxy server: Example: value =”juliette.romeo@alcatel-”.

- The setting “HTTPProxyPassword” declares the end-user password which validates the
authorization for the end-user to access to the LAN proxy server: Example: value

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Third party web application or skin deployment

The installation of a third party software (web application or custom skins or custom data or
custom labels) is submitted to a check of security level. Alcatel-Lucent will decline all
responsibility in case of crash of the terminal due to a non-signed application.

- The setting “DmWebappDeploymentMode” declares if the download of external

applications should be signed or not.
- value =”OPEN” means the user can freely download any web application, signed or
not. This is the default mode.

- Value=”SECURE” means only signed third party web application can be downloaded
by the user

- Value=”LOCK” means only the administrator can deploy web applications. This can
be done through DM or through an external application server.

- But, on R2xx: 8082 My IC Phone only supports open and secure modes, without
TRUSTED flag management. In this case, secure=lock and user and administrator are
the same person. This restriction simplifies the cases :
- value =”OPEN” means any web application (third party or not), signed or not can
be downloaded. This is the default mode.

- Value=”SECURE” or “LOCK” means only signed web application (third party or not)
can be downloaded.

The web application deployment mode can only be configured through the configuration file.

Transition from open mode (default) to secured or locked mode can only be activated if the
security is on (the trust with the DM is set up through the CTL mechanism). Changing the mode
will automatically trigger a reset. During next upgrade, the phone always gets its profile and
parses it, even if the profile is identically to the last one.

When changing the mode from “OPEN” to “SECURE” or “LOCK”, all unsigned external applications
are removed from the terminal during next upgrade process. Only signed external applications
will be kept. In addition, this can only be done on a secured terminal (CTL installation or client
certificate download with CA certificate included).


[!] My IC Customizer 2.1 and the 8082 My IC Phone SDK provide .rpm files which are not
signed. The value of the setting should be “OPEN” to ensure the acceptance of their installation
in R2xx.
[i] This setting has no effect for the external web application. These applications are not
submitted to the value of that setting.

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3.1.2 Maintenance and support

These settings are dedicated to the administrator in case of maintenance and support needs. Remote display

For debug purposes, it is possible to connect to the phone with a browser in order to forward the
display on a monitor instead of on the phone screen.

- The setting “HttpdOpen” authorizes the remote access to the presentation on the
phone. The display of the phone becomes green and the screen display is forwarded to
the connected remote browser. The default value is “false”.
Example: value =”false”.

- The setting “DeveloperMode” makes the presentation running in debug mode to

facilitate the code inspection during a period of debugging. The default value is
“false”. Under this mode, the software is running really slower. It should be avoided.
Example: value =”false”.

- These settings have to be used for debug only, on extremely difficult situations with
an acceptance of the three parts (R&D, Technical support and Customer). In other
context they have not to be modified. Regular Reset

- The setting RegularResetActive controls the activity of the reset mechanism. If true the
mechanism is active. It is inactive if the value is false. By default the mechanism is not
activated (false)
- The setting RegularResetSchedule permits to configure the time period when the phone
is reset. Its value defines in seconds at which time the phone will be reset each day.
The default value is 7200 (s), means (at 2 o‟clock in the morning) Remote login

A mechanism has been implemented in the 8082 My IC Phone to log the traces on a remote syslog
server. Here are defined the parameters to configure it.
- The setting LogRemoteServerExist defines if the mechanism to send the logs to remote
syslog server is activated or not. By default the mechanism is not activated (false)
- The setting LogRemoteServerAddress defines the remote syslog server IP address
- The setting LogRemoteServerPort defines the remote syslog server port value.
- The setting LogRemoteServerProtocol defines the remote syslog server protocol
configuration. The value can be “udp” or “tcp”.

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3.2 Device

The following settings are related to the customization of services related to the phone.

3.2.1 Audio

The following settings are related to the customization of the audio of the phone. Ring lock

- The setting AudioRingLock controls if the user is able to modify the ring volume and the
state on MMI. The default value is False (not locked). Beep and Silent

- The setting AudioRingBeep controls the number of beeps played when a beep is
required. The allowed values are.
- Value= 0 , means no beep is played
- Value= 1 , means a single beep is played
- Value= 2 , means two beeps are played
- Value= 3 , means three beeps are played
Default value is 0.

- The setting AudioRingSilent enables or disables a silent ring. When enabled, no sound is
played during ringing. Default value is false.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Melodies Default melodies

The phone contains a list of default melodies. They are defined by a file (file id) and a label.
File id <-> label
/usr/share/ringdata/ring00.wav <-> CLASSIC1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring01.mp3 <-> CLASSIC2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring02.mp3 <-> CLASSIC3
/usr/share/ringdata/ring03.mp3 <-> ALARMING1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring04.mp3 <-> ALARMING2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring05.mp3 <-> ALARMING3
/usr/share/ringdata/ring06.mp3 <-> COSY1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring07.mp3 <-> COSY2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring08.mp3 <-> COSY3
/usr/share/ringdata/ring09.mp3 <-> DYNAMIC1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring10.mp3 <-> DYNAMIC2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring11.mp3 <-> DYNAMIC3
/usr/share/ringdata/ring12.mp3 <-> NOTIFICATION1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring13.mp3 <-> NOTIFICATION2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring14.mp3 <-> NOTIFICATION3
/usr/share/ringdata/ring15.mp3 <-> QUIET1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring16.mp3 <-> QUIET2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring17.mp3 <-> QUIET3
/usr/share/ringdata/ring18.mp3 <-> RELAXING1
/usr/share/ringdata/ring19.mp3 <-> RELAXING2
/usr/share/ringdata/ring20.mp3 <-> RELAXING3

It is possible to customize the different ringtones used by the applications of the phone. The
applications using ringtones are:
- In application Communication, the ringtones warn the user of the happening of
various events: when internal, or external, or special calls are coming in, and when
appointments registered by the SIP host expire. Four settings control the choice of the
melody wanted for each variety of calls: AudioRingInternalChoice, AudioRingExternalChoice
and AudioRingSpecialChoice. They should be filled in with the file id of a melody. This
melody is only chosen from the default list of melodies stored in the phone (presented
above). The default value of the three settings AudioRingInternalChoice,
AudioRingExternalChoice AudioRingSpecialChoice is /usr/share/ringdata/ring18.mp3
(RELAXING1). These settings are not directly handled by My IC Customizer 2.1. It has
been preferred to treat the settings AudioRingInternal, AudioRingExternal and
AudioRingSpecial, instead. This permits the user to define a new list of own melodies
(see section ‎
- In application “Wake up” also called “Alarm”, a melody warns the user that it is time
to wake up. There is no setting to control that melody. The configuration is done by
the user only, when he programs his appointment. The list of melodies available is
managed and can be modified by the application File manager. By default, the list of
melodies for Wake up is (ALARMING1, ALARMING2, ALARMING3.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Additional melodies

It is possible to add melodies and install them on the terminal, using My IC Customizer 2.1. These
melodies are added to the list of corporate melodies.

For the application Communication, they must be added in the settings AudioRingInternal,
AudioRingExternal, and AudioRingSpecial. These settings of type TEXT_CHOICE are used internally by
the software to populate the list of values for the settings respectively AudioRingInternalChoice,
AudioRingExternalChoice, and AudioRingSpecialChoice.

In this setting, a melody is defined by an id (full file name and path of the melody, it cannot be
accessed by a url), a name (user-friendly to be displayed in the Settings webapp) and a flag
indicating if this melody is the current (true) or not (false). The format of the setting is the


For the application Wake up, it is necessary to use the web application File manager. With this
application, the audio files, which are installed on the phone and visible, can be added to the
pool of melodies available for the application wake up.


[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a user-friendly way to add audio resources, and to associate
them with the settings. Then it generates the data rpm file to be installed, and the custom.xml
file containing the settings (see section ‎2.2). Ringtones volume

It is possible to control the Volume and the progression of the ringtones.

- The setting AudioRingVolume (between 0 (silent) and 9 (loudest))

- The setting AudioRingProgressive defines the progression of the volume. If the value is
true, a mechanism of volume progression from low to high is activated. The ringtone
becomes louder and louder until the level defined by the setting AudioRingVolume. If
the value is false, the volume of the rings is constant with the level defined by the
setting AudioRingVolume. By default, the value is false.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Hardware

Some settings related to hardware configuration for audio:

- The setting AudioRj9Device configures the RJ9 device as Handset or Headset. Default
value is
o Value=0 for Handset
o Value=1 for Headset
- The setting AudioUsbDeviceType configures the USB device as Headset, Hands free or
loudspeaker, when BT accessory is configured in AudioAccessoryEnableDevice.
Select this device as headset, hands free or loudspeaker for group-listening. . Default
value is 0.
o Value=0 for none
o Value=1 for Headset
o Value=2 for Hands free
o Value=3 for Loudspeaker
- The setting AudioBTDeviceType configures the BT device as Headset, Hands free or
loudspeaker, when the USB accessory is configured in AudioAccessoryEnableDevice.
Select this device as headset, hands free or loudspeaker for group-listening. Default
value is 0.
o Value=0 for none
o Value=1 for Headset
o Value=2 for Hands free
o Value=3 for Loudspeaker
- The setting AudioJACKDeviceType configures the JACK device as Headset, Hands free or
loudspeaker, when JACK accessory is configured in AudioAccessoryEnableDevice.
Select this device as headset, hands free or loudspeaker for group-listening. Default
value is 0.
o Value=0 for none
o Value=1 for Headset
o Value=2 for Hands free
o Value=3 for Loudspeaker
- The setting AudioAccessoryEnableDevice enables JACK, USB or BT accessory device.
Default value is 0.
o Value=0 for none
o Value=1 for JACK
o Value=2 for USB
o Value=3 for Bluetooth®

- The setting AudioSpeakerPhoneVolume defines the volume level of speakerphone for

hands free and group-listening mode. The range of values is between 0 (silent) and 9
(louder). Default value is 5.

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3.2.2 Bluetooth®

The service managing Bluetooth® is enabled by the setting EnableWebappBlueTooth. When the
value is true, the service is enabled.

- The setting BTRadioEnable enables (or not) the Bluetooth® radio. The default value is
- The setting MyBluetooth is a specific setting which has no value. It exists to allow the
administrator to activate (or not) the display of the parameters managed by the
Bluetooth® web application; When displayed these parameters can be modified with
the help of the web application “settings” (MMI).
The default value of the attribute display_rights is 0_0 (not displayed and not
modifiable by anyone). The maximum rights are 0_RW (displayed and modifiable by
the end user only).

[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a user-friendly way to change the display right of a setting
(with setting right editor). But, the user should activate the “advanced user mode” in the project
to activate that editor.

3.2.3 Phone configuration

The following settings are related to the main customization of the phone. Haptic

The service managing the sensitive feedback is enabled by the setting EnableWebappHaptic. When
its value is true, the service is enabled.

- The setting HapticEnabled controls if the sensitive feedback (haptic) is on or off, when
the service is enabled. The default value is true.
- The setting BeepEnabled controls if a low level beep as feedback is on or off, when the
service is enabled. The default value is false. Date & Time

The following settings are related to the date and time customization of the phone. Time zone

- The setting DmAdmcfgTimeZone defines the timezone where the phone is located. A
predefined list is supported. The format is [CONTINENT/CAPITAL].

[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a user-friendly way to configure that setting by listing all
the existing time zones. It permits also to create a new one.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Set date and time

Date and time

By SNTP server:
- The setting DmEnetcfgSntp defines the IP address of the SNTP server.
- The setting DmEnetcfgSntpRefreshPeriod defines the period in seconds for refreshing.
.Example value=300, means every 5 minutes, the date is asked to the SNTP server for
update. Default value is 3600

When a SNTP server is configured, the date and time cannot be set manually. When it is not
configured, the web application “Date” can be activated by pressing the right corner of the
screen, where the date and time are displayed. Date format

The format is customized by the following settings:

- The setting TimeFormat controls if the format of the time is 12h (false) or 24h (true).
It is used to display the time at any occasion, especially in the top right corner right of
the screen where the date and time are displayed. Default value is true (24h)

Time format (12h – false)

- The setting DateFormat controls the format of the displayed date. The possible values
are :
o Value = 0 <-> dd/mm/YYYY
o Value = 1 <-> mm/dd/YYYY
o Value = 2 <-> YYYY/mm/dd
o Value = 3 <-> YYYY/dd/mm
Default value is 0 (dd/mm/YYYY).

Date format (MM/DD/YYYY – 1)

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Language

The following setting sets the language displayed on the phone. The list of languages supported
by the phone is:

Code Language Value Code Language Value

cs Czech 3 nl Dutch 18
da Danish 4 pl Polish 20
de German 5 pt Portuguese 21
el Greek 6 sk Slovak 23
en English 0 sl Slovenian 24
es Spanish 7 sv Swedish 25
et Estonian 8 tr Turkish 26
fi Finnish 9 ar Arabic 2
fr French 1 he Hebrew 10
hu Hungarian 11 ja Japanese 14
is Icelandic 12 ko Korean 15
it Italian 13 ru Russian 22
16 Chinese 27
lt zh-cn
Lithuanian (simplified)
17 Chinese 28
lv zh-tw
Latvian (traditional)
no Norwegian 19
Table 1: Supported languages

- The setting Language defines the language displayed. The value is one of the values
listed in the table (Table 1: Supported languages) getting a number from 0 to 28. By
default the value is 0 (English) Keyboard, Dial pad, Keypad

The following settings are related to the customization of the Keyboard of the phone. Default keyboard type

The keyboard is a window showing an alphanumerical list of keys which allows the user to input
any characters in a field. There is 5 kinds of keyboards (AZERTY, 3 QWERTY versions and
The default keyboard is configurable by the following setting:
- The setting Defaultkeyboard defines the type of keyboard used by default.
o Value = 0 <-> azerty_french
o Value = 1 <-> qwerty_english
o Value = 2 <-> qwertz_german
o Value = 3 <-> qwerty_nordic
o Value = 4 <-> qwerty_spanish
The default value is 0 (AZERTY).

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Dial pad (or Key pad):

Key pad and Dial pad are 2 names for the same object. Both names can be used. There are two
kinds of dial pads available depending on the terminal‟s environment:
- In Business environment, when the value of the setting EnableWebappHotel is false: the
Business dial pad is displayed. It offers direct access to a full list of shortcuts:
o The communication logs,
o A search tool for enterprise address book,
o The global contact list as well as favorites ones.

Dial pad: Business mode

- In Hotel environment, when the value of the setting EnableWebappHotel is true: the
Hotel dial pad is displayed. It offers direct access to a restricted list of shortcuts,
depending on value of setting ActionButtonInDialpad. The default value is 0.
o Value = 0 : no shortcut
o Value = 1 : search tool for Hotel Address Book
o Value = 2: directory (internal Address Book – common contacts list)

Dial pad: Hotel mode – ActionButtonDialpad = 2 Default keyboard when off hook

When the end-user hooks off the handset or when he presses the sensitive key “keypad “ or when
he presses the “call/dialer” button, the phone displays or not a board to start the numbering.
This board is either the dial pad to start dialing a phone number or the keyboard for the dial-by-
name. These settings are depending on the web application “Communication”.
- The setting ShowKeyboardOnHookOff controls the display of the chosen keyboard (true to
display, false no display of keyboard at all). Default value is true.
- The setting NewCallDefaultMethod controls the chosen keyboard
o Value = “0”, the dial pad is displayed to start dialing.
o Value = “1”, the default way to make a call is 'dial by name' (the alphanumeric
keyboard appears). When the user off hooks, presses the dialer sense key or the
dialer button, the search web application and the keyboard are displayed.
o The default value is 0 (dial pad)

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Skin Default skins

As explained in section ‎2.2.3, the software embeds 7 different skins: Challenger, Aero, GreenUp,
Softer, Harmony, Pep’s and Classic.
- The setting SkinsListChoice (choice) changes the default skin (Challenger) and also
restricts the number (1 to 7) of skins available to the user. Its value is the identifier of
the skin. Its default value is then “Default”

If it has been authorized by the administrator (display rights of the setting, see section ‎4), the
user is able to switch from one skin to another one by using the Settings web application.
This setting is not available to My IC Customizer tool. It has been preferred to configure the skins
by means of the setting SkinsList.
Here is the list of names / identifier of the default skins:

Name Identifier
Challenger Default
Aero aero-Default
GreenUp greenup-Default
Softer softer-Default
Harmony harmony-Default
Pep‟s peps-Default
Classic classic-Default Additional skins

If additional skins created using My IC Customizer 2.1 are installed in the terminal, they must be
added in the setting SkinsList. This setting of type TEXT_CHOICE is used internally by the software
to populate the list of allowed values for the setting SkinsListChoice.

In this setting, a skin is defined by an id (directory name where the skin is installed), a name
(user-friendly to be displayed in the Settings webapp) and a flag indicating if this skin is the
default (true) or not (false). The format of the setting is the following:


Its default value is empty.

[!] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a user-friendly way to create a skin with the skin editor.
The setting SkinsList is neither exported by default, nor changed. When the theme is created and
the skin is designed, the setting SkinsList has also to be modified. If wanted, this skin may become
one of the possible choices or the unique visible skin for the end-user.
[i] The tool provides also an easy way to edit that setting. Background picture

There are two ways to customize the picture in the background.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide By skin

The background of the phone is one of the configurable parameters of the skin editor in My IC
Customizer 2.1.
- Create a theme
- Add wished background image as resource
- Select in the button “wall paper”
- Customize your background
- Change the setting “SkinsList” in order that your skin becomes the default one.
- Export the theme
- Install the skin package on your phone with the help of the DM
- Install the custom file on your phone with the help of your DM

This is the best way when the customization requires modifications in the skin. By setting

- The setting UserBackgroundPicture controls the background picture. The image file can
be either installed locally or located on a remote server (URL).

Here are some examples:

- Use case : End user associates an image from his USB key to the Wall paper by means
of the web application “my files”
Value = “/data/filesmanager/backgrounds/Alcatel-Lucent/background.jpg”

- Use case: Administrator associates an image to the setting by means of My IC

Customizer 2.1. He has exported the data rpm file and installed it on the phone. He
has then associated the produced custom.xml to the phone
Value = “/data/resources/VirtualHotel/default.jpg”

- Use case: Administrator associates a url to the setting with My IC Customizer 2.1. He
has exported the custom.xml file and associated it to the phone
Value =

The preferred image size is 800x480 pixels to avoid automatic resizing. The recommended image
formats are JPG (smaller size) and PNG. The logo and any other information (address, phone
number, etc.) must be integrated in the image (i.e. there is not dedicated zone for that
The background image is placed at the absolute position 0x0 (left-up corner of the screen). If the
homepage preview is selected, the top bar and the application bar hide partially the background
image (except when transparency is enabled).

The background image is loaded at the end of the terminal initialization. From that moment, the
background image defined within the selected skin is used.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide By web application “My files”

The web application “My files” provides to the end user a friendly interface to visualize the
images stored on a USB memory card and to associate one of them to the background with the
button “wall paper”. Connectivity indicators

The connectivity is represented by the web application “Connectivity” which is in charge to

display icons, giving an indicator of the state of the services.

Connectivity icons area

It is possible via settings to control the list of indicators displayed and their position on the
screen in the “connectivity” area.
- The setting HiddenConnectivityIcons defines the list of icons to hide depending on their
status in the Connectivity webapp (at the top right of the screen). This setting is a
concatenation of string separated by commas. Each string represents an icon and its
status. The syntax is: { item:'<iconName>', status:'<iconStatus>'}. The value of
iconStatus depends on the value of iconName.
- Possible values are:

Icon name Icon status

ethernet-link 1000; 100; 10; disconnected
secure-mode on;off*
usb on;off*
Bluetooth® paired; outofreach; pairing
headset on; off*
wakeup on; off*
ringsilent on; off*
interphony on; off*
sip-registration ok; ko
ics-login ok; ko
supervision (R260) on; off*
camera (video R260) on; off*; ok
process (upgrade R260) on; off*

Icons with “iconstatus” equal to off are basically not displayed by the web application.

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“[{name:‟< iconName1>‟, status:‟< iconStatus1>‟},…,{name:‟< iconNameN‟>, status:‟<

The default value is :


- The setting ConnectivityIconsPositions defines the location of the icons in the

connectivity area (at the top right of the screen). There are 12 visible positions. Each
of them can be associated to a type of icon. The string should contain a json-
formatted list of name and positions (1 to 12), like this: This setting is a concatenation
of strings separated by semicolons. The string represents the icon name and its
The syntax is: {name: '<iconName>',pos:<iconPosition>}. iconPosition is the position
where the icon is displayed. The first position is 1 and is on the left. The iconName
defines the icon to display. The same list is used for the setting HiddenConnectivityIcons.
So, refer to it.

Syntax :
“{name:‟<name of icon1‟>, pos:<number1>};…;{name:‟<name of iconN‟>,

The default value is :



[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides the possibility to change the icons of the connectivity with
the help of the resource manager. The modifications are included in the created skin, and are
displayed when the skin is installed and activated on the phone.

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3.3 Homepage

[!] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a specific plug-in for edition (Homepage editor) with a
simple GUI to configure all the settings of this chapter concerning the customization of the

3.3.1 Homepage type

The homepage is the main screen of the user interface. It provides an access to all installed and
enabled web applications. It is also the first screen displayed at the end of the terminal
The software comes with two homepages: called Home and Advanced (aka Business). The
homepage Home is selected by default.

In R200, both homepages were separated and independent. The terminal started with one type of
homepage. It was not possible to swap from one to the other pages with a button.

In R250, a new button called “advanced” located on Homepage “Home” permits to go to the
homepage “Advanced”. And a new button “home” has been created to go back to the homepage
“home” from the homepage “Advanced”.

It is always possible to keep the previous mechanism and separate the two kinds of homepage
presentation, in order that the user sees one form and not the other one.
The screenshots below are examples of the 2 homepages:

Homepage Home Homepage Advanced

In R200, the administrator can change the default value and, when this has been authorized, the
user can switch from one homepage to the other using the Settings webapp.

In R250, this is always true, if the configuration separates both homepages. Else, if the
configuration proposes to navigate from one to the other by means of buttons, the web
application “Settings” opens the web application “shortcut keys editor” when the item
“homepage” is selected.

- The setting HomepagePreviewMode controls the homepage selection at terminal start

up. It allows to switch from homepage “Home” to homepage “Advanced” and
inversely. The value true means, the preferred homepage is “Advanced”. The value
false means, the preferred homepage is “Home”. The default value is false.
- The setting HomepageShowSwitchButtons controls the existence of the button
“Advanced” on homepage “Home” and of the button “Home” on homepage
“Advanced”. The value true means: the buttons are programmed and displayed. The
value false means: the buttons are not programmed on the homepages, then not
displayed. The default value is true.

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3.3.2 Homepage buttons

[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 includes an editor to customize the buttons on the homepage.

The homepage customization allows the administrator to define the location of the buttons, the
icons and the labels of existing buttons and even to declare new buttons.

Then the main requests are:

 How to define the list of buttons displayed on the homepages?
 How to organize the list of buttons displayed on the homepages?
 How to change the graphical attributes (background, icon, and label) of the displayed
The answer to these questions depends on the type of buttons and needs the use of different

First of all, it is important to give some information about the buttons.

There are different types of buttons:

 The applicative buttons:
o The native applicative buttons: they are declared in the 8082 My IC Phone release
by the native web applications, and usually, they are in charge of launching them.
o The third party applicative buttons: they are declared in third party web
applications, and usually are in charge of launching them.
 The custom buttons:
o They are buttons created by the administrator (by means of the My IC Customizer
tool), based on actions exported (and listed by the tool) by the Web applications
(third or native)
 The “shortcut” or “programmable keys” buttons:
o They are buttons created by the user with the help of the web application

The list of applicative native buttons is:

Identifier Webapp Label Compatibility

DIALER_BTN Communication (Dial pad) Dialer All releases
BYNAME_BTN Dial by name Search All releases
COMMUNICATION_BTN Communication History All releases
CONTACT_BTN Address book Contacts All releases
CONTACTS_FAVORITES_BTN Programmable keys Favorites All releases
WAKEUP_BTN Wake-up Alarm All releases
FILESMANAGER_BTN Files manager My Files All releases

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Identifier Webapp Label Compatibility

LOCK_BTN Lock Lock All releases
SETTINGS_BTN Settings Settings All releases
SYNCHRONIZATION_BTN PIM Synchronization on Synchronization All releases
« Advanced »
SYNCHRONIZATION_KEY PIM Synchronization on Synchronization All releases
« Home »
VOICEMAIL_HOMEPAGE_BTN Communication Voicemail All releases
HOMEPAGE_PREVIEW_BTN Homepage Advanced >= R250
HISTORY_BTN Communication History >= R260

Table 2: Predefined native buttons


This part describes which tool is needed to change the attributes of the buttons:
 The applicative button:
o Background: the skin editor is in charge to change the background of any button
(applicative, custom or progkeys)
o Icon: the resources manager is in charge to change the icon of native applicative
button, but the icon of a third party applicative button cannot be changed by any
o Label: the label editor is in charge to change the label of the native applicative
button. But the label of third party applicative button cannot be changed by any
o Action: Its action is defined by the declaration and cannot be changed

 The custom button:

o Background: the skin editor is in charge to change the background of any button
(applicative, custom or shortcut)
o Icon: the resources manager is in charge to add new icons in the icon database.
And the plug-in “HomepageEdition” of the settings editor is in charge to associate
the icon to the custom button.
o Label: the plug-in “HomepageLocalizationEdition” of the setting editor is in charge
to create and modify the label of the custom button and its translations.
o Action: the plug-in “HomepageEdition” of the setting editor is in charge of the
attribution and modification of the action to the custom button.

 The “shortcut” button:

o Background: the skin editor is in charge to change the background of any button
(applicative, custom or shortcut)
o Icon: the web application “progkeys” and the phone‟s system are in charge to
associate an icon to the shortcut button.

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o Label: the web application “progkeys” and the phone‟s system are in charge to
associate a label to the shortcut button.
o Action: the web application “progkeys” is in charge of the attribution and
modification of the action to the shortcut button.


Applicative, custom and shortcut buttons can be located in the homepage “Home” (see section
‎3.3.4) and only Applicative and Custom buttons can be located in the application bar of the
homepage “Advanced” (see section 3‎ .3.5).

The buttons which are not applicative and native in the 8082 My IC Phone release and which are
not shortcuts should be defined and declared. These buttons (applicative third party or custom)
are basically defined by the following items: a unique identifier, an identifier of icon (partial CSS
class name referencing an image (.png file, size to 64x64)), a label (in English, see section ‎3.3.3
for custom buttons) and an action to execute (webapp name, function name and parameters).
- The setting HomepageProgKeys (string) controls the list of additional buttons. The
following example (pretty-printed here) is derived from the 1st hotel customer
customization file. It defines three custom buttons for the restaurant (Raffles), the
concierge and the room service:
'id' : 'homepage_button1',
'icon' : 'sdk-reception',
'webAppName': 'communication',
'action' : 'call',
'arguments' : '20200',
'label' : 'Raffles service'
'id' : 'homepage_button2',
'icon' : 'sdk-concierge',
'webAppName': 'communication',
'action' : 'call',
'arguments' : '20300',
'label' : 'Concierge'
'id' : 'homepage_button3',
'icon' : 'sdk-roomservice',
'webAppName': 'communication',
'action' : 'call',
'arguments' : '20400',
'label' : 'Room service'

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The list of possible actions is detailed in the next section. The icon size must be 64x64 pixels.
Icons can be selected from the embedded icons library.

[i] Icons are defined by their CSS class, which contains the reference to the image. The name
of its class is the identifier of the icon. Buttons are associated to this class identifier representing
your icon. This means that images which are not referenced by a class of icons cannot be
selected. Now, because of this definition of the icons, based on CSS class, when a new image of
icon is chosen, which is not already known by the icons library, a skin containing the definition of
the new class, has to be created, either in the generic part or in a Webapp.
[i] It is possible to associate a button to an icon which is introduced in a webapp, but be sure
that the classes defined by the webapp are loaded, when the Homepage is displayed. This is
currently the case when the icon belongs to a button of a webapp explicitly registered (by code)
to be shown in the Homepage in the chosen mode of view (Home or Advanced). Actions

An action is defined by a webapp name (webAppName field), a function name (action field) and
parameters (arguments field). Call

The call action (webAppName = communication, action = call) takes as parameter a phone
number. It initiates a phone call to the specified destination and displays the Communication
The phone number can be prefixed with a special string (defined to $DTMF$ by default and
controlled by the setting DTMFpattern) that indicates to the software if the dial pad must be
displayed, or not, automatically when the call is started.
This feature is useful when calling an automatic voice response system (AVR) like a voicemail. Display category

The display category action (webAppName = filesmanager, action = category) takes as parameter
a category name (Other, Audio or Picture). It displays the Filesmanager webapp with the
specified category automatically opened. Display contact

The display contact action (webAppName = contacts, action = display-card) takes as parameter a
contact identifier. It displays the Contacts webapp with the specified contact automatically
The contact identifier must be one of those defined by the setting DefaultDirectoryContacts (see
section ‎3.4.4). Forward

The forward action (webAppName = userservices, action = routing) takes as parameter a routing
type and a destination (see below). It programs the specified forward to be performed in case of
incoming call.
- Routing type: Immediate forward (FWD_UNCONDITIONAL), Forward if busy
(FWD_ON_BUSY), Forward if no reply (FWD_ON_NO_REPLY) and Forward if busy or no
- Destination: Associate (DST_ASSOCIATE), Attendant (DST_ATTENDANT), Mobile
(DST_MOBILE), Voicemail (DST_VOICE_MAIL) or a phone number (Other)

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The format of the argument is the following:

If destination is Other then

Format = type;destination;<phone number>;true;type;<phone number>
Format = type;destination;;;type;destination

3.3.3 Localization of labels

Labels defined in additional buttons (label field) are localizable. The terminal supports 29

- The setting HomepageProgKeysLocalisation controls the localization of these labels. Up to

29 languages (as many as supported by the terminal) can be specified (see table
below). The format of this setting is the following (pretty-printed here):
„code‟ : { „id‟ : „string‟, …, „id‟ : „string‟ },
„code‟ : { „id‟ : „string‟, …, „id‟ : „string‟ },

„code‟ : { „id‟ : „string‟, …, „id‟ : „string‟ }

The code fields must be selected in the table (Table 1: Supported languages, section ‎ and the
id fields are the labels defined in the label fields of the additional buttons:

[i] The labels of applicative native buttons are also customizable. The custom localization is
done by the label editor of My IC Customizer 2.1 and the installation of the produced label_rpm
[!] The labels of applicative third party buttons and of shortcuts are not customizable.

3.3.4 Homepage “Home”

The homepage “Home” is selected when the setting HomepagePreviewMode is false, or when the
“Home” button is depressed. A maximum of 6 pages can be defined. A single page may contain a
maximum of 12 buttons. A left (right) arrow is displayed automatically if a page on the left
(right) contains a least one button. A navigation bar displays which page is the current one.

[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a specific editor plug-in (Homepage editor) with simple GUI
to configure all the settings at the same time.

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In the example below, there is a button (settings) in position 1 (page 1) and another one (dialer)
in position 36 (page 3):

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

- The setting “HomepageKeys“ controls the exact position (page and position in page) of
the buttons. The format of this setting is a list of identifiers separated by semicolons
(;). The list may contain a maximum of 72 entries (6 pages x 12 buttons). An empty
entry (;;) denotes an empty position in the corresponding page (entries 1 to 12  page
1, entries 12 to 24  page 2 , entries 24 to 36  page 3 and so on …).
The default value is

Button identifiers can be selected in the additional buttons (setting HomepageProgKeys) and/or in
the following predefined list of applicative native buttons.

Identifier Webapp Label Compatibility

DIALER_BTN Communication (Dial pad) Dialer All releases
BYNAME_BTN Dial by name Search All releases
COMMUNICATION_BTN Communication History All releases
CONTACT_BTN Address book Contacts All releases
CONTACTS_FAVORITES_BTN Programmable keys Favorites All releases
WAKEUP_BTN Wake-up Alarm All releases
FILESMANAGER_BTN Files manager My Files All releases
LOCK_BTN Lock Lock All releases
SETTINGS_BTN Settings Settings All releases
SYNCHRONIZATION_BTN PIM Synchronization on Synchronization All releases
« Advanced »
SYNCHRONIZATION_KEY PIM Synchronization on Synchronization All releases
« Home »
VOICEMAIL_HOMEPAGE_BTN Communication Voicemail All releases
HOMEPAGE_PREVIEW_BTN Homepage Advanced >= R250
HISTORY_BTN Communication History >= R260

Table 3: Predefined buttons

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- The setting “HomepageDefaultKeys“ defines the list of keys to be displayed when a reset
of the homepage is requested by the user of the web application “progkeys”.

The default value is


[!] Its value should always be equal to the value of the setting HomepageKeys after any
modifications in this setting.

- The setting HomepageStandardAutoFill (Boolean) controls if the predefined buttons (see

- Table 3) are automatically added to the homepage „Home” or not. Its value is fixed, and
should not be changed. The default value is true.

More precisely, if the setting HomepageStandardAutoFill is false, only the setting HomepageProgKeys
is used to build the content of the homepage. In the other case (true), predefined buttons not
found initially in the setting HomepageProgKeys are added (empty entries are filled) and only if the
associated web application is enabled.

Homepage “Home”: without auto-fill Homepage “Home”: with auto fill

3.3.5 Homepage “Advanced”

The homepage “Advanced” is selected when the setting HomepagePreviewMode is true or the
button “Advanced” is depressed on the homepage “Home”. The homepage “Advanced” is divided
in two parts: the previews built by some web applications and the application bar (bottom of the
screen). The previews are a short summary of the most important information displayed by the
web applications.

[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a specific editor plug-in (Homepage editor) with simple GUI
to configure all the settings at the same time.

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This homepage can hold an unlimited number of previews, knowing that a maximum of 3 are
displayed at a time. A setting is associated to each preview in order to enable or disable them.
Then, a preview is displayed only if the corresponding webapp is enabled and if the setting
dedicated to the preview is enabled (see section ‎3.5).

The table below is the list of previews (and their settings) available by default in the software:

Preview Title Identifier Setting enabler

History webapp.communication.getComlogPreview EnableCommunicationPreview

Favorites webapp.contacts.getContactPreview EnableContactsPreview

Manager/Assistant webapp.managerassistant.getManagerPreview EnableManagerAssistantPreview

Table 4: Default previews

A third party web application may create one or more previews and a setting must be associated
to each of them.

- The setting HomepageContainers controls the position of each on the homepage

“Advanced”. The syntax of this setting is a list of identifiers separated by semicolons
(;). The identifier is the name of the function which has to be called by the software
to display the preview. Empty positions are ignored (;;). In the following picture, all
previews have been disabled (value = “”):

Homepage preview without previews…

The default value is:

app.managerassistant.getManagerPreview” Application Bar

The list and the position of buttons can be customized.

- The setting HomepageButtons (string) lists the buttons found in the application bar and
gives their position. The format of this setting is a list of identifiers separated by
semicolons (;). Empty positions are ignored (;;). Predefined buttons (see
- Table 3) and additional identifiers are supported (see section ‎3.3.2).
The default value is :

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- The setting HomepagePreviewAutoFill (Boolean) controls if the predefined buttons (see

- Table 3) are automatically added to the application bar (completing the setting
HomepageButtons) or not.
If the setting HomepagePreviewAutoFill is true, the predefined buttons not found initially
in the setting HomepageButtons are appended to the list and only if the associated web
application is enabled (see section ‎3.5)

3.4 Screensaver

The Screensaver web application is divided into 2 customizable modules: the screensaver core
and the image slideshow. The screensaver web application has to be enabled:

3.4.1 Screensaver Core

The core module implements the basic functionalities of a screensaver (start screensaver, stop
screensaver). The start operation consists in showing the web application specified in the setting
ScreenSaversListChoice. If additional screensaver web applications are created using the 8082 My IC
Phone SDK, they must be added in the setting ScreenSaversList. This setting of type TEXT_CHOICE
is used internally by the software to populate the list of values for the setting
In this setting, a screensaver is defined by an identifier (webapp name), a name (user-friendly to
be displayed in the web application “Settings”) and a flag indicating if this screensaver is the
default (true) or not (false). The format of the setting is the following:


The setting ScreenSaverListChoice is not managed by the tool My IC Customizer 2.1. It has been
preferred to manage the setting ScreenSaversList, instead.
The default value is the web application screensaver “screensaver” which is the image slideshow
web application. Using the 8082 My IC Phone SDK, it‟s possible to create a full-screen web
application that can replace the default screensaver.
The default allowed values are:
- “screensaver”: for ImagesSlideshow (Default).
- “filesmanager”: for Files Manager Pool Slideshow
[!] When the end-user customizes the screensaver with the help of the web application “My
Files”, changing the slideshow by his own images, the value of the setting ScreenSaversList
becomes “filesmanager”.
[!] When the administrator customizes the screensaver with settings, it should also be sure
that the value of the setting ScreenSaversList is “screensaver”, else the wished slideshow will not
be played: the current own (the customized own will continue). This setting forces the type of
played slideshow.
[!] When the administrator wants to customize the screensaver with settings for a period,
there is no way to back up the user‟s data before modifying and then to restore the user‟s data at
the end of the period. The user has to input again his customization.

The screensaver can be enabled or disabled dynamically (setting ScreenSaverEnabled). If the

screensaver mechanism is not desired at all, the web application must be disabled (setting

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The activation delay (i.e. user idle time in seconds) is configurable (setting ScreenSaverDelay,
default value is 300 seconds).

3.4.2 Slideshow

The slideshow web application is the default screensaver. It consists in rotating over a list of
images to display them. The delay (seconds) between each images is configurable (setting
ScreensaverSlideshowDelay, default value is 4).

The list of images is defined by the setting ScreensaverSlideshowList. The images can be located on
a remote server (http and https are supported) and/or installed in the terminal with data rpm
files at upgrade or with the help of the web application “My files” reading and copying the
images from USB memory card.

The slideshow resizes automatically the images to fit the screen size.
But, the preferred image size is 800x480 pixels, to avoid automatic resizing. The recommended
image formats are JPG (smaller size) and PNG.

The following example defines a slideshow with 2 images: one is installed on the terminal and
one is hosted on a server (
Default value:

[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 provides a user friendly way to customize the slide show. When the
setting is filled in with images taken from the resources database, they are copied and included
in a data rpm file. At export, the custom.xml file is ready to be associated to the phone and the
data rpm file is packaged in the skin package ready to be installed on the phone.
[i] It is possible to input an url. The tool displays a preview of the images by requesting the
images to the server. In this case, if no image has been copied, the data rpm file is not produced
at export.

3.4.3 Voicemail screensaver

Unread voice mails and messages are usually displayed in the top bar as notification buttons. The
top bar is always displayed except when the screensaver is active, which could be a problem
since notifications are hidden.

- The setting EnableVoicemailScreensaver must be used to enable or disable the voicemail

screensaver feature which consists in displaying 2 dedicated images (see below)
instead of the default ones when there are unread voice mails or messages:

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Screensaver voicemail (image 1) Screensaver voicemail (image 2)

The default value is false.

3.4.4 Backlight

The backlight is the possibility to change automatically the brightness of the screen when the
phone becomes idle for a period of time. This service can be configured by:
- The setting BacklightDelay is the user idle time in seconds before changing the backlight
state from ON to OFF. The value should be higher than 20 at least. The default value is
120 (2mn)
- The setting ScreenSaverBrightnessOn defines the intensity level when the backlight is
ON. The default value is 31. The value is a number in [1, 31].
- The setting ScreenSaverBrightnessOff defines the intensity level when the backlight is
OFF. The default value is 8. The value is a number in [1, 31].

3.4.5 Back to Home page

When the end user activates again his phone, while the screensaver is running, it is possible to
choose between: the phone goes back to the homepage or the phone returns to the last running
web application from where the web application screensaver has been started.
- The setting ScreensaverBackToHomepageWhenOut defines the behavior of the phone. The
value true means the phone goes back to the homepage when the screensaver is
leaving. The value false means the phone retrieves the last screen before the
screensaver started.

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3.5 Native web applications

The web applications installed in the terminal can be individually enabled or disabled. A setting
(EnableWebapp<webappname>) is associated to each web application to control this behavior.
These settings are used only during the initialization of the software: it means that a web
application cannot be enabled or disabled dynamically.
Moreover, some core web applications (see Table 5: native applications) are always enabled and
associated settings are not modifiable (access rights of these settings is set to R_R, see section

Core? Setting enabler Default value

obsolete EnableWebappAgenda false
yes EnableWebappAudiosetting true
no EnableWebappBluetooth true
obsolete EnableWebappBrowser false
yes EnableWebappCommunication true
yes EnableWebappConnectivity true
no EnableWebappContacts true
yes EnableWebappDate true
obsolete EnableWebappEmail false
no EnableWebappFilesManager true
no EnableWebappHaptic false
obsolete EnableWebappHelp false
yes EnableWebappHomepage true
no EnableWebappHotel false
yes EnableWebappInitialization false*
no EnableWebappInstantmessaging false
no EnableWebappLock true
obsolete EnableWebappMagnify true*
no EnableWebappManagerassistant false
no EnableWebappMyICWall false
yes EnableWebappNotifications true
no EnableWebappProgkeys true
no EnableWebappScreensaver true
no EnableWebappSearch true
no EnableWebappSession true
yes EnableWebappSettings true
no EnableWebappSupervision true
no EnableWebappSynchronization true
yes EnableWebappUserinfo true
yes EnableWebappUserservices true
no EnableWebappVoicemail true
no EnableWebappWakeup true
Table 5: Native applications

These settings are also called “enabler”. They authorize or forbid the modifications done on
settings depending on them. Annex ‎A contains the list of settings associated to its enabler, if
there is one.

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[i] The Hospitality webapp (setting EnableWebappHotel) is disabled by default.

Only the applications which have at least another setting than the enabler are described in the
next chapters.
They have been grouped in main services: Call, Directories, Manager/Assistant and Lock.
The native applications related to the User Data have been detailed in a specific chapter called
“User Data”.
3.5.1 Calls Dialing

The canonical phone number gets the standardized form:

+Country/region code (area code) subscriber code.
- The setting DialingRuleAreaCode defines the area code of the canonical form of the phone
number. By default the value is empty.
- The setting DialingRuleCountryCode defines the country or region code of the canonical
form of the phone number. The value belongs to the list of code defined in ISO 3166
country code (Alpha-2). By default the value is “FR”
- The setting DialingRuleExternalPrefix defines the prefix to use to make an external call.
The default value is „0‟.
- The setting DialingRuleExternalPrefixExceptions specifies the list of exceptions when adding
the external prefix. The format is:
Where “string” is the beginning of the numbers which are an exception and “length” is
their length. (0 means no control on length). By default there is no exceptions, the
value is empty.
- The setting DialingRuleMinNumberLength specifies the phone number length from which we
must add the external prefix. By default the value is 6.

[!] The DM is mainly responsible of these settings. There is no reason to customize them. They
are detailed here for information. Communication

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the communication. The web
application communication has to be enabled by the setting EnableWebappCommunication.
- The setting NewCallDefaultMethod controls the chosen keyboard
o Value = “0”, the dial pad is displayed to start dialing.
o Value = “1”, the default way to make a call is 'dial by name' (the alphanumeric
keyboard appears). When the user off hooks, presses the dialer sense key or the
dialer button, the search web application and the keyboard are displayed.
o The default value is 0 (dial pad)

- The setting BackToHomepageAtEndCall controls the behavior of the terminal when a call
is finished. Mainly used for Hotel configuration.
o Value = “true”, the terminal goes back to the Homepage after each call.
o Value = “false”, the terminal keeps the current web application.
o The default value is true.

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- The setting DTMFPattern represents the DTMF pattern of a number.

When this pattern is detected in the dialed digits the terminal shows the DTMF dial
pad, this is mainly used when defining a shortcut key in homepage that needs a DTMF
dial pad at the beginning of the call (Example Voice mail access).
The default value is “$DTMF$”. History

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the History. The web application
communication has to be enabled by the setting EnableWebappCommunication.
- The setting EnableCommunicationPreview controls the display of the preview “History” in
the homepage “advanced”.
o Value = “true”, the preview is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the preview is not displayed.
o The default value is true.
- The setting ComLogSize can be used to reduce or increase the communication log size
(outgoing, incoming and missed calls). This size is set by default to 40 entries. (This
value should not be modified without any important reason. A to high value could
consume too much memory in the terminal.)
- The setting EnablePhotoInComLog (BOOLEAN) controls the display of the photo referenced
by a contact when the call matches one of the contacts‟ numbers, in the preview
history of the homepage. The value true enables the display of the photo. The default
value is false.
- The setting ComLogNotifyMissedCalls (BOOLEAN) defines if the missed calls should be or
not notified with a button on the top of the screen. The value true enables the
notifications. The default value is true.
[!] This setting cannot be modified in R260 (access_rights = R_R). Supervision

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the supervision. The web
application supervision has to be enabled.

- The setting BipOnSupervisedCall controls if a beep is played on supervisor terminal in

case of a supervised call is ringing.
o Value = “true”, the beep is played.
o Value = “false”, the beep is not played.
o The default value is true.

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3.5.2 Directories Contacts

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the personal contacts stored in the
terminal. The web application “Contacts” has to be enabled by the setting EnableWebappContacts.

- The setting EnableContactsPreview controls the display of the preview “Favorites” in the
homepage “Advanced”.
o Value = “true”, the preview is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the preview is not displayed.
o The default value is true.

- The setting EnableContactsPictureInMenu controls the display of the photo of the

contacts in the contact lists.
o Value = “true”, the photo of the contact is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the photo of the contact is not displayed.
o The default value is false.

- The setting EnableAddContactButton controls the existence of the button “Add” button
in web application Contact (Existence is not required in hotel configuration)
o Value = “true”, the button “Add” is in the applicative bar of the application
o Value = “false”, the button “Add” is not in the applicative bar of the
application Contacts (preferred in hotel configuration).
o The default value is true.

- The setting ContactFirstNameOrder defines the way to display contact's names: First
Name followed by last name or Last Name followed by first name.
o Value = “0”, the order of display of contacts list is “First name / Last Name”.
o Value = “1”, the order of display of contacts list is “Last name / First Name”
o The default value is 1.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Address Book

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the contacts of the enterprise
provided by the Switch. There is no web application to enable first.

- The setting DirectoryDefaultContacts must be used to provision a predefined list of

common contacts. This has to be used in environments without a centralized directory
accessible through UDA. (Mainly for Hotel configurations.)
Syntax: It is a list of contacts, each contact with various fields. Contacts are separated
by the character #. A contact is represented by a comma separated list of its fields in
the following order:


If a field is not to be used, let it empty. Thus the value always contains 7 comas.
If a field must contain a '#' or a ',', it must be escaped using the '\' character: \# or \,
The Preview field should be set to 1 if the contact should be displayed in the Contact
preview (see section ‎ The Photo field can be an URL or a local file (see section
‎2.2.2). The preferred size is 100x100 pixels and 200x200 pixels when the terminal is
running in hospitality mode (i.e. Hospitality webapp is enabled, see section ‎3.6)

o with one contact:
o with 3 contacts:

- The setting DirSearchMode controls the display mode for search by name:
o Value = “1”, the terminal waits for the distant search to be completed and
display the distant results in one sorted block.
o Value = “2”, the terminal displays the distant results as soon as they are
received, one sorted block per directory.
o The default value is 1.

- The setting RemoveHttpsFromPhotoUrl controls if the terminal can use https or not to
get photo with url.
o Value = “true”, the terminal can only use HTTP for URL of photos.
o Value = “false”, the terminal can use HTTPS for URL of photos.
o The default value is false.

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Synchronization

This chapter lists the settings related to the synchronization of the contacts with a directory
stored on a PC. The web application “Synchronization” has to be enabled by the setting

- The setting SyncEncryted enables the SSL encryption.

o Value = “true”, the encryption is enabled.
o Value = “false”, the encryption is disabled.
o The default value is false.
- The setting SyncKeyInHomepage controls the display of the button “synchronization” on
the homepages, even if it is declared in the settings HomepageKeys and
o Value = “true”, the button is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the button is not displayed.
o The default value is true
- The setting SyncPINCode defines the pin code required to allow synchronization
between the PC and the phone.
o The default value is “”.
- The setting SyncServerAddress defines the IP Address of the user PC to synchronize with.
o The default value is “”.
- The setting SyncServerPort defines the port of the user PC to synchronize with.
o The default value is “”.
- The setting SyncShowWrnOnLimit controls the display of a warning if the maximum
number of synchronized items is reached.
o Value = “true”, the warning is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the warning is not displayed.
o The default value is true.
- The setting SyncStarted controls the start of the synchronization.
o Value = “true”, the synchronization is required.
o Value = “false”, the synchronization is stopped.
o The default value is false.
- The setting SyncXMLArchive defines the number of XML files to keep as archive. The
value should be in the range [0,100]. (This setting is mainly used for debug purpose.)
o The default value is 10.

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3.5.3 Lock

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the application Lock. This web
application has to be enabled by the setting EnableWebappLock. Generic

- The setting EnableLockOnHomepage controls if the button “Lock” is displayed on the

o Value = “true”, the 'lock' button is displayed on homepage.
o Value = “false”, the 'lock' button is not displayed on homepage, even if it is
declared in the settings HomepageKeys and HomepageButtons.
o The default value is true.
- The setting AutoLock controls the activation of the phone Lock when the backlight
becomes inactive.
o Value = “true”, the phone locks itself when the backlight is switched off.
o Value = “false”, the auto lock is disabled.
o The default value is false.
- The setting ChangePassword serves to show the dialog box to allow the user to change
its password. The setting appears in the web application “Settings”. The value cannot
be changed directly, but its display on the web application “settings” is customizable,
to make appear or not that setting in the application. This is mainly used by the switch
OmniPCX Office.
o The default display_rights = “0_0”, the settings is not displayed on the web
application “Settings”.
o The access_rights (maximum) = “0_RW”.
[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 offers a friendly editor, called “settings rights editor”
to help for the modification of the display rights of the setting. But the
advanced user mode has to be activated in the theme. Emergency

Three buttons can be defined to make emergency calls when a phone is in lock state.

Emergency buttons example

Each button is composed of a label, a number to be called, and an icon.

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By default no button is defined.

The labels can be stored in the settings EmergencyLabel1, EmergencyLabel2 and

The numbers can be stored in the settings EmergencyNumber1, EmergencyNumber2 and
EmergencyNumber3. The value is a phone number.
The icon can be stored in the settings EmergencyIcon1, EmergencyIcon2 and EmergencyIcon3.
The value is an icon identifier (partial CSS class name referencing an image (.png file, size to
64x64)). The icons can be chosen in the icons library provided by the My IC Customizer 2.1

3.5.4 Manager/Assistant

This chapter lists the settings related to the customization of the application Manager/Assistant.
This web application has to be enabled.

- The setting EnableManagerAssistantPreview controls the display of the preview

“Manager/Assistant” in the homepage “advanced”.
o Value = “true”, the preview is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the preview is not displayed.
o The default value is false.
- The setting EnableUserPhoto controls the display of the photo of the contacts in the
preview of the application in the homepage “Advanced”.
o Value = “true”, the photo is displayed.
o Value = “false”, the photo is not displayed.
o The default value is false.
- The setting ManagerAssistantNoManagerNotification enables the Manager/Assistant mode
for OmniPCX Office R900. The OmniPCX Office R900 does not provide any notifications
in case of Manager Assistant situation.
o Value = “true”, enables the Manager Assistant in OXO mode.
o Value = “false”, enables the Manager Assistant in normal mode
o The default value is false.
- The setting ManagerWhitelist serves to show the white list of the Manager/Assistant in
the web application settings. The value cannot be changed, but its display rights are
o The default display_rights = “0_RW”, the settings is displayed on the web
application “Settings”.
o The access_rights (maximum) = “0_RW”.
[i] My IC Customizer 2.1 offers a friendly editor, called “settings rights editor”
to help for the modification of the display rights of the setting. But the
advanced user mode has to be activated in the theme.
- The setting EnableManagerassistantPresence indicates if the telephonic presence is
activated or not for the manager and assistant.
o Value = “true”, enables the presence indication for the Manager and the
o Value = “false”, disables the presence indication for the Manager and the
o The default value is false.

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3.6 User Data

This chapter lists the settings related to the data customization associated with the User. They
mainly have an influence in what is displayed on the top left corner of the screen.

The following web application have to be enabled “user info, user services, hotel”.

3.6.1 User Photo

It is possible to display the photo of the User on the screen, in the left corner, in the User
Information area. This is controlled by two settings:

- The setting EnableUserPicture enables or not the display of the photo of the user on the
left corner of the screen in the User Info area.
o Value = “true”, the user‟s photo can be displayed.
o Value = “false”, the user‟s photo is not displayed and the area becomes free to
display large names.
o The default value is true.
- The setting UserPhoto controls the picture that is displayed in the User info area. The
image path can be an URL or a local file. The preferred size is 64x64 pixels and JPG
and PNG formats are supported.
o The default value is
In OpenTouch environment, the user photo URL is provided by a web service.

3.6.2 User Services

It is possible to display some information related to the User Services.

This info is displayed when clicking in the user area on the top left corner of the screen.

- The setting EnableUserDetails adds or remove the “User information” item from the
o Value = “true”, the user info item is displayed on the web application “User
o Value = “false”, the user info item is not displayed on the web application
“User services”.
o The default value is true.
- The setting EnableRouting adds or remove the “Routing” item from the menu.
o Value = “true”, the “Routing” item is displayed on the web application “User
o Value = “false”, the “Routing” item is not displayed on the web application
“User services”.
o The default value is true.
- The setting EnableOverflow adds or remove the “Overflow” item from the menu.
o Value = “true”, the “Overflow” item is displayed on the web application “User
o Value = “false”, the “Overflow” item is not displayed on the web application
“User services”.
o The default value is true.

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- The setting EnableVoicemailEdition adds or remove the “Voicemail” item from the menu.
o Value = “true”, the “Voicemail” item is displayed on the web application “User
o Value = “false”, the “Voicemail” item is not displayed on the web application
“User services”.
o The default value is true.
- The setting AllowDirectCustomForward controls the way to program a custom forwarding
in routing sub menu.
o Value = “true”, the 'Immediate forward to...' entry is directly accessible in the
Routing list of the web application “User services”.
o Value = “false”, the user has to click on button “add” to create a new
forwarding rule.
o The default value is true.
- The setting EnableRoutingLed controls the way to program a custom forwarding in
routing sub menu. This is appreciated by the users in the Hotel configuration, for their
o Value = “true”, the routing led is on when a forward is configured.
o Value = “false”, the led is always off.
o The default value is true.
- The setting ShowDoNotDisturbLabel controls the display of the 'Do Not Disturb'
notification label in user data area. This setting is required by the Hotel configuration
to avoid a miss understanding between the “Do not disturb” on the phone related to
the calls, and the “Do not disturb” on the Door.
o Value = “true”, the routing led is on when a DND is configured.
o Value = “false”, the led is always off.
o The default value is true.
When the setting is set to false
o The user can still activate or deactivate the service by pressing the user info
area or the user info sense key,
o The state of the service is still displayed by the color of the sense key.

3.6.3 Presence

It is possible to display information related to the telephonic presence of the User on the screen
in the User Information area. A status of the presence is displayed with an icon on the left of the
name. There are some settings customizing that service:

- The setting IMAvailable controls if the general service of Presence is activated or not.
o Value = “true”, the general presence is activated.
o Value = “false”, the general presence is not activated.
o The default value is false.
- The setting IMLogin defines the IM address of the current User.
o The default value is “”.
- The setting IMPasword defines the password of the current User for its IM address.
o The default value is “”.
- The setting IMPrimaryServerAddress defines the complete address of the Instant
Messaging server (https://server:port or http://server:port).
o The default value is “”.

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- The setting TelephonicPresenceAvailable controls if the telephonic presence is activated

or not. The Telephonic presence is on sub-service of the general presence. The setting
IMAvailable should be enabled, before.
o Value = “true”, the telephonic presence is activated.
o Value = “false”, the telephonic presence is not activated.
o The default value is false.
- The setting EnableManagerassistantPresence indicates if the telephonic presence is
activated or not for the manager and assistant.
o Value = “true”, enables the presence indication for the Manager and the
o Value = “false”, disables the presence indication for the Manager and the
o The default value is false.

3.6.4 My files

The terminal offers the possibility to customize the tones and the pictures with personal files.
This is done with the help of the USB port and the web application “My Files” which is in charge
to control that connector. Some settings permit to change and customize some default
parameters. These settings are available only if the web application “My files” is enabled.
- The setting FileManagerUsbRootDirectory defines the root to be parsed by the web
application “My files” when it scans the USB disk. This is done to avoid a too long
period of scanning.
o The default value is “/My IC Phone”.
- The setting FilesManagerFilter defines the current filter status of the web application
“My Files”. By default, local files and USB key's files are displayed. But the user can
filter a specific source. This setting is a string. It is the list of enabled file types
separated by a semicolon.
Available file type are:
0: usb drive.
1: local disk.
o The default value is “0;1”: files scanned from both sources are displayed.

3.6.5 User info in Hotel Mode for OmniPCX Enterprise

This chapter lists some settings concerned by the customization of the phone in Hotel
configuration. The application “Hotel” has to be enabled. Settings for maintenance

Some settings concern the phone maintenance in Hotel configuration. They are not really settings
for the customization, but they are described here for information. The application “Hotel” has
to be enabled.

- The setting RebootOnCheckin defines if reboot of the phone is done on check-in.

o Value = “NONE”, no reboot at all.
o Value = “CHECKIN”, a reboot is processed at check in
o Value = “CHECKOUT”, a reboot is processed at check out
o The default value is NONE.

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- The setting resetDataOnUserChange defines if reset of the user data have to be done
when the user has changed.
o Value = “true”, the reset of the user data is processed.
o Value = “false”, the user data are kept when the user changes.
o The default value is true. Settings to display the name or the number

A set of settings have been introduced in the terminal to allow the customization of the first and
second line of the User Info Area.

The following possibilities are expected:

 In check-in state:
o First line: always displays the guest name sent by OXE
o Second line:
 Nothing,
 The GPIN number,
 The room number (string),
 The DDI number.

 In check-out state:
o First line:
 Nothing,
 The room set name.
o Second line:
 Nothing,
 The room set number,
 The room number (string).

These customizations have to be done by setting configuration files of the phones (using the
OmniVista 8770).
 The room number is provided by a setting. It is a string. Ideally, a translation mechanism
should be implemented to get the room number in the guest‟s language (ex: Room 100
(en), Chambre 100 (fr), …). The possibility to use a simple string (with no translation
mechanism) for the room number has to be managed (ex: „100‟).
 The algorithm to compute the DDI number is the following:
o The DDI number is computed from a pattern (ex: +33 (0) 3 90 67 ** **) provided by
o The * is replaced by the GPIN number provided by the OmniPCX Enterprise. The *
are replaced by starting to the end of the pattern, and following the syntax of the
pattern (spaces). It means that if there is more numbers in the GPIN than there are
stars in the pattern, only the last numbers of the GPIN will be used in the DDI
o The GPIN number is contained into a DDI range defined by a setting. If the GPIN is
outside this DDI range, the room number will be displayed instead.

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 No DDI translation of the GPIN. Ex: if the DDI is +33 3 90 67 12 34, the GPIN has to be
 The DDI numbers need to be consecutive in the DDI range.
 The number of digits must be the same in the GPIN as in the DDI range.

GPIN into
Pattern DDI range GPIN Computed DDI number
DDI range?
+33 (0) 3 90 67 ** ** [1200,1250] 1234 Yes +33 (0) 3 90 67 12 34
+3339067**** [1200,1250] 1234 Yes +33390671234
+33 (0) 3 90 67 ** ** [12300,12400] 12345 Yes +33 (0) 3 90 67 23 45
+33 (0) 3 90 6* ** ** [12300,12400] 12345 Yes +33 (0) 3 90 61 23 45
+33 (0) 3 90 6* ** ** [1200,1250] 1234 Yes +33 (0) 3 90 6* 12 34
No DDI number computable,
+33 (0) 3 90 67 ** ** [1200,1250] 6543 No room number will be displayed
Examples of DDI number computation

- 6 settings have been defined to manage the customization. Only the setting RoomName
is manageable from the DM, the other settings will be managed from the My IC
Customizer tool (since they are the same for the whole installation).

 RoomName:
This setting defines the label to be used for displaying the room number
The value of this setting can be either a simple string (no translation mechanism)
or a JSON object (to use translation mechanism)
o If the value of the setting is a string, the label will be displayed as defined in the
o If the value is a JSON object and no translation is given for a language, when the
phone is in this language, the room number will be displayed using its English
o Ex:
 String (no translation mechanism):
<setting id="RoomName" value="100" override="true" />
 JSON object (use translation mechanism):
<setting id="RoomName" value="{ 'en' : 'Room 100', 'fr' : 'Chambre 100', 'de' :
'…'}" override="true" />
(see examples in Figure 3 and Figure 4).
 DdiNumberPattern:
o This setting defines the pattern to apply for computing the DDI number (if used,
according to the value of settings DisplayedInfoCheckin and DisplayedInfoCheckout, see
o The value of this setting is a string.
o Be careful that the pattern is not too long (see example in Figure 6).
o Ex: <setting id=" DdiNumberPattern" value="+33 (0) 3 90 67 ** **" override="true"/>:
if the GPIN number is 54 321, the result will be +33 (0) 3 90 67 43 21 (see
examples in Figure 5 and Figure 6).

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 DDIRange:
o This setting is used for check-in if the Guest has a DDI number or not. It allows
determining if the GPIN number is usable for the DDI number in the DDI range
defining through this setting.
o Ex: <setting id="DDIRange" value="[1200,1300]" override="true" />

 DisplayedNameCheckout:
o This setting defines the information that is displayed on the first line of user-info
area when the phone is in checkout state.
o Allowed values for this setting are the following:
 0: “nothing”. This value indicates that the first line will not be displayed.
 1: “room_set_name”. This value indicates that the room set name will be
displayed on the first line.
o Ex: <setting id="DisplayedNameCheckout" value=”1" override="true"/>: the room set
name will be displayed on the first line.

 DisplayedInfoCheckin:
o This setting defines the information that is displayed on the second line of user-
info area when the phone is in check-in state.
o Allowed values for this setting are the following:
 0: “nothing”. This value indicates that the second line will not be displayed
(see example in Figure 1).
 1: “user_number”. This value indicates that the GPIN number will be
displayed on the second line (see example in Figure 2).
 2: “room_name”. This value indicates that the room number will be
displayed on the second line. The room number is read from the setting
“RoomName” (see above), and translated into the guest language if the
translation is available, otherwise English translation is used (see examples
in Figure 3 and Figure 4).
 3: “DDI_number”. This value indicates that the DDI number will be
displayed on the second line. The DDI number is computed using the
pattern defined in the setting “DdiNumberPattern”, the GPIN number, and
according to the setting “DDIRange” (see examples in Figure 5 and Figure 6).
o Ex: <setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”1" override="true"/>: the user
number will be displayed on the second line (see example in Figure 2).

 DisplayedInfoCheckout:

o This setting defines the information that have to be displayed on the second line of
user-info area when the phone is in checkout state.
o Allowed values for this setting are the following:
 0: “nothing”. This value indicates that the second line will not be
 1: “user_number”. This value indicates that the room set number will be
displayed on the second line.

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 2: “room_name”. This value indicates that the room number will be

displayed on the second line. The room number is read from the setting
“RoomName” (see above), and translated into the guest language if the
translation is available, otherwise English translation is used.
o Ex: <setting id=" DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”1" override="true"/>: the user
number will be displayed on the second line.

Note: If the desired DDI pattern is too long to be displayed on the second line (see example in
Figure 6), the following solution can be considered:
 Disable the user picture (upper left corner) using the setting EnableUserPicture (see example
in Figure 7). Examples of configurations: Example 1: DisplayedInfoCheckin (value=”0” no room name)

Figure 1: Display in check in state with the following setting definition:

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”0" override="true"/> Example 2: DisplayedInfoCheckin (value=”1” Room number)

Figure 2: Display in check in state (the GPIN is 2010) with the following setting definition:

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”1" override="true"/> Example 3: DisplayedInfoCheckin (value=”2” Room name in English)

Figure 3: Display in check in state (the guest language is English) with the following setting definition:

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”2" override="true"/>

<setting id="RoomName" value="{ 'en' : 'Room 2100', 'fr' : 'Chambre 2100'}" override="true"/>

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8082 My IC Phone – Customization User Guide Example 4: DisplayedInfoCheckin (value=”2” Room name in French)

Figure 4: Display in check in state (the guest language is French) with the following setting definition:

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”2" override="true"/>

<setting id="RoomName" value="{ 'en' : 'Room 2100', 'fr' : 'Chambre 2100'}" override="true"/> Example 5: DisplayedInfoCheckin (value=”3” Full DDI number displayed)

Figure 5: Display in check in state (the GPIN is 2010) with the following setting definition:

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”3" override="true"/>

<setting id="DdiNumberPattern" value="+ 33 03 90 67 ** **" override="true"/>
<setting id="DDIRange" value="[2000,2050]" override="true"/>. Example 6: DisplayedInfoCheckin (DDI number not visible: problem)

Figure 6: Display in check in state (the GPIN is 2010) with the following setting definition:

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”3" override="true"/>

<setting id="DdiNumberPattern" value="+ 33 (0) 3 90 67 ** **" override="true"/>
<setting id="DDIRange" value="[2000,2050]" override="true"/> Example 7: DisplayedInfoCheckin (DDI number not visible: solution 1)

Figure 7: Display in check in state (the GPIN is 2010) with the following setting definition:

The pattern is too long, so it is not completely displayed (display with “…”): The User‟s Photo is

<setting id="DisplayedInfoCheckin" value=”3" override="true"/>

<setting id="DdiNumberPattern" value="+ 33 (0) 3 90 67 ** **" override="true"/>
<setting id="DDIRange" value="[2000,2050]" override="true"/>
<setting id="EnableUserPicture" value="false" override="true"/>

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4. The “Settings” web application (advanced user)

Using the embedded Settings webapp, it is possible to configure locally the terminal.

By default, the end-user has access to a limited set of settings (user mode). If the administrative
password is entered, another set of settings is displayed (admin mode).

As shown on the example below, settings are grouped by categories (Communication, Directory,
etc.) and categories are grouped into 4 main categories (Application, Device, Network and

Settings application / main categories Settings application / categories & settings

When a setting is defined, its access rights and display rights must be specified for the admin
(None = 0, Read-Only = R or Read-Write = RW) and the user (None, Read-Only or Read-Write).

The access rights attribute controls how applications have access to a setting. As an example, if a
setting is defined to be R_R (Read-Only for the admin, Read-Only for the user), any attempt to
write (modify) this setting will fail.

The display rights attribute controls how the settings are displayed (in user and admin modes) in
the Settings application:
0 setting not displayed
R setting is displayed and not editable
RW setting is displayed and is editable

[i] The display rights must be less or equal to the access rights. As an example, if a setting is
defined to be R_R, it‟s not possible to have display rights like R_RW or RW_R or RW_RW.

The display rights of all settings are customizable. It allows an administrator to fine tune what is
shown to the user in the Settings webapp. The My IC Customizer 2.1 application provides a
WYSIWYG editor to modify these display rights.

[!] The access rights are not customizable.

[!] This customization needs to activate the “advanced” user mode in the My IC Customizer 2.1

In the example below, all main categories except Application have been removed from the
Settings webapp.

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Customized Settings webapp

5. Obsolete Settings
The following settings are now obsolete:

Setting Tool
DmAdmcfgUpdatePollingEnable My IC Customizer
DmAdmcfgUpdatePollingTimeout My IC Customizer
ShowPlusButtonOnDialpad My IC Customizer
EnableUserPresence OmniVista 8770
AudioRingAppointment My IC Customizer
AudioRingAppointmentChoice My IC Customizer
DoNotDisturb My IC Customizer
EnableAgendaCalendarPreview My IC Customizer
EnableAgendaPreview OmniVista 8770
EnableEmailPreview OmniVista 8770
EnableWebappAgenda OmniVista 8770
EnableWebappBrowser My IC Customizer
EnableWebappEmail OmniVista 8770
EnableWebappHelp OmniVista 8770
EnableWebappMagnify OmniVista 8770
FileManagerShowFileLocationInformation My IC Customizer
FileManagerShowFilesType My IC Customizer
HomepageKeyEdit My IC Customizer
IsHelpAvailable My IC Customizer
MagnifyEnabled My IC Customizer
RoutingIcon My IC Customizer
ScreensaverSlideshowLocked My IC Customizer
RoutingLabel My IC Customizer

The column “Tool” defines which tool was concerned by the configuration of the setting. My IC
Customizer is able to edit all the settings if the “advanced” user mode is activated.

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A. Annex: List of settings

The settings have been sorted in alphabetical order.

The Settings in red are managed by the OmniVista 8770 (DM), the settings in Blue are managed by
My IC Customizer.
Just a part of the settings managed by the OmniVista are listed and described.

Setting Tools Section 1 Sub section

ActionButtonInDialpad OmniVista 8770 Device Keyboard

AllowDirectCustomForward OmniVista 8770 User Data User Services
AudioAccessoryEnableDevice My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingBeep My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingExternal My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingExternalChoice My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingInternal My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingInternalChoice My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingLock My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingProgressive My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingSilent My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingSpecial My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingSpecialChoice My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRingVolume My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioRj9Device My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioSpeakerPhoneVolume My IC Customizer Device Audio
AudioUsbDeviceType My IC Customizer Device Audio
AutoLock My IC Customizer Application Lock
BacklightDelay My IC Customizer Screensaver BackLight
BackToHomepageAtEndCall My IC Customizer Application Call
BeepEnabled OmniVista 8770 Device configuration
BipOnSupervisedCalls OmniVista 8770 Application Call
BTRadioEnable OmniVista 8770 Device Bluetooth®
ChangePassword My IC Customizer Application Lock
ComLogNotifyMissedCalls My IC Customizer Application Call
ComLogSize OmniVista 8770 Application Call
ConnectivityIconsPositions My IC Customizer Device Connectivity
ContactFirstNameOrder My IC Customizer Application Directories
DateFormat OmniVista 8770 Device configuration
DdiNumberPattern My IC Customizer User Data Hotel
DDIRange My IC Customizer User Data Hotel
Defaultkeyboard OmniVista 8770 Device Keyboard
DeveloperMode My IC Customizer Admin Maintenance
DialingRuleAreaCode OmniVista 8770 Application Call
DialingRuleCountryCode OmniVista 8770 Application Call
DialingRuleExternalPrefix OmniVista 8770 Application Call
DialingRuleExternalPrefixExceptions OmniVista 8770 Application Call
DialingRuleMinNumberLength OmniVista 8770 Application Call
DirectoryDefaultContacts My IC Customizer Application Directories
DirSearchMode OmniVista 8770 Application Directories
DisplayedInfoCheckin My IC Customizer User Data Hotel
DisplayedInfoCheckout My IC Customizer User Data Hotel
DisplayedNameCheckout My IC Customizer User Data Hotel

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Setting Tools Section 1 Sub section

DTMFPattern My IC Customizer Application Call

EmergencyIcon1 My IC Customizer Application Lock
EmergencyIcon2 My IC Customizer Application Lock
EmergencyIcon3 My IC Customizer Application Lock
EmergencyLabel1 OmniVista 8770 Application Lock
EmergencyLabel2 OmniVista 8770 Application Lock
EmergencyLabel3 OmniVista 8770 Application Lock
EmergencyNumber1 OmniVista 8770 Application Lock
EmergencyNumber2 OmniVista 8770 Application Lock
EmergencyNumber3 OmniVista 8770 Application Lock
EnableAddContactButton My IC Customizer Application Directories
EnableCommunicationPreview OmniVista 8770 Application Call
EnableContactsPictureInMenu My IC Customizer Application Directories
EnableContactsPreview OmniVista 8770 Application Directories
EnableLockOnHomepage My IC Customizer Application Lock
EnableManagerassistantPresence OmniVista 8770 Application Assistant
EnableManagerassistantPreview OmniVista 8770 Application Assistant
EnableOverflow My IC Customizer User Data User Services
EnablePhotoInComlog My IC Customizer Application Call
EnableRouting OmniVista 8770 User Data User Services
EnableRoutingLed My IC Customizer User Data User Services
EnableUserDetails OmniVista 8770 User Data User Services
EnableUserPhoto My IC Customizer Application Assistant
EnableUserPicture My IC Customizer User Data User Photo
EnableVoicemailEdition OmniVista 8770 Application Voicemail
EnableVoicemailScreensaver My IC Customizer Screensaver Voicemail
EnableWebappAudiosetting OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappBluetooth OmniVista 8770 Device Bluetooth®
EnableWebappCommunication OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappConnectivity My IC Customizer Application Native
EnableWebappContacts OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappFilesManager OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappHaptic OmniVista 8770 Device configuration
EnableWebappHotel OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappInstantmessaging OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappLock OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappManagerassistant OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappMyICWall OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappProgkeys OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappScreensaver OmniVista 8770 Screensaver Core
EnableWebappSearch OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappSession OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappSettings OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappSupervision My IC Customizer Application Native
EnableWebappSynchronization OmniVista 8770 Application Directories
EnableWebappUserservices OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappVoicemail OmniVista 8770 Application Native
EnableWebappWakeup OmniVista 8770 Application Native
FileManagerUsbRootDirectory My IC Customizer User Data My Files
FilesManagerFilter My IC Customizer User Data My Files

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Setting Tools Section 1 Sub section

HapticEnabled OmniVista 8770 Device configuration
HiddenConnectivityIcons My IC Customizer Device Connectivity
HomepageButtons My IC Customizer Homepage Advanced
HomepageContainers My IC Customizer Homepage Advanced
HomepageDefaultKeys My IC Customizer Homepage Home
HomepageKeys My IC Customizer Homepage Home
HomepagePreviewAutoFill My IC Customizer Homepage Advanced
HomepagePreviewMode OmniVista 8770 Homepage type
HomepageProgKeys My IC Customizer Homepage Buttons
HomepageProgKeysLocalisation My IC Customizer Homepage Buttons
HomepageShowSwitchButtons My IC Customizer Homepage type
HomepageStandardAutoFill OmniVista 8770 Homepage Home
HttpdOpen My IC Customizer Admin Maintenance
HTTPProxyActivated OmniVista 8770 Admin Upgrade
HTTPProxyHost OmniVista 8770 Admin Upgrade
HTTPProxyPassword My IC Customizer Admin Upgrade
HTTPProxyPort OmniVista 8770 Admin Upgrade
HTTPProxyUsername My IC Customizer Admin Upgrade
IMAvailable OmniVista 8770 User Data Presence
IMLogin OmniVista 8770 User Data Presence
IMPassword My IC Customizer User Data Presence
IMPrimaryServerAddress OmniVista 8770 User Data Presence
Language OmniVista 8770 Device Language
LogRemoteServerAddress OmniVista 8770 Admin Maintenance
LogRemoteServerExist OmniVista 8770 Admin Maintenance
LogRemoteServerPort OmniVista 8770 Admin Maintenance
LogRemoteServerProtocol OmniVista 8770 Admin Maintenance
ManagerAssistantNoManagerNotification OmniVista 8770 Application Assistant
ManagerWhitelist My IC Customizer Application Assistant
MyBluetooth My IC Customizer Device Bluetooth®
MyICAppLabsCompanyID OmniVista 8770 Application My IC Wall
MyICAppLabsURL OmniVista 8770 Application My IC Wall
NewCallDefaultMethod My IC Customizer Device Keyboard
RebootOnCheckin OmniVista 8770 User Data Hotel
RegularResetActive OmniVista 8770 Admin Maintenance
RegularResetSchedule OmniVista 8770 Admin Maintenance
RemoveHttpsFromPhotoUrl OmniVista 8770 Application Directories
resetDataOnUserChange OmniVista 8770 User Data Hotel
RoomName OmniVista 8770 User Data Hotel
ScreensaverBackToHomepageWhenOut My IC Customizer Screensaver Homepage
ScreenSaverBrightnessOff OmniVista 8770 Screensaver Backlight
ScreenSaverBrightnessOn My IC Customizer Screensaver Backlight
ScreenSaverDelay My IC Customizer Screensaver Core
ScreenSaverEnabled OmniVista 8770 Screensaver Core
ScreensaverSlideshowDelay My IC Customizer Screensaver Slideshow
ScreensaverSlideshowList My IC Customizer Screensaver Slideshow
ScreenSaversList My IC Customizer Screensaver Core
ScreenSaversListChoice My IC Customizer Screensaver Core
ShowDoNotDisturbLabel My IC Customizer User Data User Services
ShowKeyboardOnHookOff My IC Customizer Device Keyboard
SkinsList My IC Customizer Device Skin

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Setting Tools Section 1 Sub section

SkinsListChoice My IC Customizer Device Skin

SyncEncrypted My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncKeyInHomePage My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncPINCode My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncServerAddress My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncServerPort My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncShowWrnOnLimit My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncStarted My IC Customizer Application Directories
SyncXMLArchive My IC Customizer Application Directories
TelephonyPresenceAvailable OmniVista 8770 User Data Presence
TimeFormat OmniVista 8770 Device configuration
UserBackgroundPicture My IC Customizer Device Background
UserPhoto My IC Customizer User Data User Photo

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