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Look around yourself and make a list of things

Derived from French word environner which means neighbourhood

Environment - The surrounding or condition in which plants and animal live

Natural Environment : -
Human Environment :
 The type of environment made by human beings.
 Only for the social, economic and political affairs.

Natural Environment :
 Natural environment means all living and non-living things
occurring naturally, meaning not because of humans.
 Physical environment consist of abiotic components- land, air water.
 Biological environment consist of biotic components- human being,
plants etc
Interaction between physical and biological factors

Interaction between physical and biological factors : -

There is constant interaction among the biotic and abiotic components.


Domains of the Earth : -

Domains of the Environment : -

1. Lithosphere-The solid crust or the hard top layer of the earth. It is made
up of rocks , minerals and covered by thin layer of soil.

2.Hydrosphere-The water on the earth surface such as lakes , seas oceans,

4. Biosphere-Plants, animals, water, earth and human life makes the biosphere
also termed as living world.

Biosphere is the place where life exist.

Also known as ecosystem.
Chpt 1- Our Environment Textual Question and Answers.

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1)The physical Environment comprises abiotic components.

2)29% of the lithosphere is occupied by land.
3)Ozone protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.
4) All energy for life comes from the Sun.

B) State whether true or false. If False, correct the statement.

1) Biological environment comprises of the living organism- True
2)The Great variety of life on Earth is called biosphere- False
Ans-The narrow zone where land, water and air come in contact with each
other are known as biosphere.
3) All plants and animals get their food directly or indirectly from plants- True
4) Hydrosphere protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the Sun-False
Ans-Ozone protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the Sun.
C) Answer the following question in 10-20 words.
1) What do you mean by the term environment?
Ans- Environment means the surroundings or conditions within which a
person, animal or a plant exists.
2) What are the constituents of the hydrosphere?
Ans- The constituents of the hydrosphere are all the water bodies such as the
oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.
3) What is the significance of biosphere?
Ans- Living things exist only in the biosphere and this makes the Earth a unique
4)What do you understand by Human environment?
Ans- Human environment is formed by human beings, their creations, their
activities and the social, economic, political and other conditions in which they

D) Answer the following questions in 50-70 words.

1) Give a comparison of the physical environment and biological environment.

Physical Environment Biological Environment

Comprises of non-living or abiotic Comprises of the biotic components
components like land, water and air like human beings, plants, animals and
even the microbial organisms
Takes energy directly from the Sun Depend on abiotic elements for
Known as the habitat of an organism

2) How is the lithosphere useful to us?

Ans- The topmost surface of the lithosphere consists of a variety of rocks and
minerals which are useful to us. Lithosphere also provides us with soil for
agriculture and land surface which can be put to a variety of uses, for example,
human settlements.
3) What is the importance of the hydrosphere?
Ans- Freshwater, apart from its domestic, agricultural and industrial uses, is
used to generate electricity and also as a means of transport. Oceans support
marine life, provide us with food and minerals, moderate the climate of the
coastal areas and also serve as international trade routes.
4)Why do human beings modify their environment?
Ans- The requirements of human beings increase with the passage of time,
such as farming, grazing, mining, lumbering, industry, transport and
construction. In order to fulfil their needs, human beings modify their

E) Answer the following in brief.

1)Describe the composition of the atmosphere and mention the uses of its
constituent gases.
Ans- The composition of the atmosphere is Nitrogen is the most abundant gas
found in air, constituting 78% of it. Oxygen constitutes 21%. The remaining 1%
of air is made up of carbon dioxide and other gasses such as hydrogen, argon,
helium and ozone. Nitrogen is required to maintain the fertility of soil. Oxygen
is the gas that living beings breathe in. Carbon dioxide helps plants to produce
food in the presence of sunlight. Ozone protects us from the harmful
ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Water vapour in the atmosphere condenses and
produces precipitation.

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