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1. The findings suggest that social media addiction has a negative influence on the academic
performance of senior high school students, primarily due to the reduced motivation and
productivity of learners. The results also highlight the impact of social media on students'
time management, as well as their ability to concentrate and fulfill academic
responsibilities. This aligns with previous research indicating that excessive internet use,
including social media, leads to poor academic performance and challenges in controlling
time spent online. Additionally, social media addiction can affect student mental health,
as it consumes a significant amount of their time and attention throughout the day and
2. The findings indicate that students experience a moderate degree of social media
addiction, with a particular emphasis on reduced time spent on social media and a strong
urge to use it. The use of social media also interferes with their daily routines,
responsibilities, and relationships. Additionally, students feel compelled to frequently
check their social media accounts. Overall, these results suggest that social media
addiction negatively impacts student productivity. This aligns with previous research by
Adil (2022), which highlights how students' excessive use of social media during study
time can be distracting and reduce their overall study productivity.
3. The analysis reveals that Facebook is the most frequently visited social media platform
among senior high school students, followed by Instagram and Twitter. These findings
align with prior research by Carnier and Cheewer (2013). Moreover, students spend a
moderate amount of time on social media, with a majority spending 2-4 hours daily.
However, a small percentage of students spend less than an hour. This corresponds with
the study by Qingya Wang (2013) that highlights the significant time spent by college
students on social media and its potential negative impact on their academic performance.
4. The analysis indicates that senior high school students are significantly distracted by
social media during classroom activities and discussions, leading to rushing to finish
assignments or submitting them late. This aligns with the study conducted by Bekalu et
al. (2019), highlighting the negative impact of social media addiction on students'
engagement and academic progress.

Furthermore, social media addiction influences students' level of engagement in

classroom activities and participation in discussions, with a significant number of
students reporting a slight or significant decrease in engagement. This corresponds to the
findings of Cumberland (2014), emphasizing the potential impact of social media on
students' ability to interact in face-to-face situations and engage in classroom discussions.
Also, the results demonstrate that excessive use of social media leads to difficulties in not
only missing out on important information or instructions shared during classroom
activities but also impacting students' willingness to actively participate in discussions.
This aligns with the study by Sumen (2021), which emphasizes the negative
consequences of social media on students' performance and energy levels.
5. The findings suggest that social media addiction has a significant impact on the academic

performance of senior high school students. It affects their overall grades, test scores,

completion of assignments, and ability to prioritize academic responsibilities. These

results align with previous studies that have highlighted the negative association between

social media addiction and academic achievement.

The data indicates that students who are addicted to social media experience a

decline in grades and test scores. They also struggle with spending excessive time on

social media, procrastinating on schoolwork, and facing difficulties in focusing and

retaining information while studying. These findings are consistent with studies that

emphasize the negative effects of social media on students' study habits, concentration,

and test performance.

Furthermore, social media addiction hinders students' ability to adequately

prepare for tests, impacts the quality of completed assignments, and contributes to late

submissions. This suggests that students prioritize social media activities over their
academic responsibilities, leading to decreased motivation and focus. However, it is

worth noting that there are students who are not significantly affected by social media

addiction in these aspects.

All in all, the results demonstrate that social media addiction negatively

influences the academic performance of senior high school students, affecting their

grades, test scores, assignment completion, time management, and motivation. These

findings emphasize the need for awareness, education, and interventions to address social

media addiction and promote healthy digital habits among students.


Based on the findings, here are five recommendations to address the negative impact of

social media addiction on the academic performance of senior high school students:

1. Promote Digital Well-being Education: Implement comprehensive digital well-being

education programs that raise awareness about the potential negative effects of

excessive social media use on academic performance. Educate students about healthy

digital habits, time management, and the importance of balancing online activities

with academic responsibilities.

2. Develop Time Management Skills: Integrate time management skills training into the

curriculum to help students prioritize their academic tasks effectively. Provide them

with strategies to manage their time, set realistic goals, and avoid excessive use of

social media during study hours. Encourage students to use time-tracking apps or

techniques to monitor and regulate their online activities.

3. Foster a Supportive School Environment: Create a school environment that supports

students in overcoming social media addiction. Establish guidelines or policies that

encourage responsible use of digital devices and social media platforms during school

hours. Provide designated spaces or times for students to disconnect from social

media and focus on their studies.

4. Encourage Healthy Study Habits: Teach students effective study techniques and

habits that promote concentration and productivity. Emphasize the importance of

creating distraction-free study environments, such as turning off notifications or using

website blockers, to minimize the temptation to engage with social media during
study sessions. Encourage regular breaks for physical activity or mindfulness

exercises to enhance focus and mental well-being.

5. Collaboration with Parents and Guardians: Involve parents and guardians in

addressing social media addiction by providing them with information and resources

on managing their child's digital habits. Foster open communication between parents,

students, and teachers to create a supportive network that can monitor and guide

students in developing healthy online behaviors. Encourage parents to set boundaries

and establish technology-free zones or time periods at home to promote a balanced


By implementing these recommendations, schools can help students develop healthier

relationships with social media, improve their time management skills, and enhance their overall

academic performance. It is essential to address social media addiction as a collective effort

involving educators, parents, and students themselves.

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