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Instructor Resource

Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis

SAGE Publishing, 2018

Test Bank for Principles and Methods of Statistical

Analysis 1st Edition Miller Saucier Frieman
1483358593 9781483358598
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Test bank:
Chapter 5: Resistant Estimators of Parameters
Test Bank

Multiple Choice
1. Your text discusses how outliers can occur. Which of the following is not one?
a. recording errors
b. sampling from distributions that have more values in their tails than normal distributions
c. sampling from nonsymmetric distributions
d. sampling only from one tail of a distribution
Ans: D
Answer Location: Resistant Estimators of Parameters
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

2. Sample means are considered linear estimators because they are linear combinations of
observations that are ______ weighted values.
a. equally
b. unevenly
c. ranked
d. heavily
Ans: A
Answer Location: The Sample Mean and Sample Median Are L-Estimators
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
3. An α-trimmed mean is an L-estimator in which the extreme α values on each end of the ranked
sample are given weights of ______, while the middle values are given weights of ______.
a. 2/a(1 – α), 2
b. 1, 2/a(1 – α)
c. 1/n(1 – 2α), 0
d. 0, 1/n(1 – 2α)
Ans: D
Answer Location: The Sample Mean and Sample Median Are L-Estimators
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. ______ display(s) the effect of an observation added to a data-set on the value of various
estimators of parameters and sample statistics.
a. Boxplots
b. Resistant estimators
c. Influence function
d. Finite-sample breakdown point
Ans: C
Answer Location: Measuring the Influence of Outliers on Estimates of Location and Spread
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

5. The ______ is the smallest proportion of the observations that can be changed to make the
estimator as large as we want.
a. confidence interval
b. resistant estimators
c. influence function
d. finite-sample breakdown point
Ans: D
Answer Location: Measuring the Influence of Outliers on Estimates of Location and Spread
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Difficulty Level: Easy

6. After reviewing your descriptive statistics for your data set you discover that the distribution
of scores in not normal. Specifically, your mean is much larger than your median. Which of the
following techniques would be the most appropriate to use as a reistant estimator of location?
a. calculate Winsorized mean
b. calculate Z-score
c. divide the data by a constant
d. calculate standard deviations
Ans: A
Answer Location: Winsorizing: Another Way to Create a Resistant Estimator of Location
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Medium

7. Of the following options, the ______ is the least effect estimator when working with a non-
normal distribution.
a. α-trimmed mean
b. sample mean
c. Winsorized mean
d. sample median
Ans: B
Answer Location: α-Trimmed Means as Resistant and Efficient Estimators of Location
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

8. Sample variance is easily impacted by the presence of outliers. Which of the following is the
most effective estimator of spread when outliers are present?
a. sample variance
b. Z-scores
c. median of the absolute deviations from the median (MAD)
d. modified one-step M-estimator of variance (MOM)
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Ans: C
Answer Location: Resistant Estimators of Spread
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

9. If you were concerned about how much data to trim from a non-normal distribution, you could
use which measure?
a. M-estimator
b. median of the absolute deviations from the median (MAD)
c. Winsorized mean
d. population mean
Ans: A
Answer Location: M-Estimators: Another Approach to Finding Resistant Estimators of Location
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Hard

10. The procedure for finding the modified one-step M-estimator of location (MOM) requires a
set of criteria. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. identify the outliers
b. remove outliers
c. find the average of the remaining values
d. determine the median
Ans: D
Answer Location: M-Estimators: Another Approach to Finding Resistant Estimators of Location
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Hard

11. You would use this technique if you do not know the kind of population from which your
samples were obtained, nor the distribution of your estimator.
a. Winsorizing
b. L-estimator
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
c. trim the data
d. bootstrap
Ans: D
Answer Location: Resampling Methods for Constructing Confidence Intervals
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Easy

12. The purpose of ______ is to obtain a sample that is representative of the population from
which the scores were obtained
a. random sampling
b. random assignment
c. trimming
d. transforming data
Ans: A
Answer Location: Bootstrap Methods for Estimating Parameters
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

13. The bootstrap provides confidence intervals parameters through:

a. random resampling without replacement from our original sample.
b. random resampling with replacement from our original sample.
c. random resampling without replacement from the population.
d. random resampling with replacement from the population.
Ans: B
Answer Location: Bootstrap Methods for Estimating Parameters
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Medium

14. To be considered a linear estimator, every score in the sample has ______ in the calculation
of the estimate.
a. the same weight
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
b. a different weight
c. progressively smaller weights
d. progressively larger weights
Ans: A
Answer Location: Summary
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy

15. Approximately how many bootstrap samples should you create?

a. 50
b. 250
c. 750
d. 1,000
Ans: D
Answer Location: Comments on the Use of the Bootstrap
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Medium

16. The bootstrap method can be used to construct ______ for any parameter from any
population, even when we do not know the shape of the population.
a. confidence intervals
b. variance estimates
c. means
d. any estimator
Ans: A
Answer Location: Comments on the Use of the Bootstrap
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
1. Resistant estimators reduce the influence of outliers and heavy tails on our estimates of
population parameters.
Ans: T
Answer Location: A Closer Look at Sampling From Non-Normal Populations
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. How much effect or impact an observation has on an estimator is called its distortion factor.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Measuring the Influence of Outliers on Estimates of Location and Spread
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

3. An α-trimmed mean is an L-estimator in which the extreme α values on each end of the ranked
sample are given weights of 1, while the middle values are given weights of (1 – 2α).
Ans: F
Answer Location: The Sample Mean and Sample Median Are L-Estimators
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. Winsorized means are created by replacing a certain proportion of the scores at the end of a
ranked sample of numbers with the next score in the sample.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Winsorizing: Another Way to Create a Resistant Estimator of Location
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

5. The strength of using trimmed means and Winsorized means is that they automatically
determine the appropriate number of outliers to remove.
Ans: F
Answer Location: α-Trimmed Means as Resistant and Efficient Estimators of Location
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

6. The finite-sample breakdown point is the smallest proportion of the observations that can be
changed to make the estimator as large as we want.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Measuring the Influence of Outliers on Estimates of Location and Spread
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

7. An influence function displays the effect of an observation added to a data set on the value of
various estimators of parameters and sample statistics.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Measuring the Influence of Outliers on Estimates of Location and Spread
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

8. α-trimmed means are more robust than sample medians, but less robust than sample means.
Ans: F
Answer Location: α-Trimmed Means as Resistant and Efficient Estimators of Location
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Hard

9. In the absence of any other information about the population, our sample is our best source of
information about that population.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Resampling Methods for Constructing Confidence Intervals
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
10. The bootstrap is based on the idea that random sample from a population reduces error
Ans: F
Answer Location: Bootstrap Methods for Estimating ParametersCognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

11. When data are sampled from non-normal distributions, the sample mean is more efficient that
the sample median.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Applying These Resistant Estimators to Our Data
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy

12. The sample median is a better estimator of location than the sample mean when dealing with
skewed distributions.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Measuring the Influence of Outliers on Estimates of Location and Spread
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

13. Wilcox (2010) recommends using a 10% trimmed mean in most situations in which samples
are drawn from a non-normal population.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Which Estimator of Location Should I Use?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Medium

14. The bootstrap method substitutes computer power for theoretical analysis of the behavior of
sample statistics from specific populations.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Resampling Methods for Constructing Confidence Intervals
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

15. When the sample size is small and the data do not appear to come from a normal distribution,
Wilcox (2010) recommends using the bootstrap-t when making inferences about population
Ans: T
Answer Location: Comments on the Use of the Bootstrap
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Medium

Short Answer/Essay

1. Most statistical techniques such as t-tests, analysis of variance, and regression assume what
about distributions? How accurate is this assumption.
Ans: Many widely used statistical techniques such as t-tests, analysis of variance, and regression
are based on, and therefore assume, sampling from normal distributions. But real data are rarely
sampled from pure normal distributions
Answer Location: Resistant Estimators of Parameters
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

2. When is the sample median a better estimator of location than the sample mean?
Ans: Sample median is a better estimator of location than the sample mean when dealing with
skewed distributions or situations where there are outliers in our data. When dealing with normal
distributions where the population mean and population median are the same, the sample mean is
a better estimate.
Answer Location: Influence Functions for Estimates of Location
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
3. What are bootstrap methods, and what they used for?
Ans: The bootstrap method substitutes computer power for theoretical analysis of the behavior of
sample statistics from specific populations. Bootstrap methods are used when you do not know
the kind of population from which a sample was obtained, nor the distribution of our estimator.
In the absence of any other information about the population, our sample is our best source of
information about that population
Answer Location: Resampling Methods for Constructing Confidence Intervals
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. When might researchers delete values in their data sets or replace values in their data-sets?
What is the most ethical way to delete values?
Ans: What we offer are techniques whose purpose is to produce the most resistant estimates of
population parameters, which may or may not be the purpose of the researchers’ studies. The
safest, and most ethical, strategy that we recommend for researchers is to report their data
analysis techniques thoroughly, and with justification, to avoid any suspicion of impropriety.
Answer Location: A Final Caveat
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Describe advantages and disadvantages of the following estimators of location: sample means,
sample medians, α-trimmed means, and M-estimators.
Ans: When sampling from a normal distribution, the sample mean is the most efficient estimator
of the population mean (which is also the population median and the population trimmed mean).
However, when sampling from populations that are skewed or have heavier tails than a normal
distribution, the sample mean is not resistant to outliers in the data and is also not efficient
relative to the sample median. The sample median on the other hand is not efficient relative to
the sample mean when sampling from normal distributions, but it is more efficient than the
sample mean when sampling from non-normal populations. Trimmed means are also more
efficient than the sample mean when sampling from non-normal populations.
Answer Location: Which Estimator of Location Should I Use?
Instructor Resource
Frieman, Principles & Methods of Statistical Analysis
SAGE Publishing, 2018
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Hard

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