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A character generator for

Name Vatan Class Forlorn Philosopher HP 4/4 Omens 1 (d4)

You are Vatan Forlorn Philosopher

Raised by fanatical Theists in a temple beneath Memetic Cognitive Palpitation (Ochre Tablet)
Grift’s bridges. Udok cultists captured your
family and forced you to debate with them while Near-imperceptible body shifts transmit a simple
they devoured your parents alive. mind-plague which causes one creature to dance
madly for d4 rounds. They may neither attack nor
The road an unreasoning maze, every temple soaked defend during this choreomania.
in blood, each destination drenched in gloom; you
once thought that cold analysis might tame Fate Marked by Obscurity
itself, now that dream of reason has decayed to An ever-shifting Tablet of Ochre Obscurity is
shifting madness and only the cold remains. tattooed on your flesh. Roll each morning which
Inferiority complex and worried. Rotting face, tablet it is. The tablet can only be used once per
wearing mask. Can't stop drinking once you start. day but automatically succeeds.

Abilities Equipment

Strength ±0 Waterskin and 3 days' worth of food

Agility ±0 Club d6 damage
Presence +3 Fur armor -d2 damage, tier 1
Toughness ±0 Wooden crucifix
15 silver

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.

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