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If I make a water filter using charcoal, rocks, sand and cotton, then the filter will effectively
remove impurities and improve the quality of water by reducing the presence of visible particles,
odors and potentially harmful contaminants.

Does the use of a homemade water filter composed of charcoal, rocks, cotton and sand
effectively improve the quality of water by removing impurities and reducing the presence of
visible particles, odors, and potentially harmful contaminants?


By conducting this experiment, we will gain a practical understanding of how different materials
can act as filters to remove impurities from water. We will also learn about the role of each
component (charcoal, rocks, and sand) in the filtration process and observe the changes in
water quality before and after filtration.


Homemade water filter made of cotton, sand, charcoal and rocks

Dirty water is being poured into the filter

Filtering dirty water and clean water is obtained

Clean water(right) obtained from the dirty water(left)

Things we need:
● Plastic bottle
● Drinking glass
● Anticutter
● Dirty water
● Sand
● Cotton
● Charcoal
● Rocks

● 1. Cut the bottom part of the water bottle (the top part would be used only, bottom
part not to be used)
● 2. Slit the cap of the top part of the water bottle.
● 3. Put some cotton into the bottle.
● 4. Put some sand above the cotton.
● 5. Place some charcoal.
● 6. Finish the layering with some rocks
● 7. Pour the dirty water through the layers
● 8. Wait until you get some clean water



Visible particles: The filtered water is clearer and has fewer visible particles compared to the
unfiltered water. This indicates that the filter effectively captured larger particles and sediment.

Odor and taste: The filtered water has a reduced odor and taste compared to the unfiltered
water. This suggests that the filter successfully removed certain impurities responsible for
unpleasant smells or tastes.

Water clarity: The filtered water has improved clarity, indicating the removal of suspended
particles and reduced opaqueness.

In conclusion the water filter we created was a success. We were able to create a water filter
with our hands that was able to filter the dirty water and provide clearer water.

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