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Which city is the best to live in do you think? Why?

What factors do
you consider?

The 100 best cities in the world have been ranked for 2023 based on where to live, work, invest and

Match the factors to the appopriate categories:


 income equality
 Tripadvisor reviews
PLACE:  university ranking
 Google search
PRODUCT:  dining
 Instagram hashtags
PEOPLE:  culture
 global 500 number


sights & landmarks
GDP per capita
 Labour force
PROGRAMMING:  educational attainment
 diversity
PROMOTION:  airport connectivity
 shopping
 attractions
 weather
Are they the same categories you used?

World's Best Cities - Best Cities (

1. [RANK 33] As residents will tell you in person or

via Facebook check-ins (#4), they live in the best
city on the planet. With the largest population of
Italian descendants outside of Italy, the largest
community of people of Japanese descent
outside Japan and a large Middle Eastern
community fueled mostly by Lebanese and Syrian
immigrants, culinary delights are a given. The city
lands an impressive #3 for its restaurants, ahead
of London and New York. The resuming of life has
given the city’s #4-ranked Culture scene a shot in
the toned arm, with signature concerts, shows and events drawing big, colorful and gyrating
crowds once more.

2. [RANK 44] Elegant mansions line cobblestone streets, drivers maneuver broad boulevards
according to rules only they comprehend, and the planet’s #26 Nightlife goes on until dawn.
Locals have mastered the art of whiling away the hours at cafés, drinking espresso and
arguing over politics or yesterday’s football match. But this chaotic, beautiful mess teetered
on the edge under massive infection numbers and deaths. While the employment rate has
recovered (but still at #130 globally), the city’s Safety ranking has tumbled to #180.

3. [RANK 6] It is an almost ideal European city, one with near-perfect weather year-round,
three miles of beaches within city limits, iconic parks, striking architecture and colorful
neighborhoods that march to their own beat—artistic, sophisticated, bohemian. No wonder
it ranks #6 in our Place category, which measures both
the natural and built environments of a city. And no
wonder the city was dealing with 12 million tourists
annually, almost double its entire regional population.

4. [RANK 4] One of the safest metropolises on the

planet,ranking #4 in our Safety subcategory.
Young kids playing and walking to school unattended is
a common sight once more after almost three years of
lockdowns and intermittent school closures.
It earned the #1 spot in Shopping for its world-class
experiences, like luxury department stores, newly
enhanced with cutting-edge design and technology.
5. [RANK 24] With almost half of its population foreign-born, the top 25 finish this year is
powered by diversity and education, with its eponymous university ranking #9 globally and
its residents finishing #20 for the planet’s most educated. All that talent will supercharge an
economy that already boasts the seventh-highest number of Global 500 head offices.

6. [RANK 1] The city still tops our Promotions category, coming out in front for Insta hashtags,
Facebook check-ins and TripAdvisor reviews. Fortunately the city is almost back to pre-
pandemic capacity.
A dipping currency has attracted investment and, of course, previously priced-out tourists.
And new residents. New wealthy residents
who can now afford to check off a big item on
the multi-millionaire bucket list: property in
the best city on the planet.
An astonishing 61 luxury properties—each
worth $11.5 million or more—were sold in
the first six months of 2022, which was the
highest number in a decade. And it has pulled
in the most foreign direct investments into
tech from international companies since
2018, ahead of New York, Singapore and

What kinds of difficulties will these (and other big cities) have to deal
with in the future?

Listen to the News story and answer the questions:

1. What kind of scientists conducted this study?

2. How much do all the buildings in New York City weigh?
3. How many people live in New York City?
4. What did a scientist say could contribute to the flood risk?
5. Where is the risk of floods greatest in New York City?
6. What other cities does the article say are sinking?
7. What cost Venice $5.3 billion?
8. How much of the world's population will live in cities by 2050?
9. What did a scientist say you end up with if you fill a city with people?
10. What will exacerbate problems for cities?

      1 prone a. The basic physical and organizational structures and

. facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for a
town, city or country.

      2 subsidence b. Relating to the study of the earth's physical structure and
. substance.

      3 geological c. Things that are attached to a house and equipment needed
. to make a house a home.

      4 fixtures and fittings d. Likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something
. unpleasant or regrettable.

      5 infrastructure e. The gradual sinking of an area of land.


      6. floods f. From the very beginning.

      7. from scratch g. Of a person moving to a new area or country in order to

find work or better living conditions.

      8. inhabit h. The process of making an area into a town or city.

      9. emblematic i. Of a person, animal, or group living in a place or


      10 migrate j. The relative amount of a particular substance contained

. within a solution or mixture or in a particular volume of

      11 concentration k. Serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept;

. symbolic.

      12 urbanisation l. Overflows of large amounts of water beyond its normal

. limits, especially over what is normally dry land.
Read and story with the correct prepositions.

Scientists say New York City is sinking   up to four millimetres a

year   the weight of all its skyscrapers. A team of geophysicists   the
United States Geological Survey calculated that there are 1,084,954 buildings   
the city, weighing   764 billion kilograms. This weight does not include fixtures
and fittings   buildings, the transport infrastructure, or the weight   the
city's 8.5 million inhabitants. Lead researcher Dr Tom Parsons said the gradual subsidence,
coupled   rising sea levels, could make New York prone to natural disasters. He
warned that "every additional high-rise building could contribute   future flood
risk," especially   coastal and riverfront areas.

The researchers compared what is happening to New York to the problems Venice and
Jakarta are having. Venice is experiencing more floods despite the construction   a
$5.3 billion system   sea walls. Indonesia is building a new capital
city   scratch because Jakarta is sinking. The United Nations has forecast that 70
per cent   the world's population will inhabit cities   2050. Parsons
said: "When you build a city and it gets full   people, you end up   
subsidence." He warned that New York City was "emblematic   a place that
people migrate to and that obviously has a high concentration   construction."
Increasing urbanisation will exacerbate problems   cities.

Write a short article about a problem that your city will face in the
Scientists say New York City is sinking by up to four millimetres a year under the weight of all
its skyscrapers. A team of geophysicists from the United States Geological Survey calculated
that there are 1,084,954 buildings in the city, weighing around 764 billion kilograms. This
weight does not include fixtures and fittings in buildings, the transport infrastructure, or the
weight of the city's 8.5 million inhabitants. Lead researcher Dr Tom Parsons said the gradual
subsidence, coupled with rising sea levels, could make New York prone to natural disasters.
He warned that "every additional high-rise building could contribute to future flood risk,"
especially along coastal and riverfront areas.

The researchers compared what is happening to New York to the problems Venice and
Jakarta are having. Venice is experiencing more floods despite the construction of a $5.3
billion system of sea walls. Indonesia is building a new capital city from scratch because
Jakarta is sinking. The United Nations has forecast that 70 per cent of the world's population
will inhabit cities by 2050. Parsons said: "When you build a city and it gets full of people, you
end up with subsidence." He warned that New York City was "emblematic of a place that
people migrate to and that obviously has a high concentration of construction." Increasing
urbanisation will exacerbate problems for cities.

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