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Chat GPT

1. What is artificial intelligence (AI), and how is it used in modern society?

2. In what ways is AI changing the job market, and what skills should
individuals develop to prepare for this shift?
3. What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of using AI in fields like
healthcare, finance, and education?
4. How has AI impacted the development of other technologies like
robotics and self-driving cars?
5. What does the future hold for AI, and what potential implications could
it have for society as a whole?

Watch the video ChatGPT: Are humans still smarter than AI? - BBC
News. Can chat GPT be smarter than humans?

1. a game changer B. To find a solution to a problem or

2. to boost
C. To increase or improve something
3. to outsmart D. To confront or deal with a
problem or issue
4. to address
E. A very young child
5. an infant F. To stay ahead of competition or
6. to keep one step ahead of
G. To deceive or surpass someone
7. to figure something out else in intelligence or strategy
H. Something that drastically alters a
8. to replicate
situation or outcome
A. To create a copy or duplicate of

Complete the sentences with words from the previous activity.

1. Hackers are constantly trying to __________ security measures put in place by AI

systems, which highlights the importance of ensuring AI is secure.
1. Artificial intelligence is considered a __________ in the tech industry, as it has the
potential to revolutionize the way we live and work.
2. To succeed in the field of AI, it's important to __________ of the latest
advancements and technologies.
3. Companies are investing heavily in AI to __________ their productivity and
efficiency, as it can perform tasks that are too repetitive or complex for humans.
4. One of the key advantages of AI is its ability to __________ processes and tasks that
were previously done by humans
5. One of the biggest challenges in AI is how to __________ issues of bias and
discrimination in algorithms that can negatively impact people.
6. When it comes to AI, we are still in the __________ stages of development, and
there is much more to be learned and discovered about its potential.
7. Researchers are constantly trying to __________ how the human brain works and
use that knowledge to improve AI systems.
Watch the video about Chat GPT again and answer the questions

1. Why has Chat GPT been held a game changer?

2. What are algorithms doing?
3. What are they capable of doing?
4. What are they not very good at? Why?
5. In which scenario are children better than AI?
6. Why are we one step ahead of AI?
7. What do we need to understand about our brains according to neuroscientist?
8. What cannot Chat GPT do?

1. What are some of the potential applications of Chat GPT in our daily
lives and in various industries?
2. Do you think Chat GPT can be used to create more personalized and
efficient customer service experiences? Why or why not?
3. What are some of the ethical considerations that need to be taken into
account when using Chat GPT? How can we ensure that it is used in a
way that is fair and just?
4. How do you think Chat GPT compares to other forms of AI and chatbots
that are currently available in the market?
5. What are some of the potential limitations of Chat GPT in terms of its
ability to understand and respond to human language? How can these
limitations be addressed and improved?
Imagine a situation where a company is using Chat GPT to provide customer service support
however the company has programmed the AI system to gather and store personal
information about customers without their knowledge or consent this data includes
sensitive information such as their credit card details social security numbers and browsing
The ethical dilemma arises when it is discovered that the company is using this data to
target customers with personalized advertisements and promotions even though customers
did not give their consent for their data to be used in this way this raises questions about
privacy consent and the responsibility of companies to protect their customers personal
Should the company be allowed to continue using Chat GPT in this way or should they be
required to obtain explicit consent from customers before collecting and using their data
what are the potential implications for the customers if their personal information is used
without their knowledge or consent how can we ensure that AI systems like Chat GPT are
used ethically and in a way that protects individual privacy and autonomy

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