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The impact of migration on families’

/ individuals’ lives is crucial.



What is migration? What are the causes?

Goal: Understand important new terms.


A. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions using complete sentences.
1. Have you ever moved? If so, how did you feel?
2. What was difficult during this experience?

B. DIRECTIONS: Read the definitions and write the correct term from the box.

emigrate immigrate migration refugee

1. _______________: the movement of people to another place in order to find a better life
2. _______________: to leave your own country to go and live in another one
3. _______________: the process in which people come to live in a different country
4. _______________: someone who has been forced to leave their country,
especially because of a war


DIRECTIONS: Listen and separate the reason for migrating under PUSH or PULL



DIRECTIONS: What are PUSH and PULL factors when talking about migration?
1. Push factors:
2. Pull factors:

Goal: Learn new vocabulary through history.


DIRECTIONS: Read the text about The Statue of Liberty to learn more about its
The statue of ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’ which was sculpted by Frédéric Auguste
Bartholdi, was erected on Ellis Island in New York harbour in 1886. It was a gift of friendship
from the French people to commemorate the part they played in the American Revolution
and the Declaration of Independence. It has stood ever since as a ‘universal symbol of
freedom and democracy.’ It has traditionally been seen as a symbol of hope to all
immigrants who came to New York to start a new life in America.


DIRECTIONS: Watch the short video about Ellis Island and answer the questions
1. Where is Ellis Island?
2. How many immigrants passed through Ellis Island?
a. 2 million b. 12 million c. 20 million
3. What happened to the building in 1897?
4. How was the new building different from the old one?
a. It was waterproof. b. It was earthquake proof. c. It was fireproof.
5. Which area was not a part of the Ellis Island building?
 baggage room ______  train station ______  roof garden ______
 dining room ______  hospital ______

6. Complete the diagram about the process of the medical examination.

Second Medical

Went to… Marked with… Had another …

___________________ ___________________ _________________


7. Name two things you shouldn’t have had when you came to the USA.
8. Complete the quotation: ‘The island of ____________, the island of ____________.’
9. Why do you think this quotation is used to describe Ellis Island?


DIRECTIONS: Match the words to their definitions.

1. oppression ______ a. a book for keeping official records

2. registry ______ b. a disease that you can get if you touch someone who has it

3. contagious ______ c. to find the origin of something

4. trace ______ d. unfair treatment that limits people's freedom


A. DIRECTIONS: Read the text about Ellis Island.
Ellis Island was opened in 1892 as a federal immigration station, a purpose it served for
more than 60 years (it closed in 1954). Millions of newly arrived immigrants passed through
the station during that time – in fact, it has been estimated that close to 40 percent of all
current U.S. citizens can trace at least one of their ancestors to Ellis Island.
When Ellis Island opened, a great change was taking place in immigration to the United
States. As arrivals from northern and western Europe – Germany, Ireland, Britain and the
Scandinavian countries – slowed, more and more immigrants came in large numbers from
southern and eastern Europe. Among this new generation were Jews escaping from political
and economic oppression in Czarist Russia and eastern Europeans and Italians escaping
poverty in their country. There were also Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Serbs, Slovaks and
Greeks, along with non-Europeans from Syria, Turkey and Armenia. The reasons they left
their homes included war, drought, famine and religious reasons. They all had hopes for
greater opportunity in the New World.
After a difficult sea voyage, passengers arrived at Ellis Island. Immigrants were tagged with
information from the ship’s registry and passed through long lines for medical and legal
inspections to see if they were fit for entry into the United States. From 1900 to 1914 – the
peak years of Ellis Island’s operation – some 5,000 to 10,000 people passed through the
immigration station every day. Approximately 80 percent successfully passed through in a
matter of hours, but others could be there for days or weeks.

The First Arrival
On January 1, 1892, her 15th birthday, Annie Moore from County Cork, Ireland, became the
first person admitted to the new immigration station on Ellis Island. On that opening day, she
received a greeting from officials and a $10.00 gold piece. Annie travelled to New York with
her two younger brothers, who left Queenstown (now Cobh) on December 20, 1891 and
arrived in New York on the evening of December 31. After being processed, the children
were reunited with their parents, who were already living in New York.
Beware the Buttonhook Men
Doctors checked those passing through Ellis Island for more than 60 diseases and
disabilities that might disqualify them from entry into the United States. Those suspected of
having a disease or disability were marked with chalk and kept for closer examination. All
immigrants were checked closely for trachoma, a contagious eye condition. To check for
trachoma, the examiner used a buttonhook to turn each immigrant’s eyelids inside out, a
procedure remembered by many Ellis Island arrivals as particularly painful and terrifying.
Dining at Ellis Island
Food was plentiful at Ellis Island, despite various opinions about its quality. A typical meal
served in the dining hall might have included beef stew, potatoes, bread and herring (a very
cheap fish); or baked beans and stewed prunes. Immigrants were introduced to new foods,
such as bananas, sandwiches and ice cream, as well as unfamiliar preparations.
Adapted from:

B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions.

1. Give two reasons why some Europeans left their own countries to begin a new life in the
2. When were the busiest years for immigration at Ellis Island?
3. Why do you think Annie Moore’s parents went to New York without their children?
4. How would all the different nationalities affect American culture and daily life?

Goal: Review the forms of questions.


DIRECTIONS: Watch the short clip from the film, Gangs of New York, and answer
the questions.
1. What did Bill take off when he spoke?
2. Who murdered Bill’s father?
3. When was his father murdered?
4. Where did the new soldiers come from?
5. Why did the girl and woman hug the soldier?
6. How many coffins were on the dock?


A. DIRECTIONS: Fill in the box with all of the WH- question words.

1. 7.

2. 8.

3. 9.

4. 10.

5. 11.

B. DIRECTIONS: Put the words in the correct order to create questions.

1. did / say / man / what / the
2. angry / made / man / who / the
3. the / when / start / war / did
4. travel / the / how / America / men / did / to

C. DIRECTIONS: Imagine you are one of the immigration officers at the harbour
from the movie. Ask SIX questions to the immigrants about their
past. Use the question words from the box on the previous page.

Wh- questions are questions that require information in their answers.

To create a wh- question about the past, start with the “wh- word”, then add, “did” (or “didn’t”
for a negative question), then the “subject” (a person or thing that does the action), followed
by the “base form of the verb” and only then add the rest of the sentence.

1. Q: __________________________________________________________________?
A: ___________________________________________________________________
2. Q: __________________________________________________________________?
A: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Q: __________________________________________________________________?
A: ___________________________________________________________________
4. Q: __________________________________________________________________?
A: ___________________________________________________________________
5. Q: __________________________________________________________________?
A: ___________________________________________________________________
6. Q: __________________________________________________________________?
A: ___________________________________________________________________

Goal: Understand key concepts of the novel.

A. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions about The Memory Cage.

1. What do you think book is about?
2. By looking at the front cover, what title
would you give the story?

3. Why would a memory be put in a cage?

4. If you could choose one, would you want a
perfect memory?

B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions about the book’s preface using full
1. Why do you think we should write things down if they are important?
2. What is your earliest memory?
3. Why do you think the narrator says: “I was seven, and that’s the first picture of me in
Mum and Dad’s album. Before then, I didn’t exist. That’s the way I like it. No memories.
No me”

Goal: Talk about past events in relation to each other.

A. DIRECTIONS: Look at the sentence about The Memory Cage. Circle the correct
underlined words in Language Focus 1 and 2 below to complete
the rules.

Focus 1
“Alex had already left Bosnia when Grandad became ill.”

1. Did both these events happen in the past? Yes / No

2. Was Alex in Bosnia when Grandad became ill? Yes / No
3. Was Grandad ill when Alex lived in Bosnia? Yes / No

Focus 2
“Alex had already left Bosnia when Grandad became ill.”

 We use this structure to talk about the relationship between events in the past /
present / future.
 It indicates that an event happened further back in the past / present / future than
another event.
 We use it to describe one thing that happened before / after another (often using
when or by the time).
 It is often used in sentences along with past simple / present simple, contrasting two
 We form this structure by using have / had and past participle. (seen, left, gone etc.)

B. DIRECTIONS: Look at the events below and write the correct letter on the lines to
put them in the correct order on the timeline.


____ ____ ____ ____

A. Alex left Bosnia.

B. Grandad fought in WWII.
C. Grandad almost burnt the house down.
D. Grandad became ill.

C. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences according to the events on the timeline.

Pay attention to the time words. The first one is an example.
1. Grandad had fought in WWII when Alex left Bosnia.

When Alex left Bosnia, Grandad ______________________ in WWII.

2. Alex ______________________ Bosnia before Grandad became ill.

Before Grandad became ill, Alex ______________________ Bosnia.

3. Grandad ______________________ ill by the time he almost burnt the house down.
By the time he almost burnt the house down, Grandad ______________________ ill.

4. Grandad became ill after he ______________________ in WWII.

After Grandad ______________________ in WWII, he became ill.

D. DIRECTIONS: Think about your own day. Write three sentences about your
day using the new structure we have just learnt. There is one
example for you.
Example: By the time I woke up, my mum had left the house.

1. When ________________________________________________________________

2. Before _______________________________________________________________

3. After _________________________________________________________________

4. By the time ____________________________________________________________

Goal: Talk about past events in relation to each other.
DIRECTIONS: Read the page from Alex’s journal from The Memory Cage. Fill in
the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in the

15 May 1998
Dear Diary,

I am very upset about how Leonard is treating me these days. It’s been
getting worse and worse.

He’s making my life miserable. The other day, I 1. _______________ (go) to

my room and found out that he 2. _______________ (be) in my room
before. When I 3. _______________ (open) my backpack, I realized that he
had ripped the corners of my books earlier. Another day last week I was
very upset when I found out that he 4._______________ (add) sugar in my
sandwich. I couldn’t eat anything else at school, because
I 5._______________ (take) any money from my dad that day.

I’m not telling my parents because I think it will only make things worse, but
I don’t know how much more of this I can take. He has been threatening
me about telling my parents about Grandad’s condition. He’s getting worse
every day. Last night, he fell asleep forgetting that he 6. ______________
(light) his pipe before. He almost burnt the whole house down! The other
week I came home and found out that he
7. _______________ (leave) the gas on. By the time I arrived, the odor
8. _______________ (already / fill) the whole house. It
9. _______________ (be) horrible. I hope I can help him remember things
because I don’t think Leonard can be trusted with this secret. It’s only a
matter of time before he tells my parents.

I hope I can find a way to fix things before it’s too late.



Why are / were certain areas of the world
popular for migration?

Goal: Understand ancient migrations through separate reading texts.


DIRECTIONS: Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. How long ago were Homo Sapiens born and where?
2. What happened 70,000 years ago in the video?
3. How many years past after the coldest and driest part of the Ice Age and Homo
Sapiens leaving Africa?
4. How many years ago did humans cross the Red Sea?
5. What happened to Neanderthals shortly after humans entered the European continent?
6. Where did humans migrate to 15,000 years ago?


DIRECTIONS: Read the information about different historical groups.

Age of Empires: Migrations

The Huns
The Hunnic Empire was a union between Huns, Ostrogoths and Alans. Nobody knows for
sure where the Huns came from. Some say it was from near the Volga River in Russia
and others say it was from what we now know as Mongolia.

Attila and his brother Bleda became joint leaders of the Huns in 434 CE. In 441 CE, the
Huns invaded the Balkans and destroyed most of the major cities there. They got within
30 kilometers of Constantinople.

Through their migration, the Huns were an important force at the end of the Roman
Empire era. They forced other Germanic and Persian tribes into Roman lands. When they
were gone, they left chaos behind them.

After 500 years, the Roman Empire in the west ended and broke into pieces. This was the
beginning of the "Dark Ages”. There were constant wars, and losses in the arts, literacy,
and scientific knowledge. By accident, the Huns sent Europe into a thousand years of

The Hittites
The Hittites were shepherds from the North near the Caspian Sea and Black Sea. These
people established their primary cities along the Halys River and called their home the
“land of the Hatti” and their capital city is Hattusas. They lived in the region of Anatolia
before 1700 BCE and were able to develop their culture. This then allowed them to move
into many different areas. These new areas then made up their empire. This empire was
so big and strong that it was a rival to the Egyptian Empire at that time.

The Hittites used advanced weaponry and easily defeated any enemy who stood in their
way. For one thousand years, they controlled most of Anatolia, Syria and Egypt.

Farming was also extremely important to the Hittites and was the main way people earned
money. They brought this knowledge to the new areas in the empire. The discovery of iron
and use of iron to make weapons was one of the most important things the Hittites did.

The Slavs
Where the Slavs originally come from is still unknown. One thing is for certain, they are the
least documented group of “barbarian” enemies of the Roman Empire. Some historians
believe they came from areas of Eastern Europe and they were nomads – always moving
from country to country.

We started to see them in historical records around the 6th century. This was when they
migrated into Bohemia, Moravia, Hungary, and the Balkans. In addition, there is a theory,
which suggests that Slavs migrated to North Africa.

Due to the fact there is so little documentation about the Slavs, it is difficult for us to know
how they changed the countries they migrated to. One thing we do know is about Slavic
languages. These languages are related and may sound similar to people who don’t
speak them, but they are very different. Examples of Slavic languages are Bulgarian,
Czech, Croatian, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, and Russian.

The Celts
The Celts were people in the Iron Age and Medieval Europe who spoke Celtic
languages and had cultural similarities. Today, when you say the word Celt, many people
think you are talking about people who came from Ireland and Scotland but that is not
completely true. The origin of the Celts is in Hallstatt, Austria. From there, they migrated to
different areas of Europe such as France, Britain, Ireland, Spain, Poland and even into

The Celts loved to trade and made many roads in Europe before the Romans did. Their
famous Tin Road started in Marseilles (France) and went all the way to Britain.

The Celts were one of the first groups to use iron weapons and were excellent warriors.
Celtic women also fought alongside men on the battlefield.

The Vikings
The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old Norse' and means 'a pirate raid'.
People who went off raiding in ships were said to be 'going Viking'. They were generally

The Viking age in European history was from 700 to 1100 CE. During this period many
Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland.
Danish Vikings went to France and founded Normandy ('Land of the North-men'). Danish
Swedish Vikings roamed along rivers into Russia.

The Vikings were famous at sailing and making boats. The boats they made could cross
high seas as well as shallow rivers and land easily on beaches.


A. DIRECTIONS: Complete the table with the information you find about each group.

Huns Hittites Slavs Celts Vikings

Where did they

come from?

When were they


Where did they


What were the

negative effects of
their migration?

What were the

positive effects of
their migration?

B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions using complete sentences.
1. Which group do you think was the most interesting? Explain why.

2. Some groups were written about in a negative way by historians of that time. Why do you
think they did that?

3. Which group would you like to belong to? Explain why.


Goal: Connect the unit terms and concepts through a reading text.


A. DIRECTIONS: Choose the word from the box that best matches the underlined
section of the sentence. There is ONE extra word.

border conflict immigrate emigrate refugee

1. There were many disagreements between the two countries. They had many problems.
2. Some families leave their country because of better job opportunities abroad.
3. We had to walk to the frontier because the bus had broken down.
4. The condition of the displaced people wasn’t favourable. They didn’t have proper shelter.

B. DIRECTIONS: Write your own sentences using the words from Exercise A.
1. border: __________________________________________________________
2. conflict: __________________________________________________________
3. immigrate: __________________________________________________________
4. emigrate: __________________________________________________________
5. refugee: __________________________________________________________

A. DIRECTIONS: Read the text about a girl called Shauzia and answer the questions.
Background Information

People do not always choose to emigrate. Many people are forced to leave their home
because of violence or war. The following story is about Shauzia, a 12-year-old girl, who left
Afghanistan after conflict made her country unsafe. She travelled across the border to a
refugee camp in Pakistan, but she hated life in the camp. She dreamed of travelling to
France and starting a new life. With her dog, Jasper for company, Shauzia left the camp to
follow her dream, and reached the city of Peshawar. Dressed as a boy, she looked for work.

Shauzia’s Dream

Shauzia tried hard to find a job. She did many different

ones, some lasting a few days, or some just a few
hours. In the cloth market, with rainbows of fabrics
hanging over the walkway like a multi-coloured forest,
she helped unload the heavy bolts of cloth, and put
buttons into jars.

She cleaned the butcher’s shop, and one day she set up sheep’s heads on the table outside.
The butcher gave her a good-sized bone for Jasper at the end of that day. He also
recommended her to his friend who had a grocer’s shop, and she got a day’s work there,
cleaning the floor.

She got a few days’ work delivering cups of tea while the teashop’s regular delivery boy was
sick. She delivered trays of tea to people who couldn’t leave their shops for a break. She
was good at it, too, and could hurry through the narrow streets of the market without spilling
a drop. Everywhere she delivered tea; she asked if there was work for her. She was
rewarded with a job sweeping out a furniture store.

One day, instead of looking for work, she went to the train station. ‘Do any of these trains go
to the sea?’, she asked the man selling the tickets.

The ticket seller told her the price of a single ticket to the port city of Karachi. It was much,
much more than she had saved. She turned away sadly and was almost back on the street
when a man gave her a tip of a few rupees to carry his belongings to the train.

After that, on the days when she didn’t have other jobs, she went to the train station and
carried people’s bags for tips. She couldn’t go there often because the regular porters who
were officially employed chased her away if they saw her.

It was just as well. She found it hard watching other people getting on the trains when she
longed to do so herself. When would it be her turn?

Each night she added more rupees to the soft purse hung around her neck. Each night she
felt she was a little closer to the sea.
Adapted from Redford, R (2009). English An International Approach 1, pg. 126 – 127

1. What do you think carrying people’s bags ‘for tips’ means?
2. Why did Shauzia turn away sadly after speaking to the ticket seller?
3. Why do you think Shauzia found it ‘hard’ watching other people get on the trains?
4. Why did Shauzia hang a purse around her neck?
5. What does the final sentence tell you about how Shauzia felt?

B. DIRECTIONS: Discuss the questions below with a partner.

1. Which of Shauzia’s jobs would you least like to do? Why?

2. Do you think that Shauzia’s dream of going to Europe will come true? Why / Why

3. Have you ever had a dream, which did or did not come true?

Goal: Report what others say by reading a text.

A. DIRECTIONS: Read the text about a child refugee, Anna. Then, underline the
sentences where someone is speaking.
The first thing I knew about the war was from television. When I saw the pictures, my father
told me, “This is the new Syria.” After a long pause he said, “This is what Syria has become,
now.” He said slowly, “People did this.” He told me, “We forgot how to be human. The people
who made this war forgot who they are.” I thought for a moment until I couldn’t hold in my
feelings any longer. “I want to go home,” I said sadly. I could see in his eyes he had already
given up on going back. Today, I realized we will never see our old home again.

B. DIRECTIONS: Look at the sentence from the text above. Circle the correct
underlined words and fill in the blanks in the Language Focus box
below to complete the rules.

Direct Speech: “I want to go home,” I said.
Reported Speech: She said that she wanted to go home.

1. Do we use quotation marks (“ “) in direct speech? Yes / No

2. Do we use quotation marks (“ “) in reported speech? Yes / No

3. Do we change the pronouns (I, you, we, etc.) in reported speech? Yes / No

4. Do we use the same tense in reported speech? Yes / No

5. When we use this structure, we take events one step backwards / forward.

6. We change time words such as today, yesterday, last year, next week into words like
a. ______________, b. ______________, c. ______________, d. ______________.

7. We change demonstrative words such as this, these into words like

a. ______________, b. ______________.

C. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite the sentences from your point of view.
Example: Anna’s mother said, “I want to go home.”
Anna’s mother said that she wanted to go home.

1. Anna’s mother said, “I am very tired.”

2. Anna’s father said, “This is the new Syria.”
3. Anna’s father said, “This is what Syria has become now.”
4. Anna’s father said, “People did this.”
5. Anna’s father said, “We forgot how to be human.”
6. Anna’s father said, “The people who made this war forgot who they are.”
7. Anna’s mother said, “Today, I realized we will never see our old home again.”

D. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. Anna said, “I miss my home.”

Anna said that she _______________ her home.
2. Anna said, “They destroyed our home.”
Anna said that they _______________ their home.
3. Anna said, “We walked too much today.”
Anna said that they _______________ too much that day.
4. Anna said, “We will find a new place soon.”
Anna said that they _______________ a new place soon.
5. Anna said, “I miss my friends.”
Anna said that she _______________ her friends.
6. Anna said “We will be happy again.”
Anna’s mother said that they _______________ happy again.

Goal: Compose a creative work of writing.


A. DIRECTIONS: Read the example journal entry.

Dhaba’s Journal
I lived a good life with my family; mom, dad, brother, and two sisters. My father was a
shopkeeper in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. I loved the school where I had studied since I
was five. It was a private school and I studied hard. My favourite subjects were history, math
and English. Everything was going well and there were no problems until the day of the
demonstrations when I was caught on camera.
The demonstrations began at school when I was 13. There is a university near where we
lived. The university students came out, demonstrating about problems and inequality. We
saw them kicked and taken to prison even though our law says people have the right to
demonstrate. As a result, the students started to ask, “Why are they going to prison? Will the
same thing happen to us?”
Some students from our school were hurt, so we demonstrated again. This time I was right
at the front holding a banner, which said, “Stop hurting Oromia students.” All of Oromia was
demonstrating. It was very, very big.
The next day the police put some restrictions and no one was allowed out of their house, but
I didn’t go home. I was hiding in the countryside. There were older people with us. We
realised we would be tortured in prison if we were caught, so we decided to leave the
country. We all went separately. I went to another city and prepared for a long journey, and
then I went to Northwest Ethiopia. I contacted my family from the border and they helped
me, too.
The journey was really difficult because we had crossed into Sudan where it is mostly
desert. After we had walked for two nights, we stopped in a small village for two weeks.
Once I had received some assistance from my family, smugglers took us to Khartoum, but it
was not good there. There is no rule-of-law and people just abuse you. So, we paid again for
smugglers to take us to Libya. It took ten days to cross the desert. We travelled in a truck for
three days, but in some places, we had to walk because the sand was too deep.
Before we got to Tripoli, bandits had kidnapped us. After they took us to their camp, they told
us to ask our families for money: 2,000 dollars each. We were given water once a day and
they asked us to call our families again and again and they kicked us again and again. There
was a big fence around the container. You could not get out. Males and females, adults and
children were all crammed together.
It was a very long, dangerous journey. After many months, I was finally able to get help from
my family again. They paid for my ticket to get to the UK, where my uncle was living. He had
sponsored me to stay with him while I was stuck in Libya. I plan to make a better life and
continue my studies. It is all I want at this moment. Well, that and to forget this horrible
(Adapted from

B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions about the journal entry using BEFORE /
1. Where had Dhaba lived before he left the country?
2. What had the students asked after the university students were arrested?
3. Where did Dhaba hide after he had decided not to go home?
4. What had happened before Dhaba arrived at Tripoli?
5. Who had sponsored Dhaba before he arrived at the UK?

C. DIRECTIONS: Create Wh- questions with before or after using the sentences
below. Make sure the underlined part is the answer.
1. Once I had received some assistance from my family, smugglers took us to Khartoum.
2. We realised we would be tortured in prison if we were caught. Then, we decided to
leave the country.

Goal: Describe the events in the story.

A. DIRECTIONS: Predict, and then note the meaning of “The White Feather”.
What is a conchie?

B. DIRECTIONS: Read the quotation below and answer the questions by analyzing

‘My past, waiting in the

shadows like an enemy.
Waiting to jump out on
me. Ambush me.’ pg. 82

Who said this? Who did he / she say it to?

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

What does it mean? Why did he / she say this?

___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________

How does the quotation help you understand the character?




How much of their existing culture and
identity do immigrants take with them when
they migrate?

Goal: Examine different migration stories.

A. DIRECTIONS: Think of things you would take with you if you had to leave your
country today. There is one problem! You can only take items that
fit into a backpack.

1. What would you put into your backpack?

2. How many of each item would you take?

3. Do you think these items are necessary

for a long journey?

B. DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph about Farah’s migration. Fill in the gaps with
one word to complete the sentences.
It was __a__ very cold morning when we finally got moving. I had packed my bag well
enough 1. _____ night before. I made sure I packed enough of everything to last me
2. _____ few weeks on the path. First, I needed to pack 3. _____ compass and 4. _____
map of 5. _____ area. Also, I had made sure I would always have clean water, so I packed
6. _____ Lifestraw. 7. _____ Lifestraw is 8. _____ portable straw with 9. _____ built in water
filter. You can drink water from anywhere, even mud puddles! It is 10. _____ unfortunate
time to travel because 11. _____ weather is not good. I have 12. _____ umbrella and
13. _____ poncho as well as 14. _____ few pairs of socks and 15. _____ sturdy tent to
sleep in. 16. _____ journey will not be easy, but 17. _____ preparations I have made should
give me 18. _____ good chance of making it safely.

C. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions by referring to the text in Exercise B. Write
complete sentences.
1. What was it like the day Farah left on her journey?
2. When did Farah pack her bag?
3. What items did Farah pack into her bag?
4. What other items would you pack into your bag?

D. DIRECTIONS: Look at the drawing. Answer the questions about what the people
are carrying. Give AT LEAST TWO details and descriptions in each

1. Who is carrying the baby?

2. What is the tallest man carrying?

3. Who is carrying the green bag in their left hand?

4. What is the shortest boy carrying in his left hand?

Goal: Learn about different migration stories.


A. DIRECTIONS: Answer the following question using a detail, a reason, and an
How much of their existing culture and identity do immigrants take with them when they

B. DIRECTIONS: Match the words below with their definitions and write them on the
correct lines.

depart escape realize

______________: to leave a place, especially to start a trip

______________: to get away from a place where you have not been allowed to leave

______________: to understand or become aware of a particular situation


DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions while listening.
1. Which city had they departed from when the characters met?
2. What did Marco want to become? Why?
3. How would you explain what a “helper” is according to Marco?
4. What had always bored Ido?
5. Which instruments did Ido use when he sang?
6. What was Alexander’s dream?
7. What part of Alexander’s culture did he want to share with others?

Goal: Examine different migration stories.

A. DIRECTIONS: Listen to Henry’s experience, then choose T (for true), F (for false)
or DS (doesn’t say).
1. The Dutch women were kind to the children. T F DS
2. Henry was a teenager when he left his family. T F DS
3. The other children had gone to play when the women arrived. T F DS
4. He was not allowed to go to school because he had bad grades. T F DS
5. His memories of school are negative. T F DS
6. Henry went to Paris and then Glasgow. T F DS

B. DIRECTIONS: Look at the Language Focus below and complete the rules.

“The Dutch women were kind to the children, weren’t they?”
1. We use this structure to confirm what we believe to be true / false.
2. When we use this structure, we typically expect an agreeing / a disagreeing answer, or
no answer at all.
3. We form this type of structure, using the same / a different pronoun and auxiliary verb
(be, have, do, will, shall, would etc.)
4. If a sentence is positive, we use a positive / negative tag.
5. If a sentence is negative, we use a positive / negative tag.

C. DIRECTIONS: Match the question tags with Henry’s sentences to help Chris
confirm the information.
1. The Dutch women were kind to the children, _____ a. hadn’t they?
2. Henry was a teenager when he left his family, _____ b. was he?
3. The other children had gone to play when the women arrived, _____ c. wasn’t he?
4. He was not allowed to go to school because he had bad grades, _____ d. didn’t he?
5. His memories of school are negative, _____ e. weren’t they?
6. Henry went to Paris and then Glasgow, _____ f. aren’t they?

D. DIRECTIONS: Listen to Pedro’s experience, then choose T (for true), F (for false)
or DS (doesn’t say).
1. Pedro went to Mexico from the US. T F DS
2. Pedro believes Americans spend too much time earning money. T F DS
3. Pedro said time in Mexico had passed more quickly than in the US. T F DS
4. Pedro thinks Americans never feel relaxed. T F DS
5. In Mexico, dancing is more important than anything else. T F DS
6. In general we can say Pedro is excited about the future. T F DS

E. DIRECTIONS: Add question tags at the end of each sentence.

1. Pedro went to Mexico from the US, ____________?
2. Pedro believes Americans spend too much time earning money, ____________?
3. Pedro didn’t say time in Mexico had passed more quickly than in the US, ____________?
4. Pedro thinks Americans never feel relaxed, ____________?
5. In Mexico, dancing isn’t more important than anything else, ____________?
6. In general we can say Pedro is excited about the future, ____________?

F. DIRECTIONS: Listen and complete the missing words in the paragraph.

Nowadays many people choose to 1. __________________ to other countries. This is not a
new trend but has in fact been happening for centuries. 2.________________ have different
push and pull reasons for taking such a big step. For people who have no choice but to
leave their home countries because of war, they end up becoming 3.__________________.
We must try to remember that each person’s 4. _________________ are different. When
they arrive in their chosen country, many believe the most difficult part is over. However, that
is not always the case. It can be a challenge to 5. _________________ to a new culture,
language and lifestyle. Some immigrants and refugees do not feel that the people in their
new country are 6. _______________ of their choices and reasons for coming. This can
cause further problems and make foreigners feel even more foreign.

Goal: Examine different migration stories.


DIRECTIONS: Match the words below with their definitions and write them on the
correct lines.

entrepreneur insight prosperity quality resettled

______________: a person who makes money by starting or running businesses

______________: the standard of something when it is compared to other things

______________: an understanding of what something is like

______________: the state of being successful

______________: to go and live in a new country or area


DIRECTIONS: Read the text and use the words from Part I to fill in the blanks.
In 2005, U.S. company Kraft Foods closed its yogurt plant in South Edmeston, New York.
The plant’s closure meant people lost their jobs.
It looked like Kraft’s departure would hurt the region terribly, but to 1. ______________, what
appears to be bad for large corporations often signals opportunity. Entrepreneurs require
capital (buildings, equipment, labour, money) to bring about their unique visions, but capital
is very expensive. A closed plant represents a low-cost way to start or expand a business for
an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur Turkish immigrant, Hamdi Ulukaya was not impressed by the 2. ___________
of the yogurt sold in the United States and Ulukaya sensed an opportunity in the market. As
he once explained it, “I always believed the yogurt here in the United States wasn’t as good
as it is in the rest of the world.” From that 3. _____________, a booming business was born.
Ulukaya started Chobani in 2007 in Johnstown, NY, and while he had early success selling
his product to grocers in New York, his start-up really took off when he heard about the
empty Kraft plant. The plant that Kraft had closed was just what Ulukaya needed to take his
business national.
Refugees helped Ulukaya build his business in New York. As demand grew for his product,
he needed more workers and turned to refugees the government had 4. ______________ in
Utica, New York. He provided transportation to the plant and translators on the floor. “The
minute they get a job, that’s the minute they stop being a refugee … they are the most loyal,
hard-working people right now in our plant here. We have 19 different nationalities and 16
different translators,” said Ulukaya.
So while Kraft’s initial departure from South Edmeston proved a body-blow for the town and
its citizens, its revival is a reminder that immigrants can bring new 5. ____________ to a
hurting town.
Adapted from :

A. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions by referring to the text.
1. How much of Hamdi Ulukaya’s culture and identity was taken with him when he
2. What is an example of capital according to the text?
3. Report this sentence: As he once explained it, “I always believed the yogurt here in the
United States wasn’t as good as it is in the rest of the world.”

B. DIRECTIONS: While watching the video, take notes on what Hamdi Ulukaya is
saying. After watching, write two sentences by reporting what Mr.
Ulukaya said in the interview.
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________

Goal: Examine different migration stories.


DIRECTIONS: While watching the video answer the question. Use at least one
detail, one reason, and one example to support your answer.
What culture and traditions have the people of Polonezköy brought with them from Poland?


DIRECTIONS: Read the text about the history of Polonezköy, and then complete
the questions. Use full sentences to complete your answers. Be
prepared to share your answers with the class.

The Story of Polonezköy

Polonezköy, formerly known as Adampol, is a Polish village located in Istanbul, Turkey. It
was founded by Adam Czartoryski in 1842. The word, "Polonez," is related with Polish in the
Turkish language, and "köy" means "village", which gives a meaning of "Polish Village." The
former name of "Adampol" stands for the founder Adam Czartoryski.

The existence of "Polonezköy-Adampol" within Istanbul is a cultural and historical event that
has never before been seen in the world. This village was established in Istanbul, Turkey
after Poland was invaded by its neighbours Russia, Austria and Prussia in 1775. The
Ottoman Empire was against the idea of this invasion. The Empire supported Poland and
Polish immigrants by giving them this heavenly place for settlement. Michal Czajkowski, after
converting to Islam in 1850, took the name of Mehmet Sadik Pasha. He bought forest land
from the government for the future establishment of the town.

On the 18th of February 1842, there were only four inhabitants of the village, but years later
the population increased to hundreds. The inhabitants also took Turkish citizenship in 1938.
Eventually, Polonezköy became a tourist destination and a popular holiday town.

The village has had a great effect on its visitors. Czech author, Karel Droz, says in his novel,
"Even this is a fairy tale, it is very real. Far away from the motherland, inside somewhere by
the Anatolian hills covered with forests lies a hidden Polish village." He describes the view of
the village as "a smile of a corner from heaven". Nowadays, Polonezköy is one of the most
famous villages in the world. About 80 Poles still live here and keep their own culture and
history alive.
(Adapted from

1. Why do you think people take their culture with them when they move?
2. Could you “give up” your culture if you had to?
3. Would you like to live in a “Little İstanbul” in New York, or would you prefer to live in a
mixed area where different cultures exist?
4. Why was the village originally called Adampol?
5. Why was the village founded?
6. Who was Mehmet Sadik Pasha?
7. What happened in 1938 to the residents?
8. What did author Karel Droz mean by his quote "Even this is a fairy tale, it is very real.
Far away from the motherland, inside somewhere by the Anatolian hills covered with
forests lies a hidden Polish village?"
9. Imagine you were to emigrate from Turkey to Poland in 1840. What aspects of Turkish
life and culture could you not live without and would you want to bring with you?

Goal: Understand the events in the story.

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions about the end of the story.
1. Which story part does this section of the story contain?
2. What is the climax of a story?
3. Based off the title for Part 3: Grand Finales, can we expect more than one climatic
event? Explain.
4. Draw a circle on the story timeline to show where the climax should be.

5. What did Alex find out when he looked at the gravestone again?
6. Who had put red carnations on Grandma’s grave in Chapter 5? (middle of page 46)
7. Why had Grandad vandalised Freda’s grave? (answer on page 181)
8. Which climatic events unfolded in Chapter 20?
9. How are the ways Grandad and Aunt Mildred deal with grief different? Who is right?

Goal: Create a journal entry.

A. DIRECTIONS: Imagine you are an immigrant and you live in a new country. Look
at the example journal entry on the next page and underline the
answers of the questions in the text.

 What is your name?
 Where are you from?
 Where did you immigrate to?
 Why did you leave (push / pull)?


 What problems did you face in your new country?
a) What caused these problems?
b) How did these problems make your life more difficult?


 What do you miss the most from your own culture?
o Why do you miss it?
o Why can’t you have it in your new home?
 What aspects of your culture do you still practise in your new country?
o Why do you still practise it?
o How do you still practise it?


 What are your hopes / dreams for the future?

Journal Entry #1 Date: May 2022

My name is Anıl. I am from Turkey but I immigrated to France. These

few months have been a challenge. Adapting to a new culture is not
very easy. I emigrated from İstanbul six months ago because I wanted
to become a chef and the best culinary school in the world is here in
Paris. It has always been my dream to become a famous chef so I am
following my dreams.

Detail 1: I had some difficulties when I first arrived here. Firstly, I had
a language problem.

Reason 1: Before I lived in Paris, I hadn’t learnt French properly.

Example 1: Because of the language barrier, I was misunderstood at

school. I was trying to tell my classmate to chop the onions but I used
Body Paragraph to wrong word. As a result, the teacher told us that we hadn’t followed
One the recipe correctly and we lost some points from our project.

Detail 2: Secondly, I had trouble making friends.

Reason 2: In Turkey people are easier to approach for me.

Example 2: For example, I asked the phone number of one of my

classmates when I first started culinary school but he didn’t give it to
me. In Turkey asking a classmate for their phone number to hang out
after school is normal but I guess it’s not that easy to make friends

Detail 1: I still miss many things from my own culture. Firstly, I miss
communicating in Turkish.

Reason 1: Even though I can speak French better now, sometimes I

Body Paragraph want to speak in my own language, but there aren’t any Turkish
Two people here.

Example 1: This week I really want to talk to someone in Turkish but I

(YOUR LIFE have no Turkish friends here.
Detail 2: Secondly, there are things that I still do the Turkish way.

Reason 2: Even though I am far away from home, practising Turkish

norms make me feel home.

Example 2: For example, I still take off my shoes when I enter my


Conclusion In conclusion, immigrating to Paris was not easy at first but I’m
hopeful that every new day will be better. I still keep some of my own
HOPES AND traditions and norms while I am adopting new ones. I am happy I
DREAMS) followed my dream.

B. DIRECTIONS: Now, create your own outline using the table below. Do not write
complete sentences.

Journal Entry #1 Date: ______________


Detail 1: ________________________________________________
Reason 1: ______________________________________________
Body Paragraph Example 1: ______________________________________________
Detail 2: ________________________________________________
(PAST EVENTS) ________________________________________________________
Reason 2: ______________________________________________
Example 2: ______________________________________________

Detail 1: ________________________________________________
Reason 1: ______________________________________________

Body Paragraph ________________________________________________________

Two Example 1: ______________________________________________
(YOUR LIFE Detail 2: ________________________________________________
NOW) ________________________________________________________
Reason 2: ______________________________________________
Example 2: ______________________________________________

Conclusion ________________________________________________________
HOPES AND ________________________________________________________



How are families affected by migration?

Goal: Analyse the impact of migration on families.


DIRECTIONS: Match the words below with their definitions and write them on the
correct lines.

adopt consider modernize role

______________: the job someone or something has in a particular situation

______________: to make something more modern or to become more modern

______________: to accept or start using something new

______________: to think carefully about a decision or something you might do


DIRECTIONS: Listen to a story about a migrant family. Write short answers to
answer the following questions while you listen.
1. Where are they from?
2. Why did they migrate?
3. Who was migrating?
4. How was the migrant’s family affected by migration?

DIRECTIONS: After listening, report the speaker’s answers.
1. Where did she say they were from?
2. Why did she say they migrated to?
3. Who did she say migrated?
4. Report the sentence: “We decided to move because we did not want to live according to
the strict rules in our families.”
5. Think about the following question. How was the migrant’s family affected by migration?
Choose one of the answers below and explain by giving at least one detail, one reason,
and one example.

A. I think their migration B. I think their migration C. I think their migration

had a negative impact had a positive impact had no impact on their
on the family. on the family. family.


Goal: Analyse the impact of migration on families.


DIRECTIONS: Read the story about Andres Castillo’s migration. Then answer the
questions about the text.

In Colombia, there is a much bigger focus on discipline. When I was growing up, “Spare the
rod and spoil the child,” was not my family’s motto. My siblings, cousins, and I turned out to
be good people, but it came with some trauma because any behaviour our parents had
disliked was often met with a form of violence. I always told myself that I would raise my
family in a different culture, which is why I migrated to New Jersey in the United States.

When I visited Colombia with my family last year, many of my cousins were surprised by my
relationship with my 7-year-old twins (a boy and a girl). They admired how much respect I
give my children and how I allow them to be who they are. I trust my children and they know

Because of this, there is a lot more laughter and a lot less of me forcing my ideas on them.
My children know we are the adults, and that they need to respect what we say until they are
old enough to make their own, hopefully smart, choices. Still, we are largely a family of
equals. They know what they say and what they feel matters—and I believe this is teaching
them that they matter. Wherever they go, they should show up without fear and with self-
confidence. There is a place and space for them in this world.
(Adapted from:

1. How has migration affected the person telling the story? Choose the answer that fits

a. Emigrating from b. Andres’s children c. After living in New

Colombia allowed can live without fear Jersey, Andres
Andres to raise his of being abused for regrets his decision
children just like his making mistakes to migrate and
parents raised him. and this allows wished to go back to
Andres to enjoy Colombia.

2. Which factors led him to emigrate from Colombia? Explain.

3. Rate Andres’s migration. Circle your response along the line and write a number from
1 -10.

4. How happy do you think he is with his decision to emigrate from Colombia? Explain your


DIRECTIONS: Discuss the following questions with a partner. Don’t write down
your own answer! Report your friend’s answer.
1. How did Andres’s parents treat him when he was a child?
2. Did Andres’s decision have a positive or negative impact on his children?
3. Would you have done anything differently from Andres to make a better life for his

Goal: Analyse the impact of migration on families.

A. DIRECTIONS: Fill in the chart to tell the PROS and CONS of Alex’s family


B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions about the story.

1. How would you describe Leonard’s reaction to Alex being part of the family? Explain.
a. friendly b. competitive c. jealous d. uncaring
2. Who has Alex had the biggest impact on in his family? Why?
a. dad b. grandad c. Sophie d. Leonard
3. If you were adopted into a family, what positive / negative effects would you have on
4. Do you think Alex’s adopted family has had a positive or negative affect on Alex’s life?
5. Rate Alex’s migration. Circle your response along the line and write a number from 1-10.

6. How happy do you think he is with his new life in the UK? Explain your answer.
7. How will Alex and Leonard resolve their conflict?
8. Will Alex be able to trust his step-dad and step-mom?
9. Do you think Grandad will be sent to a nursing home?
10. Will Alex being a part of the family affect his parent’s decision on Grandad?

C. DIRECTIONS: Imagine Alex’s new family BEFORE and AFTER he migrated to the
1. Write one sentence about what Leonard had been like BEFORE Alex migrated to the
2. Write one sentence about what Leonard was like AFTER Alex had migrated to the UK.

Goal: Practise grammar structures.

A. DIRECTIONS: Report the sentences from The Memory Cage.

1. Grandad said, “They followed me to the den, but they didn’t find it.”
2. Great-Aunt Mildred told Alex, “You can stop the destructive behaviour, now.”
3. Alex said, “Grandad has to go to a new home tomorrow.”
4. Alex said, “Dad has banned me from finishing it.”

B. DIRECTIONS: Circle the parts of the sentence that happened first in the past.

1. Grandad married Freda after Tommie had been killed in the war.

2. Grandad had opposed joining the war before Tommie died.

C. DIRECTIONS: Use the words in the parentheses to form one new sentence.
1. Mr. Webb became angry with Alex. Alex went into the church. (BEFORE)


2. He spilled tea all over the floor. The clock rang out suddenly. (AFTER)


3. Alex’s dad told him to stop working on the scrapbook. Grandad wrecked the
darkroom. (AFTER)



4. Mum started spooning great heaps of extra beans. Grandad became angry. (BEFORE)



D. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite the sentences using the words in the parentheses.
EXAMPLE: We missed our boat. (port / boat departed)
By the time we got to the port, the boat had already departed.
1. I missed the deadline for the visa. (I submit visa / deadline pass)
2. She could not get the groceries. (curfew begin / market close)
3. We could not say goodbye to our friends and family. (call their house / power go out)
4. They did not find the officer. (They go across the border / everyone go)
5. We missed the plane. (we arrive airport / plane depart)

E. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentences using A, AN, or THE.

1. Mr. Webb was one of _____ pieces of the story I needed.
2. He was not _____ well man.
3. I took _____ deep breath.
4. He moves to _____ Sunflower Care Home tomorrow.
5. The Reverend came back with _____ old, rolled-up paper.
6. Mum slapped _____ extra pork chop on Dad’s plate.

F. DIRECTIONS: Write two sentences using BEFORE and two sentences using
AFTER as in the example. Be sure to use HAD + V3.
Example: Before I self-isolated, I had planned a vacation.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________

Goal: Understand different details of an immigrant’s journey to prepare for a project.

A. DIRECTIONS: You will be receiving your own Immigrant Card to follow, but first
read an example. Scan the card to answer the questions.

• What is an immigrant?
• What is your name?
• What factor(s) led you to migrate from
• Where are you migrating?
• What do you do?
• Is this a popular place for migrants?
• Are you migrating alone?

B. DIRECTIONS: Look back at the example card. Do we have all the information?
1. Why did you and your husband decide to move to the United States?
2. What are you bringing with you from Spain?
3. How is your family affected by the journey?

C. DIRECTIONS: Personalize your immigrant using the Inspection Card.

• Where did you arrive?

• What were your experiences here?
(health, cost to enter, reading exam,
• What did you bring to America? Why?
• What will you need to purchase?
• How much money do you have?

D. DIRECTIONS: Complete the Character Cards. Use these as examples for your
own immigrant character.

Goal: Understand different details of an immigrant’s journey to prepare for a project.


DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.
Many immigrants had to travel to port cities. Most walked, and it took days or even weeks to
arrive at the port. Then, they had to purchase tickets to board the immigrant ships. Many
families spent between $5 and $100 for tickets, depending on the time period, and type of
ticket purchased (first / second / third class). The trip usually took one or two weeks.
Remember, these were the prices for tickets over 100 years ago. Often, families sold their
possessions to gather enough money for the trip. They entered the country with very little

1. Do you think all migrants face similar difficulties deciding what to bring with them when
2. What items could you not live without if you moved to a new country? Why?
3. What factors would force you to bring only what you could carry?
4. How much money do you think it would cost to move to a new country? Explain.
5. What do you think happened to people and family members who were not healthy when
they tried to enter a new country?
6. Think about past few years. How were people being restricted from travelling during the
7. Why do you think isolation and quarantines were effective for people who had
illnesses while migrating?

DIRECTIONS: Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. Why were people stopped from entering the country?
2. What percent of people were stopped from entering the US because of health reasons?
3. What do you think some of the illnesses were that people brought with them?


DIRECTIONS: Refer back to Isabella’s inspection card from Lesson 4.6 to answer
the questions.
1. Based on Isabella’s Inspection Card, do you think Isabella and her family would be held
in quarantine? Explain.
2. What was the MOST important thing Isabella and her family brought with them?

Goal: Understand the events in the story.

A. DIRECTIONS: Discuss the following with a partner. Be prepared to share each

other’s answers with reported speech.
1. How are the two chapters related?
2. In Chapter 20, there is a revelation about Grandad’s actions in the war. What did
Grandad do? Why?
3. Everything rests on whether Alex can develop the photos. Have you ever been in a
situation where everything depends on what you do?

B. DIRECTIONS: Choose one of the quotes from the story. Answer the questions
using the quote you chose.

A. “I looked at the dark swirls of B. “The swollen river looked like it

water. I couldn’t seem to pull my was boiling.”
eyes away from them. Their
smooth hills and dips rising and
falling and curving like the sleek
back of snakes.”

1. Who said the quote?

2. What words from the quote give it meaning or importance? Explain.

3. What words from the quote do you like? Why?
4. Why was the river described in this way? Does it add to the suspense of the story? Why
/ Why not?

C. DIRECTIONS: Look at page 194 from after ‘The swollen river looked like it was
boiling’ to page 195 ‘I took hold of the rope attached to the tree’.
Make a list of all the words used instead of ‘said’.

1. How do these words change the atmosphere and mood of the story?
2. If the word “said” was only used, would there be the same effect? Explain.

D. DIRECTIONS: Several ‘rescues’ are mentioned in this chapter. Can you find
them? List them below.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

Goal: Understand the events in the story.

A. DIRECTIONS: Work with a partner to answer the following questions about the
1. In Ch. 23, Grandad does something that conflicts with what people say about him. Do
you think Grandad is a coward? (pg 204)
2. What did Grandad do with the medal he was given? Why?
3. What does the author do on page 209 to show that Alex doesn’t want to listen to Miss
4. How does Alex’s reaction to his memory compare with Grandad’s?

B. DIRECTIONS: Put the events in order as they appeared.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A. Grandad became
C. Brother Tommie married
depressed and B. Grandad married Freda.
contemplated suicide.

D. Grandad had a book of F. Aunt Mildred offered to

E. Tommie died in Dunkirk.
photos published. look after the baby.

H. Grandad rescued
G. The war started and I. Peter Webb tampered with
soldiers and he was
Grandad became a Grandad’s dark room,
awarded a medal for
Conscientious Objector. leading to Grandma’s death.



How does assimilation benefit migrants?

Goal: Examine different migration stories.


DIRECTIONS: Match the words below with their definitions and write them on the
correct lines.

assimilate astonishing bond transition unity

______________: absorb and integrate (people, ideas etc.) into a wider society or culture

_____________: extremely surprising; amazing

_____________: a force or feeling that unites people

_____________: the state of being united or joined as a whole

______________: the process or a period of changing from one condition to another


DIRECTIONS: Watch the video and circle the correct answer.
1. How old was Tan Le when she left her 4. What did her mother have with her?
home country? a) a knife
a) 3 years old b) some poison
b) 4 years old c) a gun
c) 5 years old d) a key
d) 13 years old
5. Who gave Tan Le her first apple?
2. Who was the poet? a) a man on the boat
a) her father b) a man on another boat
b) her uncle c) some men on an oil rig
c) her grandfather d) no one
d) her grandma
6. How long did they stay in a refugee
3. What were the dangers on the journey? camp?
a) pirates and death a) 3 months
b) pirates and sharks b) 6 months
c) pirates and the weather c) 9 months
d) all of the above d) 6 weeks

7. Why was her school uniform so big? 8. Who often had nightmares about the
a) She was very thin. experience on the boat?
b) It had to last for 6 years. a) her sister
c) She liked that style. b) her grandmother
d) It was not hers. c) her mother
d) her brother


A. DIRECTIONS: Fill the bottle with the emotions you think Tan Le had because of
her migration.

B. DIRECTIONS: Choose a quote that you think has the most meaning for Tan Le.

A. This is not a finished

B. Our lives are much C. The smells from the
story. It is a jigsaw
more than our shop doors were from
puzzle still being put
memories. the rest of the world.

D. The women came

F. I was catapulted from
with their stories
E. I lived in parallel one edge of the
about men who
worlds. jigsaw to another, and
couldn’t make the
their edges didn’t fit.

Goal: Learn about the effects of migration on a famous immigrant.


DIRECTIONS: Watch the video about Nikola Tesla. Write down two interesting
things you discovered about him.


A. DIRECTIONS: Read the text below about Nikola Tesla.

Early Life
Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in what is now Smiljan, Croatia. He was one of five
children, which included siblings Dane, Angelina, Milka and Marica, in the family. Tesla's
interest in electrical devices was encouraged by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented
small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. Tesla's father,
Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian orthodox priest and a writer, and he pushed his son to join the
priesthood. However, Nikola's interests were in the sciences. After studying at the
Realschule, Karlstadt the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague
during the 1870s, Tesla moved to Budapest, where for a time he worked at the Central
Telephone Exchange. It was while in Budapest that the idea for the induction motor first
came to Tesla. At age 28 Tesla decided to leave Europe for America.

B. DIRECTIONS: Read the statements and circle T (for True), F (for False) or DS (for
Doesn’t Say).

1. Nikola Tesla is from northern Europe. T F DS

2. His mother invented things for their home. T F DS
3. Milutin Tesla was a writer before he became a priest. T F DS
4. Tesla lived in more than one European city. T F DS
5. His parents supported his decision to move to America. T F DS

C. DIRECTIONS: Match the question tags about Tesla’s life.

1. Nikola Tesla is from northern Europe, _____ a. wasn’t he?

2. His mother invented things for their home, _____ b. didn’t she?
3. Milutin Tesla was a writer before he became a priest, _____ c. didn’t they?
4. Tesla lived in more than one European city, _____ d. is he?
5. His parents supported his decision to move to America _____ e. didn’t he?

Goal: Learn about the effects of migration on a famous immigrant.

A. DIRECTIONS: Read the text below.

Famed Inventor
In 1884 Tesla arrived in the United States with no more than the clothes on his back and a
letter of introduction to famed inventor and businessman Thomas Edison. Edison hired
Tesla, and the two men were soon working tirelessly alongside each other, making
improvements to Edison's inventions. However, several months later, the two went their own
ways due to a conflicting business-scientific relationship, which many say was because of
their different personalities.

After parting ways with Edison, in 1885 Tesla received funding for the Tesla Electric Light
Company and was tasked by his investors to develop improved arc lighting. This business
did not go well and he had to do other jobs to earn enough money to survive. His luck
changed in 1887, when he was able to find interest in his AC electrical system and funding
for his new Tesla Electric Company.

Tesla's AC system eventually caught the attention of American engineer and businessman
George Westinghouse, who was looking for a solution to supplying the nation with long-
distance power. Convinced that Tesla's inventions would help him achieve this, in 1888 he
purchased his patents for $60,000. As interest grew, Tesla and Westinghouse were put in
direct competition with Thomas Edison. A negative-press campaign was soon started by
Edison to try and show that Tesla’s invention wouldn’t work. However, Tesla continued his
work and created and patented the "Tesla coil," which is the basis for wireless technologies
and is still used in radio technology today.

In 1895, Tesla designed the first AC hydroelectric power plants in the United States, at
Niagara Falls. The following year, it was used to power the city of Buffalo, New York. This
new system would quickly become the power system of the 20th century, and it has
remained the worldwide standard ever since.
Adapted from

B. DIRECTIONS: Put the events from Tesla’s life in the correct order. (1-5)

George Westinghouse bought Tesla’s patents. ____

Tesla and Edison stopped working together. ____

Tesla designed a hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls. ____

Tesla arrived in the USA with almost nothing. ____

Tesla created a new company called the Tesla Electric Company. ____

The Downfall
Tesla become obsessed with the wireless transmission of energy and in 1900 started to
work on his biggest project: to build a global, wireless communication system—to be
transmitted through a large electrical tower—for sharing information and providing free
electricity throughout the world. In 1901, Tesla began working on the project, designing and
building a lab with a power plant and a massive transmission tower on a site on Long Island,
New York. However, some of his investors began to question if his invention would work.
With pressure from his investors and rivals, Tesla had no choice but to stop the project. In
1917 Tesla declared bankruptcy and the tower was taken down and sold for scrap to help
pay his debts.

C. DIRECTIONS: Complete the sentence below.

1. Tesla’s biggest project was a wireless _______________________ system.
2. He wanted to give ______________________ electricity to the world.
3. He built a power plant with a huge ____________________________.
4. Some of his investors had _______________________ if his system would work.
5. In 1917, the parts of the tower were sold to pay Tesla’s _______________________.

Death and Legacy

After suffering a nervous breakdown, Tesla eventually returned to work, but as time went on,
his ideas became crazy. He even drew the attention of the FBI with his talk of building a
powerful "death beam," which had received some interest from the Soviet Union during
World War II.

Poor and reclusive, Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943, at the age of 86, in New York
City, where he had lived for nearly 60 years. But the legacy of the work he left behind him
lives on to this day.
Adapted from

D. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions with complete sentences.

1. Do you think Tesla assimilated successfully into the U.S.?
2. Why would the Soviet Union be interested in Tesla’s ideas?
3. Do you think Tesla’s migration to the USA had a positive or negative effect on him?

Goal: Listen to and learn about the negative sides of immigration.


DIRECTIONS: Match the words below with their definitions and write them on the
correct lines.

discrimination prejudice racism xenophobia

______________: unfair treatment of someone because of their gender, race, religion, etc.

_____________: unfair treatment of people because they belong to a particular race

_____________: an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed without knowledge or reason

_____________: extreme dislike or fear of people from other countries

 Why do you think people act in these ways?



A. DIRECTIONS: Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. The listening passage was mostly about ___.
a) Russian migrants
b) Italian migrants
c) Indian migrants
d) Irish migrants

2. People were ___ about all of the people moving into their cities.
a) happy
b) worried
c) caring
d) thoughtful

3. One advantage that Irish migrants had over other migrants was their ___.
a) skills
b) education
c) health
d) language

B. DIRECTIONS: Listen and answer the following questions.
1. According to the passage, why were people living in the U.S. worried about the migrants
coming into their cities?
2. As a result of many Irish immigrants moving into U.S. cities, what did business owners
decide to do?
3. As a result of discrimination what did the Irish and other immigrants decide to do when
deciding where to live?


DIRECTIONS: Write FIVE complete sentences.
Do cultures that treat immigrants negatively at first ever change face and accept them
as part of their culture later? Can you think of any examples?


Goal: Understand the effect of migration on families.


DIRECTIONS: Read the following text.

In the following extract, Amy Choi remembers her grandfather. Amy emigrated with
her family, including her grandfather, from China to Australia as a child.

I was never particularly kind to my grandfather. He was my mother’s father, and he lived with
us when I was a teenager. I remember him coming into the sitting room one night, and when
he went to sit down, I said to my brother, ‘I hope he doesn’t sit down.’ I didn’t think my
grandfather understood much English, but he understood enough, and as I watched, he
straightened up again, and without a word, returned to his room. I was twelve years old.

My grandfather wrote poetry on great rolls of thin white paper with a paintbrush. He offered
to read and explain his poems to me several times over the years, but I only let him do it
once. I’d let my Chinese go by then, which made listening to him too much of an effort.
Though I was raised speaking Chinese, it wasn’t long before I lost my language skills. I
spoke English all day at school, and listened to English all night on TV. I didn’t see the point
of speaking Chinese. We lived in Australia.

From Monday to Friday, grandfather went to the city, dressed in a suit with a waistcoat, a
hat, and carrying his walking stick. He would take the bus to the station, the train to the city,
then the tram to Little Bourke Street. On Mondays, he’d be sitting at a large round table at
Dragon Boat Restaurant with other old Chinese men. Tuesdays to Fridays, he was at a small
square table by himself with a pot of tea and the Chinese newspaper. I watched him leave in
the morning and come back in the afternoon, as punctual and as purposeful as any
schoolchild or office worker, for years.

When Amy was sixteen, her grandfather died.

At the funeral, my sadness was overshadowed by a sense of regret. I’d denied my

grandfather the commonest of kindnesses. I was sixteen years old. I am now twenty-six. A
few weeks ago, during a family dinner at a Chinese restaurant, the waiter complimented my
mother on the fact that I was speaking to her in Chinese. The waiter told Mum with a sigh
that his own children could barely string a sentence together in Chinese. Mum told the waiter
I had stopped speaking Chinese a few years into primary school, but that I had suddenly
started up again in my late teens.

I have often wondered how aware my mum is of the connection between my grandfather’s
death and my improving Chinese. Whenever I am stuck for a word, I ask her. Whenever I am
with her, or relatives, or a waiter at a Chinese restaurant, or a sales assistant at a Chinese
department store, I practice. I am constantly adding new words to my Chinese vocabulary,
and memorizing phrases I can throw into a conversation. It is my way of re-learning the
language. Textbooks and teachers are not necessary, since I am only interested in
mastering the spoken word. I am not trying to ‘discover my roots’. I am simply trying to
ensure that the next time an elderly relative wants me to listen, I am not only willing but I am
(Taken from Redford, R (2009). English An International Approach 1, pg. 134 – 135)

DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions with complete sentences.
1. Who did Amy treat badly when she was young?
a. her grandmother b. her dad c. her mom d. her grandfather

2. Amy’s behaviour can be described as _______.

a. kind b. understanding c. fun d. rude

3. What did Amy say after her Grandad had entered the room?
4. Describe Amy’s act of unkindness when she was 12.
5. Why didn’t Amy want to listen to her grandfather talking about his poems?
6. Explain the ways in which Amy’s grandfather remained Chinese while he was living in

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
__ __
7. How did Amy feel at her grandfather’s funeral?
8. How did her grandfather’s death affect Amy’s attitude to learning the Chinese language?

Goal: Understand problems of immigrants.

A. DIRECTIONS: Read the text and underline the difficulties Isabella and her family
are facing.
As you unload your belongings into a tenement house in Mulberry Bend, you hear water
churn out from a pipe in the hallway. Dark, foul smelling water is spraying against the walls
and filling the hallway. You learn that the kitchen drain has become clogged again - and your
new neighbour is yelling in a foreign language as he attempts to fix the pipe. Your husband
suggests that he call the landlord, and the neighbour laughs. As your husband is
accustomed to repairing his hotels in Spain, he sets in to fix the pipe.

The next week, the landlord arrives and your husband explains the situation about the pipe.
The landlord charges your family $5 in rent instead of $6, but insists that if you tell the other
tenants, you will be evicted. Your husband eagerly continues through the building, repairing
creaky steps, broken doorframes, and frozen pipes. When the family next door moves out,
you jump in to clean the neighbouring apartment. Your efforts make it much more
presentable, and the landlord is able to charge much more money for a clean apartment.
You are able to save money on your rent by taking such good care of the building.

The landlord is becoming irritable and insists that you pay full rent for your apartment,
despite all your hours of hard work and money spent on construction supplies to improve his
building. You decide to leave New York City and your ungrateful landlord.

1. What is their occupation?

2. How much money will they earn per month?
3. What are the conditions they work in?

B. DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions on the cards to add more details.













C. DIRECTIONS: Read the text. Underline the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE effects
Isabella had on her new society.

You are able to find a small apartment in Chicago, where you are working at a diner. Your
husband is working in the slaughterhouse nearby. Together, you are raising your two
daughters. You believe they are receiving a quality education, but worry when they come
home crying after the other children comment on their dark hair and dark skin.

By the time your children are in their teens, you are aching to start your own restaurant. You
desire to own and operate a small business, as you did back home in Spain. Your husband
finally agrees to purchase a small building on Randolph Street. You decide to cook paella
and give out samples to pedestrians on the street. They are thrilled with your family recipe.

By March, your restaurant holds its grand opening to crowds of people.

1. There was one positive and one negative impact for Isabella and her family. What were
2. Based on the information, do you think the family was able to assimilate to the new
3. What do you think the future holds for Isabella and her family?

D. DIRECTIONS: Complete the Character Organizer Card for Isabella Suarez.



How does migration cause a positive or a
negative change in society?

Goal: Understand the specific information in a reading text.


DIRECTIONS: Match the vocabulary to their definition and write the correct letter
on the lines. Then, underline the words in the text.

a. choose someone to hold public office or some other position by

1. realize ____

2. elect ____ b. become fully aware of something as a fact; understand clearly

3. lead ____ c. show someone the way to a destination by going in front of them

4. philanthropic ____ d. seeking to promote the welfare of others, generous


By 1850, one out of every five people in Boston was from Ireland. That’s a lot of people! The
Irish soon realized that they had power in the city. The government needed them. Unlike in
England at that time, Americans elected their leaders. Anyone who wanted to lead Boston
needed the Irish to vote for them.

Soon the Irish realized that they could do more than vote. They could help lead Boston. As
leaders, they could make changes. They could help the Irish immigrants in Boston. They
could make a difference for all of Boston’s citizens.
Adapted from Hopes Fulfilled: Hopes Fulfilled: The Irish Immigrants in Boston


A. DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct answer.
1. The Irish immigrants found their voice because of __________.
a. their leaders b. their numbers c. their ancestors d. other immigrants

2. The text said that the Irish began electing their officials. In an election, people
__________ to choose who they want to be the leader.
a. challenge b. write c. vote d. complain

3. The Irish population in Boston consisted of _____ of the population.

a. 1/2 b. 1/3 c. 1/4 d. 1/5

4. As leaders in the city, the Irish were able to create better __________.
a. living standards b. factories c. sporting events d. social club conditions

B. DIRECTIONS: Discuss the following questions with a partner. Take notes and
report to the class what the other person said.
1. How did knowing the same language allow the Irish immigrants to assimilate more
2. If you were living in a new country, do you think it would be important to be a part of the

C. DIRECTIONS: Read the text about Boston’s first Irish mayor and choose the
correct answer.
In 1885, a man from Ireland was elected mayor. Hugh O’Brien became the first Irish mayor
of Boston.

Hugh had come to America with his parents when he was five years old. When he was 12
years old, he began working for a newspaper. He worked very hard and enjoyed his job. As
an adult, he owned his own publishing company.

In 1875, Hugh began to work for the government of Boston. He worked to improve the laws
in Boston and to improve the lives of Boston’s citizens. The people of Boston trusted Hugh.
Then he was elected mayor, and he continued to improve the city. He helped set up
Boston’s parks. He worked to create Boston’s public library. He also joined philanthropic
groups to help other people. One group helped orphans, (children without parents). Another
group helped Irish immigrants assimilate.

Hugh’s success was proof that the Irish could succeed in Boston and America.
Adapted from Hopes Fulfilled: Hopes Fulfilled: The Irish Immigrants in Boston

1. The ‘mayor’ of a city is a(n) _______.

a. policeman b. elected official c. religious figure d. fireman

2. After his family _____ (move) to America, Hugh _____ (begin) working for a newspaper.
a. moved / had begun
b. has moved / began
c. had moved / had begun
d. had moved / began

3. Which of the following is not true about Hugh O’Brien?
a. He helped create Boston’s library.
b. He created Boston’s first sport stadium.
c. He helped set up parks.
d. He joined groups that helped orphans.

4. Hugh O’Brien __________ to Boston’s culture and helped develop the city.
a. assimilated b. accompanied c. deviated d. accredited

5. Based on what we read about Hugh O’Brien, would you say he had a POSITIVE or
NEGATIVE impact on American society? Explain your answer using a detail, reason,
and example.

Goal: Examine different migration stories.


DIRECTIONS: Match the vocabulary to their definition and write the correct letter
on the lines.

1. civil war ____ a. to cause worry to someone

2. concern ____ b. to make another thing possible

c. the activity of legally owning other people who are forced to work for
3. labour union ____
or obey you
d. an organization that represents the people who work in a particular
4. pave the way ____
5. slavery ____ e. a war fought by different groups of people living in the same country


DIRECTIONS: Listen and complete the questions as you listen. You will hear
each track twice. Be prepared to explain your answer to the class.
1. “The Irish proved themselves in other ways, too.” The word proved most likely
a. decided b. carried c. upset d. demonstrated

2. The Irish immigrants mostly fought on which side of the war?

a. South b. North c. East d. West

3. One reason for the start of the war was a disagreement over _____.
a. farming b. borders c. slavery d. water

4. One reason the Irish immigrants fought was to show their _____ to their new country.
a. dislike b. loyalty c. frustration d. sadness


1. Labour unions were formed to help _____.
a. governments b. companies c. workers d. immigrants

2. New _____ were formed to create better working conditions.

a. rules b. jobs c. laws d. factories

3. The Irish immigrants did not help build _____.

a. canals b. runways c. railroads d. mines

4. Labour unions are responsible for workers’ _____.

a. education b. rights c. entertainment d. skills

1. The two sports the Irish immigrant enjoyed most were _____.
a. baseball and boxing
b. racing and boxing
c. football and baseball
d. curling and football

2. The idea of being paid to play sports took off in the _____.
a. 1600s b. 1700s c. 1800s d. 1900s

3. Because Irish immigrants saw playing sports as a way to make money, we can describe
them as _____.
a. opportunists b. lazy c. mischievous d. expedient

4. The Irish played sports not only to make money, but also to _____.
a. feel like they were in Ireland
b. create their own community
c. become independent
d. be a part of their community


1. Writing was an important way to share _____.
a . jokes b. news from home c. letters d. hopes / concerns

2. The Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize are both famous ______.
a. awards b. medals c. lotteries d. competitions

3. Eugene O’Neill won the Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize for writing _____.
a. books b. comic strips c. plays d. songs


DIRECTIONS: Discuss the following questions with your partner. Be prepared to
share your answers with the class.
1. Which of the four topics had the greatest impact on American society? Why?

2. Do you think the Irish immigrants had a positive or negative impact on American
society? Why / Why not?

Goal: Practise grammar structures.

A. DIRECTIONS: Look at the picture. Answer the questions using A, AN, or THE.

1. What is the little girl holding in her hand?

2. What is the woman in pink carrying in her arms?
3. Who is wearing a grey hat?

B. DIRECTIONS: Read the conversations between the two migrants. Use the
dialogue to help you write reported speech sentences.

Maria: “You told me yesterday that we could find a job easily.” she explained.
Oscar: “I know, but did you think it would happen in an hour?” he asked.
Maria: “I expected to find something in a day. We had good jobs back home. Now,
we are in a new land and we don’t even know the language!” she shouted.
Oscar: He pleaded with her, “We need to give it a chance. Today, I will find us both a
good job. You will change your mood by the end of today. I promise.”

1. “You told me yesterday that we could find a job easily.” she explained.
2. “Did you think it would happen in an hour?” he asked.
3. “We are in a new land and we don’t even know the language!” she shouted.
4. He said, “Today, I will find us both a good job.”

C. DIRECTIONS: Use the timeline to write sentence using BEFORE / AFTER or BY

1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________

Goal: Evaluate the end of the story.

DIRECTIONS: Work with a partner to answer the following questions. Be

prepared to share your answer with the class.
 Thinking back on the story…
1. Do you think Alex had a positive or negative affect on his adoptive family?
2. Besides Grandad, who else played an important role in shaping Alex’s character?
3. What is a Pandora’s Box?
4. What was in Alex’s box?
5. Which of the items do you think is the most important to Alex? Why?
6. Do you think Alex should keep this box or allow his memories to fade and be forgotten?

adapt migration
assimilate mock
astonishing modernize
bond philanthropic
border poison
conflict prejudice
consider prosperity
depart push factor
discrimination pull factor
elect quality
emigrate racism
entrepreneur realize
escape refugee
fusion resettle
immigrant role
immigrate transition
insight unity
lead xenophobia


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