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Eve of independence

Q1 Where was the muslin type of cotton textile found in India? 1m

Q2 What do you mean by stagnant agriculture? 1m

Q3 Name the industries which were in operation in our economy at the time of

Q4 What was the impact of decline of the indigenous handicraft industries? 1m

Q5 Name the countries with which India used to trade during British Rule 1m

Q6 What is meant by secondary sector? 1m

Q7 What was the aim of the policies pursued by the British during colonial rule? 3m

Q8 Discuss the condition of Indian agricultural sector on the eve of independence. 3m

Q9 State the factors responsible for the downfall of indigenous handicraft industries during
British Rule.? 3m

Q10 What happens in the first stage of demographic transition? 2m

Q11 the positive impact of the British rule on Indian economy. 3m

Q12 Where was the zamindari system implemented by British in India? Discuss its features. 3m

Q13 Explain the role of the Suez Canal in intensifying British control over India’s foreign trade.

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