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Roseanne A.

Group 2 - MID2C

D&C Set
Speculum - is a device used to look inside in the vagina and observe
the cervix. A speculum examination is often performed alongside a
bimanual examination, as part of a complete
gynaecological workup.

Sims Curette Sharp - is designed to remove tough

tissue from the lining of the uterus for biopsy or
excision. The curette features a sharp loop tip to aid
in the removal of the uterine tissue. It is available as
a rigid or malleable type to accommodate various

Thomas Uterine Dull Curette - is an OB/GYN

instrument used for removing tissue from the lining
of the uterus. It may be used to scrape and
remove growths or tissue to be biopsied. It may
also be used as part of a D&C procedure.

Curved Ovum Forcep - are commonly used

to aid the mother in the removal of the
placenta after giving birth. The forceps feature
elongated cupped blades to hold the tissue to
be removed.

Straight Ovum Forcep - used to grasp, hold,

manipulate and remove tissue from inside the
uterus including the ovum and placenta. Ovum
forceps are used during procedures such as
caesarean section, hysterectomy, and uterine
repair and are also sometimes used as a

Uterine Tenaculum Forceps are commonly used in surgery and

OB/GYN procedures. They are used to hold blood vessels or steady
the cervix and uterus. The forceps feature sharply pointed hooks at
the tips of ring handles for comfortable and controlled use.
Hysterometer can measure a woman's uterus.Hysterometer is a sounding device that is used to
measure the uterus. This device is used for preliminary hysterometry and is used to assess the total
uterine depth. It is sometimes referred to as an uteromreter for measuring the depth of the uterine
cavity and the cervix.

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