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The Crypto Insider's Guide to Finding

100x Coins Early

The exact strategy I used to turn $500 to 7 figs in

WARNING: This strategy is HIGHLY speculative and may lead to loss

of funds. Nothing here is financial advice.. C’mon we’re degens here

The first step to becoming successful in crypto is to STOP relying on

signals from influencers.

They’re incentivized to promote projects and sell to their audience.

● They get their coins cheaper, so you’re buying their bags for a
● They don’t tell you when they sell, leaving you to hold the bag

The meme coin game is played by Insider circles with a team of

developers, promoters and market makers

But what if I showed you how to play the game and trade like an

Here’s the basics of the system I used to trade from $500 to 7 figures

Let’s get started..

In this guide I will teach you how to:
- Find coins early before they pump 100x
- Track crypto Insider wallets
- Get in the coins at the same time as Insiders
- Do your own research to find out if a coin is safe to buy

First, let’s get this straight, 99% of meme coins launch and then crash
like this:

So how do you find a coin that looks like this?

You need information asymmetry. Which means you need
information most people don’t have

If you blindly buy coins, you will most likely lose all your money

If you buy what influencers promote, you don’t have an edge cuz
you’re following a crowded trade

So you need to follow the Insiders

The first step is to learn how to navigate

like the back of your hand

To start, let’s look for a coin that was successful in the past.

For example $BUH, the coin above that launched recently and is up

1. The 100x coins aren’t on CoinGecko yet, so you need to use
Type BUH in the search bar
2. Check the Liquidity, Volume and Age of the coin to make sure it’s
the right one

3. Often, the correct coin has the highest Liquidity and Volume, but
you should also match the launch date

4. Click on the top coin and on the bottom right of the page you’ll
find the Contract Address

5. Go back to and paste it in the address

6. To find the Insiders, you’re going to be looking for the Early


7. On the right side click on the Token Tracker: BUHUND (BUH)

8. On the Transfers tab, click on the Last page

9. Go through the transactions and look for Early Buyers that sold
for a decent profit or are still holding if coin is still pumping

- Avoid trading bots, sometimes they’re tagged MEV Bot, but

another sign is if they have 1000s of transactions or
immediately sell for a small profit

10. When you find an Early Buyer, you need to check if:

● They’re profitable traders

● They didn’t just get lucky on 1 trade
● They’re selective about what they buy
11. After going through a few pages I was able to find this wallet:

● They bought early but didn’t sell immediately

● They have a normal number of transactions
● They have a decent sized portfolio

Going through the previous transactions we can see they also made
profitable trades on GENBLOK (The Genesis Block)
WCI (World Cup Inu)

Are they just lucky?

12. To find out let’s use to check the history
of the wallet portfolio value

In the past 3 weeks this wallet made $110,000+ from their trades
In my opinion, this is definitely an Insider

13. It’s time to follow their trades, I use a free wallet tracking bot
on Telegram called @tracktxbot

14. Simply send a message to the bot with the wallet Contract
Address and then name it

Now everytime they make a transaction, you get an alert that looks
like this

You can then go on Etherscan and take a look at what they bought or
if they sold, you should find out if something happened that made
them sell.
15. DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST. Don’t immediately buy
everything they do. Whales have more money to throw
into risky coins than you do

16. I use to make sure that the coin is safe to buy.
Paste in the contract address and on the top right click Security

17. Not every “Risk Check” has to be met but the more the better
Some important risks to check for:
1. Doesn’t look like a honeypot (Means you can buy, but can’t sell)
2. Contact is open source (Means the contract is verified, and you can
read it on Etherscan)
3. No blacklist (Means they aren’t selectively blocking wallets from
4. Can not Mint (Means they can’t keep making new tokens)
5. LP is locked (Means they can’t pull the Liquidity Pool, AKA the
conventional “Rug Pull”)

On the right make sure that there is an even distribution of wallet


● No wallet with over 5% of the tokens

● Top holder is UNISWAPV2 which is the Liquidity Pool
● You can also see the percentage of LP locked is 96.96%
The best thing about this strategy is that it’s totally personal,
if you find the right wallets you have an edge no one else

But to become successful, the next steps are all up to you:

● Remember, being early doesn’t mean being profitable
● Take your initial profit as early as you can so that you’re risk free
● Play with responsible amounts. 0.5%-1% of portfolio per trade
● Build your own list of wallets to follow, remove the noise over
● Be patient and follow wallets for some time before buying. Pay
close attention when they sell.
● Reduce your risks as much as possible by doing your own

To become an Insider
● Join communities and provide value
● The more value you provide, the more people respect you and
the better relationships you will form
● Eventually you may be someone worth inviting to an private
Insider circle

Why I trade meme coins

● They’re unaffected by the overall market conditions. BTC and
SPY are currently down and there are coins pumping if you know
where to look
● It doesn’t take a huge investment to make great returns
● You can find your edge by spending more time on-chain
● There will always be gamblers, even during a recession
● I’m a degen
Now that you have learned the basics, I have an offer for you:

If you’re a Crypto trader who’s tired of losing money and you’re

looking for the right systems and mindset to become profitable

I’m starting a program and selecting a few people to mentor on the

proper system to become successful in crypto

This is NOT for you if you’re looking for:

● Signals on what coins to buy
● Someone to manage your portfolio for you
● A magic program that will guarantee success without the work

I will be helping you:

● Dig into the issues preventing you from being profitable
● Cut through 99% of the BS information in crypto and find value
● Approach crypto with the proper mindset
● Build systems for risk management
● Understand how to play the crypto game like an Insider

If you don’t find value working with me after 1 month, you get a full

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, you can send me a
DM on Twitter to @astateofsonder and we can have a chat

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