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Website Optimization Checklist

A really good CRO DTC company that isn’t too expensive is:

Another really good CRO DTC company:

A really good landing page builder

A really good CRO company for 7-figure+ brands
1. Improving AOV

Experiment with different Free Shipping over ‘X’

amount offers.

● Make sure to put this clearly on your banner on top of your

site. Try $50, $79, $100, $150 etc. Make sure it makes
sense for your brand.

Example app on Shopify you can use for this:


Example look:

Experiment with tiered pricing on your site (if it

makes sense).

Example look:
Example app to use for this:

Another really good option for this:
Check out this article for more app options for this:


Example look
Example app to use for this:

Article to check out for more options on upsells:

Experiment with different pricing

● Make sure to really experiment with pricing and don’t be

afraid to raise your prices. Watch the numbers like a hawk
after you make any adjustments. You want to pay close
attention to how this impacts your AOV and conversion rate.

● If you’re able to increase your pricing successfully as you go

along, you’re going to be able to spend more to acquire
customers, which will allow you to scale further. (Look at
Nike — Insane margins on their shoes allows them to spend
so much on marketing. Bit of an extreme example, but you
get the point.)

2.Improving Conversion Rate

Organization of products and navigation

Obvi - Clean navigation and super easy to find what you want

Figs - Probably the nicest navigation I’ve seen in my life

Floating Add To Cart (Gymshark example)


Potential app to use for it:

● Descriptions are extremely important. You want to really

focus on the benefits of the product.

● Really take the time to do these as they are EXTREMELY

important. Often times it makes sense to build out a bit of a
longer form product page with more photos and features of
your product that also include how each feature benefits the

● Just remember people can’t see your product in-store so you

really need to convince them using photos + text.

Example product pages with great descriptions:

Home decor example:

Swimwear example:

Sleep lotion for pregnant moms example:
Design matters

Things to pay attention to:

● Colors - Stick to around 3 colors or so and that makes

sense for your branding

● Fonts - Be sure to have them be in sync and look good

● Photos - Extremely important as customers can’t see

your product in-store so make sure they are high quality
and shows off different angles as well as people using it

● Icons - Super useful to use to highlight benefits of your

brand in a visual way

● Layout - Make sure the layout is easy to navigate and

looks clean

Build out proper product pages using visuals to explain benefits.

You can use a custom theme like Flex Theme:

Examples of sites with nice designs:


● In the majority of cases, it makes sense to get reviews on

your site.

● What you want to do is to have an automated email go out

roughly 30 days after the customer purchases and ask them
for a review or photo review. I’d offer them a small discount
code on their next order or a gift of some sort to incentivize
them to do it.

● You are in control of the reviews. If someone leaves a

ridiculous review that doesn’t even make any sense, you can
hide it so other customers can’t see it.

Example app to use:

You can also check out this article on the top 5 review apps to use
for your Shopify store:

Website speed

Give your website a test on this website:
● This is extremely important and often overlooked. Theirs a
stat that says: for every 1-second decrease in load time,
you’ll see a 3% - 10% increase in conversion rates.

● People want things quick and if your site is taking too long to
load, they will just bounce.

● It’s also important as Facebook & Google want to make sure

their user experience when people click off the platform is
top-tier. So, if it’s slow these platforms will punish you with
higher CPM’s. (costing you more to show your ads to

2 simple actionable steps to improve website speed:

● Compress images

● Remove any unnecessary apps

Example website to upload your photos to compress them:

2 paid options to improve your website speed

● Upgrade your theme on Shopify to a 2.0 theme as they are

incredibly quick

● Hire a developer to help improve website speed

Shopify 2.0 themes to browse:
I’ve heard of a story where someone upgraded their theme to the
2.0 theme and it literally doubled their conversion rate which is

Creating a custom landing/sales page

● If it makes sense for your brand try creating a custom

landing/sales page.

App to use to build it out:

Company to help build out a custom landing page for you (super
affordable and an elite focus on conversion rate):

Example landing pages:

Want me to walk you through the landing page I created that

massively boosted conversion rates?

Click here to view

3.Improving product(s) and product

More USP’s

● You want to think about how to add things to your product to

differentiate it.

Example: You sell dog harnesses. What can you add to this
harness to make it more unique that benefits the customer and
differentiates it from other options in the market?

Real-life examples:

AWWA: Rather than just being normal women’s underwear, this

company created their underwear so that it holds up to 2 tampons
worth of flow.

Pela Case: The world’s first truly sustainable phone case because
they are made from plants using flax shive which makes them

Magic 5: Goggles that use a 3D face scan to fit the contours of the
customer’s face in order to make sure they fit perfectly.

● Think about the customer and only the customer. That’s it.
Whoever best serves the customer, wins. Example: Amazon.

Adding more unique products to your product line

● Think about how you can bring on another product in your

product line that has a lot of demand and not too much

● Dog niche example. I had a client that offered collars,

harnesses, and dog toys. These products all sell really well,
but they also have a lot of competition. However, the product
line that sold the best for them was dog apparel and that is
because it has a lot of demand, but a fraction of the

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