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Práctica docente ll (Microteaching)

A successful microteaching

Nirvana Guadalupe Ibarra Jimenez

Cecilia Medrano
3° semester
Durango, Dgo; México
Micro-teaching is a pedagogical approach that holds immense significance for
student-teachers. It offers a controlled platform for practicing teaching skills in a
simulated classroom environment. What truly intrigues me about micro-teaching is its
ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice, providing a safe space for
educators-in-training to experiment, receive constructive feedback, and ultimately
evolve into more effective teachers.

A fundamental point for successful teaching, whether in macro or micro contexts, is

the establishment of clear goals. Microteaching highlights the criticality of this aspect
by accentuating the importance of delineating precise objectives for each class
session. By doing so, instructors can create a roadmap that guides their teaching
process, ensuring that desired outcomes are achieved. Setting clear goals not only
empowers teachers with structure and direction but also provides students with a
sense of purpose and clarity, motivation, increasing the learning experience.
Microteaching demonstrates that a coherent structure helps maintain the flow of
instruction, and optimizes the utilization of limited time. Moreover, microteaching
encourages educators to not try to achive too much material into a single session.
This prudent approach ensures that students are not overwhelmed and can absorb
the content more effectively.
An enthusiastic teacher emits passion, energy, and positivity, which are contagious
and create an engaging learning environment. An enthusiastic teacher gives their
students confidence and also makes the learning process more natural and
enjoyable, motivating students toward active participation, exploration, and curiosity.
In microteaching it is important that teachers include interactive elements, dialogue,
and questions. This dynamic interaction creates an ecosystem where ideas are
exchanged, perspectives, and critical thinking.
Crucially, microteaching emphasizes the significance of making use of diverse
learning styles through multifaceted activities. As we know, each student possesses
a unique cognitive way of learning. By incorporating activities that resonate with
visual, auditory, kinesthetic, microteaching facilitates a more complete learning
experience that accommodates individual differences and enhances comprehension.

By understanding the importance of clear goals, structured lessons, enthusiasm,

student involvement, and diversified activities, microteaching empowers educators to
cultivate a dynamic and impactful learning environment. As we embrace these
principles, we equip ourselves to the full potential of our teaching.
In conclusion, microteaching is like a training ground where new teachers can learn
and grow. By focusing on clear goals, organized lessons, enthusiastic teaching,
student involvement, and different learning styles, microteaching helps teachers
become better at what they do.

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