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Description of what three unusual shapes/objects you chose to create as a user

selection for the movie poster. Why did you choose these shapes/objects?

I chose a rectangle, square, circle, ellipse, and star. I decided on these shapes because it

would be easier to code than a shape requiring more code than I had already written.

2. Your thought process in how you broke down the task, where you made use of the

required data structures, and how you made use of them.

I knew that I would have to create a Txt file, so I went ahead and made that for the user

input data to be stored. Next was setting up functions for the shapes to be drawn out.

After that, I set up some user input questions for the poster to write out the commands for

the movie. The next part, probably the most challenging, was getting the

userMoviePosterCommands.txt file to open and bringing the user input to transfer. After

those tedious steps, I coded the user input for drawing out the shapes and what they

specifically wanted to draw. This part was hard to program because I could not figure out

how to set the dimensions for the requested shapes. I used conditionals when drawing out

the shapes I had initially coded at the beginning. In this way, I could provide information

to the user so they could return and try to get the dimensions suitable for the shape they

wanted to draw.

3. Describe the issues you ran into for this assignment and your process in resolving

those issues.

The biggest challenge was writing the code's conditionals and the open file portion. I did

some studying from old examples in class and on youtube. Most errors I ran into were
indentation errors, no file found errors and comma errors. What I did was retrace my

steps per se and rewrite the code correctly.

4. Reflection on what you learned in Unit 4.

One of the major takeaways I learned from Unit 4 was knowing how to utilize the open

file code and the file properly.write() commands. This project would have been

impossible if I didn’t know how to write those codes.

5. Were there any additional resources that you used besides the textbook and Turtle

documentation linked? If so, provide the links and description of what you used.

I did not know how to draw an ellipse, so I chose to google it and put a few codes

together to make my version.


For most of the conditionals, it was trial and error, but the code helped me tremendously

when it came to figuring out the proper wordage.

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