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Name: Wagan, Karl Benedict B.

Section: 12- Greatness

Name of Business: Double Happiness
Vision Statement: To establish a commanding presence and market leadership as food chain
servicing major bus terminals in Metro Manila within the next five years.
Mission Statement: To provide quality food and passenger convenience services that would
generate sufficient profits for the stockholders and improve the lives of its employees.
Goals and Objectives

Value Proposition Statement

Meat Shop: Kasing sarap ng Wagyu!
Teleconferencing Service: Smooth communication between Ends!
Hardware Store: All durable tools and appliances, may warranty pa!
Computer Accessories Store: High-end accessories, now affordable!
Bakeshop: Delicious! Appetizing! Flavorful! Masarap! Nakakatakam! Mabango! atbp.

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