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Basic Concepts

Visual Basic
Lección 03
String Concatenation
—  Assume the user has entered their name into the
TextBox txtName

—  Label lblGreetings can say, “Hello to any name

found in the TextBox
—  lblGreeting.Text = “Hello “ & txtName.Text
The Focus Method
—  For a control to have the focus means that it is ready to
receive the user’s input

—  In a running form, one and only one of the controls on

the form may have the focus

—  Only a control capable of receiving some sort of input

may have the focus

—  The focus can be set to a control in code using the

Focus method:
The Focus Method
—  You can tell which control has focus by its
—  When a TextBox has focus, it will have a blinking
cursor or its text will be highlighted
—  When a button, radio button, or a check box has
focus, you’ll see a thin dotted line around the control
Keyboard Access Keys in
—  Say your form had a button with the text “Save” on it

—  You can allow the user to activate the button using Alt-S
instead of a mouse click

—  Just change the button text property to “&Save”

—  The character following the ‘&’ (S in this case) is

designated as an access key

—  Be careful not to use the same access key for two
different buttons
‘&’ Has Special Meaning
in a Button
—  Note that the ‘&’ in “&Save” does
not display in the button control
on the form
—  It simply establishes the Alt Key
—  In order to actually display an ‘&’
on a button, it must be entered as
—  Button text Save & Exit is entered
as Save && Exit
Declaring Variables
—  A variable declaration is a statement that creates a variable in
—  This syntax is
Dim VariableName As DataType
—  Dim (short for Dimension) is a keyword
—  VariableName is the programmer designeted name
—  As is a keyword
—  DataType is one of many possible keywords for the type of
value the variable will contain
—  Example: Dim Length as Integer
Declaring Multiple Variables
—  Several variables maybe declared in one statement
if they all hold the same type of value
Dim Length, Width, Height as Integer

—  Or this can be done in 3 separate statements

—  Dim Length as Integer
—  Dim Width as Integer
—  Dim Height as Integer
Visual Basic Data Types
—  Integer types •  Other data types
—  Byte •  Boolean
—  Short •  Char
—  Integer •  String
—  Long •  Date

—  Floating-Point types

—  Single
—  Double
—  Decimal
Formatting Date and time
using predefined formats
—  Date and time can be formatted using predefined
formats and also user-defined formats.  The
predefined formats of date and time are shown in
Example 01
Formatting Date and time
using user-defined formats
—  Beside using the predefined  formats, you can also
use the user-defined formatting functions. The
general format of a user-defined for date/time is:
—  Format (expression,style)
Example 02
Explicit Type Conversion
—  The following narrowing conversions require an
explicit type conversion
—  Double to Single
—  Single to Integer
—  Long to Integer

—  Boolean, Date, Object, String and numeric types

represent different sorts of values and require
conversion functions as well
Explicit Type
Conversion Examples
—  Rounding can be done with the CInt function
Count = CInt(12.4) ‘Count value is 12

Count = Cint(12.5) ‘ Count value is 13

—  CStr converts an integer value to a string

Dim text as String = CStr(26)

—  CDec converts a string to a decimal value

Dim Pay as Decimal = Cdec(“$1,500”)

—  CDate converts a string to a date

Dim Hired as Date = Cdate(“05/10/2014”)
A full List of Conversion
There are conversion functions for each data type:

—  CBool(expression) —  CLng(expression)

—  CByte(expression) —  CObj(expression)
—  CChar(expression) —  CSByte(expression)
—  CDate(expression) —  CShort(expression)
—  CDbl(expression) —  CSng(expression)
—  CDec(expression) —  CStr(expression)
—  CInt(expression)
Common Arithmetic Operators
—  Visual Basic provides operators for the common
arithmetic operations:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponentiation
Common Arithmetic Operators
—  Addition
Total = Price + Tax
—  Subtraction
NetPrice = Price – Discount
—  Multiplication
Area = Length * Width
—  Division
Average = Total / Items
—  Exponentiation
Cube = Side ^ 3
—  Desarrolle los siguientes programas en Visual
Basic, escriba el código necesario para poder
ejecutar cada programa.

—  Recuerde colocar el nombre indicado a cada objeto

Laboratorio 05
Laboratorio 06
Laboratorio 07
—  Desarrolle un programa en VBasic que calcule su
edad e imprima la edad en pantalla.

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