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The unique feature of Pendragon RPG?

Pendragon RPC is a role-playing game set in Arthurian Britain created by Greg

Stafford and published by Nocturnal Media. One of the unique features of Pendragon
RPG is its focus on generational play, where characters age and have children over
time, allowing players to experience multiple eras within the same campaign.
Additionally, the game uses a lifepath system to determine starting characteristics
and background traits for each player character, adding depth to their backstory
and motivations.

Another key aspect of Pendragon RPG is its emphasis on chivalry and honor,
reflecting the medieval knightly virtues prevalent during the period depicted in
the game. Characters strive towards achieving glory and renown through brave deeds
and noble actions, earning recognition and rewards from their peers.

Pendragon RPG also utilizes a detailed skill system based on real historical
training methods, encouraging players to develop expertise in areas such as riding,
swimming, hunting, and more. Combat mechanics include options for jousting and
melee fighting using different weapons and armor types common to the era.

Overall, Pendragon RPG stands out due to its strong thematic focus on Arthurian
legend and medieval culture, providing opportunities for players to immerse
themselves in a rich fantasy setting inspired by history and mythology.

books on connections between role playing games and story technique?

Yes, there are several books that explore the connection between role-playing games
(RPGs) and story techniques. Here are some examples:

"The Game Master" by Matt Thorn - This book explores how RPGs can be used as
tools for storytelling and worldbuilding.
"Narrative Design: Creating Stories Through Play" by Evan Griffith - This book
discusses how RPGs can be used to create interactive stories through play.
"Roleplaying Game Design" edited by Kenneth Hite - This anthology includes
essays from game designers who share their experiences creating RPGs and offer
insights into the process.
"Play Dirty 2: More Seedy GM Tactics" by John Wick - While not specifically
focused on the intersection of RPGs and story technique, this book offers tips and
tricks for GMs looking to add drama and tension to their campaigns.
"Hamlet & Visionary Form" by Harold Bloom - Although not directly related to
RPGs, this book explores the relationship between literature and imagination, which
could potentially inform your understanding of storytelling in gaming contexts.
"Storycrafting: How to Write Like a Boss" by Chris Fox - While not explicitly
tied to RPGs, this writing guide provides valuable advice on crafting engaging
narratives that could apply to tabletop role-playing games.
"Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook" by Wizards of the Coast - This core
rulebook for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game includes guidelines for
character creation, combat, magic use, and other aspects of gameplay that could
inspire ideas for incorporating story elements into your sessions.
"GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns" by Steve Jackson Games - Another popular role-
playing system, GURPS has a dedicated volume covering campaign settings and
adventure design that may spark thoughts on integrating story elements into your
"The Art of Immersion" by Frank Rose - This book examines how technology is
changing our relationships with media and entertainment, offering perspective

A sonnet on Pendragon RPG

In lands of old, where legends roamed free,

A tale unfolds, both bold and true,
Where knights of valor ride forth,
To fight against tyranny anew.

In Pendragon's realms, we find our place,

As heroes born of Arthur's line,
With sword and shield, we face our fate,
And make our mark upon the divine.

We live and love, we laugh and cry,

Our tales entwined in destiny's thread,
From cradle to grave, we stand tall,
In service to our king and creed.

For though life fleeting, brief and bright,

Yet still we hold onto our light,
And shine like stars amidst the night,
In Pendragon's halls of fame and might

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