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Grade & Section:

Activity 1
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Media effect which posits that audiences are devoid of agency on their media reception
and that media is capable of greatly influencing the attitudes and behaviors of these
audiences without even realizing it.
a. Direct effect
b. Limited effect
c. Moderate effect
d. Indirect effect
2. Media effect that is believed that the audience is highly capable of discerning propaganda
and that media has limited capacity to persuade you.
a. Direct effect
b. Limited effect
c. Moderate effect
d. Indirect effect
3. Media effect paradigm on which it is reconciliatory and audiences are not passive and are
capable of creating meaningful experience.
a. Direct effect
b. Limited effect
c. Moderate effect
d. Indirect effect
4. Any person engaged in the use, analysis, evaluation, and production of media and
a. People media
b. Media man
c. Media manager
d. Information desk personnel
5. People serving as the channels of information.
a. People media
b. People as media
c. People in media
d. People of media
6. Media workers who are responsible for bringing you the information you need.
a. People media
b. People as media
c. People in media
d. People of media
7. What example of people media is being illustrated of some people acting as emissaries of
political figures, spreading good words and good news about political aspirants.
a. People media
b. People as media
c. People in media
d. People of media
8. This means that people are sent out to do the legwork of campaigning and sharing
information through word-of-mouth.
a. Air wars
b. Ground wars
c. Political communication
d. Sea wars
9. The use of the airwaves to advertise the platforms of political candidates.
a. Air wars
b. Ground wars
c. Political communication
d. Flight wars
10. Media practitioners are example of ____.
a. People media
b. People as media
c. People in media
d. Journalists

Activity 2

People as Media People in Media

1. Independent Blogger
2.Television Producer
3.Film Director
4.Print Journalist
5.University Professor
6.Business Analyst
7.Magazine Publisher
8.Radio Jockey
9.Online Marketer

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