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Stomping echoed through the mansion, drowning out the ticking of the grandfather

clock. Underneath a pink door, shadows moving back and forth could be seen
belonging to a pacing rabbit. She had her blond hair in drill shaped pigtails while
wearing a pink shirt and blue jeans.

“I have a license now, I can just drive it!” she spoke with a pout, glancing out
the window at her car with each pace around the room.

During some of the pacing, she tried to steer herself out the bedroom, but her
boots would stop at the frame of the door and she would anxiously turn back inside.

“Come on, Steph! you don't need anyone anymore! You worked so hard for this!” The
rabbit sat on her bed and let her head fall to her hands as she took slow deep
breaths. After about ten minutes she felt calm again. “How am I going to motivate
myself to do this?”

Stephanie leaned back on her bed looking at her ceiling feeling the nice fabric on
her palms as she laid there. The pleasing soft sensation of the blanket gave her an

“That's it! I’ll spend the night in the car away from everyone! That’ll do it!”

She sat up confidently and proceeded to grab her bedsheet and pillow. Stephanie
walked out her room and down the stairs carrying her bed setup. Her boots stepped
on the wooden stairs, drowning out the sounds of the clock as she focused and
hurried down to the door. She was able to push the door open and make a beeline to
her car.

“See? I totally got this!”

The warm breeze motivated her as Steph squeezed her hand into her left jean pocket
for her keyfob to press the button to open her trunk. The hatch on the back of the
car rose slowly as it revealed the large flat trunk bed. She shoved the bedding
into the trunk and pulled the hatch down with a smile.

“Almost there Steph…''

After hearing the click of the trunk hatch, she walked towards the driver side door
only to freeze right in front of it. Her heart started to pound rapidly in fear as
she stared at the driver seat. Stephanie's small hand reached for the door handle,
trembling before it stopped an inch away. She shook her head and turned around and
walked back inside.

“N-No, no! I was so close! Steph, come on!” The rabbit shouted at herself as she
walked back up to her room and dove into bed face down groaning in frustration. She
couldn't fight her fear. She always drove with someone to help her, never alone.
“Oh, how I wish Tazri was here to comfort me through this again.” her legs kicked
in the air as she groaned. All of Steph’s flailing and yelling made her heat up and
she rolled over to try and air out, with sweat dripping down her forehead. She sat
staring at the ceiling as she breathed heavily and thought about how close she was
to getting in. “I need to feel comfortable in my car if I’m ever going to drive

Steph knew her car was clean and brand new like she loved it so that should make
her feel comfy in it already. The road was almost empty so she had no speeders to
worry about. Maybe if she dumped more of her stuff inside the car she would feel
obligated to get in? Leaning back up, she grabbed her wallet and was able to stand
up again as she walked back out her room once more.

“Just toss the wallet inside the car, maybe that'll get me in” Steph pumped herself
up and she walked out to her driveway back to her car.

Her eyes were locked onto the driver side’s door, as she approached keeping her
thoughts in the game. She reached and opened the door without problem. Her eyes
stared at the interior no longer behind a window as she froze once more. The
thumping of her heart resonated up her body, as she closed her eyes and threw her
wallet in her car, landing under the passenger seat. She slammed the door shut and
turned away. Steph pouted as she ran back to her front door and stopped once she
was inside taking deep breaths to slow her heart rate.

“Why can't I do this!?” Just about given up, the rabbit walked up the stairs
looking down in defeat. Each slow step matched the ticking of the clock as the room
slowly came into view. Soon she was back in her room disappointed in herself .

“How am I ever going to do things on my own and separate myself from mom?” She
spoke in worry as she looked up, her eyes locked on her own reflection in her
standing mirror.

“Come on Stephanie, you know what gets us calm and motivated.”

Speaking In the mirror was Stephan, her male half looking back with his arms
crossed. Stephanie smiled and matched his pose as their eyes locked.

“Do you really think getting naked is going to solve the issue Stephan?”

Both of them laughed in sync after her response.

“You know you feel better baring it all Stephanie especially after what you did
last month.”

Stephan's eyes showed he meant what he said behind his glasses causing Stephanie to
smile. “You’re honestly not wrong, That was my big wake up call.”
Stephanie’s hands rose and pressed onto her shirt, gripping the hem as her eyebrows
raised. Her hand lifted her shirt over her head revealing her pink bra as she
tossed it over her bed.

“Why didn't I think of this? I’m so dumb!” She spoke in relief as her hands moved
behind her back to unhook her bra causing it to fall to the floor revealing her
breasts and nipples to the air of the room.

“Cause you're just a dumb bunny.” Stephan teased her as he was now topless matching
her state of dress.

The sudden undressing only made her build up confidence as she sat down on the bed
and removed both her boots. As the boots fell onto the carpet, she lifted one foot
closer to herself as she gripped the edge of the sock and pulled it off, slowly
revealing her sole and toes. Her next foot soon followed. With both of them bare,
she stood back up on the soft carpet and reached for the button of her pants.
Stephanie pulled the button loose and bent down to slide her pants down to her feet
exposing her legs and pink panties. While still bent over, she raised her arms back
up to her waist to grip the waistband of her panties and slide them down to her
feet. She stood back up straight and stepped out of her underwear and pants,
admiring her naked form as she turned her eyes back to the mirror. In the mirror,
Stephan was also naked, giving her a thumbs up.

“There we go, back in our element!” Stephanie nodded in agreement before she bent
down to grab her keys out of her pocket and walked out of her room with it dangling
on her finger.

“If I want to feel comfy in my car there has to be nothing between me and it!”

As the door shut behind her, the realization of what she was planning to do sank
in. She could hear her heart thumping in her chest. She breathed slowly as she
stared at the stairwell with nothing but the tick of the clock breaking the
silence. She knew that she was nervous, but this felt different for her. She wasn't
feeling the same kind of fear she felt all day today. Steph knew if her mother
caught her like this it wouldn't end well. Her feet lowered down to the next step,
making barely any sound at all as she slowly made it to the lobby. Her heart made
more audible thumps as she made the first step towards the door. Her chest pounded
as she got closer, sweat dripping down her face as she reached for the knob. With a
slow turn, the door creaked open. The warm breeze blew in and collided with her
body, making her inhale in bliss. Steph saw her car as she stepped outside and let
the door shut behind her. The rabbit stood there naked as the day she was born with
her keys hanging from her finger. Her eyes looked around past her driveway and onto
the road. To her benefit, the coast was clear.

Her bare paws shifted onto the warm concrete, leading her towards her car. Steph
slowly felt braver as she got closer, her heart finally calming down as she got to
the driver side’s door. Stephanie's hand gripped the handle and with a gentle pull,
the door opened. She could see her seat and wallet on the floor of the passenger
side seat. The rabbit stepped in and lowered her rear onto the warm leather,
adjusting her position until she found a comfy spot to rest her balls before
shutting the door. After getting comfy and taking a deep breath, she jingled the
keys in her hand before shoving them into the ignition. Before she could turn the
key, she felt her heart race again. Steph looked over to her passenger seat only to
be reminded she's alone.

“Oh what I would give for Tazri to be here to keep me calm.” She spoke to herself
in a disappointed tone as she looked at herself in the rear view mirror. Greeting
her was Stephan giving her a knowing look.

“You got this.” his words reassuring her. As she realized she never really is

Still fighting through her tension, she was able to turn the key and the car
started to shake as the engine made a clicking sound. Soon the clicking faded into
a rumble as the car vibrated and the radio turned on with the cool air blowing in
with the A.C. Left on her favorite radio station, the soothing sounds of synth and
80’s style music came out of the speakers. Stephanie's ears perked up in delight to
her favorite tunes and her heart became quieter.

“Still have the same good taste in music I see.” Stephan spoke to her from the rear
view mirror comforting her the best he could.

“Don't act like we’re that different, how could I grow out of those relaxing synth
beats?” Stephanie laughed as her right foot left the carpet and rested on the brake
pedal making her shiver as her soles had to get used to the cold plasticky grooves
beneath them. Pressing her foot down on the brake pedal, she was able to pull the
transmission into reverse. Steph moved her foot to the gas pedal as she turned her
head back to watch as she slowly backed out of her driveway turning the steering
wheel guiding the car into the right lane. Moving her foot to the brake again to
switch to drive, Steph was now on the road, naked and all by herself. She smiled,
very proud of herself, as she stepped on the gas and the car started to drive down
the road.

“I finally did it, Stephan!!” She spoke, almost tearing up as she drove down her
neighborhood road. Stephanie recently found acceptance in her naked habits but
never realized how much more confident she was when naked. The rabbit bobbed her
head to the synthy music coming from her radio as she finally left her neighborhood
and onto the main road. The road was empty except for the occasional car passing on
the opposite lane. Her erection rose as her nipples hardened from both the thrill
and the cold air being blown on her.

“Just gotta get a bite to eat and then I will finally get to our favorite spot.”
She thought to herself as she pressed further down on the pedal, her toes curling
over the edge as she picked up speed. The absence of her gut clenching amazed her,
finally conquering her fears in a way she never would have thought of. Soon, she
sped down the main road and restaurants came into view as Steph looked up. To her
right was a large sign of a burger with bunny ears reading “Hot Bun Burgers”. Steph
sat up excited as her stomach grumbled conveniently. She steered into the turn lane
as she shifted her foot to the break, slowing down before turning into the almost
dead parking lot. Her cheeks turned a bit rosy, realizing that she’s locked to the
drive thru due to her state of dress. She rolled down her window at the speaker.
An oddly familiar voice spoke through the speaker.
“Welcome to Hot Buns Burgers where you get your buns nice and toasted. How may I
take your order?”

Stephanie felt a bit worried but she couldn't figure out why as she leaned out the
window cautiously keeping cover before speaking.

“I’ll have a Black bean and cheese veggie burger with a small sweet potato fry and
a large cup of water” The outside air hitting her breasts made her recoil lower
behind the door as she awaited her response.

“Alright, that will be $6.45 at the next window.” Steph stayed close to her door as
she carefully let go of the brake, the car gliding forward with little speed doing
her best to keep any of her bare fur showing as she reached the window and held
down the brake.

Opening the window was none other than the one pink flamingo she hoped not to see
today, Rebecca, causing her heart to race once again. She was dressed in a red and
yellow shirt tucked into black pants with bunny ears styled headset. Rebbaca looked
like she was dreading her work day until she realized her customer was Stephanie.
She immediately switched to a smirk.

“Oh, I should have known that nerdy voice was you, Glimmer Glams.” Steph,
immediately annoyed by her nickname, ducked down low before Rebecca could notice
her state of dress keeping eye contact.

“Oh Rebecca, how ‘wonderful’ it is to see you again…” Her foot thumped on the
floor of the car wishing she would just get this over with quickly.

“What a surprise to see you here without your nerdy kobold friend or your dumb
boyfriend,” Rebecca crossed her arms as she leaned closer out the window towards
Steph only causing her to recoil down lower.

“I-I have started driving on my own. I can do things by myself now, Rebecca,” her
tone started to get more shaky as her heart thumped.

“Oh, like when you went around town naked all by yourself?”

Hearing that immediately made Steph's face go red, not only because of the memory
flying back into her head, but also because she was practically doing it again.

“Look, that was a one time thing, a bet with Tazri. I’m not doing anything like
that again!”

Rebecca raised an eyebrow after hearing her get more nervous,“We all know that
wasn’t your first and won’t be your last, Glimmer. I’m still washing your damn
sperm out of my hair after the last stunt.”

Steph yelped as she flusteredly remembered climaxing with Chris over the edge to
the park bridge right onto Rebecca and Tremora.

“Look, I'm sorry about that. Who even boats at a park river anyway?” Steph
struggled to contain her composure as she was inches away from being spotted yet
again only arousing her more and causing her dick to quiver.

“It was Tremora’s idea. You know how much she loves to get out and do things. Look,
ever since you were still a guy you’ve done naked antics with your kobold friend.
So I highly doubt you’re done with being a pervert. Honestly, I wouldn't be
surprised if you were naked right now.” The flamingo continued to lean closer as
she grinned evilly. Stephanie's heart only pounded as she felt she had been found

“L-Look just let me pay for my food and go,” She lowered her hand to her side as
she spoke, only reminding herself she was naked in front of her childhood bully and
had forgotten where her wallet was placed.

“Alright then. Pay up, fluff butt,” Rebecca stared at her, fully expecting to see
her naked. Steph’s eyes quickly darted around the car looking for her wallet
cursing herself in her mind wishing she didn't throw it into the car. Her eyes
finally locked onto her wallet on the floor of the passenger seat and more dread
filled her mind. Reaching over could expose her if she wasn't careful. While
keeping eye contact with Rebecca, she lowered her butt to the floor of the car
while her hand blindly tapped around to grab her wallet. The itchy carpet under her
butt only made her feel more nervous, shifting around while missing the wallet on
her first couple grab attempts.

“Is everything alright Glimmer Glams?”

The fidgety movement of Steph made Rebecca smile more than she normally ever does.
Steph broke eye contact for only a second, but it felt like minutes. Her feet
pushed her up slightly and she was able to both see and grab her wallet and fly
back into her chair. Steph panted as she dug through her wallet for her card, with
her penis leaking precum onto the leather seat after that maneuver. Her heart was
starting to ease up enough for her to pull out her credit card and hand it over to

“A lot of trouble just digging through your pocket?” Rebecca rolled her eyes before
turning to her register and swiping the card. A receipt printed out and after
grabbing both her receipt and her card, she leaned back over to return it. Steph
could only smile sheepishly as she took it and tossed it back into the passenger
seat. “Let me go grab your food”

Rebecca turned and went back into the building giving Steph some alone time before
she had the next hurdle to cross. Looking back at her mirror Stephan was gasping
for air as he felt all the tension. “Damn it! She’s so on to you! You gotta get out
of here fast!”

Soon, Rebecca was back with a bag and a cup in both hands. Steph wasn't going to
have any way to cover herself up if she wanted her food. Rebecca awkwardly waited
for Steph to reach as she only leaned out the window more. Staring each other down
Steph needed to think of something quick, painful seconds passed and she punched
her steering wheel in an impulse and the horn blared loudly. The loud noise
startled Rebecca, causing her to rush back up, hitting her head on the window

“Ouch, why the hell did you do that!? You fucking bitch!” Rebecca's eyes were
closed from all the pain, giving Steph a moment to stand up and lean out the window
fully exposing her breasts and even her butt to the world as she grabbed her meal
and sat back down.

“Sorry, my bad! Hand must have slipped.” Rebecca rubbed her head for comfort as
her eyes opened to a Steph sitting down shielded by her food.

“Slipped your fat ass, now get lost before I clock out and give you a reason to
honk that horn!”

Steph smirked as she quickly shifted out of park and stepped on the gas pedal,
driving out of the drive thru lane and out into the road once more. Rebecca leaned
up on the wall trying to soothe her head pain once Steph was gone.

“Why does everyone love that girl? She only causes problems now.” She spoke
exhausted as her eyes glided up to the drive thru security camera screen. Rebecca
stared it down only for her smirk to return. “Jackpot!”

Rebecca fist pumped the air as she reached up and hit the rewind button to the
start of the transaction. The flamingo watched intently as the video neared the bit
Steph stood up. Before she got a glimpse of the naked bunny, the shout of a loud
hungry bear pierced through her earpiece causing her to shut her eyes in pain,
missing the short moment of nudity.

“Okay, okay! I’ll get you your 50 piece nuggets. You don’t have to shout!” Rebecca
entirely forgot about the goal and focused back on work for the moment, grumbling
about her horrible day.

Back on the road, Steph was driving with her food in her lap, laughing up a storm.

“Sure showed her edgy feathers who's boss!” Her laughter filled the car as Stephan
cheered her on in the mirror.

“Damn that was some quick thinking Stephanie! Sadly, it relied on getting her hurt
but it worked.” Stephanie's laughs quieted down as she got onto empty roads towards
the beach with not a person in sight.

“Oh Rebecca will suck it up, you know she’s a strong girl.” Stephanie sat up and
smiled without a shred of modesty, as her car finally made it into the parking lot.

“I really made it, I really did. All thanks to you Stephan” Staring into her mirror
they both smiled at each other.
Steph parked her car onto the sand only a few feet from the water. Turning off the
ignition, the car's rumble came to a halt and the radio silenced, filling her ears
with only the sounds of waves behind her. Steph opened the door, holding her food
as her bare feet stepped on the warm sand. Her soles felt in bliss as they dug down
into the sand while stepping back enough so she could shut her door with her butt.
Circling to her trunk, she struggled to pull the handle of the hatch with her hands
full, she managed to and the hatch of the trunk rose revealing her blanket and
pillow to her again. Steph smiled warmly as she sat her stuff down on the flatbed
of the trunk and straightened out her blanket. Putting her hands on the car, she
hopped up and landed her butt on the blanket sitting with her legs dangling out the
back of the car with the sunset and water in full view.

“Mother always said I would never amount to anything. This might not be much to
anyone else, but finally getting here on my own was such an accomplishment.”
Steph’s thoughts only grew happier as she kicked her sandy feet back and forth
while watching the sunset. A moment all to herself, nothing between her and what
makes her happy.

She reached for her bag and happily chewed on a few of her fries while unwrapping
her burger. Biting into it, the bread was bland as expected, but the taste of black
beans, ketchup, and cheddar cheese oozed onto her tongue. Her eyes closed in
delight as she chewed her food crumbs falling off her lips onto her bare lap.
During all this munching, her erection finally wore down and her flaccid penis sat
between her thighs comfortably. After the first bite, she proceeded to gobble down
the rest, swallowing it all down quickly before letting out a burp. She covered her
mouth with her hand with the faint color of pink on her cheeks.

“Heck, excuse me! That wasn't very lady-like,” She giggled while reaching for her
water and taking large sips to wash out the salt and dry black bean taste out of
her mouth before putting her cup down. Now not as hungry, she returned her gaze to
the sunset. “I honestly don't want to go back home tonight”

She leaned back onto the blanket and rested the side of her head on the pillow
before pulling her legs up, sunset still in view.

“This is the coziest I’ve felt in a long time… I just wish my friends were here
too.” Her eyelids felt heavy as the sun was almost out of sight and the beach grew
darker. “Though if Chris was here, I think I would lose his shorts again…”

Steph giggled softly as her eyelids finally came to a close for a few seconds,
“Rebecca was right, I’m not stopping with the nudity any time soon. It helps me
more than I give it credit for…”

Her eyes blinked slowly as she was struggling to stay awake, her imagination taking
over as she stared at the ocean. All she could see was Stephan splashing around in
the water, naked and having a good time, his bare butt was peeking out of the water
periodically. Soon the bunny’s eyelids shut one last time and she fell asleep, with
the coastal breeze pushing her hair over her eyes while she rested making quiet
snores and squeaks.

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