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Data – Accurate; Traceable; Clear and Concise; Atomic (define a single concept)

Algorithm – Set of steps and rules to accomplish a specific task

Data Structure – Efficient way for organization and management of data; relationship amongst data values
Linear – arranged in a sequence (arrays, list, stacks, queues) AND Non-Linear – arranged hierarchically
(tree, graph, hash table, avl)
Sorting – implementation of organizing a set of data
Asymptotic Notation – Represents the simplest form of a function (Big Oh – upper; Omega – lower; Theta –
Common: o(1) Constant, o(log n) Logarithmic, o(n) Linear, o(n2) Quadratic, O(2n) Exponential
Frequency Count Method – determine the time and space of an algorithm; If any statement is repeating, then
the frequency is calculated and the time taken is computed; Used for Priori analysis
A Priori – absolute, no factors, approximation, theoretical, list of things
A Posteriori – relative, many factors, exact, empirical, steps in cooking

Data Type - Attribute of data; tells compiler how data is to be used; what kind of data can be placed; classifies
various types of data: determine values and type of operations
Built-in Data Type – built-in support
1D array – list, sequence, index as pointer; 2D array – matrix, 2D, row and columns, 3D array – collection of
2D arrays
Row Major (nakahiga) - Address of A[i][j] = baseAddress + w * (i*c+j)
Column Major (nakatayo) - Address of A[i][j] = baseAddress + w * (i+r*j)

Stacks & Queues - Used to collect, arrange, and manipulate data; common way to arrange same data type:
expressions, binary search tree, AVL tree, graph, searching algorithm, sorting algorithm; implemented in 1D
array (list, linked list); cannot be used in multidimensional array
Stack – LIFO; Queue – FIFO
Queue: If p1 == p2: empty; If enqueue: p2++; If dequeue: p1++

Operator: which operation to perform (+, -, *, /)

Operand: entity which operation is performed on (1, 3, x, y)
^ = 3; * / % = 2; + - = 1
Infix – how humans express math express.; not easy for machines to understand
Prefix & Postfix are easily understood by computers
Postfix (<=) - Operators are placed on the right side; Operands are placed on the left side; Bracket cannot be
used to change the order
Prefix (<) - Operators are written before the operands; The order changes depending whether or not
elements to the right
would be used

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