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Marriage is defined differently, and by different

entities, based on cultural, religious, and
personal factors.

 a formal union and social and legal

contract between two individuals that
unites their lives legally, economically,
and emotionally. 
 Being married also gives legitimacy to
sexual relations within the marriage. 

Marriage is another human construction to

ensure the continuity of the family and the
eventual perpetuation of the human specie.

The New Family Code of the Philippines, which

became effective on August 3,1998, defines
Marriage as a special contract of permanent
union between a man and a woman entered
into in accordance with law for the
establishment of conjugal and the family life.

Aspects of Marriage

 First, the Legal point of view: posits

that marriage is a contract.
 Second, religious point of view: What
God has put together let no man put

Forms of Marriage

 Monogamy – Marriage between one

man and one woman.
 Polygamy
a. Polygyny – one husband and
two or more wives.
b. Polyandry – one wife and two
or more husbands.
c. Group marriage – two or more
husbands and two or more

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