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1) The Maya are Indigenous peoples of Mexico and Central America.

2) Between about 250 and 900 CE the Maya had a way of life that was very advanced for the
3) The Mayan civilization began a fast decline after 900. No one knows for sure why this
How the Maya Lived
4) The Maya lived first in villages and later in cities. Their cities had large temples, stone
pyramids, palaces, and ball courts. The Maya created farmland by cutting away the trees and
vines of the surrounding rainforest. They grew corn, beans, and squash.
5) The Maya created a writing system called hieroglyphics, which used pictures instead of
words. They also studied the planets and the stars.
6) They used their observations of the heavens to make a very accurate calendar.
7) The Maya also developed a system of mathematics.
8) The Maya worshiped a number of nature gods. These included gods of the Sun, the Moon,
rain, and corn.
9) In religious ceremonies, the Maya killed people they had captured during battle. They
thought that the gods needed human blood for nourishment.

10) The Maya lived in villages by about 1500 bce.
11) By 200 CE they were living in cities.
12) By 900 they had built more than 40 cities. Some of the most important cities were Tikal,
Palenque, Copán, and Bonampak. Today these cities are found in Guatemala, Honduras, and
southern Mexico.
13) After 900 the number of Maya fell. They abandoned many of their cities.
14) In the early 1500s the Spanish arrived in Maya territory. The Spanish forced the Maya to
work for them. Many Maya died from diseases that the Spanish brought with them. Today
descendants of the Maya live in Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize.

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