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1) Mesopotamia is a Greek name meaning “land between the rivers.” It denotes the ancient
region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers of the Middle East (part of modern Iraq).
Some of the world’s first civilizations developed in Mesopotamia.
2) Sumer and Akkad: - The earliest civilization known to us is the Sumerian civilization that
began in southern Mesopotamia in about 4500 bce. The people of Sumer found that the soil
was good for growing crops.
3) Because there was little rain, the people built irrigation systems to carry water from the rivers
to their fields.
4) After 4000 bce the world’s first cities began in Sumer. Sumerian cities included Kish, Uruk,
Ur, and Lagash.
5) In about 3000 bce the Sumerians created the world’s first writing system, called cuneiform.
6) North of Sumer was the region called Akkad. Beginning in about 2350 bce an Akkadian
ruler named Sargon conquered Sumer and much of the rest of Mesopotamia. This was the
world’s first empire.
7) Babylonia and Assyria: - In about 1900 bce people called the Amorites conquered all of
Mesopotamia. Under their rule Babylon became the most important city in Mesopotamia.
Because the city was so powerful, the whole region became known as Babylonia.
8) Hammurabi was the most important Babylonian king. He is famous for a set of laws made
during his reign.
9) Babylonia began to lose strength after about 1600 bce. The next major power in
Mesopotamia was Assyria.
10) In the 1300s bce the Assyrians began to build an empire in northern Mesopotamia and
11) In 671 bce the Assyrians expanded their rule all the way to Egypt.
12) The Assyrian Empire ended in about 609 bce.
13) After the fall of Assyria, people called the Chaldeans created a new Babylonian empire.
14) In 539 bce invaders from Persia conquered the Chaldeans.
15) The conqueror Alexander the Great defeated the Persians in about 330 bce.
16) Then Mesopotamia was ruled in turn by the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Turks.
17) In 1921 Mesopotamia became the kingdom of Iraq.

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