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8/17/23, 7:59 PM Data Migration Assistance

Data Migration Assistance

20. Project Contingency and Risk Management:

• Contingency Plan: A contingency plan outlines the actions to be taken in case of

unexpected events or challenges during the data migration. It should include potential
risks and corresponding mitigation strategies, so you are prepared to handle any
disruptions that may occur during the migration process.
• Risk Management: Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and managing

risks that could impact the success of the data migration project. This includes both
technical and non-technical risks. By proactively managing risks, you can reduce the
likelihood of issues arising and have plans in place to address them promptly if they do

By addressing these points, you can strengthen your data migration strategy and
increase the likelihood of a successful and smooth migration from Oracle EBS to

The way you explain these can you explain all those 20 points again in details as i am
unable to understand few of them

Of course! Let's go through each of the 20 points again in more detail:

1. Data Security and Privacy:

• Data security is crucial during data migration to protect sensitive information.

Implement encryption protocols to safeguard data while it's in transit and use secure
channels for transferring data.
• Role-based access controls should be employed to restrict data access based on

user roles and responsibilities, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data.

• Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA,

depending on your region and industry.

2. Data Transformation Complexity:
• Analyze the data structures and formats in Oracle EBS and Workday to understand
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the differences and similarities.
• Develop
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