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Caught someone in a lie

As someone who appreciates the truth, is hard finding out

when someone who you trusted have lied to you, in the next
lines I will tell you the full story.
Not long ago I asked a dear friend to help me with a project
during the weekend, she told me she was feeling very sick
and tired; I felt bad for her so I told her to rest and relax and
that I will call her later.
That Saturday I needed a break, so I decided to check on my
Facebook, to my surprise I saw several pictures of my
supposedly very sick and tired friend, drinking and dancing,
basically having fun.
To be honest what hurt me the most was the fact that I was
very worried about her; she could have told me the truth, but
she chose to lied. I think if she told me the truth that day, I
would not feel as hurt as I felt.
I know people lie all the time, but I believe lying to friends is
terrible, even though I decided not to confront her, still
bothers me she lied to me, and since that day things were
never the same. Worst part was that she did not apologized,
if she had apologized, I would have forgiven her.

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