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World Link 3, Unit 2

Good Morning World – Family plans

Jay: Welcome back to our show! Whew! Kim, I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted!
Kim: What’s the matter, Jay? Was the Grayson family too much for you?
Jay: All those kids! How many were there?
Kim: Eight. And four of them are teens! How do the parents do it? Amazing!
Jay: They were amazing, and the children were all very nice. But I tell you Kim, I don’t think I
could do it.
Kim: Oh, don’t say that Jay! You might raise a family one day! You could be a very good
husband and father.
Jay: Of course I could! And I am raising a family. Precious and Mother need a lot of attention.
Kim: But don’t you want to start a family of your own? Get married? Have children?
Jay: No, and no. I may get a cat. That’s enough.
Kim: It’s not enough for me. I have everything planned, Jay.
Jay: Oh boy.
Kim: In two years, I’ll be married. My husband and I will buy a house near the city. Then a year
later, my first child will be born. We’re going to have three… no, four kids.
Jay: Why not eight kids?
Kim: The girls, Debbie and Ruthie, will be very smart and independent. The two boys, John and
Michael, will be active and hard-working.
Jay: Will they.
Kim: They’ll go to the best schools! We’ll take family vacations to Europe! I’m going to give
them great memories of childhood!
Jay: Then they’ll leave home. They’ll go to universities and become young adults. Before you
know it, your kids will be grown-ups. And they’ll get married. And start families. And you’ll be a
Kim: A grandmother?
Jay: That’s right, Kim. An old grandmother in a big house, alone with your old grandfather
Kim: Hmm. Well, I guess the future might not happen the way I think it will. Heh, I don’t even
have a boyfriend.
Jay: See, you can’t plan everything in your life. Sometimes you have to let life happen to you.
And that is... the world according to Jay Jones.
Kim: You’re right, Jay. Hmm. It looks like I might work with you on Good Morning World for
longer than I thought.
Jay: What? What do you mean?
Kim: Oh, well I was planning to retire after my first child was born. But like you said, I don’t have
to plan everything.
Jay: Well, I, uh… you don’t know. I mean, uh… you could meet someone tomorrow and fall in
Kim: I might. But I’m not going to worry about it. It’s time to live in the present! And in the
present, I am host of Good Morning World!
Jay: Co-host. Yes. Great.
Kim: Yes! It is great! Thanks, Jay! When we come back, Terrence Freeman talks about how to
get along with people you work with! Don’t go away!

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