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Red Crow Pub Presents

Shiny Bits Volume 1:

The General’s
General Store

By Erik Wroblewski
Every DM has, or will be in an unavoidable situ- Credits
ation when Players decide to do something com-
pletely unexpected thus leaving us with the sensa- Cartography, Cover Design, Editorial Design,
tion of being caught off-guard. Even the most pre- Image Design, Production Management: Erik
pared DM isn’t immune to this occurrence howev- Wroblewski
er the unpredictability is what makes Role Playing Consistency Check: Josiah Knight
Games so fun. Sometimes this situation can halt
Proof Reading: Josiah Knight, Paul Canosa,
our games, breaking the pace and shattering the
Fernando Dias
immersion we tried so hard to create for our play-
ers. Map Art Sources: Dungeon Designer 3+
Other times, we just need a generic purpose
location to fill a blank we have in our game prepa-
ration, like a tavern where the group can enjoy a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
drink and gather information, or a general store Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon
where our heroes can buy some supplies and sell ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast
all the useless loot they found during the last ad- product names, and their respective logos are
ventures. trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA
and other countries.
To help you with that, Red Crow Pub has creat-
ed Shiny Bits. A line of small publications dedicat-
ed to describing a detailed single place with lim- Legal Notice
ited scope, so you can pick it and drop it in your
game without too much effort. Here you will find FANTASY GROUNDS, its logo, visual identy and
two A-4, printable maps which can be used for all other content and product names names asso-
combat, the description of relevant NPCs, keyed ciated with it are trademarks and intellectual
areas, treasures and sometimes more than that. property of SMITE WORKS (LLC).

While you will find some seeds and ideas, you RED CROW PUB, it’s logo, products names and
will not find a complete adventure. Our objective unique, original visual content and characters are
is to give the DM, something to build upon. To property of Erik Wroblewski. The distribution of
help make this little place your own or even to use this material is limited to the Community Content
the maps provided to be a canvas for a quick com- Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
bat. The choice is yours. This work contains material that is copyright
We hope you enjoy this and have fun with them Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Com-
munity Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters
Erik Wroblewski Guild.

All other original material in this work is copy-

right (2018) by RED CROW PUB and published un-
der the Community Content Agreement for Dun-
geon Masters Guild.
The General’s General Store
Background local people haven't taken an interest in the area as
nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
Some years ago, the prominent general Sarlik
Farenson retired from the army, seeking to live a Cart: the cart is loaded with three small barrels
simple and quiet life in the countryside. After wit- and some sacks. Closer inspection shows that the
nessing the tragic death of Roland, the second in sacks are full of common spices and herbs, and
line of succession during a failed expedition to the the barrels are full of liquid. If opened, two of the
ruins of a lost city, he swallowed his pride and ac- barrels are revealed to be filled with a premium
cepted his share of the guilt from the incident. He quality wine, while the third contains a clear liquid
collected his savings and bought a farm near a with a strong alcoholic odor.
small village. He also purchased an old building in A DC 13 check with Alchemy or Brewers Tools
the village, where he started a modest business to reveals the liquid to be pure alcohol, used to brew
keep his days occupied. potent liquors. Once discovering this, an addition-
Well, at least this is the story he told everyone. al DC 15 Arcana or Religion check reveals that pure
However, this is a cover to a far more sinister plan alcohol, plus the spices and herbs in the cart, were
than a simple merchant’s life. Being the only survi- used in the past to preserve dead bodies. The
vor with social rank to come back from the disas- herbs are of little value, but the while the alcohol
trous expedition, the General left the treasures barrel is worth 150gp. Each one contains 1 gallon
the expedition found with his king. He kept for of liquid and weighs about 10 pounds.
himself things other people judged of little value:
the emaciated corpse of a hideous creature, the
2. Shop
pieces of a shattered clay mural, and a ruined
book. There are a number of shelves with old books
and papers lining the walls. Tables set on the middle
Since he came to the village, the General tries of the hall are full of all kinds of objects from tools
to lead a seemingly normal life, but in secret he to weapons. From junk to apparently valuable art
pursues his private agenda. What does Sarlik objects. A smell of dust and mold permeates the air,
seeks in a small village at the countryside? Why is giving the impression you just entered an ancient
he keeping an old body hidden from prying eyes? tomb. However, everything is extremely clean with
Only the Gods and you, the DM know! a visible shiny gloss, as if everything just left the
1. Outside Area General Features
The small courtyard area is home to a loaded Unless noted otherwise, this entire area will
cart which seems ready to depart, but oddly there is have these common features:
no beast of burden tied to it or anywhere nearby.
Light: the ambient level isn’t well illuminated,
The area is usually bustling with people coming and
giving it a shadowy feeling, but during the day the
going to attend to their own business, as well as an
windows provide enough light to see normally.
occasional costumer entering the store. So. most
Walls: these 2-foot-thick walls are made of a jects here are mundane in natures: tools, ropes,
reinforced double layer of red clay bricks and can backpacks, rations – almost anything that can be
take a great deal of punishment before breaking. found on the equipment section available to the
If needed, treat them as a stone wall. players on the sourcebooks you are allowing them
to use. However, some items here are of much
Floor: the floor is made of a dark-brown wood,
more value:
with no special features aside from making some
noise when a person carrying a heavy load walks  A small marble statue, depicting a devil,
on it. adorned with brass, lead and copper – worth
250 gp;
Ceiling: the ceiling is 10-foot-tall near the walls
and gets taller towards the center, where it is 15  A small marble statue, depicting an angel,
foot tall. An intricate array of wood beams sup- adorned with bronze, silver and copper –
ports the roof. worth 250 gp;

Smell: while the shop seems perfectly clean, a  A scroll of Spider Climb – despite it’s real val-
smell of dust, mold and old parchment clings to ue, Sarlik won’t sell it for less than 250 gp;
the air.
 Two potions of healing – 25 gp each;
This area serves as a shop, where the General
 A pair of good quality throwing axes, worth
conducts his mundane business. Most of the ob-
6 gp each;
 A silver sword – worth 115 gp; two heavy wooden trunks and a great number of-
sacks around. While the place seems to be an untidy
 A silver dagger – worth 100 gp;
mess, it is oddly quite clean. A circular staircase,
 An old heavy shield, bearing the crest of a made from wood, descends into the darkness.
long-lost family – the shield is of fine quality,
This room serves as an immediate storage area
despite appearing to be battered – 15 gp.
where the General keeps less valuable items at
If characters search the room, they don’t find hand to replace them in the store. The trunks are
anything out of ordinary, except for the business locked, and hold simple items like backpacks,
logs kept by Sarlik, which registered the purchas- tools, ropes and torches, while the sacks contain
ing of large amounts of fine wine, pure alcohol, grain, spices and salt.
salt, rare herbs and spices – much more than one
could afford through the profit made from such a
modest store in the middle of nowhere.
4. Lower Storage
While you descend down the stairs, the unusual
smell of old things get even stronger, making your
3. Upper Storage
stomach quiver. As soon as you reach the bottom of
As you enter this area, the smell of dust, mold the staircase and take the first step onto the floor,
and old paper becomes pungent, assaulting your two extinct torches on the wall spring to life -
nostrils. This room seems to be a storage area, with lightning themselves through an unseen force. You
are in a room very similar to the one above, seem- If you are out of ideas about Sarlik’s Journal,
ingly another storage room. Pickaxes, shovels and here are some outlines upon which you can build a
other excavation tools are placed on a corner, near story:
great wooden boxes.
Power Seeker: the diary describes how the
The tools on the walls are what the General sal- General convinced the prince to launch the
vaged from the excavation were he recovered the doomed expedition, to fulfill his own goals while
fiendish body which lies in Area 6, The Sanctum. using the prince's hunger for glory to his ad-
The boxes contain heavy clay blocks, covered in a vantage. In this scenario, the General sacrificed
strange script (infernal). These blocks are part of a the prince in an unholy ritual to open a secret
single piece, which is a clay mural containing the vault in the Lost City, where he retrieved the im-
story of a lost hero who sacrificed himself to bind prisoned fiend which lies now in the stone sar-
a devil. The door leading to the next area is un- cophagi located in the Sanctum area. The fiend is
locked and there is nothing more of interest in alive, but held in slumber by powerful magic, and
this room. the General is draining its essence to gain power.

Possessed: when the doomed expedition finally

5. Living Quarter found something of worth in the Lost City, the dis-
covery heralded its demise except by a single indi-
Again, when you open the door, cold torches vidual, the General. A powerful fiend was impris-
jump to life, bathing the cold darkness with light. oned in the secret chamber on the Lost City, its
You find yourselves in a large room, which seems to body petrified by powerful magic. However, its
be a loft or living quarters. The stove and the table mind was awake, and seizing the opportunity for
with the remnants of a meal seems to confirm it. freedom the fiend possessed the General, forcing
Far ahead, you can notice a desk near a double bed. the poor soldier’s spirit into the dormant fiendish
A corridor seems to open to the right, in the end of body. In this scenario, the fiend is seeking a way
this room. to shatter the enchantment that holds his body
This room is a living quarter, where the General and to reclaim its physical form and its full glory.
spends his time when not seeking his goals in the Impostor: The truth is shocking and in reality, it
world outside. Beyond the fact of being under- was the General who died in the doomed expedi-
ground and the torches which seemingly have a tion. While it was the prince who assumed the old
will of their own, there is nothing out of ordinary. man’s form as a cover to his plot to stage a coup
The desk, however, hides a secret compartment, against his father and older brother. In this scenar-
holding the General’s diary. A DC 15 Investigation io, the prince has made a deal with the imprisoned
check is required to find the diary, and its contents fiend, who is leading the second heir to the throne
are left for the DM, to decide. in a journey to acquire power while also seeking
The bear rug near the bed is a Rug of Smother- to free the hellish creature held in the sarcopha-
ing (see Appendix I for statistics). A Detect Magic gus.
or similar effect will reveal the magical nature of
the object, but otherwise, it is undistinguishable
6. Sanctum
from a regular rug, and won’t attack the players
unless attacked first, or if the trap on the Sanc- A heavy locked wooden door, carved with intri-
tum’s door is set off (see Area 6). cate patterns, block your passage. The carvings de-
pict a battle between what seems to be a mage and
a towering demonic figure, with a dog head, goat that resembles heavy cloth being pushed along the
horns and two massive arms which end in powerful ground.
pincers. Arcane symbols form a frame around the
If the trap is disabled and the characters open
the door, read this passage:
Trap: the door to the inner sanctum is trapped.
The room beyond the door emanates power and
If opened without using the proper incantation,
raw energy that seems to wash over you as soon as
the trap is set off, causing the following things to
the door is opened. Some kind of altar is set on the
opposite wall. Arcane tools rest in a ritual arrange-
 The flames on all the torches on the under- ment. There are two marble statues, richly adorned
ground area and non-magical lights carried with copper, silver and gold which guard each side
by the characters are extinguished, leaving of the altar: the one on the left depicts a horrible
the place in complete darkness; devil, while the one in the right was created to re-
semble a noble angelic being. To your left side, you
 The door leading to area 4 is shut and
can see a what seems to be a humanoid body com-
locked, cutting off any escaping route;
pletely covered by ancient cloth, resting inside an
 The rugs in area 5 and 6 come to life and at- open stone sarcophagus.
tack the nearest creature on the next round
The rug in the center of the room is a Rug of
(they are two Rugs of Smothering, see Ap-
Smothering (see Appendix I for statistics). A De-
pendix 1 for statistics;
tect Magic or similar effect will reveal the magical
 A mental alarm is sent to the General, who nature of the object, but otherwise, it is undistin-
will teleport to the Sanctum area in 2d6+3 guishable from a regular rug, and won’t attack the
rounds. players unless attacked first, if the trap on the
Sanctum’s door is set off, or if the altar on this
The trap can be spotted with a DC 17 Percep-
room is disturbed by someone else than Sarlik.
tion check, or a DC 15 Arcana check. Disabling the
trap is another matter entirely, requiring a skill Combat
challenge: they must succeed in 5 skill rolls before
If the group is careless or just unlucky and set
having 3 failures. The following skills can be used
off the trap in the Sanctum’s door, the Rugs of
to overcome this obstacle, all with DC 15: Arcana,
Smothering (MM page 20, see Appendix I for stat
Religion or Thieves Tools, and the whole group
blocks) acting as guardians on the room will rise
can work in this challenge, provided they are pro-
The rugs will each attack the
ficient on the allowed skills.
nearest character, focusing its attention on that
If the trap is set off, read the following pas- intruder. The rugs will attack the characters near-
sage: est to them.

As you attempt to open the door and the con- After receiving the mental alarm sent by the
tents in the room beyond are revealed, something trap (2d6+3 rounds), Sarlik will use it’s mystical
unexpected happens. All lights in the vicinity are link with his altar to teleport to his house, appear-
blown out, leaving you in complete darkness. At the ing on the center of Area 6. This time represents
same time you hear a door slamming shut followed the time it takes for the General to disengage
by a loud click of a lock in the distance. Worse, from his current activities and prepare for com-
something seems to move near you, making a noise bat.
Since Sarlik is an expert combatant, he never defeat is unavoidable, the General will use his bo-
faces possible danger unprepared and thus when nus action to get as far as possible from the
he arrives at his lair he is already under the effect group, using Misty Step. Then he will use his regu-
of both Mage Armor and Blur spells (because of lar action to cast Dimension Door and finally his
that, remember that he will have one less spell move action to vanish from the area.
slot available for his 1st and 2nd level spells to use
If hard pressed and incapable to escape using
against the group).
his regular routine, Sarlik will use Fireball with a
In his first round of combat after reaching the devastating effect in these close quarters. This will
Sanctum (Area 6), Sarlik will assess the situation, result in the explosion of the wood ceiling and will
in an attempt to discover the number of enemies put the house on fire. Sarlik will not care about
and if his guardians are still in combat. If the Rugs the fire as long as his Sanctum’s Shield can still ab-
of Smothering are still up and fighting, Sarlik will sorb some damage from the spell.
move to a position were he can use them as cov-
Investigating the Sanctum
er, ordering them to protect him.
If players decide to investigate Area 6, they will
If not or as soon as both Rugs are either defeat-
discover some very disturbing things. First is the
ed or out of combat, Sarlik will cast Blink to ensure
stone sarcophagus: resting in its inferior is a body
his mobility in combat. Either way, he will never
wrapped in thick linen straps. Close examination
move more than 20 ft. away from his altar, so as
reveals that this body has horns in its head. If the
to retain the benefits of his Sanctum’s Shield fea-
linen straps are removed, they reveal a mummi-
ture (see below for more information in this spe-
fied fiend body (the exact type is up to you).
cial trait).
While the body can be removed it is relatively
A perceptive character can notice this
light for its size. It does not bend, and its limbs
(Perception check DC 15), and after succeeding on
can’t be moved to another position. Finally, this
the roll, a character also proficient in Arcana can
body is completely immune to all damage, mun-
discover why (Arcana check DC 15, or DC 12 if Sar-
dane or magic.
lik is already using the benefits of the Sanctum’s
Shield feature). Second, there is the altar and the adjoining
statues. Finely crafted arcane tools rest on the al-
If two or more characters engage him in melee
tar, which is guarded on the right by a finely craft
combat, or are inside the spell area, he will use
angel statue, adorned with jewels and precious
Burning Hands. After depleting his Angel Statue's
metals, and by an equally well constructed devil
power, if target by a damage spell of 2nd level or
statue on the left. Both objects are approximately
higher, he will cast Counterspell if spell slots are
the same size of a gnome, and are incredibly
still available. While the situation remains in his
favor, he will continue to follow this routine, cast-
ing Blur and Blink as soon as the spells expire if he Some sort of power seems to emanate from
still have spell slots available. those objects, a palpable sensation which makes
the skin tingle. An Arcana or Religion check DC 16
However, Sarlik has an escape plan ready if
reveals these statues are somehow tied to the
things go against him. He will always keep his 4th
fiendish body on the sarcophagus. If the roll on
level slot available to cast Dimension Door. He will
this check is 20 or higher, the character discover
also always keep one of his 2nd level slots in store
that the altar and statues are being used to drain
to be able to cast Misty Step. In an occasion when
life and magical energies from the creature and he is doing it because of shame and trauma from
transfer it to someone else. his past failures or because he is hiding some-
Sanctum’s Shield thing. If pressed for personal information, he will
politely cut off the subject and ask the characters
While very near to his mystical altar (20 ft. or to leave him to his business.
less), the General can somewhat reverse the magi-
cal process that siphons the life force from the If the group fights Sarlik and win, they will have
imprisoned fiend and redirect injuries redirect inju- made a powerful enemy. If the General was able
ries he receives to one of the focus statutes as a to escape, he will lick his wounds and plot his re-
reaction. The Angel Statue will accept only dam- venge, seeking to recover the imprisoned fiend
age from magical origin, while the Devil Statue will left behind, tracking the movements of the group
take only physical damage. Sarlik can choose each and attacking when the characters are vulnerable.
time he decides to use this feature. If the group capture him, he won’t provide any
However, while the creature on the sarcopha- useful information, offering only lies and threats.
gus is immune to all kinds of damage in its present This holds true even if the group is prone to and in
state, the statues are not, and they can endure fact resorts to torture. However, in this case, Sar-
only 30 hit points each, and will shatter after re- lik will be particularly wicked with his revenge
ceiving that much damage. Finally, each time the such as pursuing the player characters friends and
General uses this effect, the affected statue glow family members, sacrificing them to some darker
with magical light - red for the Devil, blue for the power.
Sarlik Motivations
The true motivations of the General are up to
7. Interpreting the you. They can be just a lust for power and eternal
General life by sucking away the strength of an immortal
creature, summoning an infernal patron to the
While people are on his good side, Sarlik is a
world, or whatever you can imagine. The decision
very amiable and kind old man, showing great
is yours, and it is our purpose to leave things this
deal of interest on what people have to say. He
way so you can make this little module yours and
will answer with patience and gentleness every
put it in your game using your own terms.
question made about his goods and provide any
information about the village plus its surroundings
as he is able to tell. 8. Bonus Map
However, the General will always avoid giving If player characters triggered the trap on the
elaborate and complex answers about himself, his Area’s 6 Door, the torches will be extinguished
former life as a general, or the events surrounding immediately, leaving the entire place in complete
the prince’s death. He will subtly change the sub- darkness. So, to make more out of this dramatic
ject and focus on asking things about those who event, we provided you with a map without the
are curious. He will also avoid lying about some- light effects. It is not that dark (it would impossi-
thing whenever possible. ble to properly see anything it was darker than
this), but the contrast with the previous map
An empathic character can detect this charac-
should be enough to set the mood and put your
teristic about him (if you feel appropriate, call for
players on alert.
a Insight check DC13). However, it is not obvious if
Appendix I: Stat Blocks
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