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What is Actually Wealth?

Ka-ching!.. One hundred ringgit! 1 million dollars! Hrmmm.. everyone loves money, am I right? You, you
and you and, every one of us want more and more money. But what is having much money like? Is that
kind of wealthy we aim for? Yes! That’s what I’m going to talk about here. A very good morning to the
honourable judges, teachers, friends and also to whoever watches my video. My name is ……………………..
and today, I’m going to bring you into depth of “What Is Actually Wealth?”.

Ladies and gentlemen,

There is saying goes, “no money no talk.” Well, we use money to buy food, drink, clothes and
other necessities. Without money, we cannot survive and feel so weak. But wait! Not only that. We
cannot live in comfort without any penny. Having enough money is one of the important aspects in life.
But, is having all wealth in the world making you happier than you are now? We always be blinded by
money. I know in your mind; you really want to be a billionaire if it is possible. I know you are nodding
your heads right now. Don’t worry, it is not wrong, though. The more money you have, the more
comfortable life you have. Yes! It is true. You can buy bigger house, more fancy clothes and many
delicious food. However, have you heard of “money can be evil, too”?

My beloved audience,

If we look back to two years ago, the world was shocked with the coronavirus or also known as
Covid19. Not only us here in Malaysia, but all people around the world were affected by the virus. Our
life was miserable. Why was it so? We were under lockdowns everywhere. Planes stopped flying, cars
stopped moving, people were restricted from moving from one place to another. How stressful our
life was back then, right? So, here I want to talk about “mental health.” Health is not only about
physically fit but also healthy mental. When we were hit by the pandemic, our mental health was the
most affected. Can you imagine what our life would be if our mental was broken down without us
controlling it? Not even the wealthiest people in the world could stop the pandemic from happening.

“No money can buy happiness.” Undeniably true. You can be the wealthiest person in the world
but wealth is of no use without health. This is because no money in this world can buy health.
Health can be in terms of body, mind and soul. If you are happy now, you have a healthy soul. If your
mind is free of stress now, you are having a healthy mind. Plus, if you are not sick now, that means you
have a healthy body. Many people mistakenly think that they would be happy if they had a
million ringgit. They think that having more money will solve all their problems. Being wealthy
can actually rob you of your peace of mind. Rich people suffer from more stress, anxiety,
suspicion and unhappiness. Most of them are having more life crisis than middle-class people. If you
want to be bodily healthy, there are some ways. First is eat a balanced diet. Secondly, drink more
plain water. Next is please lessen your sugary intake and fatty food. And the last one is, please
exercise. Don’t be lazy, my friends! Let’s be healthy together, okay? However, what about to have a
healthy soul and mind? I give you one simple tip: Don’t be overthinking of trivial things. Thanks me

Ladies and gentlemen,

A well-known and old saying is that “health is wealth.” This is because a healthy man is more
effective in life and he can do whatever task. But a rich man who is ill, is unable to work, and he can
never afford good health. Keep this in mind, “we need to be physically healthy to be truly wealth.”
Being wealthy is not necessarily having much money. So I have make my points clear here. So good
luck in shaping your own future. Thank you, see you!

Health is more important than wealth

If you were to ask people what they needed to be happy, two of the most common answers would be health
and wealth. Both are definitely necessary for happiness. However, if you could only have one, which is
more important? It is my opinion, health wins hands down.

Firstly, health is more important than wealth because if you are physically fit, you will have a sense of well-
being. That means that you will feel happy. Wealth does not necessarily do the same. Many people
mistakenly think that they would be happy if they had a million ringgit. They think that having more money
will solve all their problems. On the contrary, it has been found that being wealthy can actually rob you of
your peace of mind. Rich people suffer from more stress, anxiety, suspicion and unhappiness.

Besides that, wealth is of no use without health. To understand this, we must look at why we gather wealth.
The purpose of doing so is to be able to supply our daily needs and make ourselves happy by spending on
luxuries. Without good health, no matter how much one spends on material things, that person will not be
able to enjoy them to the fullest. For example, a person who is unwell would not be able to eat everything he
wants to even though he could afford to buy the most expensive food. A person who is bedridden will not
be able to enjoy vacations in exotic places even if he owned a private plane. Therefore, health is more
important than wealth as wealth is useless without health.

Another point in favour of health is that if you were healthy, you would be able to gain wealth. The reverse
is not possible. If a person is healthy, he would be able to find work or carry out investments that could
eventually make him wealthy. However, for a person who is wealthy but ill, even the best medical care that
money can buy may not guarantee the return of that person's health. This fact alone is sufficient to support
the view that wealth is less important than health.

Good health is the most valuable and precious thing in our lives. It is the secret of a happy man. No one can deny
that a healthy man lives happily. Money or wealth cannot give a person the happiness of life that he or she can
obtain from good health. A person having money, vehicles, servants at his disposal, and a large house to stay in
cannot enjoy all these blessings without good health. Whereas a person with a small income, without a servant for
work and a small house to live in, but a healthy body enjoys life to its fullest.

A physically unfit person has a lot of problems in their personal and professional life. They cannot do work for long

A few good rules of life must be exercised for good health and to look younger and live longer. To stay healthy, we
need to eat a balanced diet. Take a little workout every single day. Let not stress clutter our minds and shake our
nervous system. We should not allow evil thoughts to bring pain to our minds. We should be living in a clear and
clean climate. We have to be early risers and never go to bed too late.

Good health is, therefore, the most valuable and precious thing for every person and every step has to be taken to
protect it. Early to bed early to rise makes all men healthy, wealthy and wise.

In a nutshell, health is indeed more important than wealth for the reasons explained above. Of course, the
ideal situation would be to have both health and wealth. But if you had to choose, pick the one that gives
you the greatest amount of happiness.

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