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Republic of the Philippines

Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology

College of Public Administration and Criminology


Cabiling, Jervin R.
Camaso, Vincent A.
Dalis, Carl Arvin B.
Santos, James Ted J
 Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Background

 Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

 Chapter 3
Research Methodology
Chapter 1
The Problem and Its
 Introduction

 Setting of the Study

 Theoretical Framework
 Conceptual Framework
 Statement of the Problem
 Hypothesis
 Scope and Limitations of the Study
 Significance of the Study
 Definition of Terms
Peace, security, and public order are essential bedrock

elements in building the foundation for inclusive growth, a high

trust and resilient society, and a globally-competitive knowledge

economy. These affect people’s mobility, confidence, and well-being,

as well as business continuity and longevity. Ensuring security,

public order, and safety is one of the fundamental strategies of the

Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022.

Community safety is a concept that is concerned with

achieving a positive state of well-being among people within

social and physical environments. Not only is it about reducing

and preventing injury and crime, it is about building strong,

cohesive, vibrant, participatory communities. This means the

perception of safety is as important as measuring injury and

crime rates.

Absence of safety and security measures can perpetuate lack of

trust amongst individuals, communities and the state. This can affect

economic growth and investment, and absorb government resources,

which could otherwise be spent in development.

Working with local officials and individuals to identify both the causes

of insecurity and solutions to improve safety. An important component of

this work is building capacity of police, strengthening accountable

institutions, and advocating for human rights. This includes advocacy and

support for the implementation of the Human Rights Due Diligence policy.

This study aims helps to establish effective police-

community relations to enhance security, trust, and

protection of populations. This includes strengthening

police capacities to adopt community-oriented and to reduce

crime and improve public safety, evidence collection in the

event of criminal activities, incident prevention measure.

Setting of the Study
Barangay 635 is a barangay in the city of Manila, under the

administrative district of Nagtahan. Its population as

determined by the 2015 Census was 716. This represented 0.19%

of the total population of Manila.

The location of Barangay 635 is situated at approximately

14.5988, 120.9990, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these

coordinates is estimated at 6.4 meters or 21.0 feet above mean

sea level.
Theoretical Framework
The framework of this study is anchored by the “Safe Philippines project will

improve police response time, deter and reduce crime” By DILG Secretary Eduardo M.

Añoin 2018. He believed that the project will level up the 911 emergency system of

the DILG-PNP and will be used to improve public safety, evidence collection in the

event of criminal activities, incident prevention measures for disaster-related

mitigation and response, and police and fire emergency response in addressing

traffic and criminal incidents.

The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) clarifies that the

Safe Philippines emergency response and monitoring system is not primarily for

surveillance but is an integrated system to improve police response time as well as

to deter and reduce crime.

This is significant because by using safety measure as a
unit of analysis, it will be easier to control the
perspective of the task at and while keeping the
information processing at a simplified level. It is the
hope to accomplish the main goal of proving that police
safety measure in the barangay as effective to reduce crime
and improve public safety, evidence collection in the event
of criminal activities, incident prevention measure and
establish effective police-community relations to enhance
security, trust, and protection of populations.
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine SAFETY AND SECURITY MEASURES


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of:
1.1 Age:
1.2 Gender:
1.3 Civil status:
1.4 Educational Attainment:
2. How do the respondents assess the Safety and Security Measures

Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila in terms of the following

2.1 Safety:
2.2 Security Measures?

3. Is there a significant difference in how the two groups of respondents

assess the Safety and Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635,

Nagtahan Manila in terms of the stated factors?

4. What are the problems encountered of respondents on the Safety and

Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila?

Based on the statement of the problem and the specific

questions, the researcher tested the following hypotheses set at

5% margin of error:

Ho: This study hypothesized that is no significant difference on

the respondent assessment on the Safety and Security Measures

Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila in terms of the

three(3) factors (i.e. Safety, Public Order and Security

Measures)as perceived by the two groups of respondents.

Scope and Limitations of the
This study will focus on the Safety and Security

Measures Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila.

There will be one hundred (100) respondents composed of 70

residence and 30 Barangay Officials. There will be chosen

through the purposive research method which means having

or done with a particular purpose. The study will be

conducted at barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila. The duration

of the study will be to November 2020 to February 2021.

Significance of the Study
This study will very beneficial and significantly worthy to the following:

Researchers this provided them knowledge to comply the course

requirements and information gathered that can be used when they are

already part of Criminology industry.

Future Researcher this could be used as their reference by the future

researchers that may acquire important data which can be used in related

future research study.

Students this study will let them to be inform about the Safety and

Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila

Local Government Units it will help to improve their facilities, as

part of the community have a great impact in terms of Safety and

Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila

Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the following terms are
operationally defined as they are used in this study:
 Accessible is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is

available to as many people as possible.

 Civilization most broadly is any complex state society.

 Enforcement. To make sure that people do what is required by (a law,rule,etc.).

 Facilities space or equipment necessary for doing something.

 Foot Patrol. To travel on foot, patrol on foot.

 Implemented put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.

 Measures as certain the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an

instrument or device marked in standard units or by comparing it with an object of

known size.
 Patrol. The act of walking or going around or through an area, building, etc.

 PNP. Philippine National Police.

 Police. To control by making sure that rules and regulations are being


 Prevention. The act or practice of stopping something bad from happening.

 Redevelopment is any new construction on a site that has pre-existing uses.

 Regulation is a rule or law designed to control or govern conduct.

 Residential area is a land use in which housing predominates, as opposed to

industrial and commercial areas.

 Restrict put a limit on; keep under control.

 Safety refers to a place that is free from harm or danger.

 Security refers to the state of being protected or safe from harm.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and
 Local Literature
 Foreign Literature
 Local Study
 Foreign Study
RELATED LITERATURE- Local literature
Director General Nicanor A. Bartolome, Chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), ordered all

policemen doing office work to go out and render at least four hours of Security and Safety patrols in

their areas of jurisdiction. “They will now be conducting patrol before they go to the office and before

they go home,” said Bartolome. The target time will be from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the morning and

from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon. According to Bartolome, the PNP objective is to make use of

that time on matters that need the police concerns most, which is patrolling the streets”. It was

implemented by Bartolome in Metro Manila while he was director of the National Capital Region Police

Office (NCRPO).

After the assessment that it was effective, Bartolome wants to implement this across the country because

aside from policemen doing office work, some policemen in other units will also is required to conduct beat


He, however, clarified that only those assigned in areas where the threat of big rebel groups like

communist and Moro rebels will be tapped for patrol. “Some of those assigned in internal security operations

will be used for visibility because we all know that it is an essential component to prevent crime,”
According to Levinson (2004), “the patrol exercise is not only limited to

crime control but also to reduce the fear within the neighborhood”. This builds

stronger relationship between police and community and wins the resident trust.

Therefore, patrolling is one way of securing, protecting, preserving the life

and property and assuring the safety of the people in the community.

Omaha police are stepping up their presence in two well-known

neighborhoods. The new beat patrols will hit the streets of Dundee and Benson

at 5:30 p.m. each night with the goal of keeping everyone in these busy

neighborhoods safer.

Capt. Shayna Ray said that with a newly graduated class, there are now more

officers on the street. It is welcome news for people in the community

It was investigated that in a survey conducted among their

respondents, the implementation of Police Patrol Unit is

effective in addressing the peace and security in the

community. The study on the status of police patrol unit

stated that police visibility operation is very important

on the prevention of crime and suppression of criminals.

Random preventive patrol strategies are based on the idea that visible police presence in

an area provides a general deterrent effect on crime and that, subsequently, the general

public’s fear of crime is reduced by that same police presence. It would be expected, as a

result, that crimes that would normally take place in fairly public areas. General property

offenses or street crimes would be more significantly impacted by preventive patrolling

practices, whereas offenses typically committed in relative seclusion would be less susceptible

to the deterrence effects of preventive patrolling. The utilization of police resources for

random preventive patrol activities is, however, ineffective at deterring crime and

apprehending offenders. Research suggests that targeted preventive activities in strategic

zones where the majority of crimes occur, or when treatments driven by specific policies or

practices aimed at meeting strategically defined goals are utilized, is far more effective in

reducing crime (Sherman & Weisburd, 2012).

According to Bragas (2001), he stated that perhaps the most compelling evidence for the

effectiveness of place-oriented preventive patrol as opposed to random preventive patrol

analysis and systematic review of “hot spot” policing studies. Out of nine studies, seven

showed noteworthy crime reductions as a result of place-oriented patrol activities, and it

should be noted that intervention types ranged among three broad categories: enforcement

problem-oriented-policing (POP) interventions, directed and aggressive patrol programs, and the

use of crackdowns and raids. It is also important to note that methodological problems in the

research and evaluation designs of two studies most likely accounts for the lack of observed

reduced criminal activity in said studies, and the remaining study showing no discernable

impact on reducing crime suffered from issues in implementation that could account for a lack

of significance in results. Overall, review contributes to a growing body of research evidence

supporting the conclusion that targeting “hot spots” of crime with focused, strategic

intervention efforts is effective at reducing crime, both at the targeted zone and in

surrounding areas, and is far more effective than random preventive patrol activities. These

findings also provide positive indications that displacement of crime from a targeted zone to a

less actively patrolled zone may be unfounded, though only five of the studies review measured

the potential displacement of criminal activity.

Synthesis of Related Literature and
The review of literature both local and foreign are found to be related to the

present study since this provide ideas, and background of information that were

useful in the conceptualized of the study through the review of similarities of the

relevance of the study. The safety and security of barangay is important, because one

of their main priorities is their resident’ safety. Moreover, it gave the researcher the

overview and idea on the performance of the PNP-police in safety and security

measure in the barangay 635.Nagtahan, Manila.

Chapter 3
Research Methodology
 Method of Research Used
 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique
 Respondents of the Study
 Statistical Treatment of Data
 Frequency Distribution.
 Weighted mean
 Percentage
Method of Research Used
This research used descriptive method in this study. This method is concern

with the description of data and characteristic about a population with a

goal of having factual, accurate and systematic data that can be used in

average, frequencies and statistical calculation.

We used descriptive method applied to as to determine the Safety and

Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila in terms of

the two(2) factors (i.e. Safety and Security Measures) We select this

method in order to obtain the first hand data from the respondent. The

research used barangay 635, for the source of relevant data. The data type

used to gather responses of the participant in the survey process.

Descriptive method is type of applied research designed

to evaluate programs, seminars or workshop. The results

of the evaluation research add to the existing reservoir

of knowledge, develop theories, and are used often and

immediately to decide whether programs should be

stopped, revised or continued. This goal to determine

the extent to which goals have been achieved.

Population, Sample Size and
Sampling Technique Scheme
Simple random sampling was done for the sample selection. This sampling method

is conducted where each member of a population has an equal opportunity to

become part of the sample. As all members of the population have an equal

chance of becoming a research participant, this is said to be the most

efficient sampling procedure. In order to conduct this sampling strategy, the

researcher defined the population first, listed down all the members of the

population and then selected members to make the sample. For this procedure,

the lottery sampling or the fish bowl technique was parents. This method

involves the selection of the sample at random from the sampling frame through

the use of random number tables (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2003).
The respondents of the study will be utilized in two

groups (2), which were composed of the barangay

official and resident of barangay 635, Nagtahan

Manila. The researchers will use the purposive

sampling for the number of respondents needed. It is

because the respondents will be selected on the basis

of their knowledge of the information derived.

Respondents of the Study

There are 2 groups of the respondents. The first group is

the barangay officials of barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila

which is (30) official members and the second group is the

residents of the barangay with (70) residents will

describe according to their age, Gender, Civil status,

educational attainment.
This study will utilize the following research instrument:

1. Researcher-made Questionnaire. This will be used as the main data-

gathering tool. The survey questionnaire will be developed from the

related literature and studies as well as several questionnaires

which are related to the topic.

2. Unstructured interview. This will be done in order to gather more

information from the respondents. It will also help researchers gain

a deeper insight about the respondents and what they are going

The following procedure will be followed in collecting the data:
1. Permission to conduct the study will be asked from the barangay

635, Nagtahan Manila.

2. The questionnaire will be distributed personally by the researchers

to the respondents.

3. The answered questionnaire will be retrieved and collected by the

researchers after an ample time allotted for the respondents to

respond to it.

4. The data that will be gathered from the questionnaire will be

classified and tabulated for statistical analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data
The following statistical tools were used in the treatment of data and

analysis of data.

1. Frequency Distribution. It is applied in the processing of the

data concerning the profile of the respondents.

The formula:

% - f/N x 100
2. Weighted mean. It is use to denote the average response or

perception of the respondents on the qualitative response. This is used to

determine the status.

The weighted mean was used as follows:

The formula:

X = fx/N


X = weighted mean

Fx = sum of all scope of variable x

N = number of respondents
The responses on each (5) assessment on Safety and Security Measures
Implemented in barangay 635, Nagtahan Manila in terms of the two(2)
factors (i.e. Safety and Security Measures) to use the “Five Likert
Scale” and equivalent point as follows:

Option Range Likert Scale Symbol

5 4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree SA

4 3.50 – 4.49 Agree A

3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Agree MA

2 1.50 – 2.49 Less Agree LA

1 1.00 – 1.49 Not Agree NA

The responses on each (5) assessment on Problem Encounter
in Safety and Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635,
Nagtahan Manila to use the “Five Likert Scale” and equivalent
point as follows:
Option Range Likert Scale Symbol

5 4.50 – 5.00 Highly Encountered HE

4 3.50 – 4.49 Encountered E

3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Encountered ME

2 1.50 – 2.49 Least Encountered LE

1 1.00 – 1.49 Not Encountered NE

3. Percentage. This was used as descriptive statistics

or something that describe a part of a whole.

Formula Used:

% = f/ N x 100


N = total number of respondents

100 = constant value

4. t-Test. The formula for the t-Test in the
testing the significance difference between two
correlated mean to correlate:

Survey Questionnaire

The researchers encourage you to answer this questionnaire.

Rest assured that your answers will be treated with confidentiality.
Please put a check (/) on the space provided in each question that best
fit to your answer. Thank you.

Personal Profile
Name (optional): _______________________________________________
Type of Respondent
( ) Barangay Officials
( ) Residents
( ) 51 years old and above
( ) 41 – 50 years old
( ) 31 – 40 years old
( ) 21 – 30 years old
( ) 20 years old and below

Gender Civil Status

( ) Male ( ) Single
( ) Female ( ) Married
( ) Separated
( ) Widow/er

Educational Attainment
( ) Doctorate Degree
( ) with Doctorate Units
( ) Master’s Degree
( ) with Masters Units
( ) Bachelor’s Degree
( ) Undergraduate
( ) Vocational
( ) Senior High School
Part II.
Safety and Security Measures Implemented in barangay 635,
Sampaloc Manila in terms of the following factors

Instruction: Please read each item carefully and from the

options listed, choose which closely represent your
answer asked in the question item. Put a check on the box
as your answer relative to the question asked.

Scale Interpretation

5 Excellent
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
Check the following boxes of your best answer, there will be
no right or wrong in answering the survey questionnaire.

Scale Interpretation

5 Highly Encountered
4 Moderate Encountered
3 Encountered
2 Less Encountered
1 Not Encountered

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