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ID STUDENT: 191401088

June 10, 2022

I. A working title: ............................................................................................................... 4
II. Introduction and Research Background of the study .............................................. 4
III. Problem Statement, Research Question(s) and Research Objectives .................... 5
3.1. Problem Statement: ................................................................................................. 5
3.2. Research Question(s) ............................................................................................... 5
3.3. Research Objectives ................................................................................................. 5
IV. Significance of Research ............................................................................................. 6
V. The scope of the study..................................................................................................... 6
VI. Literature review ......................................................................................................... 6
VII. The research design ..................................................................................................... 9
7.1. Type of study ............................................................................................................ 9
7.1.1. Survey participants: .......................................................................................... 9
7.1.2. Survey time:. ...................................................................................................... 9
7.1.3. Research methodology: ..................................................................................... 9
7.2. Research design, Sampling design .......................................................................... 9
7.3. Statistical analysis. ................................................................................................. 10
VIII. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 12
References ............................................................................................................................. 13

I. A working title:
Coffee Shop Survey at Western Illinois University (WIU) - performed by Mousa Alzahrani, 33
years old born in Tabouk.

II. Introduction and Research Background of the study

Coffee is a drink that is loved by many people, it is quite familiar to everyone around
the world, a cup of coffee in the morning can help to start up the spirit and brain after a long
sleep of the previous night, according to many research, Coffee can also prevent some
diseases for the body as well as enhance memory,... Nowadays, drinking Coffee has become
a hard habit to quit for many people, we often come across a lot of people. People sit for hours
at Coffee Shops, experience drinks, as well as service and space at the shop. Coffee Shop
gradually becomes a place to gather friends, chat, also a place where students choose to sit
and sip a cup of coffee while studying and working in groups meet and discuss problems at
work. To meet the needs of the market, Coffee Shops must organize and equip drinks,
services, and space to meet the requirements of each customer. Balch, P. A. (2006).
I recently came across a study on Coffee Shop at a University, this research was
conducted by Mousa Alzahrani, his research involved the Coffee Shop Survey at Western
Illinois University (WIU). Lewis, L. K. (2011) WIU is a university located in Macomb City,
a city affiliated with many coffee shops, so it reflects the number of coffee consumers here as
well as the way coffee satisfies people. consumption. Why choose WIU as the place to survey,
as a large number of coffee shops are found in the building of this University. And some
unreasonable issues need to be solved, so this study was carried out.
In this research, for a long time living and working in Macomb City, Mousa Alzahrani
said that coffee has always been the main business aspect in this city, that's why in only one
university, there are so many businesses. Lewis, L. K. (2011)The number of coffee shops is
so concentrated, it reflects the needs of people to use coffee. Issues are the number of hours

the coffee shops work, they don't operate every day, and the restriction on times when it's
necessary for consumers to use coffee at the WIU, while the quantity is limited. There are
many students and staff at WIU, but the working hours of Coffee Shops here cannot meet
their interests and needs. This is exactly why we need to survey everyone at WIU to improve
the above issues.

III. Problem Statement, Research Question(s) and Research Objectives

3.1. Problem Statement:
The Coffee Shop Survey at Western Illinois University aspires to improve the business
ideals, production, and distribution of coffee among WIU stakeholders, increasing hours of
operation and working days, to address problems the unique needs and preferences of each
group of potential customers. The second issue that is also mentioned and wants to be solved
through this survey is the Drive-thru service. The lack of Drive-thru Service causes consumers
to have to wait in long queues and waste time when the number of customers wants to quench
their thirst, as well as the fact that students attending this WIU also have a demand for air. If
you have time to sit back to study and work in groups, at the Coffee Shops of the WIU
building, these problems cannot be met.
3.2. Research Question(s)
The study wanted to examine the preferences of students and faculty members from
the WIU school of ethics, towards cafes on the same building. The study also assessed the
demand for Drive-thru service among coffee shops. Finally, this study also focuses on the
social, economic and psychological factors that require Coffee Shops to operate based on the
interests and needs of people at WIU.
3.3. Research Objectives

As mentioned above, this research and survey aims to assess the preferences and
operation of Coffee Shops that WIU Students and Staff want, and solve Drive-thru service
problems, quiet area, space of Coffee Shop, operating time of Coffee Shops. In this context,
the 24/7 operation will help Coffee Shops to serve the interests and needs of everyone.
IV. Significance of Research
Firstly, coffee is a drink that many people love to enjoy, the survey on coffee use
preferences at WIU helps to confirm more people's preferences and coffee consumption needs
of students and staff at WIU. Based on that, Coffee Shop organizations can do a good job of
providing and meeting user needs.
Second, the working hours of a coffee shop are considered extremely important to the
needs and preferences of consumers. Balch, P. A. (2006). Coffee Shop is located in the WIU
area, has a lot of demand but can't meet the needs of customers, it's too bad. This survey helps
both parties, one is WIU's consumers, and the second is Coffee Shop organizations in this
building, can understand the needs of the parties and carry out solutions troubleshooting and
problem solving.
Third, Drive-thru service is also an essential need that many people care about, but
until now, through this survey, people can sit down to evaluate the importance of this problem,
survey to solve the problem. solve the problems of a small number of consumers, but also
help others consider other problems around them. Lewis, L. K. (2011)
Fourth, the survey solves everyone's need to use Coffee Shop, after this survey,
students and staff at WIU can use Coffee Shop whenever they have a need, and especially
those who need it. Children can use Coffee Shop as a space to study, rest and work in groups
after stressful official school hours.
V. The scope of the study
Coffee Shop Survey at Western Illinois University (WIU) was studied at the Western
Illinois University of Macomb, the study was conducted in the fall of 2012, and the survey
included employees and students working and studying at this university. The survey was
conducted in the form of responses to available questionnaires and was printed out and
distributed to 70 random people at WIU within 2 days by the survey respondents. The
questionnaire includes 6 questions and participated in the survey when collected about 52
students and 8 staff working and studying at WIU.
VI. Literature review

Coffee – is a beverage that everyone must have enjoyed and a large number of people
around the world love this drink, coffee has many roles and functions, especially some
functions. ability to improve human communication, interaction, and social relationships.
Sometimes we can sit for a cup of coffee and discuss the work with the people involved, or
thanks to a cup of coffee we can make a new friend, or even meet up. After meeting for a long
time, people tend to choose a coffee shop as such a place to communicate and meet. It would
be ideal if coffee shops could operate 24/7 to cater to the needs and preferences of each person.
Currently, people's use of coffee is no longer a need to use 24/7 but also depends a lot on
space utilities, parking spaces, coffee shop locations, and service quality of staff. members,
variety of types of coffee,... Lewis, L. K. (2011) Human needs are limitless, and coffee shops
need to constantly update and improve to perfect services and products to be able to serve.
good for customer needs and preferences.
In the context of the study is 2012, at this time the human demand for coffee shops is
not high, students and other consumers of WIU have requests for cafes at this university
because There are a number of reasons, and one of the most important reasons for the
consumption of coffee by students and staff here is the need to use coffee to be more
refreshing and focused in most of the day. finished working and studying at school. And this
need is completely reasonable, the needs of the body are unbreakable, and need to be met at
the right time, the coffee shops operate inconsistently and the working hours are not fixed,
When people have a need but can't find a coffee shop to solve it, it's disappointing, as well as
having to go far to meet the need for refreshment, this is a huge failure of the system. system
of coffee shops. This is the reason to explain why most students and employees of many other
universities in particular and office workers of other companies and businesses, in general,
tend to like and seek out restaurants. Coffee is open 24/7 to satisfy their refreshment needs.
Seen from this perspective, coffee indeed plays a very important role in improving the work
performance of a person, including students in educational institutions. Not stopping there
Coffee also plays an important role in the connection of human existence, simply any of us
when working and studying we need a high concentration. , need to release the sleep, fatigue,
boredom, and laziness of oneself, instead, stimulate the brain, regain mental alertness to
conquer all work, therefore the need for coffee Coffee and a coffee shop that can function and
serve the right people when they need it is very important. But often everyone's needs are not
the same, so we really need coffee shops that serve 24/7.

Various individuals including students, staff, middle-aged and elderly people, turn
cafes into meeting places to be able to interact, chat, exchange, work in groups, ... about their
public and personal affairs. The most commonly seen interactions at these cafes range from
social interactions, meeting friends and relatives to personal relationships between couples,
between girlfriends and boyfriends, among people who work differently and exchange
experiences and skills with each other, a small number of students and students often choose
cafes with space and not too much noise to relax, study, do group assignments, and study
online courses. In general, coffee is an indispensable element in the lives of many people, it
has a bonding function because it also reflects the friendship and solidarity between people
in society in general, students. members and other stakeholders of WIU in particular. Factors
such as the above are extrinsic factors, while another aspect of coffee consumers is that most
other individuals addicted or not addicted to coffee also depend on coffee for a number of
reasons of this nature. biological. Balch, P. A. (2006). As we all know coffee can help us stay
awake, and fight sleepiness, in addition, it can prevent or delay Parkinson's disease, eliminate
rectal cancer, prevent dizziness, and especially eliminate certain types of diabetes. Thus, the
use of coffee is indeed very useful for the current life of each person. However, do not overdo
it on coffee.
The next issues covered in this research topic are time-saving when commuting between
cafes, and the service of commuting between cafes in areas far from WIU. This allows
students and staff at WIU to travel between areas in less time and with more positive energy
as they enjoy their favorite beverage. The organization and application of drive-through
services also contribute to eliminating the long queues of coffee consumers, bringing more
efficiency in service delivery and customer satisfaction. consumers.
The level of coffee consumption of each coffee shop is one of the factors that determine the
success of that coffee shop and the products and services that this coffee shop brings to
consumers, In the context of society, continuous personal relationships, meetings, reunions,
... lead to an increase in coffee consumption. One of the reasons that we can see most clearly
for a coffee shop without customers, the low level of coffee consumption is the space,
environment, and coffee taste factors, so the Coffee shops must constantly update and be
sensitive in their ability to grasp the needs, preferences, and ways of consuming beverages of
different customers.

VII. The research design
7.1. Type of study
7.1.1. Survey participants: students, and employees of Western Illinois University of
Macomb city.
7.1.2. Survey time: Fall 2012..
7.1.3. Research methodology:
In 2 days 70 questionnaires were prepared and printed out and distributed to 70 random
individuals at WIU, for valid and reliable results, research questions are applied and
implemented according to research methodology. qualitative research in the form of a survey.
This is because the sample population is so large that it is difficult to eliminate bias in data
collection. The research uses questionnaires to solve the problems encountered in the research
Questionnaires are essential in enhancing data validity in large sample contexts, so the
study looked at 52 students and 8 staff members from Western Illinois University who
participated in the study. The selection of a random sample population for the purpose of
controlling for bias factors during the study ensures that there is no bias in the answers of
individuals. This is also to enhance the validity of the research exercise, thus the research's
ability to generate quality generalization concepts.
7.2. Research design, Sampling design
The questionnaire includes 6 very simple
questions that can motivate participants to
quickly and easily receive the survey. The first
question of the questionnaire is very important,
which is to determine the gender of the
respondents, because often the people who use
coffee a lot are men, in terms of women, the use
of coffee shops is also high. However, not as
much as men. Another aspect of the
questionnaire focuses on the age of the
respondents, since coffee consumption tends to
range from 15 years onwards, people will start

using coffee, and when they reach a certain age. higher, people will use coffee more often and
another very important factor is that it addresses the educational level of the participants in
the structure of the survey so that the survey monitoring becomes more qualitative. The fourth
question aimed to assess the preferences of coffee consumers regarding coffee shop

establishments within Western Illinois University. The fifth question asked for an answer on
the criteria used by the participants in the process of patronizing coffee shops. This is offered
in options that include atmosphere, quiet, plenty of food, Wi-Fi, and spacious areas. The sixth
question aims to determine the respondents' preferences regarding the service of driving
through cafe.
The study required each survey participant to voluntarily fill out a questionnaire. Data
collection took two days because of minimal human resources to fulfill the requirements of
the questionnaires and research questions.
7.3. Statistical analysis.
Question 1. Are you: (a) Male. (b) Female
There first question of the questionnaire revealed that thirty-four of the participants
were male while the remaining twenty-six were of the female gender. The percentage female
participants are 60%, while the percentage male participants are 40%.
Question 2. Are you: (a) Staff. (b) Graduate. (c) Undergraduate
The data collected also revealed that the majority of participants were undergraduate
students, followed by graduate students, and staff were minority in the population. The
percentage of undergraduate students participants are 67%, the graduates participants are
19%, and the staff participates are 14%.
Question 3. Which Coffee Shop Industry do you prefer: (a) Dunkin Donut. (b) Panera.
(c) Starbucks.
Majority of the respondents tended to show preference to Starbucks coffee. While a
very few number preferred Dunkin Donut and Panera. The data showed that Starbucks coffee
shop is the number one preference then Panera comes in the second place while Dunkin Donut
came at the third preference. 45% of participators preferred Starbucks coffee shop, 31%
preferred Panera, while 24% choose Dunkin Donut.
Question 4. What do you prefer in the Coffee Shop: (a) Spacious area. (b) Quiat area.
(c) Plenty of food.
The survey found that majority of the participants preferred to take coffee in a quiet
area than in a place with plenty or spacious place. Staff participants choose having spacious
area then plenty of food then quite area. While students preferred to have quite area then
plenty of food and last spacious area. Having quite area is the most wanted in coffee shop
with 55 %, then having penalty of food with 24% and at last having spacious area with 21%
Question 5. Is drive-thru service must be in the Coffee Shop: (a) Yes. (b) No.
Majority of graduates and undergraduates agreed that drive-thru service must be within
the coffee area while the majority of staff thought that it was not necessary. 66% of
participators preferred having drive-thru service, while 34% thought it is not needed.
Question 6. Do you prefer 24/7 Coffee Shop in WIU campus: (a) Yes. (b) No.
A majority of graduates and undergraduates were for the opinion that coffee services
be provided on a 24 hour basis. On the contrary an overwhelming majority of the staff felt
that coffee should not be provided on 24 hour basis. 79% of participators wanted 24/7 coffee
shops, while 21% thought it is not desirable (see figure 5). Majority of the respondents prefers
coffee shops working on a 24/7 basis thus addressing their unique needs. This is because there
is no specific time for the consumption of coffee. This will enhance their efforts to remain
mentally alert thus the ability to stay focused for most aspects of events.

VIII. Conclusion
The findings indicated that drive-thru services are ideal for society and coffee shops to
adopt and implement. This is done to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
manufacturing and distribution systems. This will improve service quality while saving
consumers time and energy as they seek to address consumer demands and preferences
regarding coffee consumption. Coffee is also essential for a variety of reasons. This explains
the majority's response to the need to adopt and implement coffee shops away from Western
Illinois University's buildings. The construction of coffee shops away from Western Illinois
University's buildings will increase the opportunity for students to use the shops' services 24
hours a day, seven days a week. This connects to the fundamentals of a high-quality area, lots
of room for other products, and a peaceful setting to support social needs like gatherings and
activities that promote bonding.
The sample size used in the research's execution was small enough to allow for
efficient generalization with regard to the finding. This put the study's execution at a
disadvantage. The sample size was restricted to 60 people due to a lack of funding and other
factors that made it difficult to conduct quality research. It is essential to enhance the
population sample size while undertaking future research methods in order to reduce bias
components. The respondents' refusal to take part in the research procedure was another
obstacle to the study's successful completion. This is due to a lack of financial incentive to
increase the population sample's participation in attaining the study's objectives. It is ideal to
draw the conclusion from this experiment that coffee shops should act to accommodate the
diverse needs and preferences of students and other stakeholders. Even so, it's open 24/7,
giving students the flexibility to take care of their requirements as they see fit (Lewis, 2011)

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