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Video games for children are harmful

In the 21 century that we are currently living in , the younger generation is always sticked to there
electric devices . It is next to imposible to seprate them from there devices . They have made there own
new world for themselves inside it . Today, kids find happiness in there video games, unlike the real
games which are much fun then the games inside those huge boxes . These video games have
many corn with it .
First of all, these video games decreases the physical activity of the child as they spend hours
just sitting at one place and playing it. Our body is at our growing age and it needs physical
exercise for the growth required , and if we spend our most of the time playing video games and
sitting at one place our body won’t be able to grow properly .
Second of all it also effect our eyes . The screen on which we spend hours playing vide game,
exerts UV rays which are very harmful for our eyes . Due to this reason may childen at a very
young age are advised to ware spectale.
Finally, playing outside realeases harmones which are good for our health and these harmones
makes us happy. It refreshes our mind . It also helps us in stress .
In conclusion , we should play video games in a limit , which does not affect our health .

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