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20 August 2023
Tima and tide waits for none
Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not (Stephen King, The Green Mile)We all know that
the first person to step on the moon was “Neel Armstrong”. But we don’t know the second
person who had went to moon.

It is well said by a person that time and tide waits for none. It is one of the most famous quotes , that
we all have come across. But, the real question is that do we really follow it . These quotes are not just
the lesion . But , rather can be our key to success .

We all know that the time spent cannot ever com back. Time is the most powerful thing in the world . It
is well said by “Steve Jobs” that our time is limited , so, we should not waste is living it for someone’s
else life . Life is unexpected and there is no use of worrying about the feature , it is the present that will
change our feature . We all decide our own destiny . What matters is on the thing that you are spending
your precious time on .

“Time has a very beautiful way to show us what really matters”(anamous)”Never leave it till tomorrow
that you can do today” (anamous).

The time spent cannot be taken back , it does not waits for anyone, does not matter if he rich or poor,
king or a beggar. IT is equal for all what matters is how wisely you use that time. Weather you waster it
or use it . It won come ever back . What has been gone cannot come back .You cant buy it . It is the most
precious gift.

“ Time is related to all that is going on around us, so we often hear about the time
dimension, because time is an essential element of life. Time represents special
milestones, including birthdays, anniversaries and the birth of babies and helps us
organize our daily lives and activities, so we can live a more organized and
productive life. From sunset till night, high tide and low tide due to the moon, the
four seasons everything is completely time dependent.Human life is measured by
time, and the cycle of the sun, moon and earth is known as time, and through time
we know the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second and parts thereof, and
each time helps us to calculate the speeds of objects and the like.”(The scintefic
World )

It is the duty of the rational person to preserve the time that is in his hands and not
to waste these times without proper exploitation and benefit us. So we must learn
to manage time because of its importance. Now-er-days many app have for time
management right from managing your to-do list to ordering groceries and finding
and ordering a birthday cake online automatically. You don't have to waste time on
non-productive tasks that can be done automatically.
Schedule the day according to the concerns that you may be experiencing,
especially for people who are employed, so they should not let the day is just a
working day during the job, and then after they return home there is no activity or
achievement. Rather, you should not take rest and comfort your request, but rather
what your body needs from time to time without expelling you.

This can also be affective for student tasks as  Define and prioritize your work,
Break down tasks into smaller tasks,  Have a master schedule,  Reward yourself ets.
“Getting through a to-do list is no easy task. Effectively managing time is a habit that needs to be
nurtured, and rewards can reinforce this habit. Celebrations are fun, so whenever you complete a task,
celebrate the win, whether big or small. It will assist you in establishing a routine that will eventually turn
into a habit.”(Global international school)

Valuing time has always been a timeless advice of philosophers. Therefore, practicing it should
be an important aspect of your life.

Time management is the first step you can take in your journey towards success. It is not
something that you will be taught at school, but mastering it can drastically change your life.

Work site
Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not (Stephen King, The Green Mile)

It is well said by “Steve Jobs” that our time is limited , so, we should not waste is living it for someone’s
else life .

“Time has a very beautiful way to show us what really matters”(anamous)”Never leave it till tomorrow
that you can do today” (anamous).

“ Time is related to all that is going on around us, so we often hear about the time
dimension, because time is an essential element of life. Time represents special
milestones, including birthdays, anniversaries and the birth of babies and helps us
organize our daily lives and activities, so we can live a more organized and
productive life. From sunset till night, high tide and low tide due to the moon, the
four seasons everything is completely time dependent.Human life is measured by
time, and the cycle of the sun, moon and earth is known as time, and through time
we know the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second and parts thereof, and
each time helps us to calculate the speeds of objects and the like.”(The scintefic
World )

Getting through a to-do list is no easy task. Effectively managing time is a habit that needs to be nurtured,
and rewards can reinforce this habit. Celebrations are fun, so whenever you complete a task, celebrate the
win, whether big or small. It will assist you in establishing a routine that will eventually turn into a
habit.”(Global international school)

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