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The more appropriate programming paradigm for developing an e-commerce platform like the

one described for eBay would be Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

Here's why Object-Oriented Programming is suitable:
 Complexity:
E-commerce platforms are typically complex systems with multiple interconnected
components and entities. Object-Oriented Programming provides a way to model these
entities as objects, encapsulating their data and behavior. This helps in managing the
complexity by providing a modular and structured approach to development.
 Scalability:
Object-Oriented Programming facilitates scalability by providing a flexible and extensible
codebase. As the project expands, new features can be easily added by creating new classes
or extending existing ones. Object-Oriented Programming enables seamless integration of
new modules or enhancements without disrupting the entire system.
 Maintainability:
Object-Oriented Programming enables a modular and organized code structure by utilizing
classes and objects. This facilitates effective management of system complexity, as it can be
divided into smaller, reusable components. With this approach, maintainability is enhanced,
as specific classes can be modified or updated without impacting the entire system.
 Code organization:
OOP promotes modular and organized code structure. It allows for the creation of reusable
and encapsulated objects that represent real-world entities. Each module or class can handle
specific functionalities related to its domain, such as User, Product, Cart, Payment, and
Order. This organization helps in maintaining and extending the codebase efficiently.
 Code reuse:
Code reuse is limited in procedural programming compared to Object-Oriented
Programming. The system can benefit from reusable classes and inheritance, allowing for the
implementation of common functionalities once and their utilization throughout the system.
Procedural programming often leads to redundant code, reducing productivity and code
Considering the system's complexity, scalability, maintainability, code organization, and the
need for code reuse, Object-Oriented Programming is a more appropriate programming
paradigm for developing the e-commerce platform for eBay. It provides a structured and modular
approach to handle the diverse set of requirements and ensures a flexible and maintainable
codebase for future enhancements.

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