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Business Model

The business partners operate their business through online selling. They created accounts and
page using social media like Facebook and Instagram where they posted all the information about
Sweeto Burger and what it offers. By the used of social media, it helped them to reach and attract

D. Product Identification Process

The proposed business helps the society by serving a low-cost satisfying meal through the use of
sweet potato as the main ingredient in producing burger. Also, by giving the idea of using sweet potato
or other vegetables to make or innovate a product. The consumption and use of sweet potato helps the
farmers as it is their source of income. The business offers three products: Sweeto burger (regular
burger), Sweeto Burger with fries and Sweeto Burger with cheesestick. To sustain the product sales of
the business, big effort is needed. The partners were actively promoting their products by posting
online. They easily adapt to changes or problems that they encountered. For instance, when the price of
raw materials used in making the product increases, they also increased the price of their product or
increased the delivery fee.

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