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A Multi-Verse of Bleach worlds awaits!

Few beings are aware that the universe they are a part of is but one of many worlds, where a simple event happening
differently then their "canon universe's" events can create vast changes leaving the world a very strange place. Even less such
beings can walk between these worlds protecting them from treats to not one but maybe even all worlds.

Time to enter the worlds of:

In this book you will see a few familiar worlds, some only hinted at before, and a few entirely new ones.

There will be new sub races, feats, and rules for playing characters who might be from a different universe, one who has
a brush with another world; perhaps meeting one of the Officer from no Squad, or playing a character who might visit multiple
worlds yourself.
Discussion of the Multiverse
Look at the world around you. Look at everything you are, and everything that you will ever be. Your reality is defined by the
universe you're in. In this world, this reality, the concept of Super powers and Anime abilities are foreign, relegated to the manga,
comic-books and screens (Big, little, etc).

“Modern thinking is that time did not start with What if, however. What if... While in no way is this saying that everyone
the big bang, and that there was a multiverse reading this would have superpowers in a universe where they are
even before the big bang. In the inflation prevalent, but what if you could?
theory, and in string theory, there were
universes before our big bang, and that big If our world had the laws of Boku no Hero: Academia, there's an 80%
bangs are happening all the time. Universes chance you would have SOME level of superhuman ability.
are formed when bubbles collide or fission into
smaller bubbles. If this were the Bleach universe, there's a 1 in 250,000 chance you would
- Michio Kaku, Futurist” have Spiritual Powers

That's NOT a small chance, even though it is. That means, there would be 32,000 people in the Bleach World with active spiritual
powers. This is not including Shinigami, Hollow or created beings such as the filler arc beings like Bounto and Reigai. That
means, there's a relatively decent chance you would have some sort of spiritual power.

That is the nature of this book. It explores that very concept. Concepts like;

– What if Ichigo's surviving parent were different?

– What if the Shinigami lost the first Blood War?
– What if the Shinigami lost the Thousand Year Blood War?
– What if Shinigami powers worked differently?
– What if the entire Gotei 13 were different?
– What if spiritual powers worked fundamentally differently?
– What if multiple spiritual type powers were forced to live in the same world?

These are just some of the questions that we're going to look at today. We'll
start small, don't worry. Sub-race feats and prestige paths. Then we'll work our
way into alternate worlds with designates such as Bleach: Kubo, Bleach: Toei
and Bleach: Hiroshima. Then, we'll introduce you to those that walk the
multiverse, preventing incursions (No, not the Marvel ones...) that threaten
universes, and keeping insanely powerful beings from running amok. Lastly,
we'll give you information on creating your own alternate universe settings.

Just remember, each of these universes is a “String theory envisions a

separate idea brought forth from the concept multiverse in which our
that every decision made can have infinite universe is one, slice of
variation, and the further back in time that bread in a big cosmic loaf.
decision varied, the stranger from norm the The other slices would be
world we live in is. displaced from ours in some
extra dimension of space.
Also keep in mind that the stronger the result - Brian Greene”
of the decision made, the stronger the
change to the world we're living in.

What you had for breakfast might have a minuscule effect on your timeline, but,
if Confederate General George Pickett decided to clear fencing before charging
Union troops during the 3rd day of the Battle of Gettysburg, well.. we might have
a very different world.

One in which the United States and the Confederate States live in a strange
cold war peace, and one in which, without all our current resources, a world
where a certain mustached monster was a lot more successful.

That's just one example of what's known as The Butterfly Effect, the theory that
minute localized change in a complex system can have large, unintended
effects elsewhere. It's ironic then that this phenomena is named after a creature
so important to the Bleach mythos, the humble butterfly. An allegory everyone
knows “A butterfly flutters it's wings in California causing a hurricane in Florida.”
Setting up the Basics
First things first. Let's get some terminology out of the way. There are several things that need to be clarified before we can move
along into this book.

What is the difference between a Universe and a Timeline? For this, we need to look at things logically. A timeline is the
accumulation of events chronologically that have occurred in your universe. The events happen in this 4th dimension, and it is the
logical 4th dimension in which we live after height, width and depth. In our universe everything has all four of these things.

A universe on the other hand, contains these dimensions and is thus not one. The Timeline is the events that happen in your
universe, the Universe is where the Timeline is contained. If this doesn't make sense, let me say it another way.

The example here is Dragon Ball. There are 12 Universes, each distinguished by differing characters, both heroic, villainous et
al. But, Trunks' world is not considered a different universe from core Goku's. It's a separate timeline, where events took a
different path, but the major players are the same (Goku, Vegeta, etc), because Goku didn't have access to medication that
Trunks provided.

That timeline, then became two timelines when Trunks originally came back with the Android Off Button and Cell awakened and
killed him, then became yet another set of two timelines when Goku Black began his reign of terror. There is also Dragon Ball
GT, which is yet another timeline. Here's a visual breakdown

Timeline Description
Timeline 1 (History of Trunks beginning) No Future Trunks, no Heart Medicine, Goku dies of the Heart Virus, everyone
dies, Bulma, Gohan and Baby Trunks are last survivors, Gohan dies letting Trunks go Ssj, allowing him to travel
to the past
Timeline 2 (Cell's Origin) Trunks returns to the past, gets the android off button, returns to the future and is killed by Cell
who travels back in time to become perfect.
Timeline 3 (Dragon Ball Z Episode 194, Dragon Ball Z Manga Chapters 225-226) Cell, traveling to the past changes
Trunks' goals slightly so that he stays and trains, becoming stronger than his androids and his imperfect Cell,
saving his own life and preventing Cell from going back from that timeline.
Timeline 4 (Dragon Ball GT) Beerus stays sealed or dead due to Kibitokai never defusing, thus Super Saiyajin God never
appears. This is the timeline of Super Saiyajin 4 and Dragon Ball GT. With no Beerus waking up, Super Saiyajin
God never appears, thus Zamasu never meets Goku, thus Goku Black never becomes a threat.
Timeline 5 (Dragon Ball Super) Kibito and Supreme Kai defuse using the Dragon Balls, reviving Beerus. Beerus awakens
spurring on the Super Saiyajin God legend. Zamasu fights Goku, then steals his body, thus causing the Zamasu
Massacre and causing Trunks to come back again to get help stopping him.
Timeline 6 (Dragon Ball Super Zamasu Edition) Zamasu uses Super Dragon Balls to become immortal instead of stealing
Goku's body. He and Black kill everyone with Black's stolen Goku body. Intersects with Timeline 5.

Alternate Timeline: As observed above, an alternate timeline, is a timeline, still contained in one universe where a choice went two ways and
each became a series of differeing events.

Alternate Universe: As observed above, an alternate universe is a universe within a singular multiverse that observes the same base rules, but
has different main personalities. In this example, Goku and Vegeta of universe 7 are replaced with Jiren and Toppo of universe 11.

A Multi-Verse, for our context, is a conglomeration of similar universes. Using the example above, the 12 universes of Dragon Ball comprise the
Dragon Ball Multiverse (Despite the fan manga of the same name, they are an example of 21 different timelines of Universe 7's origin).

A Parallel World is different than an Alternate Universe or Alternate Timeline in that it exists coterminous (along side) to other worlds,and is
thus just another dimension within one universe. An example of this is that Soul Society and the World of the Living and Hueco Mundo are all
separate Parallel Worlds within the same universe and can be accessed in various methods without leaving the universe in question.

Alternate Multi-Verse: When you find an alternate universe where the rules are vastly different, this is part of an alternate multi-verse. An
example of this is finding someone using a Bankai in a world dominated by Dragon Ball rules.

Omni-verse: This is the totality of reality and creation. No creature thus presented has the power to effect this level of energy. This
encompasses all rules and realities, all timelines and universes all multiverses and thoughts.

The Meta-Cosmos: This is the space in between universes, dimensions, timelines and multi-verses. It is the fabric of the Omni-verse. It
contains substances that have the unique power to shape reality around it, and is the birthplace of new ideas and new universes.
Sub-Races: Core Races
The following sub-races supplement all others. They are for the core races as presented in Bleach canon.


Prerequisites: Shinigami, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Shinigami Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a type of Shinigami not tied to the duties of ferrying souls from Life to Death. Your duty is the opposite, you lead
a soul from Death back to Life. As such, you do not gain a Zanpakutou, nor do you gain 25% more experience from losing but
surviving an encounter. Instead you gain a racial Unarmed Attack that deals 1d8[BW] damage +1d8[BW] damage per 5 ranks of
Unarmed Strike you have above 1 and also you gain 25% more experience from encounters you win, or are on the winning side
of. Even though you lack a Zanpakutou, you still qualify to open Senkaimon, and you gain abilities from the Sonzai list in the
Abilities section at level 3 (Gaining 2) and every 2 levels beyond.


Prerequisites: Shinigami, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Shinigami Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a type of Shinigami not tied to the duties of ferrying souls from Life to Death. Your duty is vastly different. You
are tasked with ridding the cycle of toxic souls and you gain abilities to do so. While you gain a Zanpakutou, like a normal
Shinigami, you gain access to the W.A.S. Archive and Master Shots of a Quincy, at the same pace, instead of qualifying for
Shikai, Bankai or any feat that gives a Tiered Release. Your deathblows remove souls from the Cycle of Reincarnation. You do
not gain 25% extra experience when you lose but survive an encounter. Instead you gain 50% experience whenever you have
successfully removed a toxic soul from the Cycle. You take a 50% penalty to experience whenever you succeed in removing a
non-toxic soul from the Cycle.


Prerequisites: Quincy, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Quincy Racial Feat
Benefit: You are of a school of Quincy that have found the secrets of creation instead of destruction. These Monks of Destruction
do not wield Spiritual Bows, instead wielding one Melee weapon of their choice that deals 1d6[BW] damage plus 1d6[BW]
damage per 5 ranks of Weapon Attack they have above 1. This weapon automatically has a critical range of 19-20 to begin with.
They still qualify for the W.A.S. Archive and Master Shots. Your weapon does not remove souls from the cycle, instead it pushes
them along the cycle as a Zanpakutou does.


Prerequisites: Quincy, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Quincy Racial Feat
Benefit: This perverted version of Quincy power do not remove souls from the cycle, nor do they push them along. Their power
comes by trapping souls in this part of the cycle after death. They remain as normal for Quincy with the following exception. When
they kill a being, their soul becomes a Soul Larvae as per the rules for Zenshaba. Tosakuryo qualify for Oni Prestige Paths that
deal with Soul Larvae without being Corrupted or an Oni.


Prerequisites: Quincy, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Quincy Racial Feat
Benefit: Monks of Opposition are quite different than their destructive brethren. They may, firstly, choose any weapon, not just a
Ranged or Melee, including Unarmed to be their Spiritual Weapon. Their Spiritual Weapon's [BW] begins at 2d6 instead of 1d6.
Apply this doubling of the 1 to the Alternate Bow chart when selecting it with this subrace. Their Spiritual Weapon cannot deal
normal damage. It deals
either Non-Lethal damage
or it Heals the target by
Damage Attempted before
Damage Resistances. In
response, they may select
Enhnaced Strikes as a
Bonus feat for an attack
that is not the one granted
by their Race to
compensate. If they do not
make use of that option,
their base damage begins
at 3d6, not 2d6, and apply
that to Alternate Bow's
Prerequisites: Hollow, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Hollow Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a Hollow with a strange quirk. You might have lost your heart, and become a Hollow, but something in your
transformation into an intelligent being allowed you to find it again. You are fulfilled, and not empty. As such, you have no Hollow
Hole to speak of, and gain Maskless as a Bonus feat. You cannot become an Arrancar or any variant that gains Resurreccion.
Instead you may select an Oni Transformation instead, but the prerequisites for Oni Transformations become the Skill Ranks for
one of the Resurreccion Prestige Paths that directly come from race (Currently there is one for Shinigami, Hollow, Soulcaster,
Fullbringer and Superhuman), and each additional Transformation has it's prerequisites increased by 4 Skill Ranks. You may use
these Transformation to qualify for feats and abilities that do not effect Resurreccion, but require it as a prerequisite.


Prerequisites: Hollow, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Hollow Racial Feat
Benefit: Something happened to you when you lost your heart. Your soul twisted in such a way that it became alien, even to
other Hollow. As such, your killing blows force targets to become Soul Larvae instead of just killing them. Consuming Souls is a
permanent removal for the target instead of a temporary one. You fully consume the soul, but when you consume a soul, you heal
a number of hit points equal to the soul's level. Mageru qualify for Oni Prestige Paths that deal with Soul Larvae without being
Corrupted or an Oni.


Prerequisites: Fullbringer, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Fullbringer Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a strange breed of Fullbringer that is born half dead, known as a Halfbringer, and as such, have a lesser
"Bringer's Light" than normal. But you have a strange ability called "Death's Aura" that allows you to function differently. You gain
the normal Fullbringer weapon, but can never achieve Fullbring. Instead, choose one non-living race, and you may access their
Releases/Transformations instead. If their Transformation or Release requires a Prestige Path, you may choose that feat at an
equivalent level to the soonest a character could normally gain it as it's own feat. Selecting one of these feats for an ability that
requires part of your racial feat to function (Such as Resurreccion requiring Hollow Growth Powers) You gain a group of virtual
abilities of that type, equal to the number of points you would gain in a 100% Fullbring. (For example. If you selected
Resurreccion with this ability, and had a Spellscore Modifier of +6, you would count as having 6 Hollow Growth Powers when
accessing your Resurreccion).


Prerequisites: Fullbringer, You may take this as a bonus feat when you gain the Fullbringer Racial Feat
Benefit: Those of the Muko are a strange breed of Fullbringer known as a Voidbringer. Their "Bringer's Light" is extinguished, and
replace by "Dealer's Shadow" a source of darkness of equivalent power. As such, they do not gain a Fullbringer Weapon, but
automatically gain the Item Fullbring feat a a Bonus Feat. Also, they gain a special "Rule for Reiatsu" that allows them to directly
enhance their Physical Statistics by tapping into their "Dealer's Shadow" and expending 10 Reiatsu per +1 bonus to one statistic
they buy as a Standard Action.
Changes from this last for 1 round per level before ending.
Sub-Races: Non-Core Core Book Races
The following Sub-Races supplement all others. These are for races created from Bleach Canon Characters (Orihime/Soulcaster
style), or Expanded Universe Races (Superhuman etc)


Prerequisites: Soulcaster, This feat may be taken as a bonus feat when you gain the Soulcaster Racial feat
Benefit: You are a soulcaster who's powers are focused around their body and not the souls of other. Instead of gaining the three
shields normally gained by a Soulcaster. Instead you gain a trio of abilities called "The Three Precipts" They still accrue at the
same rate as the three shields.
Perseverance - You gain 5 Damage Mitigation for every rank of this ability. At 5 ranks it gains the "No Penetrating" quality from
Capes and Cowls
Empowerment - You gain a racial Unarmed Strike that deals 1d6[BW] damage +1d6[BW] damage per 5 ranks of Unarmed Strike
you have above 1. For every rank of this ability, gain +2 to your Damage Rolls.
Recuperation - You gain Fast Healing 3 per rank of this ability.
Any Soulcaster Feat that applies to one or more sheilds, functions for this feat. Perserverance is the Tri-Link Shield,
Empowerment is the Solitary Cutting Shield, and Recuperation is the Twin Return Shield for ability interaction. Other feats that
grant new abilities grant them by applying them to the character instead of their ability.


Prerequisites: Soulcaster, This feat may be taken as a bonus feat when you gain the Soulcaster Racial feat
Benefit: You are a soulcaster who's powers are focused around their brain and not the souls of other. Instead of gaining the
three shields normally gained by a Soulcaster. Instead you gain a trio of abilities called "The Three Principles" They still accrue at
the same rate as the three shields for ranks.
Control - You gain the ability to dominate a target with a Spellscore based Will Save to resist. You gain a bonus on this DC equal
to the number of ranks you have. Targets successfully dominated have their actions decided each turn by the dominator, and if no
order is given, the target stands doing nothing, but may still defend themselves.
Confine - You gain the ability to lift things and entrap beings with mental energy. You may lift up to your level x Charisma Score
pounds and may make Grapple Checks and Trip Attempts with this ability at up to Medium Range (100ft + 10ft/Level) using your
Charisma Modifier instead of Strength. The target cannot initiate a counter grapple or counter trip for you failing.
Conceal - You gain the ability to implant a suggestion in the minds of everyone within long range of you that forces them to ignore
or forget you are there. The save to negate this ability is Charisma Based, and each target receives this save. Once activated,
this ability stays active till the user uses a free action to shut it off. The user may select up to their Charisma Modifier in other
beings that can be included in the obfuscation granted by this ability, or that are not effected by it for it's duration when used.
Any Soulcaster Feat that applies to one or more shields, functions for this feat. Confine is the Tri-Link Shield, Control is the
Solitary Cutting Shield, and Conceal is the Twin Return Shield for ability interaction. Other feats that grant new abilities grant them
by applying them to the character instead of their ability.


Prerequisites: Soulcaster, This feat may be taken as a bonus feat when you gain the Soulcaster Racial feat
Benefit: You are a soulcaster who's powers are focused around their own soul and not the souls of other. Instead of gaining the
three shields normally gained by a Soulcaster. Intead you gain a trio of abilities called "The Three Powers" They still accrue at the
same rate as the three shields for ranks.
Overchannel - Attacks and abilities that require Reiatsu and have a Damage value expressed in Dice, add +1 Dice of it's damage
per Rank.
Overpower - You gain a racial Unarmed Strike that deals 1d6[BW] of damage +1d6[BW] damage per 5 ranks of Unarmed Strike
you have above 1. For every point of damage dealt (After all damage resistances) by this racial attack, the target takes 5 Reiatsu
Damage in addition.
Overgrow - You regenerate 15 Reiatsu per round per rank of this ability.
Any Soulcaster Feat that applies to one or more shields, functions for this feat. Overchannel is the Tri-Link Shield, Overpower is
the Solitary Cutting Shield, and Overgrow is the Twin Return Shield for ability interaction. Other feats that grant new abilities grant
them by applying them to the character instead of their ability.


Prerequisites: Superhuman, You may gain this as a bonus feat when you gain the Superhuman Racial Feat
Benefit: You are a mutant, a being that has had a spontaneously evolved from birth, and doesn't have to take Evolution or Hyper
Evolution to gain power. They do not intrinsically gain the +4 to one Physical Statistic and +2 to one Mental Statistic of a normal
Superhuman. Instead, They may choose to either pick their abilities, or may roll randomly on the Random Shikai Chart. Either
way, they receive 3 Types at character creation to choose from, and gain 2 abilities at level 1 instead of 1. When they reach level
3, they gain one bonus ability every 4 levels. At level 8, they may enter a state called "Mutant Supremacy" in which they gain the
effects of Hyperevolution (Make their Hyperevolution when they get to Level 8) for 1 round per (Level + Constitution Score) per
day. They do not qualify for Evolution or Hyperevolution feats, but may use the levels they gain special abilities as prerequisites
for those feats (Level 3 would be prerequisite: Evolution and Level 8 would be prerequisite: Hyperevolution). Feats an Abilities
that reference those two keywords now target the character itself, but only after the prerequisite level has been reached.
Prerequisites: Superhuman, You may gain this as a bonus feat when you gain the Superhuman Racial Feat
Benefit: You are not human at all, but a Demigod from a forgotten or mythical pantheon come to Earth to do... whatever you're
going to do. As such, you gain +4 to 2 Physical Statistics and +2 to one Mental Statistic at level 1 instead of normal. You do not
qualify for Evolution or Hyperevolution, but gain a Weapon that functions as a Zanpakutou with a Shinigami's Damage
Progression, but you may elect to forgo it's Ego Score to have a non-sentient weapon. You may select Shikai and Bankai (And
other Tiered Releases that you may qualify for) as if your Racial Feat were Shinigami instead of normal. You may also select
Zanpakutou Feats.


Prerequisites: Superhuman, You may gain this as a bonus feat when you gain the Superhuman Racial Feat
Benefit: Human isn't the term to use for you. You're a humanoid alien instead. You gain 20 Alien Maker points at 1st level instead
of being qualified for Evolution or Hyper Evolution. You cannot take those two feats. You may make yourself up to 5 degrees of
inhuman looking, each time gaining 2 additional Alien Maker points at 1st level. First degree inhuman would be an inhuman skin
or hair color. Degree two would be minor inhuman appearance such as the lack of hair and an inhuman skin color. Degree three
would be obviously inhuman appearance such as extra appendages. Degree four would be a nearly inhuman appearance such
as being a humanoid insect or arachnid. Degree five is being actually inhuman, such as being an animal. At degree five, you must
spend alien maker points to become humanoid again (2 points). Each degree of Inhuman Appearance increases your Reputation
by 2 and grants a -2 to Disguise Checks for people telling if your different than a human.


Prerequisites: Superhuman, You may gain this as a bonus feat when you gain the Superhuman Racial Feat
Benefit: You're not SUPER at all. You're just highly trained, or highly equipped. You may choose one of the following options
Unarmed Strike: 1d6[BW] +1d6[BW] per 5 ranks of Unarmed Strike you have above 1. Critical Range 19-20 (Stacks with other
Weapon Attack: 1d8[BW] +1d8[BW] per 5 ranks of Weapon Attack you have above 1.
Ranged Shot: 1d6[BW] +1d6[BW] per 5 ranks of Ranged Shot you have above 1. Critial Multiplier x3.
You do not receive the +4 to one physical statistic. You gain may gain a Gadget with a 40 or less Wealth/Construction DC. If you
choose not to take the gadget, you gain the feat "Enhanced Strikes" for a form of attack you did not choose above as a bonus


Prerequisites: Bounto, May be taken when you gain the Bounto Racial Feat as a bonus feat.
Benefit: You're of a different group of Shinigami experiment made by stitching together the souls of many different beings into a
conglomerated whole, or by reanimating a soul that is on death's door. You do not receive a Doll, nor do you gain a Bite Attack or
have the life span limitation. Instead, you gain 8 Alien Maker Points to purchase options. You gain the following options for free:
Spellscore Modifier a Natural Armor, Assign Attack Form (Unarmed). The feats "Weapon Form" and "Weapon Release" grant you
the abilities of the feats to your Unarmed Strike. You are functionally ageless.


Prerequisites: Bounto, May be taken when you gain the Bounto Racial Feat as a bonus feat.
Benefit: You are not the classic Bounto, and do not contribute to the "Vampire" legend. Instead you are an intentional
hybridization of the souls of a Plus and Animal and have learned to shift between these forms. Your normal form receives a +2
bonus to physical statistics. You do not gain a Doll or a Racial Bite Attack or lifespan limitation in your normal form. In your normal
form you have one attack of your choice that deals 1d6[BW] damage +1d6[BW] damage per 5 ranks above 1 you have in the
appropriate skill. You gain the ability at level one to access an Animal Form for the animal you're hybridized with. This can be any,
naturally occuring animal, on Earth regardless of what the feat says. You may transform between these forms at will, and there is
no duration of the transformation. At level 3 you gain two additional forms. One is a Dire Animal form and the other is a Dire
Human form. The Dire Animal form receives a bonus to Strength and Constitution equal to your Spellscore Modifier. The Dire
Human form receives the same bonus but to Dexterity and Constitution. At 8th level you gain your True Hybridized Form. This is
the full blending of your Animal and Normal forms. While in this form, add your Spellscore to all three of your physical Statistics.
Like all other forms in this feat, this form is accessed at will, with no duration limit. You gain the appropriate natural attacks of your
Animal Form while in the Animal Form, the Dire Animal Form or the Hybrid Form. In Animal Form, these deal 1d6[BW] scaling
damage. In Dire Animal and Hybrid Form, they deal 1d8[BW] scaling damage. In Dire Human form, you gain two Claws that deal
1d6[BW] scaling damage. You age at 1/2 the rate of a regular Human.


Prerequisites: Bounto, May be taken when you gain the Bounto Racial Feat as a bonus feat.
Benefit: Instead of being a vampire-like being, you are literally a weaponized soul. You do not receive a Doll or a racial bite attack
or the lifespan limitation. You are Ageless. When you create your character, you gain 2 Shikai Picks. One of your types is the
Death Type. The other is up to you to take. You gain the Shikai Picks: Undead Apothesis, Wraith Touch and Wraith Form for free,
and they are activated as a free action on your turn. Every even level thereafter you recieve an additional Shikai Pick from your
lists. At 8th level you may choose a third Shikai Type to take abilities from. Unlike most beings, if you are killed, you must be
brought back to this state of being in less than your Charisma Modifier in days, or you are removed from the Cycle of
Prerequisites: Bounto, May be taken when you gain the Bounto Racial Feat as a bonus feat.
Benefit: You are the Shinigami attempt to reverse engineer the Oni process. You are more demonic however. You do not receive
a Doll nor do you have the lifespan limitations of a Bounto. Instead you have a secondary resource pool called "Faith" You gain
your Charisma Score in "Faith" at level 1, but after that, you must earn it by getting others to have "Faith" in you. This can be
honest faith, or faith that you are going to do something for them, or even just worship. You gain the Charisma Modifier of the
worshiping being (Or whatever faith mechanic you're using) added to your Faith Pool whenever the being informs you of their
Faith (Or the GM can tell you if it's a stranger, or other circumstance). Faith can be used as a secondary resource pool to power
Reiatsu Abilities on a 1 Faith to 10 Reiatsu basis or Action Dice on a 20 Faith to 1 Action Dice basis. Both uses regenerate as the
resource they are emulating (AD by Game Session, Reiatsu by Healing/Day). The third use for Faith is to augment yourself. You
may use Faith to purchase Transformation Options from the Oni's Transformation feat. They cost what's listed on the feat, and
once selected, they apply for the duration of a normal Transformation, or until you release the form as a free action. These points
regenerate once every 24 hours at a preset time decided when this feat is taken. Choices are “Dawn”, “Dusk”, “Noon” or
“Midnight” All points spent on Oni Transformational abilities regenerate at this point.


Prerequisites: Bounto, May be taken when you gain the Bounto Racial Feat as a bonus feat.
Benefit: You are a Bounto that has forged power from the soul granted you instead of from another reality. This weapon, known
as an Oversoul, is created as a Fullbring weapon. At level 1, this allows you select any one type of weapon or Unarmed as a
attack type. This does not replace your Racial Bite attack. You qualify for Fullbring feats as a Fullbringer, using Bite Damage as
prerequisite instead of Fullbring Weapon Damage. If the Oversoul takes the “Item Fullbring” feat it counts as a Doll for feats and

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