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Sales and marketing are crucial pillars of every business. They are
closely linked and act as a catalyst for generating revenue (profit).
While marketing is about building awareness about a brand and
organization, sales turn that viewership into profits by converting
the potential customers into actual customers.

Items Sales Marketing

“The activity, set of institutions, and
“The exchange of commodities for

processes for creating, communicating,

money; the action of selling

Definition delivering, exchanging offerings that

something.” That’s how the Oxford

have value for customers.” That’s how

Dictionary defines sales.

the American Marketing Association

(AMA) defines marketing.

The primary objective of sales is to Marketing involves a range of activities

Objective match the expectations of the from selling to distributing. Its main
customers. objective is to sell a company’s goods
and services.
Marketing’s primary focus is to increase
customer satisfaction. It also aims at
The main focus is to increase sales and promoting goods and services, pricing
maximise revenue. them, and making them available to
customers. It also focuses on after-
sales services.
Long-term and continuous process.
Duration Short-term process.

Sales involve a substantial investment.

Marketing is cost-intensive.
Interestingly, sales is the business
Cost From advertising to logistics,
process that generates revenue for the
every marketing function is costly.

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A GTM strategy is a step-by-step plan created to

successfully launch a product to market that will reach
target customers and achieve competitive advantage.
This is relevant for individuals and companies in the B2B

It is of two types:

Product-led GTM strategy: It uses the product itself to

acquire and retain users. Calendly and Slack are great
examples of product-led growth in action.

Sales-led GTM strategy: It uses marketing to drum up

interest for a product, capturing it in content and demo
forms. This is the approach that Cognism and countless
other B2B SaaS companies use.

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Let’s have a look at its core components!

A go-to-market strategy often includes five core
1. Market definition: Which markets will be targeted to sell
the product or service?
2. Customers: Who is the target audience within these
3. Distribution model: How will the product or service be
delivered to the customer?
4. Product messaging and positioning: What is being sold
and what is its unique value or primary difference when
compared to other products or services in the market?
5. Price: How much should the product or service cost for
each customer group? t

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Marketing is all about putting the right product in the right
place, at the right price, at the right time.
The “4 P’s of Marketing” refer to the four key elements
comprising the process of marketing a product or service.
They involve the marketing mix, which is a set of tools that
a company uses to influence consumers into buying its

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Let's discuss them one by one :-

1. Product:- A product is any good or service that fulfills

consumer needs or desires. The type of product impacts its
perceived value, which allows companies to price it
profitably. Companies can change the packaging, after-
sales service, warranties, and price range, or expand to new
markets to meet their objectives. Marketers must
understand the product life cycle and come up with
strategies for every stage in the life cycle, i.e., introduction,
growth, maturity, and decline.

2. Price:- Price is the cost of a product or service. Pricing can

have a significant impact on the overall success of a
product. To identify a successful price, you will want to
thoroughly understand your target audience and their
willingness to pay for your product.

3. Place:- Place is where you sell your product and the

distribution channels you use to get it to your customer. For
example, imagine you are selling an athletic shoe you
designed. Your target market is athletes in their early
twenties to late thirties, so you decide to market your product
in sports publications and sell it at specialty athletics stores.
By focusing on sports stores over shoe stores in general, you
are targeting your efforts to a specific place that best fits your
marketing mix.

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4. Promotion:- Promotion is how you advertise your

product or service. Through promotion, you will get the
word out about your product with an effective marketing
campaign that resonates with your target audience. There
are many different ways to promote your product. Some
traditional methods include word of mouth, print
advertisements, television commercials.

In the digital age, though, there are even more marketing

channels that you can use to promote your product, such
as content marketing, email marketing, and social media

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Product life cycle refers to the duration starting from the

time of a product’s introduction in the market until it
becomes unavailable to consumers for purchase.
Businesses utilize this management tool to make crucial
decisions and formulate strategies related to product
prices, packaging, and advertising budgets. This was
developed American economist Theodore Levitt in 1965

This cycle consists of 6 stages —product development,

introduction, growth, maturity, saturation and decline.
Managing product life cycle efficiently helps businesses to
provide customers with what they want and when they
want. Moreover, it helps entrepreneurs or business owners
determine the right time to introduce a new product to
replace the previous one.

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The 6 stages are:

1. Product Development:- The development stage of the

product life cycle is the research phase before a product is
introduced to the marketplace. This is when companies
bring in investors, develop prototypes, test product
effectiveness, and strategize their launch. Due to the nature
of this stage, companies spend a lot of money without
bringing in any revenue because the product isn't being
sold yet.

2. Introduction stage:- It the stage when a product is first

launched in the marketplace. This is when marketing
teams begin building productt awareness and reaching out
to potential customers. Typically, when a product is
introduced, sales are low and demand builds slowly.
Usually, this phase is focused on advertising and marketing

3. Growth:- During the growth stage, consumers have

accepted the product in the market and customers are
beginning to truly buy in. That means demand and profits
are growing, hopefully at a steadily rapid pace. The growth
stage is when the market for the product is expanding and
competition begins developing. Potential competitors will
see your success and will want in.

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4. Maturity:- The maturity stage is when the sales begin to

level off from the rapid growth period. At this point,
companies begin to reduce their prices so they can stay
competitive amongst growing competition. During the
maturity stage, products begin to enter the most profitable
stage. The cost of production declines while the sales are

5. Saturation:- During the product saturation stage,

competitors have begun to take a portion of the market
and products will experience neither growth nor decline in
sales. Typically, this is the point when most consumers are
using a product, but there are many competing companies

6. Decline:- In this stage the sales will decrease during the

heightened competition, which is hard to overcome. If a
company is at this stage, they'll either discontinue their
product, sell their company, or innovate and iterate on their
product in some way.

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