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HEBERT LAW GROUP, P.A. 5250 Ulmerton Read (727) 573-2622 Clearwater 33760 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Fax (721) 573-2786 August 17, 2022 ‘To: Mayor Ken Welch and Jacqueline Marie Kovilaritch, Esquire ‘From: Jay A. Hebert, Esquire RE: Chief Large ‘Mayor Ken Welch and Jacqueline Marie Kovilaritch, Enclosed please find a detailed summary of our investigation into the allegations made against Chief Jim Large. We will be happy to discuss these findings with you should you have ‘any further questions regarding this matter. We remain transparent in both our responses, as well as our findings in this matter. Our goal, first and foremost, is to shed light on these allegations, ‘and get to the truth of these allegations. Chief Lange remains committed to serving the citizens of Saint Petersburg, as he has done throughout his 49 year career. We look forward to meeting with ‘you and discussing this matter further. Very truly yours, HEBERT LAW GROUP, P.A. Kear Jay A. Hebert, Esquire a I. IV. Vi. vil. VIL. Ix. Be Xm. XIII. 228 XVII. XVII. XIX. XXII. XXII. XXIV. I. Zable of Contents Table of Contents (Page 2) Introduction (Page 3) Response to Survey Results (Page 6) Fire Department Promotion Summaries (Page 8) Lieutenant Promotional Process (Page 9-10) Captain Promotional Process (Page 9-10) Chief Large’s Steps for Diversity and Inclusion (Page 11) Cadet Program Summary (Page 11) Application Process (See Supplemental Packet) Cadet Roster (See Supplemental Packet) Recruitment Video and Award (Page 11) Roll Call Newsletters (Page 11) Promotions to Lieutenant (See Supplemental Packet) Eligibility List by Year (See Supplemental Packet) Analysis by Year (Page 9) Promotions to Captain (See Supplemental Packet) Eligibility List by Year (See Supplemental Packet) Analysis by Year (Page 12) Demographics and Analysis of Fire Department (Page 34) Survey Results and Data (Page 37) Summary of Survey Results (Page 41) Letters of Support (Page 42) Text Messages of Support (Page 50) Conelusion (Page 56) TI. Introduction “first met Fire Chief James Large in 2019 when I was hired at St. Petersburg Fire Rescue (SPFR) in an administrative support role. I did not notice it initially, but after I started, 1 soon realized that I was the only Black female working in the headquarters building. On my first day, Chief Large came into my division’s office and introduced himself. I was extremely nervous because, after all, I was new to the department, and I was meeting the department director for the first time. That feeling of nervousness and anxiety quickly passed as Chief Large, not only introduced himself, but he took some time to have conversation with me to get to know a little about me, Our interaction was pleasant and respectful, and Chief soon realized that I had a sense of humor. With that, he ensured to stop by to visit daily and crack the occasional joke, which allowed us to share a laugh, whether it was at the comniness of the joke, or the fact that Chief actually thought it was funny. As simple as that may seem, those encounters with him made me feel at ease and helped me to fee! like part of the fire department family. As a relatively new member of the department still, [ have been in shock and awe at the recent allegations being made about Chief Large. Those negative accusations about him have compelled me to speak my truth about my experience with Chief Large, because it sounds like the person that they speak of in the media is a completely different person from the kind, compassionate, and caring Chief Large that I have come to know. When I first started at SPFR and I was still on probation, I was having significant medical challenges with my child, which resulted in me having to take some time off from work. Under normal circumstances, during probation, new employees are not allowed to use any accrued time, and any time taken off would have to be without pay. This was an extremely trying and emotional time for me and my family. As soon as Chief Large learned of my challenges, he immediately gave special approval for me to use my accrued time so I can be paid for the time that I had to take off under the circumstances. This was heartfelt and it showed ‘me that, even as a brand-new employee, Chief Large cared about me, my family, and my wellbeing. If Chief Large was this racist misogynist that he is being accused of, I do not believe that he would have cared to make that special exception for me, the new, Black female that just joined the department. I cannot dispel opinions or feelings of other persons and their experiences. Tam simply telling my story. From the day that I started at SPFR, I have only seen and experienced niceness, respect, and understanding from Chief Large. There was another incident where I had the opportunity to be promoted internally. When City staff misinterpreted my educational documents, Chief Large fought on my behalf to clear up the misunderstanding so that I can be promoted. Chief was very passionate and diligent in his handling of my issue, and I ‘am grateful to him, once again, for doing so. This was just another outward representation of the care that he has for his employees that I have witnessed and experienced firsthand. His dedication to seeing me through my predicament, made me feel like he was interested in my personal growth and development. In my current role as Administrative Assistant to the Fire Chief, I have had the opportunity to work alongside Chief Large as his support and right hand. 1 am honored to say that I am the first person of color to hold this position in the department. I do not believe that a person who is described as being racist would be comfortable sharing an office with, being in constant communication with, and trusting in a Black woman to take care of coordinating and scheduling his daily work activities. Being in this position has allowed me to be present as Chief Large works through the many issues that come into our office. I can say that since I have been in the Fire Chief's office for the past year and a half, I have seen Chief Large handle all issues with faimess from all angles, ensuring to maintain consistency across the board. If he ever has any inkling of doubt, I have witnessed Chief Large contact other fire department staff and city leaders to get their input, suggestions, or simply to bounce ideas off them. As a minority myself, Chief would often ask for my perspective and have chats with me to get a different take on an issue or concer, or to get my ideas about a situation/scenario. These chats give me a sense of belonging and make me feel like a valuable resource to the department. I have witnessed Chief Large do the same and consult with our department's Division Chief of Administration, the only person of color in our department's command staff. In closing, I just want to reiterate that my perspective is my reality, and I am only speaking my truth based on my experience with Fire Chief James Large and working at SPFR. I am still relatively new to the department, but I can honestly say that I really enjoy working here. I love my job, my work environment, and my work colleagues.” Written by: Chevonne Cottle-King Administrative Assistant to Fire Chief James Large August 15, 2023 “Being a former mayor, I have a couple of cents, and here is my two cents worth, > > Large is being railroaded by the usual suspects that have been around for many Mayoral terms, and they rise up whenever there is an opportunity. We all know who and what is behind the anonymous attack, and by the looks of those now being quoted in the paper, it’s the same tired souls who are there to pile. +on + when given the _—_ chance. > Plus, a certain council member is so new he doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know, and his ignorance and. ~=—slack = of~—sihistory~—should © be.~—considered. > > Large got us to a 1 ISO; pushed for international accreditation; sailed us through re- accreditations; got us through the transport challenges; expanded the workforce; and held the line for me during the recession while preserving great response times. SPFR is a wonderful diverse organization, far above any other agency in the Tampa Bay Area, and it would be sad to tinker with it over an anonymous, cowardly and unsubstantiated survey. > > Please consider his body of work, and let me know if you want to talk. >” - Mayor Foster (Former Mayor of the city of Saint Petersburg) “I was elected to the City of St. Petersburg City Council from 2012 through 2019. When I started campaigning in 2011 Chief Large and Asst. Chief Womack from SPF&R were leading the fight to prevent the County from eliminating funding for Rescue units and leaving Sunstar to be the only responding resource for medical emergencies. I attended the workshop discussions with the County Commissioners, the municipal governments, and the various Fire Departments from throughout the County. SPF&R Command Staff was the leader in successfully convincing the County to continue funding Fire Department Rescue units for better response times and better medical outcomes. That was my introduction to Chief James Large. During my entire 8 years on Council my door was open to the Union Executive Team, rank and file Firefighters, EMT's and Paramedics. I would then, and I still do, make it a practice to personally thank them with a fist bump and "God Bless You" when I encounter them out in public. 1 can only remember 1 vote in 8 years where I sided with Command Staff and against the Rank & File on issues of wages, benefits, staffing, equipment, and funding for Station Construction or Renovations. I considered myself an advocate for the Rank & File, and wore that on my sleeve. Of all the tough and controversial issues that I had discussions with the Union Executive Team. and individual members, I do not remember a single complaint or meeting about discriminatory Command promotions, racism, sexism, or homophobia. Even in 2014, when evidently the Kriseman Transition Subcommittee was discussing it. Believe me, if any of those subjects had come up I would have gone straight to Mayor Kriseman and to Chief Large in person. I never did that, because no such behavior ever came to my attention, During my 8 years in office SPF&R achieved and sustained the highest ISO Rating and the highest International Accreditation Rating that Fire Departments can obtain. That Platinum Standard of quality continues today. That is not only a reflection of the professionalism and quality of the Department, it translates directly into lower Homeowners insurance rates for the SPF&R service geography - the City of St. Petersburg. had private meetings with Chief Large and other Command Staff. He never once said or betrayed anything that was racist, sexist or homophobic. Those characterizations of Chief Large are foreign to the man that I got to know over my time in office. I never once suspected any of that from my interactions with him. Did I always agree with him? No, as I said, I probably actually voted with the Union more than I voted with Command. But I never questioned his professionalism, his pride for the men and women of the Department, and his desire for St. Petersburg to be safe every day and night. Chief Large has dedicated his entire work career to SPF&R. St. Petersburg is very fortunate for that and indeed, a safer City for that. I am grateful for that career of sacrificial service. Can Chief Large be sarcastic or take cheap shots for the sake of a laugh in front of an audience. Absolutely. Just ask any Police Officer that has attended Employee Service Recognition ceremonies. But to label Chief Large as racist, sexist or homophobic is to describe a Chief James Large that I have never met.” - Charlie Gerdes (Former City Counsel Member) These are just three statements, taken directly from Chief Larges secretary, who works alongside him every day, a former Mayor of this city, and a former city counsel member, that has been echoed by numerous others over the course of the past two weeks. The purpose of this letter, and our number one priority, is to shed light on the egregious allegations that have been In this letter we have attached a year by year analysis of the Fire lity List, an analysis of the results of the city survey in question, an analysis of the current demographics ratios as the Saint Petersburg Fire Department, as well as various letters of support for Chief Large. We are hopeful that this information, along with the other information provided in this letter, will shed some light on the true nature of Chief Large as it relates to these accusations. If you have any questions or comments about the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you in advance for reviewing the contents of this letter and I look forward to having the benefit of your thoughts on this matter. IIL. Survey Results ‘We would like to begin by addressing the results of the survey in question. However, we fee! that itis vitally important to note the inherent issues and lack of reliability of these survey results. This survey was sent in an email link to various city employees of the city of Saint Petersburg. It required no authentication to be completed and furthermore could easily have been sent to and filled out by persons who were not the intended target of the survey. Additionally, it is equally likely that some could have completed the survey multiple times due to this lack of authentication, We also feel it is important to note that after reviewing the results of the survey, only one of these complaints has been formally filed with the Saint Petersburg Fire Department, which was filed prior to the survey using the Ethics Point program. This complaint was subsequently investigated. This includes a system of completely anonymous complaints that are available to be made to the Human Resources Department. Yet only one complaint was filed despite these resources. Regardless of this information, we recognize that this survey and its results are important, and we want to be as transparent as possible in this regard, and as such have attached an analysis of the findings of the surveys as it relates to the overall input from the survey. In regard to the other individual responses that were provided in the survey, our response is as follows: ‘© This is our current response to the survey: ‘© The survey was anonymous. HR provides avenues for complaints. One was filed prior to the survey using the Ethics Point program. This complaint was investigated and unfounded. © The hiring of black firefighters as well as all minorities remains a priority. The percentage of the minority population eligible for the workforce shows under Chief Large’s leadership we are doing a very good job. ‘© The lack of increase in black representation at higher ranks is a direct result of a lack of participation. Chief Large brought in Chief Watts intentionally due to the lack of participation of black candidates for advancement. No pressure was ever mentioned or placed on Chief Large from any administration. Chief does not have the ability to go outside at any non-exempt position. © As far as Promotions, Demotions (only 2), and discipline is handled per city rules and policies, as well as department rules and policies © The call volume has not increased every year. Paramedic numbers have. © The budget has almost doubled in 17 years. In 2006, the budget was $31,709,000. In 2023, the budget is $61,202,641. © The Saint Petersburg Fire Department does allow paramedics to self-demote if staffing minimum is not affected. We did suspend self-demotion during covid. All hands-on deck. ‘© Opportunities for growth and development are offered department wide. Officer development is offered annually. ‘© The tattoo and haircut policy mirrors our police department and haircut policy is based on safety. ‘© The Fire Department performs extensive training for all members. All hours and topics are documented. ‘© Command staff visits stations once a month on “Chiefs Day Out” to communicate at the street level what is going on or being worked on etc. Comments or questions are solicited. This was suspended during covid and reinstated this year. ‘© The Chief has gone outside for a newly created position of administrative chief and a training chief. The administrative chief was intentional to get a highly qualified minority. The training chief was retired from SPFR and working as a training chief at a nearby department. Asa young department, training is our best safety tool. With that chief ‘wasn’t comfortable with a learning curve. © Paramedic numbers are equal across the city and have no relation to the “south side” © There are no documented incidents of retaliation. There is one claim filed with EEOC. © The Chief has always asked for needs of departments. He does not control the award of budget © Paramedic unit utilization is under 20% for all but one unit. This is a visible measure of workload © With regard to a racial slur that was used Chief Large investigated this incident with HR and the Mayor’s office and terminated the person who used the racial slur. © The fire department does not operate independently of City Administrative and governance © The department took the Lieutenants promotion process outside, only one minority took the test © Chief Large never stated that Firefighter did not do well, just stated his posted position as only minority who took 3rd party test and did not make into top 5 ‘© Chief Large has stated his disagreement with obscene behavior observed at pride parade. He has also stated his personal feeling that 99% of people at parade are appreciative of our participation No one at the Fire Department has been demoted for disability or pregnancy Chief Large has shared Lifescan success stories with permission Chief Large’s religion plays no role in hiring or promotion As of today’s date there has never been a female chief officer under any fire chief, however there are 2 current candidates Chief Large appointed a female to manager of Emergency Management, a staff position ‘The opportunity is in place for female captains to compete October Ist for three new District Chief positions and one open EMS position ‘© There are 3 minorities among the chief level ranks, not 1 Two female captains is the highest number ever. Under any chief ‘© The Administrative of Fire has successfully negotiated county EMS funding for 22 added paramedics over the next 3 years © A known affair in the department resulted in initiation of policy 160 ‘© Actions were taken in regard to the known affair in the department, which resulted in initiation of policy160. (Please see attached St. Petersburg Fire Rescue Policy 160 as Exhibit “A") coor . IV. Fire Promotion Summary This paragraph will detail the requirements and processes for promotions within the Fire Department; utilizing the guidelines and regulations created by the Human Resources Department of the City of Saint Petersburg. In regard to the promotional policies of the Saint Petersburg Fire Department, as it relates to Chief Large; below we have put together a summary of the promotional process for promotion to the position of Lieutenant as per the Labor Contract of the Fire Department Article 28, along with the referenced portion of the Labor Contract. (Please see attached Labor Contract of the Fire Department Article 28 as Exhibit “B”). ‘The Fire Department conducts a promotional assessment that each applicant must choose to take if they wish to be considered for promotion to Lieutenant. In order to be eligible to take this assessment, one must meet certain prerequisites, as dictated from the bylaws of the Fire Department Labor contract Article 28: Those individuals wishing to take the promotional assessment for Fire Lieutenant must have six (6) years as a Firefighter and/or Firefighter/Paramedic with the St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue Department immediately prior to the published application closing date. They must also be a classified Firefighter or Firefighter/Paramedic at the time of the assessment, except that a probationary Firefighter/Paramedic who has served as a Firefighter in the department for at least six (6) years is also eligible to take the assessment. (Article 28.2). In order to take the assessment for Lieutenant, applicants must possess a State Fire Officer I Certificate and have passed the following classes: Fire Service Course Design, Firefighting Tactics and Strategy Il, Fire Prevention Practices, Private Fire Protection Systems I, and ICS-300, or their equivalent should they change during tenure of this agreement. (Article 28.3). Applicants must submit a college transcript prior to the published application closing date documenting successful completion of a minimum of thirty-one and one-half (31.5) hours of college credit from an accredited educational institution to be eligible to take the assessment for Fire Lieutenant. (Article 28.4). Similarly, for promotion to Captain, to be considered for promotion one must meet, certain eligibility requirements as dictated from the bylaws of the Fire Department Labor contract Article 28. This article states that a screening process shall be utilized for promotional appointments to the position of Fire Captain and Fire District Chief. A list of those employees ‘who pass the components of the assessment process shall be maintained in descending final score order. Duration of the list shall be determined and posted prior to the date of the first component of the assessment process. (Article 28.1). Those who would like to participate in the promotional assessment process for Fire Captain must: (1) possess a State Fire Officer II certificate, (2) provide proof of an AA or AS degree from an accredited educational institution, and (3) have a minimum of one (1) year experience as a Fire Lieutenant with St. Petersburg Fire & Rescue Department immediately prior to the published application closing date. (Article 28.2). (Please see attached IAFF Supervisory Contract Article 28 as Exhibit “C) ‘The assessment for these promotion processes is administered by a third party (other Fire Departments in the State of Florida). The Saint Petersburg Fire Department will then reciprocate this by conducting tests for other Fire Departments within the State of Florida and so on. It is important to note that Chief Large does know which third party will be conducting the assessment, nor is he present for the assessment. The results, which are based on a standard vaitten test, followed by various evaluations from the third party, will be submitted to, and compiled by the Human Resources Department for the city of Saint Petersburg. The Human Resources Department for the city will verify both the rankings and the assessment results, and then rank the candidates based on their scores in a Lieutenant Eligibility List The list for the Chief to choose from remains until the next assessment takes place, which is conducted periodically, and based on need to fill the position. At which point, the Fire Department Chief will be given this ranking list, ordering the candidates based on their scores verified by Human Resources for the city of Saint Petersburg. The Chief will then be permitted to select for promotions those who fall into certain tiers as follows based on available positions for promotions: If there is 1 position for promotion available then the Chief may select from the top 5 ranked candidates, from the list that has been provided to him by Human Resources for the city of Saint Petersburg. If there are 2 available positions for promotion then the Chief may select, from the top 10 ranked candidates from the assessment, and so on. “From the eligibility list, the Human Resources Department shall certify to the requesting department five (5) names of persons for each vacancy, in descending score order. Names of all persons who are tied for the fifth (last) place on the list shall also be placed on the certification list sent to the hiring department for consideration in filling the vacancy (or vacancies). The department shall review those person’s applications and ensure that only those who meet the established minimum qualifications, as published in the applicable job announcement, are considered further.” (See Rules and Regulations (2:6, M) regarding the rule of five for promotion eligibility). Furthermore, this policy is in place for all city departments, not just for hiring within the Fire Department. As noted, Chief Large is only permitted to select a certain portion of the total applicants, that being the top 5 candidates for every 1 position available. Between the years of 2006-2023, 15 Black Firefighters took the 11 available assessments. Of that group of 15 Firefighters, 8 of them over the course of this period fell into the required tier of the top 5 candidates per available position. Of these 8 candidates 7 of them were selected by Chief Large for promotion, meaning that Chief Large promoted 7 of the possible 8 Black candidates that he was permitted to choose from when making promotions, which is 87% of the candidates. Furthermore, not a single Black candidate was ever passed over for selection for another candidate who ranked below them for both promotion to Lieutenant, as well as for promotion to Captain. We would like to reiterate that within the group or tier that he was permitted to choose from, when given the opportunity Chief Large selected these candidates of his own volition, as he thought them to be the best candidate for the job, taking into account the results and rankings provided to him from the Human Resources Department for the City of Saint Petersburg, as well 10 as thoughts and recommendations from those acquainted with the possible candidates. (Please see attached Lieutenant Eligibility Lists as Exhibit “D”), (Please see attached Captain Eligibility Lists as Exhibit “E”) V. Chief Large’s Steps for Diversity and Inclusion We also would like to note some of the proactive steps that Chief Large has taken for diversity. Chief Large, of his own volition, noticed a lower number of minority candidates to the fire academy, and as such sought to discover why there were not more minority candidates applying to the fire academy. To this end Chief Large soon learned that a major component of this was because of financial restraints resulting from many of these potential candidates having, families that they need to provide for, and as such cannot take the time to receive the proper training, or take the necessary courses. As a result of this discovery, Chief Large created the Cadet program that is now in place for the Saint Petersburg Fire Department. This program hires new recruits immediately, and are paid 80% of entry level firefighters while they are sent to EMT school, followed by the Fire Academy. Once these candidates are fully certified, they are hired by the Fire Department and receive full pay. This program has encouraged many young, and minority prospects to enter as cadets. The Cadet program has produced 26 Firefighters, 22 of which are minority Firefighters. Currently, the Fire Department is only able to take 5 new recruits as a part of the Cadet program per year, but Chief Large has made a strong push to the Mayor to increase this number to 10, which has subsequently been approved by the Mayor to begin later this year. Chief Large has also played an instrumental role in working with the school board to establish an EMT program at Gibbs High, which serves as a pipeline to the Fire Academy. In fact, the first two female graduates were Black women, resulting in them being hired by the Fire Department. (Please see attached St. Pete Fire Rescue Cadet Program Information as Exhibit “F”), Chief Lange has also received a National Media Award for a diversity video created by the Saint Petersburg Fire Department, which was created in order to promote diversity and inclusion at the Fire Department. (Please see attached Daily Dispateh Article as Exhibit “G”) ‘htins:// Chief Large has also put out multiple official newsletters for St. Petersburg Fire Rescue on the topics of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as diversity amongst men and women at the Fire Department. These newsletters illustrate his steadfast and continued support of these ideals, as well as his steps to create a workplace that promotes equity and inclusion for the city of Saint Petersburg Fire Department, (Please see attached Roll Call The Official Newsletter of St. Petersburg Fire Rescue Vol. 08 and Vol. 09 as Exhibit “H). Additionally, Chief Large has u recently made a push to the Mayor to make diversity classes mandatory for the Fire Department, talks of which have been recently put on hold, as a result of current circumstances. Chief Large has shown a constant and continual commitment to go above and beyond to promote diversity and inclusion at the Saint Petersburg Fire Department, by means of action, in taking steps to create and push for programs that promote these ideals, as well as through communication based channels, such as newsletters and videos created by the Fire Department. vi ant P, List Analysis by Year 2006 Assessment ‘© 1 promotion was made using the list for the 2006 assessment for 1 available position 25 potential candidates took the assessment 15 of these candidates identified as White male 3 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male 2 of these candidates identified as Black Male 3 of these candidates identified as White female Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, and 1 was Hispanic male © Only the #1 candidate (White male) was selected using this list for the 1 available position *This list was used from the years of 2006-2008 2009 Assessment ‘© 8 promotions were made using the list for the 2009 assessment 34 potential candidates took the assessment 25 of these candidates identified as White male 4 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male 2 of these candidates identified as Black male 2 of these candidates identified as White female eoccee 12 Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the top 10 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were Hispanic male, 4 were White male, 1 was American Indian male, | was White female. © During this promotion, the top 2 candidates (Rankings #1 and #2) were selected (both Hispanic male) for the 2 available positions 2nd promotion made using these assessment result © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: | was Hispanic male, 3 were White male, 1 was American Indian male ‘© During this promotion, the top candidate (Ranking #3) was selected (Hispanic male) for the available position 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: © The third promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © OF the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was American Indian male © During this promotion, the candidate Ranking #6 was selected (White male) for the available position 4th promotion made using these assessment results: © The fourth promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 10 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 7 were White male, 1 was American Indian male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion, the top 2 candidates (Rankings #4 and #5) were selected (both White male) for the available positions Sth promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The fifth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) 1B ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 2 were White male, 1 was American Indian male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion, the top candidate (Ranking #7) was selected (American Indian male) for the available position 6th promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The sixth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female © During this promotion, the candidate Ranking #9 was selected (Hispanic male) for the available position ‘7th promotion made using these assessment results: © The seventh promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was White female © During this promotion, the top candidate (Ranking #8) was selected (White male) for the available position 8th promotion made using these assessment results: © The eighth promotion was for 3 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 15 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this cligibility list: 13 were White male, 1 was White female, 1 was Black male © During this promotion, the top 3 candidates (Rankings #10, #11, and #12) were selected (1 White female and 2 White male) for the available positions *This list was used from the years of 2009-2011 2011 Assessment 1 promotion was made using the list for the 2011 assessment 21 potential candidates took the assessment 16 of these candidates identified as White male 3 of these candidates identified as Black Male 2 of these candidates identified as White female Selection: 14 Ist promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© Theonly promotion was for 6 open positions (meaning that all of candidates were available to be selected) © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male, Candidate rank #2 (White male), Candidate rank #4 (Black male), Candidate rank +#6 (White male), Candidate rank #13 (Black male), Candidate rank #16 (Black male) © All 3 Black candidates were promoted *This list was used from the years of 2011-2012 2013 Assessment © 5 promotions were made using the list for the 2013 assessment 20 potential candidates took the assessment 17 of these candidates identified as White male 1 of these candidates identified as Black Male 2 of these candidates identified as White female Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The third promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) 15 Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #4 (White male 4th promotion made using these assessment results: The fourth promotion was for 5 open positions (meaning that all of the candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 15 were White male, 1 was Black male, 2 were White female During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male, Candidate rank #6 (White male), Candidate rank #8 (White male), Candidate rank #9 (White female), Candidate rank #10 (White male) The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 5th promotion made using these assessment results: The fifth promotion was for2 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 10 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 9 were White male, 1 was White female During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male, Candidate rank #11 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2013-2014 2014 Assessment eecee 4 promotions were made using the list for the 2013 assessment 24 potential candidates took the assessment 19 of these candidates identified as White male 3 of these candidates identified as Black Male 1 of these candidates identified as White female 2 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male Selection: Ist promotion made . ig these assessment results: The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) 16 © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment resul © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The third promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all S were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #6 (White male) 4th promotion made using these assessment results: © The fourth promotion was for 3 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 15 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 14 were White male, 1 was Black male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male), Candidate rank #12 (White male), Candidate rank #18 (Black male) © The only Black male candidate that met the requirements was selected *This list was used from the years of 2014-2015 2015 Assessment © 7promotions were made using the list for the 2015 assessment 28 potential candidates took the assessment 20 of these candidates identified as White male 3 of these candidates identified as Black Male 2 of these candidates identified as White female 3 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male eceoe Selection: 17 Ist promotion made using these assessment results: ‘The first promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the top 10 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 9 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male), Candidate rank #4 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: The second promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 10 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 8 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was Black male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male), Candidate rank #3 (White male) The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: The third promotion was for | open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (Hispanic male) 4th promotion made using these assessment results: The fourth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all S were White male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #10 (White male) Sth promotion made using these assessment results: ‘The fifth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male 18 ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #11 (White male) 6th promotion made using these assessment results: © The sixth promotion was for I open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was Black male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #12 (Black male) © The only Black male candidate that met the requirements was selected ‘7th promotion made using these assessment results: © The seventh promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #13 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2015-2016 2016 Assessment © 3 promotions were made using the list for the 2016 assessment 30 potential candidates took the assessment 19 of these candidates identified as White male 6 of these candidates identified as Black Male 1 of these candidates identified as White female 4 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male eocee Selection: Ast promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 19 2nd promotion made using these assessment result ‘© The second promotion was for 4 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 20 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 15 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 3 were Black male, 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White female), Candidate rank #3 (Hispanic male), Candidate rank #4 (White male), Candidate rank #5 (White male) ‘© The Black male candidates ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The third promotion was for 1 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 2 were Black male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #9 (Black male) ‘© One of the Black male candidates that met the requirements was selected *This list was used from the years of 2016-2017 2017 Assessment © 3 promotions were made using the list for the 2017 assessment 28 potential candidates took the assessment 20 of these candidates identified as White male 3 of these candidates identified as Black Male 1 of these candidates identified as Black female 3 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male) 20 2nd promotion made using these assessment result © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #4 (White male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: © The third promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male) 4th promotion made using these assessment results: © The fourth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2017-2018 2019 Assessment © 2 promotions were made using the list for the 2019 assessment 1 potential candidates took the assessment 6 of these candidates identified as White male | of these candidates identified as Black Male 2 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) au ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was American Indian ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2019-2020 2020 Assessment ‘© 3 promotions were made using the list for the 2020 assessment 26 potential candidates took the assessment 16 of these candidates identified as White male 2 of these candidates identified as Black Male 5 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as Black female 1 of these candidates identified as White female 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male a Selection: st promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 3 open positions (meaning that the top 15 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 12 were White male, 1 was White female, 2 were Hispanic male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male), Candidate rank #3 (White male), Candidate rank #5 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment resul © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was White female, 1 was American Indian 2 ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White female) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: © The third promotion was for 2 open position (meaning that the remaining top 10 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 8 were White male, 2 were Hispanic male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #8 (White male), Candidate rank #12 (Hispanic male) *This list was used from the years of 2020-2021 2021 Assessment ‘© 4 promotions were made using the list for the 2021 assessment 34 potential candidates took the assessment 22 of these candidates identified as White male 3 of these candidates identified as Black Male 5 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as Black female 3 of these candidates identified as White female eoecee Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The first promotion was for 6 open positions (meaning that the top 30 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 22 were White male, 3 were White female, 3 were Hispanic male, 2 were Black male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male), Candidate rank #2 (Hispanic male), Candidate rank #7 (White male), Candidate rank #11 (White male), Candidate rank #13 (Black male), Candidate rank #16 (White female) © One of the Black male candidates that met the requirements was selected, the other Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The second promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 10 candidates were available to be selected) 23 Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 9 were White male, 1 was White female During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male), Candidate rank #15 (White male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all S were White male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male) 4th promotion made using these assessment results: . The fourth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #6 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2021-2022 2022 Assessment 4 promotions were made using the list for the 2022 assessment 25 potential candidates took the assessment 17 of these candidates identified as White male 1 of these candidates identified as Black Male 3 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as Black female 3 of these candidates identified as White female Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, | was Hispanic male 24 © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: © The third promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #4 (White male) 4th promotion made using these assessment results: © The fourth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (Hispanic male) 5th promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The fifth promotion was for 1 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates, were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #6 (White female) 6th promotion made using these assessment results: © The sixth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all S were White male 25 © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2022-2023 VI. Fire Captain Promotion Eligibility List Analysis by Year 2008 Assessment © 3 promotions were made using the list for the 2008 assessment 23 potential candidates took the assessment 20 of these candidates identified as White male 2 of these candidates identified as Black Male 1 of these candidates identified as White female Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this, eligibility list: all 5 were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: all 5 were White male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment resul ‘© The third promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the remaining top 10 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this, eligibility list: all 10 were White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male), and Candidate rank #5 (White male) 26 *This list was used from the years of 2008-2010 2010 Assessment © 2 promotions were made using the list for the 2010 assessment ‘© 10 potential candidates took the assessment © 9 of these candidates identified as White male © 1 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male Selection: st promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment result © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #4 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2010-2012 2012 Assessment © 3 promotions were made using the list for the 2012 assessment 12 potential candidates took the assessment 7 of these candidates identified as White male 4 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: 27 © The first promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the top 10 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 5 were White male, 4 were Hispanic male, 1 was American Indian male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male), Candidate rank #2 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment result © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 1 was White male, 4 were Hispanic male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #7 (Hispanic male) 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: © The third promotion was for I open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 2 were Hispanic male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (Hispanic male) *This list was used from the years of 2012-2014 2014 Assessment © 2 promotions were made using the list for the 2014 assessment 12 potential candidates took the assessment 8 of these candidates identified as White male 2 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male 1 of these candidates identified as Black male Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The first promotion was for 3 open positions (meaning that all of the candidates were available to be selected) ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (Hispanic male), Candidate rank #2 (White male), Candidate rank #3 (White male) 28 ‘The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was American Indian male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2014-2015 2015 Assessment 5 promotions were made using the list for the 2015 assessment 12 potential candidates took the assessment 8 of these candidates identified as White male 1 of these candidates identified as American Indian male 1 of these candidates identified as Black male 1 of these candidates identified as White female 1 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: 2nd promotion made using these assessment resul ‘The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that all the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was American Indian male, and 1 was Hispanic male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (American Indian male) The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Black male, 1 was Hispanic male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male) ‘The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 29 3rd promotion made using these assessment results: The third promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Black male, and 1 was Hispanic male During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (Hispanic male) The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment 4th promotion made using these assessment results: The fourth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Black male, 1 was White female During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #4 (White male) ‘The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment ‘Sth promotion made using these assessment results: The fifth promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Black male, 1 was White female During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male) The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment *This list was used from the years of 2015-2016 2016 Assessment 1 promotion were made using the list for the 2016 assessment 8 potential candidates took the assessment 6 of these candidates identified as White male 1 of these candidates identified as White female 1 of these candidates identified as Black male Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: 30 ‘© The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, and 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 2nd promotion made using these assessment resul © The second promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the remaining top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 3 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was American Indian male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #5 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2016-2017 2017 Assessment 1 promotion were made using the list for the 2017 assessment © 9 potential candidates took the assessment © 8 of these candidates identified as White male © 1 of these candidates identified as White female Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: © The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, and 1 was White female ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) *This list was used from the years of 2017-2018 2019 Assessment © 2 promotions were made using the list for the 2019 assessment © 12 potential candidates took the assessment © 8 of these candidates identified as White male © 1 of these candidates identified as White female 31 © 2 of these candidates identified as Black male © 1 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male Selection: 1st promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The first promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that the top 10 candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 8 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, and 1 was White female © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male), Candidate rank #2 (White female) 2nd promotion made using these assessment results: © The second promotion was for 3 open positions (meaning that all of the candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 7 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 2 were Black male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #3 (White male), Candidate rank #4 (White male), Candidate rank #7 (White male) © The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment *This list was used from the years of 2019-2020 2021 Assessment © 2 promotions were made using the list for the 2021 assessment 7 potential candidates took the assessment 5 of these candidates identified as White male 1 of these candidates identified as White female 1 of these candidates identified as Hispanic male Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The first promotion was for 1 open position (meaning that the top 5 candidates were available to be selected) © Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, and I was White female © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #1 (White male) 32 2nd promotion made using these assessment resul! The second promotion was for 2 open positions (meaning that all of the candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this cligibility list: 4 were White male, 1 was Hispanic male, 1 was White male © During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White female), Candidate rank #3 (White male), Candidate rank #7 (Hispanic male) ‘© The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment *This list was used from the years of 2021-2022 2022 Assessment © 1 promotion was made using the list for the 2021 assessment ‘© 6 potential candidates took the assessment © 5 of these candidates identified as White male © 1 of these candidates identified as Black female Selection: Ist promotion made using these assessment results: ‘© The first promotion was for 2 open position (meaning that all of the candidates were available to be selected) ‘© Of the potential candidates that fell within the above referenced rule of fives for this eligibility list: 4 were White male, and 1 was Black male ‘© During this promotion the following candidates were selected: Candidate rank #2 (White male), Candidate rank #3 (White male) © The Black male candidate ranked below the chosen candidates for this assessment *This list was used from the years of 2022-2023 VIL. Analysis of Results Between the years of 2006-2023, 15 Black Firefighters took the 11 available assessments for promotion to Lieutenant. Of that group of 15 Firefighters, 8 of them over the course of this period fell into the required tier of the top 5 candidates per available position. Of these 8 candidates 7 of them were selected by Chief Large for promotion, meaning that Chief Large promoted 7 of the possible 8, which is 87% of the candidates; and those not chosen ranked below the chosen candidates. It should further be noted that no Black candidates were ever passed over for selection 33 for another candidate who ranked below them for both promotion to Lieutenant, as well as for promotion to Captain. VIII. Saint Petersburg Fire Department Demographics Group Ratio Comparisons white | piack| "S*} asian | Americen [Wome nie indian | in JUS Census 2030 72a% [12.6%|163%| 48% | 09% [50.8% Firefighting Profession US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014 73.0% |102%] 9.6% | 0.7% | n/a__| 5.7% Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater MSA, 2010| census 73.8% _|11.8%|16.2%| 29% | 0.4% [51.6% St, Petersburg Fire Rescue (SPFR) 78.6% [12.0% 7.7% 0.6% | 9.2% NOTE: SPER Numbers from 2/1/16 Hi ‘Ameri Group Ratio Comparisons white | plack |") asian | American |Wome nic Indian | in US Census 2022 Estimate (Age 20-54) 74.0% (14.4%) 20.9%] 7.2% | 14% (49.3% Firefighting Profession US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2022 85.5% | 9.9% |15.2%| 1.5% nfa__| 6.2% ‘Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater MSA, 2020] Census 74.1% _|13.6%|16.2%| 4.5% | 0.5% [51.2% St. Petersburg Fire Rescue (SPFR) St. Petersburg City, 2020 Census ‘St. Petersburg Fire Rescue (SPFR) 72.3% [16.5%| 8.1% | 2.5% | 0.6% |13.2%| NOTE: SPFR Numbers from 8/2/2023 Hispa Total | we Black or| Occupation om white} | Asian | nic Employed | en AA s Latino| First-line supervisors of firefighting and prevention workers 63000 | 9.4% |92.0%| 8.0% | 0.0% | 9.7% [St Petersburg Fire Rescue (SPFR) 78 | 7.7% |[80.8%| 64% | 00% [11.5% [National to SPFR Supervisor Group Ratio _| [osz[oss| 080 | n/a 119 hittps:// htm IX. Analysis of Fire Department Demographics \dustry/organizational representation in comparison ‘The Group Ratio value shows the level 0 with the general population. © 1.0—fully represented © <1.0—under represented © > 1.0—over represented Thus, the closer the value is to 1.0, the more aligned the organization or industry’s demographics are with the comparable community population. © National Group Ratio ~ Compares National general population to National Firefighting population. © This represents the diversity of the Firefighting profession on a national level. © Good baseline for comparison of what is occurring at an “Industry” level, © MSA to SPFR Group Ratio ~ Compares the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater MSA general population to the sworn SPFR population. © This represents the legal standard for race representation © Courts measure against MSA demographics when considering agency hiring and promotional practices © City to SPER Group Ratio ~ Compares the City of St. Petersburg’s general population to the sworn SPFR population. © This represents SPFR’s strategic goal to exceed the MSA standard and mirror the local community make-up of St. Pete. Key Points: © National Group Ratios have inereased for White, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, Women firefighters from 2010 to 2020, © Over same period, the group ratio has decreased for Black firefighters The representation of Black/AA firefighters has decreased at the national level, since 2010 + At the same time, SPFR has increased the representation of Black/AA firefighters From 2016 to 2023, MSA to SPFR Group Ratios (representation) for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Women firefighters have increased. The MSA to SPFR group ratios exceed the national group ratios in every category but White and Hispanic firefighters © SPFR is more diverse than the firefighting industry at the national level. + Representation of Women firefighters at SPFR is double the national rate + Black/AA firefighters are over represented at SPFR when compared to the MSA. The City to SPFR group ratios exceed the national group ratios in every category but White firefighters ‘©. SPFR is more diverse than the firefighting industry at the national level. + Representation of Women firefighters at SPFR is double the national rate + All but White and American Indian firefighters are under represented at ‘SPFR when compared to the City population. But again, still more represented than the national experience. ‘The demographic makeup of SPFR’s supervisor group closely mirrors the national experience. © Minority and women supervisors are underrepresented in the industry as a whole, not just SPER. X. Survey Results Total Responses: 116 36 Fire Department Survey ‘Negative Responses Directly Regarding Chief Large Positive Responses Responses Regarding Health Responses Regarding Paramedics/EMT needs Responses Regarding Retention Responses Regarding Diversity Responses Regarding Women Responses Regarding LGBT+ Responses Regarding Promotion Obstacles Responses Regarding Administration in General Responses Regarding how Diversity Does not matter for this job ‘Number of Responses 27 12 24 10 7 discuss Chief Large directly 37 Responses Regarding Budget Responses Regarding Race Disagree with lack of diversity [Number of Responses 18 38 Diversity Rated Stats 39 Responses vs Related to Chief Large 40 ‘XI. Summary of Survey Results The climate survey had 116 total responses, all of which are anonymous. Out of the 116, only 27 mention Fire Chief Large specifically. 24 of the total responses mention problems with diversity, which only 5 of mention Fire Chief Large. 18 of the total 116 regard race, 6 of which mention Fire Chief Large. 10 of the total 116 mention women, 5 of which mention Fire Chief Large. 41 XII. Letters and Messages of Support “1 first met Fire Chief James Large in 2019 when I was hired at St. Petersburg Fire Rescue (SPFR) in an administrative support role. I did not notice it initially, but after I started, I soon realized that I was the only Black female working in the headquarters building. On my first day, Chief Large came into my division’s office and introduced himself. I was extremely nervous because, after all, I was new to the department, and I was meeting the department director for the first time. That feeling of nervousness and anxiety quickly passed as Chief Large, not only introduced himself, but he took some time to have conversation with me to get to know a little about me. Our interaction was pleasant and respectful, and Chief soon realized that I had a sense of humor. With that, he ensured to stop by to visit daily and crack the occasional joke, which allowed us to share a laugh, whether it was at the corniness of the joke, or the fact that Chief actually thought it was funny. As simple as that may seem, those encounters with him made me feel at ease and helped me to feel like part of the fire department family. As a relatively new member of the department still, I have been in shock and awe at the recent allegations being made about Chief Large. Those negative accusations about him have compelled me to speak my truth about my experience with Chief Large, because it sounds like the person that they speak of in the media is a completely different person from the kind, compassionate, and caring Chief Large that I have come to know. When I first started at SPFR and I was still on probation, I was having significant medical challenges with my child, which resulted in me having to take some time off from work. Under normal circumstances, during probation, new employees are not allowed to use any accrued time, and any time taken off would have to be without pay. This was an extremely trying and emotional time for me and my family. As soon as Chief Large learned of my challenges, he immediately gave special approval for me to use my accrued time so I can be paid for the time that I had to take off under the circumstances. This was heartfelt and it showed me that, even as a brand-new employee, Chief Large cared about me, my family, and my wellbeing. If Chief Large was this racist misogynist that he is being accused of, I do not believe that he would have cared to make that special exception for me, the new, Black female that just joined the department. I cannot dispel opinions or feelings of other persons and their experiences. 1am simply telling my story. From the day that I started at SPFR, I have only seen and experienced niceness, respect, and understanding from Chief Large. There was another incident where I had the opportunity to be promoted internally. When City staff misinterpreted my educational documents, Chief Large fought on my behalf to clear up the misunderstanding so that I can be promoted. Chief was very passionate and diligent in his handling of my issue, and I am grateful to him, once again, for doing so. This was just another outward representation of the care that he has for his employees that I have witnessed and experienced firsthand. His dedication to seeing me through my predicament, made me fee! like he was interested in my personal growth and development. In my current role as Administrative Assistant to the Fire Chief, I have had the opportunity to work alongside Chief Large as his support and right hand. 1 am honored to say that I am the first person of color to hold this position in the department. I do 42 not believe that a person who is described as being racist would be comfortable sharing an office with, being in constant communication with, and trusting in a Black woman to take care of coordinating and scheduling his daily work activities. Being in this position has allowed me to be present as Chief Large works through the many issues that come into our office. I can say that since I have been in the Fire Chief’s office for the past year and a half, I have seen Chief Large handle all issues with faimess from all angles, ensuring to maintain consistency across the board. Ifhe ever has any inkling of doubt, I have witnessed Chief Large contact other fire department staff and city leaders to get their input, suggestions, or simply to bounce ideas off them. As a minority myself, Chief would often ask for my perspective and have chats with me to get a different take on an issue or concern, or to get my ideas about a situation/scenario. These chats give me a sense of belonging and make me feel like a valuable resource to the department. I have witnessed Chief Large do the same and consult with our department's Division Chief of Administration, the only person of color in our department's command staff. In closing, I just ‘want to reiterate that my perspective is my reality, and I am only speaking my truth based on my experience with Fire Chief James Large and working at SPFR. I am still relatively new to the department, but I can honestly say that I really enjoy working here. I love my job, my work environment, and my work colleagues.” Written by: Chevonne Cottle-King Administrative Assistant to Fire Chief James Large August 15, 2023 “As I round the comer to my 10th year with St. Petersburg Fire Rescue, I would like to share just a couple of my experiences with Chief Jim Large... ‘The first time I met Chief Large was for my “Chiefs Interview’ as part of the hiring process. He struck me as an individual who truly does care about hiring the best people for the job, supportive of his employees, dedicated to the department, and a professional. After the interview was done, he asked me if | was alright and how my (ex-) husband was doing. I wasn’t aware that he knew that my husband had been involved in an officer involved shooting just the night before. (He works for SPPD.) Chief Large said that he had yet to make a decision on final hirings, but no matter the outcome, if I or my husband need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to him or anyone at SPFR. The amount of kindness and compassion shown by Chief Large that day made a very scary and stressful time just a little easier to handle knowing we had support from SPFR, and I wasn’t even hired yet. Early 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. Over the following year, I had multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. The amount of support, love, empathy, care, and compassion, shown to be by my family within SPFR is indescribable. One of my biggest a supporters was Chief Large. When he found out about my diagnoses, he actually choked up and told me that I have the entire departments support. Mind you, this occurred just after a promotion ceremony, so the room was full of employees, special guests, and family members of the promoted. During the year of my cancer treatment I went on light duty and was at HQ M-F 8-5. My time there allowed me to have many conversations with Chief Large about my surgeries/treatments, how I was holding up physically/mentally/emotionally, and if there was anything I needed, At times, I think he would tell a terrible Dad Joke just to see me laugh and smile. ‘The Chief Jim Large that I have come to know over the last ten years, has shown to be an leader of professionalism, kindness, and integrity. As a female, I have never felt discriminated against and feel completely confident that if I did have to go to Chief Large with an issue, I would be treated with respect and dignity. I know this because that is how I have been treated since my first encounter with him.” - Anonymous To: Mayor Ken Welch and Members of the St. Petersburg City Council As a resident of St. Petersburg for 66 years now, I’ve had the privilege of seeing the reputation of this city grow in the eyes of the area, state of Florida, and nation. Having said that, I've never been as disappointed in the leadership of this city as much as I currently am. And, it has ‘everything to do with how the situation is being handled with Chief James (Jim) Large. To be totally transparent, I’ve known Jim for over 50 years. We have worked together (previous St. Pete Fire Rescue), socialized together, traveled together, and even shared an apartment for a period of time. And, over that long friendship, I have never seen him exhibit any of the negative character traits that he has been accused of through these accusations. His integrity is beyond measure, and I feel confident that countless men and women who have worked alongside him would agree. One of the articles mentioned a “city spokesperson” who indicated that “since his promotion to Fire Chief, 49% of the 262 uniformed personnel hired have been in a minority or protected class”. These numbers do not come without an approach of intentionality. I know that Kanika Tomlin, during her tenure with the city, wanted to be kept abreast of the measures that Chief 44 Large was taking in such hiring practices. According to the Times, she said Chief Large was “proactive and responsive on issues of race and diversity”. This came, I’m sure, because Ms. Tomlin was asking the right questions of Chief Large, and getting the answers she was content with, I wonder how many questions Chief Large’s critics on the City Council have asked over the years on these same topics. Have they asked for the percentage of applicants coming from these protected classes or minorities? Have they asked how many current Firefighters, from these same minorities or protected classes, have shown an interest in promotions when available, by applying to take that next step? Have they asked about the testing and interview process for those promotions, and how those same applicants scored, as measured against other applicants? Have they asked the right questions ... or are they simply eager to start throwing rocks in response to those who wish to stay “anonymous” or quote “unnamed sources” without seeking the validity of these accusations? ask these questions because I feel confident that Chief Large has the answers/evidence to back up his hiring and promotion practices and procedures. And, for Members of the Council to state such opinions publicly, without having adequate confirmation to back these up, is a slippery slope that I’d not prefer the leadership of my city to be on. Last year, as you know, Jim’s peers named him Fire Chief of the Year for the state of Florida. I feel confident these men and women have been able to get to know Jim over the years, as they've seen how he has handled himself within his role while overseeing hundreds of personnel. That recognition should have been a message to the city of what we have in Chief James Large. Unfortunately, a couple of Council members, through the media, have tried and convicted him without allowing the public to hear the other side of these accusations. This has served to destroy the reputation, and character, of a man who has been a faithful servant to this city for over 49 years of his life. 1 wonder what message this sends to the remainder of the thousands of men and ‘women employed by the city, as to how they are viewed, appreciated and backed up by those they serve so faithfully. | trust that Jim will have the opportunity to defend himself as to the validity of these accusations. And, my hope is that he can do so in the presence of these individuals. While this might be a means of discovering the truth, I regret that the damage to his name, his character, his reputation, and his long, faithful service has been tarnished beyond repair. With Great Disappointment, 45 Phil Dickhaus 4650 Waterford Court NE St. Petersburg, FL 33703 Mobile: (727) 692-3323 Dear Honorable Mayor Ken Welch, Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mike Moore. I am a retired SPFR District Chief, a past President ot the St. Petersburg Association of Firefighters Local 747 and currently a District Vice President Emeritis of the Florida Professional Firefighters (FPF). I am also a recent retiree of the St Petersburg College Fire Training Center, having instructed there for 13+ years. I was also employed by Pinellas Technical Education Center (PTEC) where I was responsible for administering the Fire Team Assessment to potential applicants. I not only served on the St. Petersburg Fire Rescue Department with pride for 35+ years but also encouraged my son to join the SPFR family after he graduated from college, where he has risen to the rank of Captain, Thad the pleasure of serving the citizens of St Petersburg under 5 different Fire Chiefs, all of whom I respected. I have also had the pleasure of working with and for Jim Large since my first day on the department. I have spent many hours, both on and off the job with Jim at various professional and social functions. From hosting and attending Firefighter State Olympics, being on SPFR Volleyball and Golf teams together, years of staff meetings, attending the parties, weddings, reunions, retirements and sadly funerals of fellow firefighters over the 49+ years we have known one another. In addition, I spent 2 1/2 years working days at SPFR Headquarters as Captain of EMS, during which time I had lunch almost every day with then Chief Jim Callahan, Asst. Chief Jim Large and Asst. Chief Bill Jolley. During this entire time, I never once heard Chief Large make a disparaging remark about others due to race, gender or sexual orientation. I have never witnessed demeaning behavior on Jim's part to others. On the contrary, he has always treated his employees, staff, retirees and others with respect. As a St Petersburg College Fire Training Instructor, I witnessed firsthand what it takes both mentally and physically to even qualify to be a firefighter. I often made recommendations to the SPFR Training Division about specific outstanding academy graduates (regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation) and encouraged them to apply to the City of St Petersburg. Many of these recommendations were hired by SPFR. 46 I would be remiss if I did not make a sincere effort to say how disappointed, myself and so many of my former and current brother and sister firefighters were to hear that Chief Large has been put on administrative leave due to the results of a survey given city wide. For those of us who spent the better part of our lives running into burning buildings, often times risking our lives in service to the City we love, we believe this is a great disservice to the citizens of St Pete and the surrounding cities that benefit from community response. It is my understanding that the survey was not mandatory and could be filled out multiple times by the same individual. It would be my opinion that a disgruntled employee would be more likely to participate, and possibly multiple times, than an employee who is satisfied with the operation of the Department. To put any stock in a survey where someone can hide under a cloak of anonymity to disparage another, especially the person in charge, without the need of proof to back up their unfounded accusations is a bad idea. To give more weight to the results of such a survey over a 49+ years distinguished career is not only unfair and unjust but absurd. In addition, Police and Fire are covered by “high risk pensions" for a reason. To compare them with other city departments is not in Administrations best interest. I fully understand in the current political culture that exists today, it is difficult to ignore accusations of such a sensitive nature. However, using the results of this type of survey, with no discemible proof to discredit a person who has proven his dedication and worth to the city over the span of 49+ years is rash and irresponsible. It has always been possible for those with a legitimate complaint to come forward with out fear of retribution. I would hope Chief Large would be able to refute those accusations "in house" vs. in full view of the media, Hopefully, you have gotten to the bottom of who in your administration leaked the survey results to the press and what their motivation was to do so! I can be reached at (727) 460-1809 should you have any questions. I welcome your feedback. Sincerely, Michael J. Moore “I was elected to the City of St. Petersburg City Council from 2012 through 2019. When I started campaigning in 2011 Chief Large and Asst. Chief Womack from SPF&R were leading the fight to prevent the County from eliminating funding for Rescue units and leaving Sunstar to be the only responding resource for medical emergencies. I attended the workshop discussions with the County Commissioners, the municipal governments, and the various Fire Departments from 47 throughout the County. SPF&R Command Staff was the leader in successfully convincing the County to continue funding Fire Department Rescue units for better response times and better medical outcomes. That was my introduction to Chief James Large. During my entire 8 years on Council my door was open to the Union Executive Team, rank and file Firefighters, EMT's and Paramedics. I would then, and I still do, make it a practice to personally thank them with a fist bump and "God Bless You" when I encounter them out in public. I can only remember 1 vote in 8 years where I sided with Command Staff and against the Rank & File on issues of wages, benefits, staffing, equipment, and funding for Station Construction or Renovations. I considered myself an advocate for the Rank & File, and wore that on my sleeve. Of all the tough and controversial issues that I had discussions with the Union Executive Team and individual members, I do not remember a single complaint or meeting about discriminatory Command promotions, racism, sexism, or homophobia. Even in 2014, when evidently the Kriseman Transition Subcommittee was discussing it. Believe me, if any of those subjects had come up I would have gone straight to Mayor Kriseman and to Chief Large in person. I never did that, because no such behavior ever came to my attention. During my 8 years in office SPF&R achieved and sustained the highest ISO Rating and the highest International Accreditation Rating that Fire Departments can obtain. That Platinum Standard of quality continues today. That is not only a reflection of the professionalism and quality of the Department, it translates directly into lower Homeowners insurance rates for the SPF&R service geography - the City of St. Petersburg. I had private meetings with Chief Large and other Command Staff. He never once said or betrayed anything that was racist, sexist or homophobic. Those characterizations of Chief Large are foreign to the man that I got to know over my time in office. I never once suspected any of that from my interactions with him. Did I always agree with him? No, as I said, 1 probably actually voted with the Union more than I voted with Command. But I never questioned his professionalism, his pride for the men and women of the Department, and his desire for St. Petersburg to be safe every day and night. Chief Large has dedicated his entire work career to SPF&R. St. Petersburg is very fortunate for that and indeed, a safer City for that. I am grateful for that career of sacrificial service. Can Chief Large be sarcastic or take cheap shots for the sake of a laugh in front of an audience. Absolutely. Just ask any Police Officer that has attended Employee Service Recognition ceremonies. But to label Chief Large as racist, sexist or homophobic is to describe a Chief James Large that I have never met.” - Anonymous 48 > Being a former mayor, I have a couple of cents, and here is my two cents worth. > > Large is being railroaded by the usual suspects that have been around for many Mayoral terms, and they rise up whenever there is an opportunity. We all know who and ‘what is behind the anonymous attack, and by the looks of those now being quoted in the paper, it’s the same tired souls who are there to pile on when given the chance. > Plus, a certain council member is so new he doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know, and his ignorance and lack of history should be considered. > > Large got us to a 1 ISO; pushed for international accreditation; sailed us through re-accreditations; got us through the transport challenges; expanded the workforce; and held the line for me during the recession while preserving great response times. SPFR is a wonderful diverse organization, far above any other agency in the Tampa Bay Area, and it would be sad to tinker with it over an anonymous, cowardly and unsubstantiated survey. > > Please consider his body of work, and let me know if you want to talk. > > - Anonymous 49 ‘XIII. Text Messages of Support Names and identification have been removed from texts but can be provided at a later date with the individuals permission* “Hello Chief, this is ...... Considering the circumstances, I hope you are doing well. Please know you have people who support you and are in your comer. Take care of yourself.” “Chief, sorry to hear these allegaCons. You certainly don’t deserve this. If you ever need someone to talk to please feel free. Take care of yourself.” “Thinking of you! I hate the world we live in today. Stay strong and know Fire-Dex has your back. You are an AMAZING Fire Chief, best of the best. Sending you guys love!” “Chief, let me start by saying I am off duty and sitting in my driveway. Thave been thinking of you and praying for you over the last several days. I am sad, disgusted, and even angry over the recent events. I wanted to reach out and let you know that I am here for you, I support you, and if you have any direction you can give me so that I can help your situation I am all ears. Please let me know if you need anything. Myself and my crew are pulling for you. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.” “This is ..... from ..... I saw in the news that you are going through some tough Cmes. Rest assured, that what is being said about you is not how I or anyone I know feels about you. Keep your head up. Best of luck going through this.” “The wife and I are heading to London for 2 weeks but I just wanted to pass this along to you before I go. I've always thought you treated everyone well and with respect. That has been my personal experience over the last 26 years with our department. Do I agree with everything you do? No but I don’t agree with everything my family and friends do either. That’s life. I hope things go great for you and that you get a chance to tell your side of things. Ok got to go catch my flight now. All the best.” “Hey Chief, this is ... Just wanted to let you know that you have my support in all of this, and that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I would really like to be more candid about all of this and what I think of it, but I am refraining for now....” “Hello Chief. this is ....... Hope your holding out well and in my book you are sCll the man... always treated me fairly and that means a lot to me. Hope things work out...” 50 “Just absolutely sick reading the latest article. If there is anyway admin or the Cmes would talk to me, I would be more than happy to do so in support.” “Good afternoon Chief. This is ..... Just wanted to send you a quick text thanking you for being an amazing chief and taking a chance on me.” “As your ..... hire in 2... You're an amazing person. I know you're dealing with a lot right now and wanted you to know That I am here for you. It is an honor to have you as my Chief!” “Hi Jimmy it’s ..... I hate what’s going on to you Jimmy we know it’s all untrue. I tell you if you need any character witness I’ll be more than glad to stand up for you if you need people to stand up for you but I just hate what is going on Jim complete lies call if you get a chance or I'll call you later.” “Hello sir — I’m sorry you're going through all this nonsense especially after all you years of service! ... and I are with you — for whatever that’s worth — we love and appreciate you!” “Hi Chief. Just checking on you. Hope you are resting and taking some mental breaks from all this. Many of up support you and we are ready to show up for you. Please try to enjoy your weekend.” “T stand with Jim Large. Thope you're doing well.” “You've got good friends and family that got your back.” “Hey Chief, just wanted to let you know I support you and I’ve been praying for your strength. Stay positive and know that your intentions are now, and always have been good, and we know that. Thank you.” “Sorry to see the hits you’re taking in the news. You’re a good and fair man... chin up! I see that Kriseman made some supportive and favorable remarks in the TBT article today about you. Good for him!” “Hey Jim, just reaching out to support my friend and offer the unconditional support and love through this challenging Cme that you are going through right now! Know that our prayers, love support are with you and your family. Continue to be strong and true! You are a great leader for our City!” “ne drove me to the..... this morning and was telling me about how everyone at the staCons are very supportive of you and don’t like how this issue was taken directly to the media, Just wanted you to know there are a lot of people who have your back. Hope you feel better.” Sl “[’'m not going to ask you how you are doing because you are probably tired of the question. I know you have a great network of family and friends and tons of us out here in fire-land who have nothing but the greatest respect for you. Please know that I would do anything for you, so reach out if I can help in any way.” “{ don’t know what it is about human nature that drives people to atack the good ones. Psychologists have been trying to figure it out for decades; I just say we are still an evolving species. Hang in there and do not forget how many of us will fight for you, or support you, no mater how you proceed. No one will ever take way all the good you have done and all the lives you have changed. Take a deep breath, this life is way too short for all of us.” “Good evening Chief ..... here. Just wanted you to know (for what it’s worth) that I support you 100% and am praying for you. Hard as I’m sure it is please keep your head high, you've been a {great asset to this organization sir.” “Chief, it’s .... Here. I just wanted to tell you that I support you and I’m praying for you every day. There are a lot of people out there who support you and think what is happening t you is ‘wrong so please keep your head up and keep the faith.” “Chief, just wanted to let you know I along with many others are thinking of you as you deal with these false allegations. The truth, and the data will certainly speak for itself, regardless, if people want to hear it or not. Take care and talk with you soon.” “Chief, you had a lot to deal with today that aggravated you for good reasons. Remember, you have a staff that supports you and stands behind you. Sometimes that group of friends you can trust can get prey small, but you don’t need much. Hang in there, boss!” “Chief, Just wanted you to know for what it’s worth... u have my support. If there is anything I can do to help I am here to help. I have not and refuse to read the article. I’ve been hearing the scuttlebutt about it and think it’s not right! You have done a great job for the organization. In know way do I believe what has been reported. I love ya and hope you get thru this no mater what the future holds.” “I simply want to say I’m here to support you anyway I can!!!!” “Chief. Love you and praying for you.” “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. I know you’re having a tough time.” 52 “Your a good man, you have done nothing malicious in anyway... I know you you're not that guy.” “True leader in my book.” “Jim — sorry to see the news today, but great to see Kriseman’s supporting comments. Please let me know if you need anything.” “Chief, I just wanted to let you know you have my 100% support. If you need anything please reach out and I will do whatever I can to show that support.” “Sir, just wanted to reach out to you to let you know if you need anything please feel free to reach out. You're a great friend and mentor.” “Happy to hear you are home, Chief. Stay strong — Looking forward to seeing you back in the saddle real soon. We miss you.” “Hey Chief, I know it’s a tough time. I just wanted to reach out and let you know I’m praying for you.” “I'm on vac. Heard the news. Definitely undeserved! Keep your chin up and weather the Storm !! Hey Chief! Keep your chin up! Sorry that the machine has made you a target.” “Hey Chief, saw the article. Again, keep your chin up! I know this is an extremely difficult Cme, but those that know you and have worked with you understand that this not true or accurate of your values and practices. Sorry man!” “Chief, I know these allegations are not true. If there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to reach out. Talk to you soon.” “Thinking of you during this difficult time. I really don’t have the right words to even say because I know these claims are unsubstantiated. I completely agree with .... that being a female member of ...... I've felt nothing but support, kindness and amazing leadership from you. In addition, you have been there for me during some very tough times. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help, whether it be speaking up on your behalf, being there for you and your family, etc. I hope this shakes out in a positive way.” “Chief I hate to hear this so much, makes me sick. I’m sorry this is happening. As a female member of your Staff I have always felt supported since day 1 and can’t understand where these allegations are coming from. Prayers for you Chief” 33 “Just read a disgusting article in the Times. I’m sure you know this, but you have a ton of support from your firefighters. I wish more people would speak directly to you if they have questions or issues rather than hide behind an anonymous survey.” “I was chatting with .... and both of us want to tell you we support you and that this article was complete .. Loved the way you're handling it. Also the census with firefighters all around the department support you too and know it’s one disgruntled employee because he didn’t get his way. Keep doing what you're doing we ALL support you.” “Hiijim, Sorry, I didn’t get in touch with you sooner, but I don’t read the newspaper. I just heard about the revolting article written about you. Truly, its a modern day “witch hunt”. Wasn't it last year that I was congratulating you on receiving the fire chief of the year award for the whole state of Florida? Anyway, you are a wonderful man, leader, and father. I know this must be upsetting. But you are on the side of righteousness. Take care, my friend. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask it would be my honor to help you in any way, I can,” “That is very disheartening Chief, I am so sorry to hear this! I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Whoever is behind this will be brought to justice sooner or later. We know this is not your character and I hope the facts are shown to the city admin.” “We have been reading the paper. I can’t wait for you to tell your side of the story. ‘You're a .... good man, husband, dad, and Fire Chief!!! P’m behind you all the way, honestly I thought you were too fair to people. I hope the truth comes out.” “Hey Chief! This is have been keeping tabs and watching the foolishness and baseless attacks that you are dealing with of late. I wanted you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and certainly my prayers! I have seen these tactics firsthand and have also been of victim of the relentless character assassination, all because of self-serving pee brain politics and greedy self-promotion. You are a good man with a good heart and don’t deserve this!!” “Checking in to say good morning. Can’t imagine how tough this is for you and always appreciate your good nature. Wish everyone was as good natured and authentic as you.” “Good morning, I hope you are doing ok. What’s going on is absurd. Hang in there. If you need anything at all if I can help I will.” 34 “Jim, this is... T’ve been following the nonsense and decided to text you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to come alongside you. There are many of us that will be happy to vouch for ‘your professionalism and faimess. ‘Also, you are in our prayers regarding your health. Love you!” “Chief, 1am so sorry you, your wife, and family are having to deal with this. This entire thing is ridiculous. I know who you are as a person and know the allegations are false. If you need anything, please let me know sir.” “Oh man I hope you are ok... I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated you as a chief... and as a mentor “Good morning chief, I just wanted to reach out and say I am sorry you are going through this and know that you have a lot of people that care about you and support you.” “Hey Chief Large. .... and I heard about the news story, and I just want you to know we don’t believe a word of it and stand behind you. We as women and I as a minority could never imagine you even having the capacity to be that kind of person. If you were truly those things they claimed you to be, you would have never spoken to me and we wouldn’t have become friends. You have always been nothing but approachable, kind and caring. You were awarded Fire Chief of the Year for a reason. They have to use baseless accusations because they have nothing evidentiary to prove you're the person they claim you to be. Try and keep your head high and know we have your back.” “Hey Jim, .» «= Here, just want to reach out and let you know I’m not okay with the recent city council developments. Think it’s ridiculous! As menConed my family appreciates all you have done keeping us safe all theses years.. We have your back and will support you in anyway possible! Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Keep your head up!” “Chief. This is Just checking on you and making sure you are doing ok. Iam... In a... and all I can say is that you have always been nothing but professional and a role model to me as an ambassador for public service and the supervision. I don’t believe .... what people say other than what I know. You are a great guy and respect you tremendously. Please let me know if you need anything.” 55

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