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Fashion 8 Progress Checklist

Class:______________ Name:______________________ Date:______________

Skill and Description: Please check off the column that you think N S T M O T A
describes you now. It is okay if you check off never because it E O I O F I L
shows you and I where we need to practice. Be truthful and honest V M M S M W
with yourself when completing this checklist. You WILL see growth E E E T T E A
if you try your best every class. R S H Y

Pattern Creation 
I can draw my pattern to scale

I can add seam allowance to my project that is properly measured

for my design

My design is complete with all embellishments and modifications

before I cut it out and get it approved

Pattern Layout, Cutting and Tracing 

I can pin my pattern correctly: all the edges are pinned with a 3
finger gap between the pins at the most.

I can trace around my pattern

I can label all extra pieces; button placement, eye placement

I can alter the pattern as needed for my design

Sewing Machine Set Up 

I can thread my machine

I can wind a bobbin

I can thread my needle

Sewing Skills 
I can backstitch/reinforce my seams

I can reinforce my corners if I have them

I can choose the correct stitch

- Zigzag for freyable fabrics
- Straight for straight edges
- Elastic for stretch fabrics

I can sew with my project correctly pinned and lined up

I can sew velcro on securely

Skill and Description: Please check off the column that you think N S T M O T A
describes you now. It is okay if you check off never because it E O I O F I L
shows you and I where we need to practice. Be truthful and honest V M M S M W
with yourself when completing this checklist. You WILL see growth E E E T T E A
if you try your best every class. R S H Y

Sewing Skills Continued…. 

I can properly choose which sides to sew together based on the
pattern and instructions

I can cut off all my threads as I go

Sewing Tools and Uses 

I can properly use a seam ripper

I can properly use an iron with a pressing cloth every seam

I can use Shears

I can use paper scissors

I can use a needle threader

I can use a ruler to draw clear lines for my patterns

I can use inches on a tape measure to determine seam allowance

Hand Sewing Skills 

I can sew a Blanket Stitch

I can sew a Running Stitch

I can sew a French Knot

I can sew a decorative stitch

I can sew on a 4 Hole Button

I can sew on a 2 Hole Button

I can sew on a Shank Button

Finishing Skills 
I can sew an invisible stitch

I can cut off all extra threads

I can do a final iron to ensure it is professionally presented

Created by Candace Gartshore 2018

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