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// @version=4

study("Volatility Adjusted Grid [Gann]", shorttitle = "Gann9", overlay = true,


// Parameter
source = close
group = "Style"
typ1 = "Solid", typ2 = "Dashed", typ3 = "Dotted"
ext1 = "Left", ext2 = "None"
alert1 = "Once per Bar", alert2 = "Once per Bar Close"

maxline = input(15, title = "No. of S&R Lines",

minval=1, maxval=20, tooltip = "No. of each S & R\n20 means 20
Resistance and 20 Support")
atr_size = input(1.5, title = "Range Size",
minval=.1, maxval=10., step=0.1, tooltip = "Smaller Number indicates tighter range\
nMin Val=0.1\nMax Val = 10.0")
disp_rguide = input(true, title = "Range Guide",
tooltip = "Display Range Size guide to find next bigger/smaller range at bottom
left of the chart")
in_ext = input(ext1, title = "Line Extension",
group = group, options=[ext1, ext2])
c_style = input(typ1, title = "Cardinal Cross Style",
group = group, options=[typ1, typ2, typ3])
o_style = input(typ3, title = "Ordinal Cross Style",
group = group, options=[typ1, typ2, typ3])
g_col = input(, 35), title = "Line Color",
group = group)
alert_typ = input(alert2, title = "Alert Frequency",
group = "Alert", options=[alert1, alert2])

var cardinal = c_style == typ1 ? line.style_solid : c_style == typ2 ?
line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted
var ordinal = o_style == typ1 ? line.style_solid : o_style == typ2 ?
line.style_dashed : line.style_dotted
var ext_type = in_ext == ext1 ? extend.left : extend.none

// Generate Gann Square of 9 Sequence
var table_size = 1200
var gann_table = array.new_float()
var val = 1
var increment = 1
var diag_check = 3

array.push(gann_table, 1)

for cnt = 0 to table_size-1

val := val+increment
array.push(gann_table, val)

increment += 1
diag_check += 2

// Funtions
get_mult(_val, adj)=>
float initial = 0.00001
float res = initial
float check = na

int cnt_run = 0
for i = 0 to 12
check := adj * (initial * pow(10., i))
cnt_run := cnt_run+1
if(_val < check)
res := 100.0/(initial * pow(10., i))

[res, cnt_run]

int idx = array.indexof(gann_table, _src)
float tmp = 0
int res = na, int r_idx = na, int s_idx = na

// if src==gann
r_idx := idx+1

// if src != gann
for cnt = 0 to (array.size(gann_table)-1)

tmp := array.get(gann_table, cnt)

if(tmp>_src and not r_idx)
r_idx := cnt

res := r_idx

f_line(_yloc, _idx)=>
x1 = bar_index-50, x2 = bar_index+10, xloc=xloc.bar_index,
y1 = _yloc, y2 = _yloc,
style = _idx%2==1 ? cardinal : ordinal,
extend = ext_type,
//color =g_col)
color = _idx%2==1 ?, 50) :,

f_label(_txt, _yloc) =>
x = bar_index+10, xloc = xloc.bar_index,
y = _yloc,
text = _txt,
color = #00000000,
textcolor = g_col,
size = size.normal,
style = label.style_label_left,
textalign = text.align_left)

// Main Calculation
varip int r_loc = na // Keep index of SnR levels array
varip int s_loc = na
varip float r1 = na // Temporary placeholder to check the
range size
varip float s1 = na
varip r_list = array.new_float() // Array to keep SnR level intrabar
//workaround as varip cant be use with line array
varip s_list = array.new_float()
var g_line = array.new_line() // Array for drawing SnR Lines
var g_lbl = array.new_label() // Array for drawing SnR Price Labels
varip float curr_size = na
varip float prev_size = na
varip int run_num = 0 // Keep track no of execution of main
calculation since it may go up to 1000+ iterations per run
varip int count_run = 0 // Keep track no of execution of main
calculation since it may go up to 1000+ iterations per run

float atr = sma(tr, 30)
int lookback = max(min(bar_index, 20), 1)
float range = na
float range2 = (highest(high, lookback) - lowest(low, lookback)) //
Alternative when atr not available
float mult = na
float src = na
float min_range = atr[1] * atr_size

if(barstate.isnew) // reset on newbar
run_num := 0
count_run := 0
r_loc := na, r1 := na
s_loc := na, s1 := na
curr_size := na
prev_size := na

if(barstate.islast and run_num == 0)

run_num += 1

for i = 0.0 to 4.5 by 0.5 //10 iterations max

for j = 1 to 10 //10 iterations max
range := atr * (j*3)
[_mul,_run] = get_mult(nz(range, range2), (5-i)) //12 iterations max
mult := _mul
src := floor(source*mult)

r_loc := get_idx(src)
s_loc := r_loc-1
r1 := round_to_mintick(array.get(gann_table, r_loc)/mult)
s1 := round_to_mintick(array.get(gann_table, s_loc)/mult)
count_run := count_run + 1 //+ _run
curr_size := r1-s1

if(curr_size >= min_range) //break loop if found


prev_size := curr_size

if(curr_size >= min_range) //break loop if found


for i=0 to maxline-1

float r_val = r_loc + i < 0 or r_loc + i > table_size-1 ? na :
round_to_mintick(array.get(gann_table, r_loc + i)/mult)
float s_val = s_loc - i < 0 or s_loc - i > table_size-1 ? na :
round_to_mintick(array.get(gann_table, s_loc - i)/mult)

array.push(r_list, r_val)

array.push(s_list, s_val)

// S/R Drawing
float _temp = na
int r_size = array.size(r_list)
int s_size = array.size(s_list)

if(array.size(g_line) > 0)
for z = 0 to array.size(g_line)-1
oldline = array.shift(g_line)

if(array.size(g_lbl) > 0)
for z = 0 to array.size(g_lbl)-1
oldlbl = array.shift(g_lbl)

for i=0 to r_size-1
_temp := array.get(r_list, i)
array.push(g_line, f_line(_temp, r_loc+i))
array.push(g_lbl, f_label("("+tostring(_temp, format.mintick)+")",

for i=0 to s_size-1
_temp := array.get(s_list, i)
array.push(g_line, f_line(_temp, s_loc-i))
array.push(g_lbl, f_label("("+tostring(_temp, format.mintick)+")",

// Alert
alertup = (crossover(close, r1) or (close[1] < close and close==r1))
alertdn = (crossunder(close, s1) or (close[1] > close and close==s1))

string alerttxt = na

alerttxt :="Cross Above "+ tostring(r1, format.mintick)
alerttxt :="Cross Below " + tostring(s1, format.mintick)

var alert_freq = alert_typ==alert1 ? alert.freq_once_per_bar :


if(alertup or alertdn)
alert(alerttxt, alert_freq)

// Table for Range Guideline
var PTable = = position.bottom_left, columns = 2, rows = 2)
prv_range = prev_size/atr[1] > 0.1 ? tostring(prev_size/atr[1], "0.00") : "Not
nxt_range = curr_size/atr[1] < 10 and count_run < 80 ? tostring(curr_size/atr[1],
"0.00") : "Not Available"

if(barstate.islast and disp_rguide)

table.cell(PTable, 0, 0, text="Previous Range: ", text_color=g_col,
text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.small)
table.cell(PTable, 1, 0, text="< " + prv_range, text_color=g_col,
text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.small)
table.cell(PTable, 0, 1, text="Next Range: ", text_color=g_col,
text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.small)
table.cell(PTable, 1, 1, text="> " + nxt_range, text_color=g_col,
text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=size.small)

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