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 Người nhân viên vi phạm lỗi nặng như trên, nếu người quản lý có bằng chứng xác thực

xác thực sẽ đưa ra hội đồng kỷ

luật, cùng xem xét mức độ vi phạm của người nhân viên để xử phạt một cách phù hợp, có thể là đình chỉ trong một
khoảng thời gian, giáng cấp hoặc nặng hơn là ra quyết định sa thải. Cụ thể, các bước thực hiện như sau. (the
employee commits a serious violation as above, if the manager has authentic evidence, he will bring to the
disciplinary council, together to consider the extent of the employee's violation to sanction appropriately, which
can be as follows: suspended for a period of time, demoted or worse, fired. Specifically, the steps are as follows.)
 Tạo một cuộc họp để đưa ra bằng chứng và sai phạm của người nhân viên. Trong cuộc họp, phải có mặt của
người nhân viên và người quản lí. 

 Quá trình này phải được ghi lại để chứng thực  và lập biên bản người nhân viên. Xem người nhân viên đó có giải
thích gì không. Nếu người nhân viên có những biện pháp để khắc phục hậu quả, có thái độ nhận lỗi, thì sẽ xem
xét để giảm nhẹ trách nhiệm. Đồng thời, nên ra quyết định xử phạt tùy mức độ nhằm thể hiện sự răn đe để họ
không tái phạm một lần nữa. 

 Trong cuộc họp với nhân viên có lỗi:

1. Hãy suy nghĩ đánh giá toàn diện về nhân viên đó một lần nữa
2. Tìm hiểu về vấn đề nhân viên đang gặp phải
3. Chỉ ra và giải thích những khuyết điểm của nhân viên
4. Hỗ trợ định hướng và xây dựng những mục tiêu cụ thể
5. Đừng la hét, trách phạt
6. Khen ngợi công khai và khiển trách có phương pháp
7. Xem xét mức độ phù hợp giữa năng lực của người nhân viên với vị trí họ đang đảm nhận
 Đưa ra mức xử phạt và lời răn đe lần cuối cùng
 Nếu họ thể hiện sự thiếu tôn trọng và không nhận trách nhiệm của mình thì sẽ sa thải vì người nhân viên đã
không có tính đạo đức nghề nghiệp.

 Qua sự việc trên, doanh nghiệp cần phải tạo ra những cuộc họp giữa các bộ phận và những buổi training cho
nhân viên để nâng cao tinh thần và trách nhiệm của mỗi người trong quá trình làm việc. Chú ý và quan sát hơn
nhân viên của mình. Trưởng bộ phận hoặc quản lí cần làm gương và quan tâm người nhân viên của mình, giúp đỡ
họ nếu gặp khó khăn trong công việc, tạo một môi trường làm việc thân thiện.

Người nhân viên bị kỷ luật bằng cách này sẽ không bị ghi trong hồ sơ và trừ lương thưởng, không tính vào hệ
thống kỷ luật nếu họ cải thiện được trong thời gian ngắn. Người nhân viên có biện pháp khắc phục hậu quả
ăn năn hối cải thì giảm nhẹ trách nhiệm. Đồng thời cũng có biện pháp răn đe để họ nhận ra được sai phạm
của mình. 

 Minor misconduct => verbal warning. The employee disciplined in this way will not be recorded in the
file and deducted from the salary and bonus, not included in the disciplinary system if they improve in a
short time. The employee who takes remedial measures to repent will reduce responsibility. At the same
time, there are also deterrent measures to make them realize their mistakes.

• Set up a meeting to present the evidence and wrongdoing of the employee. During the meeting, the employee and the
manager must be present.

 This process must be documented to authenticate and document the employee. See if the employee has an
explanation. If the employee takes measures to overcome the consequences and has an attitude of admitting fault,
he will consider reducing the responsibility. At the same time, a decision should be made to sanction depending
on the level to show deterrence so that they do not repeat the offense.
- In a meeting with an employee with an error:
Think of that employee's comprehensive assessment again
Find out about the problem employees are facing
Point out and explain employee weaknesses
Support orientation and building specific goals
Don't shout, blame
Public praise and methodical reprimand
Consider the appropriate level between the employee's ability and the position they are taking

 Give heavier punishment and final deterrence

 If they show disrespect and do not accept their responsibilities, they will be fired because the employee did not
have professional ethics.

 Through the above incident, businesses need to create meetings between departments and training sessions for
employees to improve the morale and responsibility of each person in the working process. Be more attentive and
observant than your employees. Department heads or managers need to set an example and care for their employees,
help them if they have difficulty at work, and create a friendly working environment.

Step 1: Verbal Warning

In this step, the supervisor informs the employee of the concerns and listens to any information the employee provides.
If the supervisor believes discipline is warranted, the employee is given a verbal warning. The warning briefly
establishes the problem to be corrected and informs the employee what needs to be done. The employee should also be
warned that failure to correct the problem and any further violations of rules/policies may result in further discipline, up
to and including termination—a warning that should be repeated with each subsequent discipline.
Written documentation of the verbal warning should also be shared with the employee and noted in the employee’s
personnel file:typically a memo with the subject line “Verbal Warning” suffices.
Step 2: Written Warning
If an employee fails to improve, repeats behavior that led to the verbal warning or commits a new, more serious offense,
a written warning is issued.
The supervisor meets with the employee and shares the alleged problematic behavior. The employee is given an
opportunity to tell her or his side of the story. If discipline is warranted, a written warning is issued.A written warning
should always be delivered verbally and in writing to the employee, and then copied in a memo to the personnel file with
the subject line, “Written Warning”. The “written” versus “verbal” label signifies the more serious nature of the action.
(Note: Sometimes an employee will fail to improve performance or commit a new infraction, but it is deemed not
serious enough to escalate the discipline. In these cases, an employee can be given additional verbal warnings.)
Step 3: Suspension
If an organization has a Step 3 discipline that includes suspension without pay, a supervisor should generally consult
legal counsel prior to proceeding. Employee discipline that involves a loss of pay also requires a “Loudermill hearing”
be held between the employee and supervisor.
The employee should be given written notice of the alleged violation(s) along with an explanation of the evidence and
time and date for the hearing. The employee is then given a chance to correct any factual error and provide any
mitigating information at the hearing, information that supervisor must consider prior to rendering a decision. The
supervisor should include an additional person in the meeting, such as another supervisor/manager or Human Resources
staff, to assist in note-taking and to provide a witness.
It is a good practice to wait at least a day before rendering a decision. ‘Sleeping on it’ conveys that the employee’s
information was taken seriously.
The supervisor’s decision should be in writing and should clearly explains the facts and the conclusions found that
support the discipline. The supervisor should meet with the employee to deliver the memo and briefly explain the
discipline. Copies of the written notice and the disciplinary notice should be placed in the employee’s file.
Step 4: Termination
At Step 4, legal counsel should be consulted prior to finalizing any investigation or delivering any written materials to
the employee.
A Loudermill hearing is required prior to terminating the employee. Because termination may lead to a more formal
legal process, it is important to take care in preparing any documents and in conducting any meetings with the employee.
A supervisor may allow a second suspension before termination.
The desired outcome of the progressive discipline process is to allow employees to self-correct poor performance and to
retain productive workers. However, sometimes the best outcome is termination. A clear and consistent progressive
discipline policy is a useful tool for retaining good employees and for fairly terminating those who fail to meet
employment standards.

ANguyên tắc trong xử lí kỉ luật:

1. Disciplinary action should be corrective rather than punitive:

The objective of disciplinary action is not to deal out punishment but to correct an employee’s undesirable behaviour.
Therefore, disciplinary action must not be thought of a punitive action.
2. Disciplinary action should be progressive:
It is generally desirable for discipline to be progressive. So to say, disciplinary actions must follow a series of sequential
actions or steps with increasing severity of punishment in every next step. For example, progressive discipline should
begin with an oral warning and proceed through a written warning, suspension, loss of seniority, loss of increment, and,
only in most serious cases, dismissal or some such harsh punishment.
3. Disciplinary action should follow the “Hot Stove” rule:
One effective guideline to administer discipline is to follow what is popularly known as the hot stove rule.
This rule suggests that applying discipline is much like touching a hot stove:
1. The bum is immediate. When one touches hot-stove, the bum is instantaneous, leaving no question of cause and
2. The person had an ample warning. The person knows what would happen if it is touched.
3. The bum is consistent. Every time one touches hot stove, he/she gets the same response, i.e. one gets burned.
4. The bum is impersonal. Regardless of who one is, if he/she touches a hot stove, the stove will bum anyone.
Thus, the comparison between touching a hot-stove and administering discipline is apparent. Therefore, the
administration of discipline should also be immediate, with warning, consistent, and impersonal. These guidelines are
consistent with the positive approach to discipline.
Following is the list of some important disciplinary considerations to be kept in the mind before initiating disciplinary
1. In very specific terms, what is the offense charged?
2. Did the employee know he or she was doing something wrong?
A3. Is the employee guilty?
4. Are there extenuating circumstances?5. Has the rule been uniformly enforced?
6. Is the offense related to the workplace?7. What is the employee’s past work record?
B.Important factors that can distort performance appraisal are given below:
1. Leniency error: Each evaluator has his own value system which acts as a standard against which appraisals are made.
Relative to the true performance an individual exhibits, some evaluators mark high and others low.If all individuals in an
organisation were appraised by the same person, there would be no problem. The difficulty arises when we have
different raters with different leniency errors making judgments.
2. Halo error :Halo error or halo effect is a tendency to rate high or low on all factors due to the impression of a high or
low rating on some specific factor. As an example, if an employee tends to be dependable, we might become biased
towards him to the extent that we will rate him high on many desirable attributes.
3. Similarity error:When evaluators rate other people in the same way that the evaluators perceive themselves, they are
making a similarity error. Due to this perception that evaluators have of themselves, they project those perceptions onto
4. Low appraiser motivation: If the evaluator knows that a poor appraisal could hurt the employee’s future, say,
opportunities for promotion, the evaluator may be reluctant to give a realistic appraisal.
5. Central tendency:Raters who are prone to the central tendency error are those who continually rate all employees as
average. For example, if a manager rates all subordinates as 2 on a scale of 1 to 4 then no differentiation among the
subordinates exists. Failures to rate subordinates as 4, for those who deserve that rating, will only create problems if this
information is used for pay increase.
6. Inappropriate substitutes for performance:In many jobs it is difficult to get consensus on what is a good job and it is
still more difficult to get agreement on what criteria will determine performance. For a salesman the criterion may be the
money value of sales in his territory but even this criterion is affected by factors beyond the salesman’s control, such as
action of competitors.
C.5 cách khen thưởng nhân viên.
1. Express thanks with a public thank you:Sometimes a simple “thank you” can do wonders, especially in a public forum — like an
all-company meeting or an email blast. (Pro tip: Bcc your company alias to avoid unleashing a slew of reply-alls.)
2. Give a hand-written note:In an age of emails and texts, a simple handwritten note really stands out. Take a few moments to write
out your thanks in a nice card or even grab a colorful piece of paper or sticky note.

3. Offer time off:If employees are putting in extra hours or weekend time to finish a project, consider offering an extra day off — or
letting them take off a few hours early on a Friday.
4. Give small gifts:No need to go over budget with large cash gifts. Instead, think of thoughtful, yet inexpensive gifts like gift cards
to a local coffee shop or grocery store, movie tickets or flowers.
5. Cover commuting costs:If employees usually pay for parking or public transportation, offer a reward of one month of free
parking, a bus pass or a gas card.
D.Explain various payment methods
1. Time-related system: This is a payment method where employees are paid based on the amount of time spent on a task. It is
usually calculated as a hourly rate or a fixed salary per month.
2. Piece-work/payment by results: This is a payment method based on the amount of work completed by an employee. Employees
are paid based on the number of units or pieces they have completed in a given period.
3. Combination: This is a payment method that combines the time-related system and the piece-work/payment by results system.
Employees are paid based on the amount of time spent on a task as well as the amount of work they have completed.
E. Types benefits:
1. Taxable benefits in Viet Nam include things like the employee’s wages, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, and other salary
payments. These benefits are subject to the same taxes as any other wages, including income tax, social security contributions, and
health insurance contributions.
2. Non-taxable benefits in Viet Nam may include things like company cars, meals, or other non-salary benefits. These benefits are
not subject to taxation and are considered to be employee perks.
3. Non-financial benefits in Viet Nam may include things like flexible work hours, additional vacation days, and other benefits that
do not have a monetary value. These benefits are designed to improve employee satisfaction and motivation.

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